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7 years ago
class Utils {
* Get first matched item for a string
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @param {String} ua
* @return {Array|{index: number, input: string}|*|boolean|string}
static getFirstMatch(regexp, ua) {
const match = ua.match(regexp);
return (match && match.length > 0 && match[1]) || '';
* Get second matched item for a string
* @param regexp
7 years ago
* @param {String} ua
7 years ago
* @return {Array|{index: number, input: string}|*|boolean|string}
static getSecondMatch(regexp, ua) {
const match = ua.match(regexp);
return (match && match.length > 1 && match[2]) || '';
* Match a regexp and return a constant or undefined
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @param {String} ua
* @param {*} _const Any const that will be returned if regexp matches the string
* @return {*}
static matchAndReturnConst(regexp, ua, _const) {
if (regexp.test(ua)) {
return _const;
return void (0);
static getWindowsVersionName(version) {
switch (version) {
case 'NT': return 'NT';
case 'XP': return 'XP';
case 'NT 5.0': return '2000';
case 'NT 5.1': return 'XP';
case 'NT 5.2': return '2003';
case 'NT 6.0': return 'Vista';
case 'NT 6.1': return '7';
case 'NT 6.2': return '8';
case 'NT 6.3': return '8.1';
case 'NT 10.0': return '10';
default: return undefined;
* Get version precisions count
* @example
* getVersionPrecision("1.10.3") // 3
* @param {string} version
* @return {number}
static getVersionPrecision(version) {
return version.split('.').length;
* Calculate browser version weight
* @example
* compareVersions('', '') // 1
* compareVersions('', ''); // 1
* compareVersions('', ''); // 0
* compareVersions('', '1.0800.2'); // -1
* compareVersions('', '1.10', true); // 0
* @param {String} versionA versions versions to compare
* @param {String} versionB versions versions to compare
* @param {boolean} [isLoose] enable loose comparison
* @return {Number} comparison result: -1 when versionA is lower,
* 1 when versionA is bigger, 0 when both equal
/* eslint consistent-return: 1 */
static compareVersions(versionA, versionB, isLoose = false) {
// 1) get common precision for both versions, for example for "10.0" and "9" it should be 2
const versionAPrecision = Utils.getVersionPrecision(versionA);
const versionBPrecision = Utils.getVersionPrecision(versionB);
let precision = Math.max(versionAPrecision, versionBPrecision);
let lastPrecision = 0;
const chunks =[versionA, versionB], (version) => {
const delta = precision - Utils.getVersionPrecision(version);
// 2) "9" -> "9.0" (for precision = 2)
const _version = version + new Array(delta + 1).join('.0');
// 3) "9.0" -> ["000000000"", "000000009"]
return'.'), chunk => new Array(20 - chunk.length).join('0') + chunk).reverse();
// adjust precision for loose comparison
if (isLoose) {
lastPrecision = precision - Math.min(versionAPrecision, versionBPrecision);
// iterate in reverse order by reversed chunks array
precision -= 1;
while (precision >= lastPrecision) {
// 4) compare: "000000009" > "000000010" = false (but "9" > "10" = true)
if (chunks[0][precision] > chunks[1][precision]) {
return 1;
} else if (chunks[0][precision] === chunks[1][precision]) {
if (precision === lastPrecision) {
// all version chunks are same
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
precision -= 1;
* Array::map polyfill
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {Function} iterator
* @return {Array}
static map(arr, iterator) {
const result = [];
let i;
if ( {
return, iterator);
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {
return result;
7 years ago
module.exports = Utils;