You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

579 lines
38 KiB

# pylint: disable=line-too-long
import logger
import test_engine
log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO)
#TODO: test naming (basics done, maybe check numbered column renaming)
#TODO: check autoimport into existing table (match up column names)
class TestImportTransform(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
def init_state(self):
# Add source table
self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Hidden_table', [
{'id': 'employee_id', 'type': 'Int'},
{'id': 'fname', 'type': 'Text'},
{'id': 'mname', 'type': 'Text'},
{'id': 'lname', 'type': 'Text'},
{'id': 'email', 'type': 'Text'},
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Hidden_table', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], {
'employee_id': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
'fname': ['Bob', 'Carry', 'Don', 'Amir', 'Ken', 'George', 'Barbara'],
'mname': ['F.', None, 'B.', '', 'C.', '', 'D.'],
'lname': ['Nike', 'Jonson', "Yoon", "Greene", "Foster", "Huang", "Kinney"],
'email': [
'', None, "", "",
"", "", ""
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[2, "employee_id", "Int", False, ""],
[3, "fname", "Text", False, ""],
[4, "mname", "Text", False, ""],
[5, "lname", "Text", False, ""],
[6, "email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 1)
#Filled in colids for existing table
self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids = {
"destCols": [
{ "colId": "Employee_ID", "label": "Employee ID",
"type": "Int", "formula": "$employee_id" },
{ "colId": "First_Name", "label": "First Name",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$fname" },
{ "colId": "Last_Name", "label": "Last Name",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$lname" },
{ "colId": "Middle_Initial", "label": "Middle Initial",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''" },
{ "colId": "Email", "label": "Email",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$email" },
#{ "colId": "Blank", "label": "Blank", // Destination1 has no blank column
# "type": "Text", "formula": "" },
#Then try it with blank in colIds (for new tables)
self.TEMP_transform_rule_no_colids = {
"destCols": [
{ "colId": None, "label": "Employee ID",
"type": "Int", "formula": "$employee_id" },
{ "colId": None, "label": "First Name",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$fname" },
{ "colId": None, "label": "Last Name",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$lname" },
{ "colId": None, "label": "Middle Initial",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''" },
{ "colId": None, "label": "Email",
"type": "Text", "formula": "$email" },
{ "colId": None, "label": "Blank",
"type": "Text", "formula": "" },
# Add destination table which contains columns corresponding to source table with different names
self.apply_user_action(['AddTable', 'Destination1', [
{'label': 'Employee ID', 'id': 'Employee_ID', 'type': 'Int'},
{'label': 'First Name', 'id': 'First_Name', 'type': 'Text'},
{'label': 'Last Name', 'id': 'Last_Name', 'type': 'Text'},
{'label': 'Middle Initial', 'id': 'Middle_Initial', 'type': 'Text'},
{'label': 'Email', 'id': 'Email', 'type': 'Text'}]])
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Destination1', [1, 2, 3], {
'Employee_ID': [1, 2, 3],
'First_Name': ['Bob', 'Carry', 'Don'],
'Last_Name': ['Nike', 'Jonson', "Yoon"],
'Middle_Initial': ['F.', 'M.', None],
'Email': ['', '', '']
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[7, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[8, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[9, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[10, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[11, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[12, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 2)
# Verify created tables
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [
[1, "Hidden_table"],
[2, "Destination1"]
def test_finish_import_into_new_table(self):
# Add source and destination tables
#into_new_table = True, transform_rule : no colids (will be generated for new table), merge_options = {}
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'NewTable', True, self.TEMP_transform_rule_no_colids, {}])
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
["AddColumn", "Hidden_table", "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", {"formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "type": "Text"}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 13, {"colId": "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "label": "Middle Initial", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 13.0, "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": ""}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"primaryViewId": 0}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1],
["RemoveTable", "Hidden_table"],
["AddTable", "NewTable", [{"formula": "", "id": "manualSort", "isFormula": False, "type": "ManualSortPos"}, {"formula": "", "id": "Employee_ID", "isFormula": False, "type": "Int"}, {"formula": "", "id": "First_Name", "isFormula": False, "type": "Text"}, {"formula": "", "id": "Last_Name", "isFormula": False, "type": "Text"}, {"formula": "", "id": "Middle_Initial", "isFormula": False, "type": "Text"}, {"formula": "", "id": "Email", "isFormula": False, "type": "Text"}, {"formula": "", "id": "Blank", "isFormula": False, "type": "Text"}]],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 3, {"primaryViewId": 0, "tableId": "NewTable"}],
["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], {"colId": ["manualSort", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "Blank"], "formula": ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "isFormula": [False, False, False, False, False, False, False], "label": ["manualSort", "Employee ID", "First Name", "Last Name", "Middle Initial", "Email", "Blank"], "parentId": [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], "parentPos": [13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0], "type": ["ManualSortPos", "Int", "Text", "Text", "Text", "Text", "Text"], "widgetOptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Views", 3, {"name": "NewTable", "type": "raw_data"}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 3, {"tabPos": 3.0, "viewRef": 3}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Pages", 3, {"indentation": 0, "pagePos": 3.0, "viewRef": 3}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentId": 3, "parentKey": "record", "sortColRefs": "[]", "tableRef": 3, "title": ""}],
["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], {"colRef": [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], "parentId": [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], "parentPos": [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0]}],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 3, {"primaryViewId": 3}],
["BulkAddRecord", "NewTable", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], {"Email": ["", None, "", "", "", "", ""], "Employee_ID": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "First_Name": ["Bob", "Carry", "Don", "Amir", "Ken", "George", "Barbara"], "Last_Name": ["Nike", "Jonson", "Yoon", "Greene", "Foster", "Huang", "Kinney"], "Middle_Initial": ["F", "", "B", "", "C", "", "D"], "manualSort": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]}],
#1-6 in hidden table, 7-12 in destTable, 13-19 for new table
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[13, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[14, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[15, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[16, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[17, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[18, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
[19, "Blank", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 3)
self.assertTableData('NewTable', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "Blank", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "", None, "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", "", 3.0],
[4, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", "", 4.0],
[5, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", "", 5.0],
[6, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", "", 7.0],
# Verify removed hidden table and add the new one
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [
[2, "Destination1"],
[3, "NewTable"]
def test_finish_import_into_existing_table(self):
# Add source and destination tables
#into_new_table = False, transform_rule : colids, merge_options = None
self.apply_user_action(['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids, None])
#1-6 in hidden table, 7-12 in destTable
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[7, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[8, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[9, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[10, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[11, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[12, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 2)
# First 3 rows were already in Destination1 before import
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F.", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "M.", "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", None, "", 3.0],
[4, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", 4.0],
[5, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "", None, 5.0],
[6, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 6.0],
[7, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 7.0],
[8, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 8.0],
[9, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 9.0],
[10, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 10.0],
# Verify removed hidden table
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])
#does the same thing using a blank transform rule
def test_finish_import_into_new_table_blank(self):
# Add source and destination tables
#into_new_table = True, transform_rule = None, merge_options = None
self.apply_user_action(['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'NewTable', True, None, None])
#1-6 in src table, 7-12 in hiddentable
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[13, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[14, "employee_id", "Int", False, ""],
[15, "fname", "Text", False, ""],
[16, "mname", "Text", False, ""],
[17, "lname", "Text", False, ""],
[18, "email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 3)
self.assertTableData('NewTable', cols="all", data=[
["id", "employee_id", "fname", "lname", "mname", "email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F.", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", None, None, 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B.", "", 3.0],
[4, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 4.0],
[5, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C.", "", 5.0],
[6, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D.", "", 7.0],
# Verify removed hidden table and add the new one
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [
[2, "Destination1"],
[3, "NewTable"]
def test_finish_import_into_existing_table_with_single_merge_col(self):
# Add source and destination tables.
# Use 'Employee_ID' as the merge column, updating existing employees in Destination1 with the same employee id.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids,
{'mergeCols': ['Employee_ID'], 'mergeStrategy': {'type': 'replace-with-nonblank-source'}}]
# Check that the right actions were created.
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
["AddColumn", "Hidden_table", "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", {"formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "type": "Text"}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 13, {"colId": "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "label": "Middle Initial", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 13.0, "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": ""}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"primaryViewId": 0}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1],
["RemoveTable", "Hidden_table"],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Destination1", [1, 3], {"Email": ["", ""], "Middle_Initial": ["F", "B"]}],
["BulkAddRecord", "Destination1", [4, 5, 6, 7], {"Email": ["", "", "", ""], "Employee_ID": [4, 5, 6, 7], "First_Name": ["Amir", "Ken", "George", "Barbara"], "Last_Name": ["Greene", "Foster", "Huang", "Kinney"], "Middle_Initial": ["", "C", "", "D"], "manualSort": [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]}],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[7, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[8, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[9, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[10, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[11, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[12, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 2)
# Check that Destination1 has no duplicates and that previous records (1 - 3) are updated.
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "M.", "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 3.0],
[4, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 4.0],
[5, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 5.0],
[6, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 7.0],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])
def test_finish_import_into_existing_table_with_multiple_merge_cols(self):
# Add source and destination tables.
# Use 'First_Name' and 'Last_Name' as the merge columns, updating existing employees in Destination1 with the same name.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids,
{'mergeCols': ['First_Name', 'Last_Name'], 'mergeStrategy': {'type': 'replace-with-nonblank-source'}}]
# Check that the right actions were created.
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
["AddColumn", "Hidden_table", "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", {"formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "type": "Text"}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 13, {"colId": "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "label": "Middle Initial", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 13.0, "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": ""}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"primaryViewId": 0}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1],
["RemoveTable", "Hidden_table"],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Destination1", [1, 3], {"Email": ["", ""], "Middle_Initial": ["F", "B"]}],
["BulkAddRecord", "Destination1", [4, 5, 6, 7], {"Email": ["", "", "", ""], "Employee_ID": [4, 5, 6, 7], "First_Name": ["Amir", "Ken", "George", "Barbara"], "Last_Name": ["Greene", "Foster", "Huang", "Kinney"], "Middle_Initial": ["", "C", "", "D"], "manualSort": [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]}],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[7, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[8, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[9, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[10, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[11, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[12, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 2)
# Check that Destination1 has no duplicates and that previous records (1 - 3) are updated.
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "M.", "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 3.0],
[4, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 4.0],
[5, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 5.0],
[6, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 7.0],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])
def test_finish_import_into_existing_table_with_no_matching_merge_cols(self):
# Add source and destination tables.
# Use 'Email' as the merge column: existing employees in Destination1 have different emails, so none should match incoming data.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids,
{'mergeCols': ['Email'], 'mergeStrategy': {'type': 'replace-with-nonblank-source'}}]
# Check that the right actions were created.
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
["AddColumn", "Hidden_table", "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", {"formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "type": "Text"}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 13, {"colId": "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "label": "Middle Initial", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 13.0, "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": ""}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"primaryViewId": 0}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1],
["RemoveTable", "Hidden_table"],
["BulkAddRecord", "Destination1", [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], {"Email": ["", None, "", "", "", "", ""], "Employee_ID": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "First_Name": ["Bob", "Carry", "Don", "Amir", "Ken", "George", "Barbara"], "Last_Name": ["Nike", "Jonson", "Yoon", "Greene", "Foster", "Huang", "Kinney"], "Middle_Initial": ["F", "", "B", "", "C", "", "D"], "manualSort": [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]}],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[7, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[8, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[9, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[10, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[11, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[12, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 2)
# Check that no existing records were updated.
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F.", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "M.", "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", None, "", 3.0],
[4, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", 4.0],
[5, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "", None, 5.0],
[6, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 6.0],
[7, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 7.0],
[8, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 8.0],
[9, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 9.0],
[10, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 10.0],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])
def test_replace_all_fields_merge_strategy(self):
# Add source and destination tables.
# Use replace all fields strategy on the 'Employee_ID' column.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids,
{'mergeCols': ['Employee_ID'], 'mergeStrategy': {'type': 'replace-all-fields'}}]
# Check that the right actions were created.
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
["AddColumn", "Hidden_table", "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", {"formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "type": "Text"}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 13, {"colId": "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "label": "Middle Initial", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 13.0, "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": ""}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"primaryViewId": 0}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1],
["RemoveTable", "Hidden_table"],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Destination1", [1, 2, 3], {"Email": ["", None, ""], "Middle_Initial": ["F", "", "B"]}],
["BulkAddRecord", "Destination1", [4, 5, 6, 7], {"Email": ["", "", "", ""], "Employee_ID": [4, 5, 6, 7], "First_Name": ["Amir", "Ken", "George", "Barbara"], "Last_Name": ["Greene", "Foster", "Huang", "Kinney"], "Middle_Initial": ["", "C", "", "D"], "manualSort": [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]}],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[7, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[8, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[9, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[10, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[11, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[12, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 2)
# Check that existing fields were replaced with incoming fields.
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "", None, 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 3.0],
[4, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 4.0],
[5, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 5.0],
[6, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 7.0],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])
def test_replace_blank_fields_only_merge_strategy(self):
# Add source and destination tables.
# Use replace blank fields only strategy on the 'Employee_ID' column.
out_actions = self.apply_user_action(
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids,
{'mergeCols': ['Employee_ID'], 'mergeStrategy': {'type': 'replace-blank-fields-only'}}]
# Check that the right actions were created.
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
["AddColumn", "Hidden_table", "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", {"formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "type": "Text"}],
["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 13, {"colId": "gristHelper_Import_Middle_Initial", "formula": "$mname[0] if $mname else ''", "isFormula": True, "label": "Middle Initial", "parentId": 1, "parentPos": 13.0, "type": "Text", "widgetOptions": ""}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"primaryViewId": 0}],
["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13]],
["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1],
["RemoveTable", "Hidden_table"],
["BulkUpdateRecord", "Destination1", [1, 3], {"Email": ["", ""], "Middle_Initial": ["F.", "B"]}],
["BulkAddRecord", "Destination1", [4, 5, 6, 7], {"Email": ["", "", "", ""], "Employee_ID": [4, 5, 6, 7], "First_Name": ["Amir", "Ken", "George", "Barbara"], "Last_Name": ["Greene", "Foster", "Huang", "Kinney"], "Middle_Initial": ["", "C", "", "D"], "manualSort": [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]}],
self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[
["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula"],
[7, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, ""],
[8, "Employee_ID", "Int", False, ""],
[9, "First_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[10, "Last_Name", "Text", False, ""],
[11, "Middle_Initial", "Text", False, ""],
[12, "Email", "Text", False, ""],
], rows=lambda r: == 2)
# Check that only blank existing fields were updated.
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F.", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "M.", "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 3.0],
[4, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 4.0],
[5, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 5.0],
[6, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 7.0],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])
def test_merging_updates_all_duplicates_in_destination_table(self):
# Add source and destination tables.
# Add duplicates to the destination table with different values than original.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Destination1', [4, 5], {
'Employee_ID': [3, 3],
'First_Name': ['Don', 'Don'],
'Last_Name': ["Yoon", "Yoon"],
'Middle_Initial': [None, 'B'],
'Email': ['', '']
# Use replace with nonblank source strategy on the 'Employee_ID' column.
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids,
{'mergeCols': ['Employee_ID'], 'mergeStrategy': {'type': 'replace-with-nonblank-source'}}]
# Check that all duplicates were updated with new data from the source table.
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "M.", "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 3.0],
[4, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 4.0],
[5, 3, "Don", "Yoon", "B", "", 5.0],
[6, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 7.0],
[8, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 8.0],
[9, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 9.0],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])
def test_merging_uses_latest_duplicate_in_source_table_for_matching(self):
# Add source and destination tables.
# Add duplicates to the source table with different values than the original.
self.apply_user_action(['BulkAddRecord', 'Hidden_table', [8, 9], {
'employee_id': [3, 3],
'fname': ['Don', 'Don'],
'lname': ["Yoon", "yoon"],
'mname': [None, None],
'email': ['', '']
# Use replace with nonblank source strategy on the 'Employee_ID' column.
['TransformAndFinishImport', 'Hidden_table', 'Destination1', False, self.TEMP_transform_rule_colids,
{'mergeCols': ['Employee_ID'], 'mergeStrategy': {'type': 'replace-with-nonblank-source'}}]
# Check that the last record for Don Yoon in the source table was used for updating the destination table.
self.assertTableData('Destination1', cols="all", data=[
["id", "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name", "Middle_Initial", "Email", "manualSort"],
[1, 1, "Bob", "Nike", "F", "", 1.0],
[2, 2, "Carry", "Jonson", "M.", "", 2.0],
[3, 3, "Don", "yoon", None, "", 3.0],
[4, 4, "Amir", "Greene", "", "", 4.0],
[5, 5, "Ken", "Foster", "C", "", 5.0],
[6, 6, "George", "Huang", "", "", 6.0],
[7, 7, "Barbara", "Kinney", "D", "", 7.0],
self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "tableId"], [[2, "Destination1"]])