George Gevoian a77170c4bd (core) Tweak navbar, breadcrumbs, and sign-in buttons
The changes are intended to smooth over some sharp edges when a signed-out user
is using Grist (particularly while on the templates site).

Test Plan: Browser tests.

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Differential Revision:
2023-07-26 22:26:55 -07:00

503 lines
18 KiB

import {BehavioralPromptsManager} from 'app/client/components/BehavioralPromptsManager';
import {hooks} from 'app/client/Hooks';
import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {sessionStorageObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs';
import {error} from 'app/client/lib/log';
import {reportError, setErrorNotifier} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {Notifier} from 'app/client/models/NotifyModel';
import {getFlavor, ProductFlavor} from 'app/client/ui/CustomThemes';
import {buildNewSiteModal, buildUpgradeModal} from 'app/client/ui/ProductUpgrades';
import {SupportGristNudge} from 'app/client/ui/SupportGristNudge';
import {attachCssThemeVars, prefersDarkModeObs} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {OrgUsageSummary} from 'app/common/DocUsage';
import {Features, isLegacyPlan, Product} from 'app/common/Features';
import {GristLoadConfig, IGristUrlState} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {FullUser} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI';
import {LocalPlugin} from 'app/common/plugin';
import {DismissedPopup, DismissedReminder, UserPrefs} from 'app/common/Prefs';
import {isOwner, isOwnerOrEditor} from 'app/common/roles';
import {getTagManagerScript} from 'app/common/tagManager';
import {getDefaultThemePrefs, Theme, ThemeAppearance, ThemeColors, ThemePrefs,
ThemePrefsChecker} from 'app/common/ThemePrefs';
import {getThemeColors} from 'app/common/Themes';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {getOrgName, isTemplatesOrg, Organization, OrgError, UserAPI, UserAPIImpl} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {getUserPrefObs, getUserPrefsObs, markAsSeen, markAsUnSeen} from 'app/client/models/UserPrefs';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, Observable, subscribe} from 'grainjs';
const t = makeT('AppModel');
// Reexported for convenience.
export {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
export type PageType =
| "doc"
| "home"
| "billing"
| "welcome"
| "account"
| "support-grist"
| "activation";
const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'window');
// TopAppModel is the part of the app model that persists across org and user switches.
export interface TopAppModel {
api: UserAPI;
isSingleOrg: boolean;
productFlavor: ProductFlavor;
currentSubdomain: Observable<string|undefined>;
notifier: Notifier;
plugins: LocalPlugin[];
// Everything else gets fully rebuilt when the org/user changes. This is to ensure that
// different parts of the code aren't using different users/orgs while the switch is pending.
appObs: Observable<AppModel|null>;
orgs: Observable<Organization[]>;
users: Observable<FullUser[]>;
// Reinitialize the app. This is called when org or user changes.
initialize(): void;
// Rebuilds the AppModel and consequently the AppUI, without changing the user or the org.
reload(): void;
* Returns the UntrustedContentOrigin use settings. Throws if not defined.
getUntrustedContentOrigin(): string;
* Reloads orgs and accounts for current user.
fetchUsersAndOrgs(): Promise<void>;
* AppModel is specific to the currently loaded organization and active user. It gets rebuilt when
* we switch the current organization or the current user.
export interface AppModel {
topAppModel: TopAppModel;
api: UserAPI;
currentUser: FullUser|null;
currentValidUser: FullUser|null; // Like currentUser, but null when anonymous
currentOrg: Organization|null; // null if no access to currentSubdomain
currentOrgName: string; // Our best guess for human-friendly name.
currentOrgUsage: Observable<OrgUsageSummary|null>;
isPersonal: boolean; // Is it a personal site?
isTeamSite: boolean; // Is it a team site?
isLegacySite: boolean; // Is it a legacy site?
isTemplatesSite: boolean; // Is it the templates site?
orgError?: OrgError; // If currentOrg is null, the error that caused it.
lastVisitedOrgDomain: Observable<string|null>;
currentProduct: Product|null; // The current org's product.
currentFeatures: Features; // Features of the current org's product.
userPrefsObs: Observable<UserPrefs>;
themePrefs: Observable<ThemePrefs>;
currentTheme: Computed<Theme>;
* Popups that user has seen.
dismissedPopups: Observable<DismissedPopup[]>;
dismissedWelcomePopups: Observable<DismissedReminder[]>;
pageType: Observable<PageType>;
needsOrg: Observable<boolean>;
notifier: Notifier;
planName: string|null;
behavioralPromptsManager: BehavioralPromptsManager;
supportGristNudge: SupportGristNudge;
refreshOrgUsage(): Promise<void>;
showUpgradeModal(): void;
showNewSiteModal(): void;
isBillingManager(): boolean; // If user is a billing manager for this org
isSupport(): boolean; // If user is a Support user
isOwner(): boolean; // If user is an owner of this org
isOwnerOrEditor(): boolean; // If user is an owner or editor of this org
/** Creates an computed observable to dismiss a popup or check if it was dismissed */
dismissedPopup(name: DismissedPopup): Observable<boolean>;
export class TopAppModelImpl extends Disposable implements TopAppModel {
public readonly isSingleOrg: boolean;
public readonly productFlavor: ProductFlavor;
public readonly currentSubdomain = Computed.create(this, urlState().state, (use, s) =>;
public readonly notifier = Notifier.create(this);
public readonly appObs = Observable.create<AppModel|null>(this, null);
public readonly orgs = Observable.create<Organization[]>(this, []);
public readonly users = Observable.create<FullUser[]>(this, []);
public readonly plugins: LocalPlugin[] = [];
private readonly _gristConfig?: GristLoadConfig;
window: {gristConfig?: GristLoadConfig},
public readonly api: UserAPI = newUserAPIImpl(),
) {
this.isSingleOrg = Boolean(window.gristConfig && window.gristConfig.singleOrg);
this.productFlavor = getFlavor(window.gristConfig &&;
this._gristConfig = window.gristConfig;
// Initially, and on any change to subdomain, call initialize() to get the full Organization
// and the FullUser to use for it (the user may change when switching orgs).
this.autoDispose(subscribe(this.currentSubdomain, (use) => this.initialize()));
this.plugins = this._gristConfig?.plugins || [];
public initialize(): void {
// Rebuilds the AppModel and consequently the AppUI, etc, without changing the user or the org.
public reload(): void {
const app = this.appObs.get();
if (app) {
const {currentUser, currentOrg, orgError} = app;
AppModelImpl.create(this.appObs, this, currentUser, currentOrg, orgError);
public getUntrustedContentOrigin() {
if (G.window.isRunningUnderElectron) {
// when loaded within webviews it is safe to serve plugin's content from the same domain
return "";
const origin = this._gristConfig?.pluginUrl;
if (!origin) {
throw new Error("Missing untrustedContentOrigin configuration");
if (origin.match(/:[0-9]+$/)) {
// Port number already specified, no need to add.
return origin;
return origin + ":" + G.window.location.port;
public async fetchUsersAndOrgs() {
const data = await this.api.getSessionAll();
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
bundleChanges(() => {
private async _doInitialize() {
try {
const {user, org, orgError} = await this.api.getSessionActive();
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
if (org) {
// Check that our domain matches what the api returns.
const state = urlState().state.get();
if ( !== org.domain && org.domain !== null) {
// If not, redirect. This is to allow vanity domains
// to "stick" only if paid for.
await urlState().pushUrl({...state, org: org.domain});
if (org.billingAccount && org.billingAccount.product && === 'suspended') {
t("This team site is suspended. Documents can be read, but not modified."),
{actions: ['renew', 'personal']}
AppModelImpl.create(this.appObs, this, user, org, orgError);
} catch (err) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.log(`getSessionActive() failed: ${err}`);
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
AppModelImpl.create(this.appObs, this, null, null, {error: err.message, status: err.status || 500});
export class AppModelImpl extends Disposable implements AppModel {
public readonly api: UserAPI = this.topAppModel.api;
// Compute currentValidUser, turning anonymous into null.
public readonly currentValidUser: FullUser|null =
this.currentUser && !this.currentUser.anonymous ? this.currentUser : null;
// Figure out the org name, or blank if details are unavailable.
public readonly currentOrgName = getOrgNameOrGuest(this.currentOrg, this.currentUser);
public readonly currentOrgUsage: Observable<OrgUsageSummary|null> = Observable.create(this, null);
public readonly lastVisitedOrgDomain = this.autoDispose(sessionStorageObs('grist-last-visited-org-domain'));
public readonly currentProduct = this.currentOrg?.billingAccount?.product ?? null;
public readonly currentFeatures = this.currentProduct?.features ?? {};
public readonly isPersonal = Boolean(this.currentOrg?.owner);
public readonly isTeamSite = Boolean(this.currentOrg) && !this.isPersonal;
public readonly isLegacySite = Boolean(this.currentProduct && isLegacyPlan(;
public readonly isTemplatesSite = isTemplatesOrg(this.currentOrg);
public readonly userPrefsObs = getUserPrefsObs(this);
public readonly themePrefs = getUserPrefObs(this.userPrefsObs, 'theme', {
defaultValue: getDefaultThemePrefs(),
checker: ThemePrefsChecker,
}) as Observable<ThemePrefs>;
public readonly currentTheme = this._getCurrentThemeObs();
public readonly dismissedPopups = getUserPrefObs(this.userPrefsObs, 'dismissedPopups',
{ defaultValue: [] }) as Observable<DismissedPopup[]>;
public readonly dismissedWelcomePopups = getUserPrefObs(this.userPrefsObs, 'dismissedWelcomePopups',
{ defaultValue: [] }) as Observable<DismissedReminder[]>;
// Get the current PageType from the URL.
public readonly pageType: Observable<PageType> = Computed.create(this, urlState().state,
(_use, state) => {
if (state.doc) {
return 'doc';
} else if (state.billing) {
return 'billing';
} else if (state.welcome) {
return 'welcome';
} else if (state.account) {
return 'account';
} else if (state.supportGrist) {
return 'support-grist';
} else if (state.activation) {
return 'activation';
} else {
return 'home';
public readonly needsOrg: Observable<boolean> = Computed.create(
this, urlState().state, (use, state) => {
return !(
Boolean(state.welcome) ||
state.billing === 'scheduled' ||
Boolean(state.account) ||
Boolean(state.activation) ||
public readonly notifier = this.topAppModel.notifier;
public readonly behavioralPromptsManager: BehavioralPromptsManager =
BehavioralPromptsManager.create(this, this);
public readonly supportGristNudge: SupportGristNudge = SupportGristNudge.create(this, this);
public readonly topAppModel: TopAppModel,
public readonly currentUser: FullUser|null,
public readonly currentOrg: Organization|null,
public readonly orgError?: OrgError,
) {
this.autoDispose(this.currentTheme.addListener(() => this._applyTheme()));
const state = urlState().state.get();
if (state.createTeam) {
// Remove params from the URL.
urlState().pushUrl({createTeam: false, params: {}}, {avoidReload: true, replace: true}).catch(() => {});
G.window.resetDismissedPopups = (seen = false) => {
this.dismissedPopups.set(seen ? DismissedPopup.values : []);
this.autoDispose(subscribe(urlState().state, this.topAppModel.orgs, async (_use, s, orgs) => {
this._updateLastVisitedOrgDomain(s, orgs);
public get planName() {
return this.currentProduct?.name ?? null;
public async showUpgradeModal() {
if (this.planName && this.currentOrg) {
if (this.isPersonal) {
} else if (this.isTeamSite) {
buildUpgradeModal(this, this.planName);
} else {
throw new Error("Unexpected state");
public showNewSiteModal(selectedPlan?: string) {
if (this.planName) {
buildNewSiteModal(this, {
planName: this.planName,
onCreate: () => this.topAppModel.fetchUsersAndOrgs().catch(reportError)
public isSupport() {
return Boolean(this.currentValidUser?.isSupport);
public isBillingManager() {
return Boolean(this.currentOrg?.billingAccount?.isManager);
public isOwner() {
return Boolean(this.currentOrg && isOwner(this.currentOrg));
public isOwnerOrEditor() {
return Boolean(this.currentOrg && isOwnerOrEditor(this.currentOrg));
* Fetch and update the current org's usage.
public async refreshOrgUsage() {
if (!this.isOwner()) {
// Note: getOrgUsageSummary already checks for owner access; we do an early return
// here to skip making unnecessary API calls.
const usage = await this.api.getOrgUsageSummary(this.currentOrg!.id);
if (!this.isDisposed()) {
public dismissedPopup(name: DismissedPopup): Computed<boolean> {
const computed = Computed.create(null, use => use(this.dismissedPopups).includes(name));
computed.onWrite(value => {
if (value) {
markAsSeen(this.dismissedPopups, name);
} else {
markAsUnSeen(this.dismissedPopups, name);
return computed;
private _updateLastVisitedOrgDomain({doc, org}: IGristUrlState, availableOrgs: Organization[]) {
if (
!org ||
// Invalid or inaccessible sites shouldn't be counted as visited.
!this.currentOrg ||
// Visits to a document shouldn't be counted either.
) {
// Only count sites that a user has access to (i.e. those listed in the Site Switcher).
if (!availableOrgs.some(({domain}) => domain === org)) { return; }
* If the current user is a new user, record a sign-up event via Google Tag Manager.
private _recordSignUpIfIsNewUser() {
const isNewUser = this.userPrefsObs.get().recordSignUpEvent;
if (!isNewUser) { return; }
// If Google Tag Manager isn't configured, don't record anything.
const {tagManagerId} = getGristConfig();
if (!tagManagerId) { return; }
let dataLayer = (window as any).dataLayer;
if (!dataLayer) {
// Load the Google Tag Manager script into the document.
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = getTagManagerScript(tagManagerId);
dataLayer = (window as any).dataLayer;
if (!dataLayer) {
error(`_recordSignUpIfIsNewUser() failed to load Google Tag Manager`);
// Send the sign-up event, and remove the recordSignUpEvent flag from preferences.
dataLayer.push({event: 'new-sign-up'});
getUserPrefObs(this.userPrefsObs, 'recordSignUpEvent').set(undefined);
private _getCurrentThemeObs() {
return Computed.create(this, this.themePrefs, prefersDarkModeObs(),
(_use, themePrefs, prefersDarkMode) => {
let appearance: ThemeAppearance;
if (!themePrefs.syncWithOS) {
appearance = themePrefs.appearance;
} else {
appearance = prefersDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'light';
const nameOrColors = themePrefs.colors[appearance];
let colors: ThemeColors;
if (typeof nameOrColors === 'string') {
colors = getThemeColors(nameOrColors);
} else {
colors = nameOrColors;
return {appearance, colors};
* Applies a theme based on the user's current theme preferences.
private _applyTheme() {
// Custom CSS is incompatible with custom themes.
if (getGristConfig().enableCustomCss) { return; }
export function getHomeUrl(): string {
const {host, protocol} = window.location;
const gristConfig: any = (window as any).gristConfig;
return (gristConfig && gristConfig.homeUrl) || `${protocol}//${host}`;
export function newUserAPIImpl(): UserAPIImpl {
return new UserAPIImpl(getHomeUrl(), {
fetch: hooks.fetch,
export function getOrgNameOrGuest(org: Organization|null, user: FullUser|null) {
if (!org) { return ''; }
if (user && user.anonymous && org.owner && === {
return "@Guest";
return getOrgName(org);