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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: The changes in this diff are sufficient to make this sequence work again: ``` ./build electron-dev bin/electron app/electron/runPrebuild.js ``` This brings up the local server within an electron window. This is an unambitious diff, aimed at checking how rusty electron support had become. It does not revive Grist as a packaged electron app. The first substantial work needed would be to make the app aware of the local file system again, and think through how local files should be visualized and accessed now. In the past, there was a simple list of grist docs in a directory. Test Plan: manual Reviewers: georgegevoian Reviewed By: georgegevoian Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3534
374 lines
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374 lines
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import * as bluebird from 'bluebird';
import * as chokidar from 'chokidar';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import moment from 'moment';
import * as path from 'path';
import {DocEntry, DocEntryTag} from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import {DocSnapshots} from 'app/common/DocSnapshot';
import {DocumentUsage} from 'app/common/DocUsage';
import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil';
import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import * as docUtils from 'app/server/lib/docUtils';
import {GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {IDocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager';
import {IShell} from 'app/server/lib/IShell';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import uuidv4 from "uuid/v4";
* DocStorageManager manages Grist documents. This implementation deals with files in the file
* system. An alternative implementation could provide the same public methods to implement
* storage management for the hosted version of Grist.
* This file-based DocStorageManager uses file path as the docName identifying a document, with
* one exception. For files in the docsRoot directory, the basename of the document is used
* instead, with .grist extension stripped; primarily to maintain previous behavior and keep
* clean-looking URLs. In all other cases, the realpath of the file (including .grist extension)
* is the canonical docName.
export class DocStorageManager implements IDocStorageManager {
private _watcher: any; // chokidar filesystem watcher
private _shell: IShell;
* Initialize with the given root directory, which should be a fully-resolved path (i.e. using
* fs.realpath or docUtils.realPath).
* The file watcher is created if the optComm argument is given.
constructor(private _docsRoot: string, private _samplesRoot?: string,
private _comm?: Comm, gristServer?: GristServer) {
// If we have a way to communicate with clients, watch the docsRoot for changes.
this._watcher = null;
this._shell = gristServer?.create.Shell?.() || {
trashItem() { throw new Error('Unable to move document to trash'); },
showItemInFolder() { throw new Error('Unable to show item in folder'); }
if (_comm) {
* Returns the path to the given document. This is used by DocStorage.js, and is specific to the
* file-based storage implementation.
* @param {String} docName: The canonical docName.
* @returns {String} path: Filesystem path.
public getPath(docName: string): string {
docName += (path.extname(docName) === '.grist' ? '' : '.grist');
return path.resolve(this._docsRoot, docName);
* Returns the path to the given sample document.
public getSampleDocPath(sampleDocName: string): string|null {
return this._samplesRoot ? this.getPath(path.resolve(this._samplesRoot, sampleDocName)) : null;
* Translates a possibly non-canonical docName to a canonical one (e.g. adds .grist to a path
* without .grist extension, and canonicalizes the path). All other functions deal with
* canonical docNames.
* @param {String} altDocName: docName which may not be the canonical one.
* @returns {Promise:String} Promise for the canonical docName.
public async getCanonicalDocName(altDocName: string): Promise<string> {
const p = await docUtils.realPath(this.getPath(altDocName));
return path.dirname(p) === this._docsRoot ? path.basename(p, '.grist') : p;
* Prepares a document for use locally. Returns whether the document is new (needs to be
* created). This is a no-op in the local DocStorageManager case.
public async prepareLocalDoc(docName: string): Promise<boolean> { return false; }
public async prepareToCreateDoc(docName: string): Promise<void> {
// nothing to do
public async prepareFork(srcDocName: string, destDocName: string): Promise<string> {
// This is implemented only to support old tests.
await fse.copy(this.getPath(srcDocName), this.getPath(destDocName));
return this.getPath(destDocName);
* Returns a promise for the list of docNames to show in the doc list. For the file-based
* storage, this will include all .grist files under the docsRoot.
* @returns {Promise:Array<DocEntry>} Promise for an array of objects with `name`, `size`,
* and `mtime`.
public listDocs(): Promise<DocEntry[]> {
return bluebird.Promise.all([
this._listDocs(this._docsRoot, ""),
this._samplesRoot ? this._listDocs(this._samplesRoot, "sample") : [],
.spread((docsEntries: DocEntry[], samplesEntries: DocEntry[]) => {
return [...docsEntries, ...samplesEntries];
* Deletes a document.
* @param {String} docName: docName of the document to delete.
* @returns {Promise} Resolved on success.
public async deleteDoc(docName: string, deletePermanently?: boolean): Promise<void> {
const docPath = this.getPath(docName);
// Keep this check, to protect against wiping out the whole disk or the user's home.
if (path.extname(docPath) !== '.grist') {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Refusing to delete path which does not end in .grist"));
} else if (deletePermanently) {
await fse.remove(docPath);
} else {
await this._shell.trashItem(docPath);
* Renames a closed document. In the file-system case, moves files to reflect the new paths. For
* a document already open, use `docStorageInstance.renameDocTo()` instead.
* @param {String} oldName: original docName.
* @param {String} newName: new docName.
* @returns {Promise} Resolved on success.
public renameDoc(oldName: string, newName: string): Promise<void> {
const oldPath = this.getPath(oldName);
const newPath = this.getPath(newName);
return docUtils.createExclusive(newPath)
.catch(async (e: any) => {
if (e.code !== 'EEXIST') { throw e; }
const isSame = await docUtils.isSameFile(oldPath, newPath);
if (!isSame) { throw e; }
.then(() => fse.rename(oldPath, newPath))
// Send 'renameDocs' event immediately after the rename. Previously, this used to be sent by
// DocManager after reopening the renamed doc. The extra delay caused issue T407, where
// chokidar.watch() triggered 'removeDocs' before 'renameDocs'.
.then(() => { this._sendDocListAction('renameDocs', oldPath, [oldName, newName]); })
.catch((err: Error) => {
log.warn("DocStorageManager: rename %s -> %s failed: %s", oldPath, newPath, err.message);
throw err;
* Should create a backup of the file
* @param {String} docName - docName to backup
* @param {String} backupTag - string to identify backup, like foo.grist.$DATE.$TAG.bak
* @returns {Promise} Resolved on success, returns path to backup (to show user)
public makeBackup(docName: string, backupTag: string): Promise<string> {
// this need to persist between calling createNumbered and
// getting it's return value, to re-add the extension again (._.)
let ext: string;
let finalBakPath: string; // holds final value of path, with numbering
return bluebird.Promise.try(() => this._generateBackupFilePath(docName, backupTag))
.then((bakPath: string) => { // make a numbered migration if necessary
log.debug(`DocStorageManager: trying to make backup at ${bakPath}`);
// create a file at bakPath, adding numbers if necessary
ext = path.extname(bakPath); // persists to makeBackup closure
const bakPathPrefix = bakPath.slice(0, -ext.length);
return docUtils.createNumbered(bakPathPrefix, '-',
(pathPrefix: string) => docUtils.createExclusive(pathPrefix + ext)
}).tap((numberedBakPathPrefix: string) => { // do the copying, but return bakPath anyway
finalBakPath = numberedBakPathPrefix + ext;
const docPath = this.getPath(docName);
log.info(`Backing up ${docName} to ${finalBakPath}`);
return docUtils.copyFile(docPath, finalBakPath);
}).then(() => {
log.debug("DocStorageManager: Backup made successfully at: %s", finalBakPath);
return finalBakPath;
}).catch((err: Error) => {
log.error("DocStorageManager: Backup %s %s failed: %s", docName, err.message);
throw err;
* Electron version only. Shows the given doc in the file explorer.
public async showItemInFolder(docName: string): Promise<void> {
public async closeStorage() {
// nothing to do
public async closeDocument(docName: string) {
// nothing to do
public markAsChanged(docName: string): void {
// nothing to do
public markAsEdited(docName: string): void {
// nothing to do
public scheduleUsageUpdate(
docName: string,
docUsage: DocumentUsage,
minimizeDelay = false
): void {
// nothing to do
public testReopenStorage(): void {
// nothing to do
public async addToStorage(id: string): Promise<void> {
// nothing to do
public prepareToCloseStorage(): void {
// nothing to do
public async flushDoc(docName: string): Promise<void> {
// nothing to do
public async getCopy(docName: string): Promise<string> {
const srcPath = this.getPath(docName);
const postfix = uuidv4();
const tmpPath = `${srcPath}-${postfix}`;
await docUtils.copyFile(srcPath, tmpPath);
return tmpPath;
public async getSnapshots(docName: string, skipMetadataCache?: boolean): Promise<DocSnapshots> {
throw new Error('getSnapshots not implemented');
public removeSnapshots(docName: string, snapshotIds: string[]): Promise<void> {
throw new Error('removeSnapshots not implemented');
public async replace(docName: string, options: any): Promise<void> {
throw new Error('replacement not implemented');
* Returns a promise for the list of docNames for all docs in the given directory.
* @returns {Promise:Array<Object>} Promise for an array of objects with `name`, `size`,
* and `mtime`.
private _listDocs(dirPath: string, tag: DocEntryTag): Promise<any[]> {
return fse.readdir(dirPath)
// Filter out for .grist files, and strip the .grist extension.
.then(entries => Promise.all(
entries.filter(e => (path.extname(e) === '.grist'))
.map(e => {
const docPath = path.resolve(dirPath, e);
return fse.stat(docPath)
.then(stat => getDocListFileInfo(docPath, stat, tag));
// Sort case-insensitively.
.then(entries => entries.sort((a, b) => a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase())))
// If the root directory is missing, just return an empty array.
.catch(err => {
if (err.cause && err.cause.code === 'ENOENT') { return []; }
throw err;
* Generates the filename for the given document backup
* Backup names should look roughly like:
* ${basefilename}.grist.${YYYY-MM-DD}.${tag}.bak
* @returns {Promise} backup filepath (might need to createNumbered)
private _generateBackupFilePath(docName: string, backupTag: string): Promise<string> {
const dateString = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
return docUtils.realPath(this.getPath(docName))
.then((filePath: string) => {
const fileName = path.basename(filePath);
const fileDir = path.dirname(filePath);
const bakName = `${fileName}.${dateString}.${backupTag}.bak`;
return path.join(fileDir, bakName);
* Creates the file watcher and begins monitoring the docsRoot. Returns the created watcher.
private _initFileWatcher(): void {
// NOTE: The chokidar watcher reports file renames as unlink then add events.
this._watcher = chokidar.watch(this._docsRoot, {
ignoreInitial: true, // Prevent messages for initial adds of all docs when watching begins
depth: 0, // Ignore changes in subdirectories of docPath
alwaysStat: true, // Tells the watcher to always include the stats arg
// Waits for a file to remain constant for a short time after changing before triggering
// an action. Prevents reporting of incomplete writes.
awaitWriteFinish: {
stabilityThreshold: 100, // Waits for the file to remain constant for 100ms
pollInterval: 10 // Polls the file every 10ms after a change
this._watcher.on('add', (docPath: string, fsStats: any) => {
this._sendDocListAction('addDocs', docPath, getDocListFileInfo(docPath, fsStats, ""));
this._watcher.on('change', (docPath: string, fsStats: any) => {
this._sendDocListAction('changeDocs', docPath, getDocListFileInfo(docPath, fsStats, ""));
this._watcher.on('unlink', (docPath: string) => {
this._sendDocListAction('removeDocs', docPath, getDocName(docPath));
* Helper to broadcast a docListAction for a single doc to clients. If the action is not on a
* '.grist' file, it is not sent.
* @param {String} actionType - DocListAction type to send, 'addDocs' | 'removeDocs' | 'changeDocs'.
* @param {String} docPath - System path to the doc including the filename.
* @param {Any} data - Data to send as the message.
private _sendDocListAction(actionType: string, docPath: string, data: any): void {
if (this._comm && gutil.endsWith(docPath, '.grist')) {
log.debug(`Sending ${actionType} action for doc ${getDocName(docPath)}`);
this._comm.broadcastMessage('docListAction', { [actionType]: [data] });
* Helper to return the docname (without .grist) given the path to the .grist file.
function getDocName(docPath: string): string {
return path.basename(docPath, '.grist');
* Helper to get the stats used by the Grist DocList for a document.
* @param {String} docPath - System path to the doc including the doc filename.
* @param {Object} fsStat - fs.Stats object describing the file metadata.
* @param {String} tag - The tag indicating the type of doc.
* @return {Promise:Object} Promise for an object containing stats for the requested doc.
function getDocListFileInfo(docPath: string, fsStat: any, tag: DocEntryTag): DocEntry {
return {
docId: undefined, // TODO: Should include docId if it exists
name: getDocName(docPath),
mtime: fsStat.mtime,
size: fsStat.size,