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4 years ago
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Wrapper around pdflatex to use pythontex in lyx
# Author: Michael G. Hansen
# @TODO Make these configurable either via command-line or
# by changing the executable name
4 years ago
if [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then
echo "pythontex-wrapper V0.1, licensed CC0-1.0"
4 years ago
echo "Wrapper around ${latexcommand} for use ${pythontexcommand} in lyx."
4 years ago
echo "See source code for details."
exit 0
# print some debug information
echo ""
echo "arguments:" $@
basefilename=`basename $1 .tex`
4 years ago
echo "Log file: " ${logfilename}
echo "Working directory: " `pwd`
echo "Using latex command: " ${latexcommand}
echo "Using pythontex command: " ${pythontexcommand}
# compile using latex
echo -e "\n\npythontex-wrapper: Calling ${latexcommand}"
echo -e "------------------------------------------\n\n"
${latexcommand} $@
if [ $lastResult -gt 0 ] ; then
4 years ago
# compilation using latex failed
echo "pythontex-wrapper: This was the first latex run, before pythontex was called!" >> ${logfilename}
echo "pythontex-wrapper: pythontex may have been run previously by lyx, before bibtex was run." >> ${logfilename}
echo "pythontex-wrapper: If the problem was due to bad python output and persists after fixing it," >> ${logfilename}
echo "pythontex-wrapper: please delete the pythontex-file-${basefilename} folder in the output directory." >> ${logfilename}
4 years ago
exit 1
# compilation in latex worked, run pythontex3 if needed
if [ ! -e ${pytxcodefilename} ] ; then
echo "pythontex-wrapper: No pytxcode file generated, no need to run pythontex!" | tee -a ${logfilename}
exit 0
# remove second-run-request file
rm -f ${secondrunfile}
echo -e "\n\npythontex-wrapper: Calling ${pythontexcommand}"
echo -e "------------------------------------------\n\n"
${pythontexcommand} $1 > ${logfilename}
if [ ${lastResult} -gt 0 ]; then
# running pythontex failed
# show error messages
cat ${logfilename}
# lyx expects LaTeX error messages in the log file
# Add a fake latex error message which lyx understands
echo "! Undefined control sequence." >>${logfilename}
echo "l.17 \\pythontexError" >>${logfilename}
echo "\\Actually there is a pythontex error, see complete log for details." >>${logfilename}
exit 1
if [ -e ${secondrunfile} ] ; then
# 2nd run of pythontex requested
echo -e "\n\npythontex-wrapper: Calling ${pythontexcommand} for 2nd run"
echo -e "------------------------------------------\n\n"
${pythontexcommand} --rerun always $1 > ${logfilename}
if [ ${lastResult} -gt 0 ]; then
# running pythontex failed
# show error messages
cat ${logfilename}
# lyx expects LaTeX error messages in the log file
# Add a fake latex error message which lyx understands
echo "! Undefined control sequence." >>${logfilename}
echo "l.17 \\pythontexError" >>${logfilename}
echo "\\Actually there is a pythontex error, see complete log for details." >>${logfilename}
exit 1
# pythontex worked, run latex again
echo -e "\n\npythontex-wrapper: Calling ${latexcommand}"
echo -e "------------------------------------------\n\n"
${latexcommand} $@
echo "pythontex-wrapper: This was the second latex run, after pythontex was called!" >> ${logfilename}
if [ ${lastResult} -gt 0 ] ; then
# compilation using latex failed
exit 1
# compilation in latex worked
exit 0