George Gevoian 8a0bb4d4fe (core) Improve dark mode
Enhances dark mode support for the formula editor, and adds support to
the color select popup. Also fixes some bugs with dark mode.

Test Plan: Tested manually.

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Differential Revision:
2023-04-12 01:58:48 -04:00

511 lines
19 KiB

import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {CursorPos} from 'app/client/components/Cursor';
import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
import {BEHAVIOR, ColumnRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ColumnRec';
import {buildHighlightedCode, cssCodeBlock} from 'app/client/ui/CodeHighlight';
import {buildAiButton} from 'app/client/ui/FormulaAssistance';
import {GristTooltips} from 'app/client/ui/GristTooltips';
import {cssBlockedCursor, cssLabel, cssRow} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanelStyles';
import {withInfoTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips';
import {buildFormulaTriggers} from 'app/client/ui/TriggerFormulas';
import {textButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {textInput} from 'app/client/ui2018/editableLabel';
import {cssIconButton, icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {IconName} from 'app/client/ui2018/IconList';
import {GRIST_FORMULA_ASSISTANT} from 'app/client/models/features';
import {selectMenu, selectOption, selectTitle} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {createFormulaErrorObs, cssError} from 'app/client/widgets/FormulaEditor';
import {sanitizeIdent} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {Theme} from 'app/common/ThemePrefs';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, dom, DomContents, DomElementArg, fromKo, MultiHolder,
Observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
const t = makeT('FieldConfig');
export function buildNameConfig(
owner: MultiHolder,
origColumn: ColumnRec,
cursor: ko.Computed<CursorPos>,
disabled: ko.Computed<boolean> // Whether the name is editable (it's not editable for multiple selected columns).
) {
const untieColId = origColumn.untieColIdFromLabel;
const editedLabel = Observable.create(owner, '');
const editableColId = Computed.create(owner, editedLabel, (use, edited) =>
'$' + (edited ? sanitizeIdent(edited) : use(origColumn.colId)));
const saveColId = (val: string) => origColumn.colId.saveOnly(val.startsWith('$') ? val.slice(1) : val);
const isSummaryTable = Computed.create(owner, use => Boolean(use(use(origColumn.table).summarySourceTable)));
// We will listen to cursor position and force a blur event on
// the text input, which will trigger save before the column observable
// will change its value.
// Otherwise, blur will be invoked after column change and save handler will
// update a different column.
let editor: HTMLInputElement | undefined;
cursor.subscribe(() => {
const toggleUntieColId = () => {
if (!origColumn.disableModify.peek() && !disabled.peek()) {
return [
cssLabel(t("COLUMN LABEL AND ID")),
dom.cls(cssBlockedCursor.className, origColumn.disableModify),
editor = cssInput(fromKo(origColumn.label),
async val => { await origColumn.label.saveOnly(val); editedLabel.set(''); },
dom.on('input', (ev, elem) => { if (!untieColId.peek()) { editedLabel.set(elem.value); } }),
dom.boolAttr('readonly', use => use(origColumn.disableModify) || use(disabled)),
use => use(disabled) || use(origColumn.disableModify) || !use(origColumn.untieColIdFromLabel)),
{style: 'margin-top: 8px'},
cssToggleButton.cls('-selected', (use) => !use(untieColId)),
dom.on('click', toggleUntieColId),
cssToggleButton.cls("-disabled", use => use(origColumn.disableModify) || use(disabled)),
() => cssRow(t("Column options are limited in summary tables.")))
type SaveHandler = (column: ColumnRec, formula: string) => Promise<void>;
type BuildEditor = (
cellElem: Element,
editValue?: string,
onSave?: SaveHandler,
onCancel?: () => void) => void;
export function buildFormulaConfig(
owner: MultiHolder, origColumn: ColumnRec, gristDoc: GristDoc, buildEditor: BuildEditor
) {
// If we can't modify anything about the column.
const disableModify = Computed.create(owner, use => use(origColumn.disableModify));
// Intermediate state - user wants to specify formula, but haven't done yet
const maybeFormula = Observable.create(owner, false);
// Intermediate state - user wants to specify formula, but haven't done yet
const maybeTrigger = Observable.create(owner, false);
// If this column belongs to a summary table.
const isSummaryTable = Computed.create(owner, use => Boolean(use(use(origColumn.table).summarySourceTable)));
// Column behavior. There are 3 types of behaviors:
// - empty: isFormula and formula == ''
// - formula: isFormula and formula != ''
// - data: not isFormula nd formula == ''
const behavior = Computed.create<BEHAVIOR|null>(owner, (use) => {
// When no id column is invalid, show nothing.
if (!use( { return null; }
// Column is a formula column, when it is a formula column with valid formula or will be a formula.
if (use(origColumn.isRealFormula) || use(maybeFormula)) { return "formula"; }
// If column is not empty, or empty but wants to be a trigger
if (use(maybeTrigger) || !use(origColumn.isEmpty)) { return "data"; }
return "empty";
// Reference to current editor, we will open it when user wants to specify a formula or trigger.
// And close it dispose it when user opens up behavior menu.
let formulaField: HTMLElement|null = null;
// Helper function to clear temporary state (will be called when column changes or formula editor closes)
const clearState = () => bundleChanges(() => {
formulaField = null;
// Clear state when column has changed
// User might have selected multiple columns, in that case all elements will be disabled, except the menu.
// If user has selected only empty or formula columns, we offer to reset all or to convert to data.
// If user has selected any data column, we offer only to reset all.
const viewSection = Computed.create(owner, use => {
return use(gristDoc.currentView)?.viewSection;
const isMultiSelect = Computed.create(owner, use => {
const vs = use(viewSection);
return !!vs && use(vs.selectedFields).length > 1;
// If all columns are empty or have formulas.
const multiType = Computed.create(owner, use => {
if (!use(isMultiSelect)) { return false; }
const vs = use(viewSection);
if (!vs) { return false; }
return use(vs.columnsBehavior);
// If all columns are empty or have formulas.
const isFormulaLike = Computed.create(owner, use => {
if (!use(isMultiSelect)) { return false; }
const vs = use(viewSection);
if (!vs) { return false; }
return use(vs.columnsAllIsFormula);
// Helper to get all selected columns refs.
const selectedColumns = () => viewSection.get()?.selectedFields.peek().map(f => f.column.peek()) || [];
const selectedColumnIds = () => selectedColumns().map(f => || [];
// Clear and reset all option for multiple selected columns.
const clearAndResetAll = () => selectOption(
() => Promise.all([
'Clear and reset', 'CrossSmall'
// Convert to data option for multiple selected columns.
const convertToDataAll = () => selectOption(
() => gristDoc.convertIsFormula(selectedColumnIds(), {toFormula: false, noRecalc: true}),
'Convert columns to data', 'Database',
dom.cls('disabled', isSummaryTable)
// Menu helper that will show normal menu with some default options
const menu = (label: DomContents, options: DomElementArg[]) =>
() => !isMultiSelect.get() ? options : [
isFormulaLike.get() ? convertToDataAll() : null,
// HACK: Menu helper will add tabindex to this element, which will make
// this element focusable and will steal focus from clipboard. This in turn,
// will not dispose the formula editor when menu is clicked.
(el) => el.removeAttribute("tabindex"),
dom.cls(cssBlockedCursor.className, disableModify),
dom.cls("disabled", disableModify)),
// Behavior label
const behaviorName = Computed.create(owner, behavior, (use, type) => {
if (use(isMultiSelect)) {
const commonType = use(multiType);
if (commonType === 'formula') { return t('Formula Columns', {count: 2}); }
if (commonType === 'data') { return t('Data Columns', {count: 2}); }
if (commonType === 'mixed') { return t('Mixed Behavior'); }
return t('Empty Columns', {count: 2});
} else {
if (type === 'formula') { return t('Formula Columns', {count: 1}); }
if (type === 'data') { return t('Data Columns', {count: 1}); }
return t('Empty Columns', {count: 1});
const behaviorIcon = Computed.create<IconName>(owner, (use) => {
return use(behaviorName) === t('Data Columns', {count: 2}) ||
use(behaviorName) === t('Data Columns', {count: 1}) ? "Database" : "Script";
const behaviorLabel = () => selectTitle(behaviorName, behaviorIcon);
// Actions on select menu:
// Converts data column to formula column.
const convertDataColumnToFormulaOption = () => selectOption(
() => (maybeFormula.set(true), formulaField?.focus()),
t("Clear and make into formula"), 'Script');
// Converts to empty column and opens up the editor. (label is the same, but this is used when we have no formula)
const convertTriggerToFormulaOption = () => selectOption(
() => gristDoc.convertIsFormula([], {toFormula: true, noRecalc: true}),
t("Clear and make into formula"), 'Script');
// Convert column to data.
// This method is also available through a text button.
const convertToData = () => gristDoc.convertIsFormula([], {toFormula: false, noRecalc: true});
const convertToDataOption = () => selectOption(
t("Convert column to data"), 'Database',
dom.cls('disabled', isSummaryTable)
// Clears the column
const clearAndResetOption = () => selectOption(
() => gristDoc.clearColumns([]),
t("Clear and reset"), 'CrossSmall');
// Actions on text buttons:
// Tries to convert data column to a trigger column.
const convertDataColumnToTriggerColumn = () => {
// Open the formula editor.
// Converts formula column to trigger formula column.
const convertFormulaToTrigger = () =>
gristDoc.convertIsFormula([], {toFormula: false, noRecalc: false});
const setFormula = () => (maybeFormula.set(true), formulaField?.focus());
const setTrigger = () => (maybeTrigger.set(true), formulaField?.focus());
// Actions on save formula. Those actions are using column that comes from FormulaEditor.
// Formula editor scope is broader then RightPanel, it can be disposed after RightPanel is closed,
// and in some cases, when window is in background, it won't be disposed at all when panel is closed.
// Converts column to formula column.
const onSaveConvertToFormula = async (column: ColumnRec, formula: string) => {
// For non formula column, we will not convert it to formula column when expression is empty,
// as it means we were trying to convert data column to formula column, but changed our mind.
const notBlank = Boolean(formula);
// But when the column is a formula column, empty formula expression is acceptable (it will
// convert column to empty column).
const trueFormula = column.formula.peek();
if (notBlank || trueFormula) { await gristDoc.convertToFormula(, formula); }
// Clear state only when owner was not disposed
if (!owner.isDisposed()) {
// Updates formula or convert column to trigger formula column if necessary.
const onSaveConvertToTrigger = async (column: ColumnRec, formula: string) => {
// If formula expression is not empty, and column was plain data column (without a formula)
if (formula && !column.hasTriggerFormula.peek()) {
// then convert column to a trigger formula column
await gristDoc.convertToTrigger(, formula);
} else if (column.hasTriggerFormula.peek()) {
// else, if it was already a trigger formula column, just update formula.
await gristDoc.updateFormula(, formula);
// Clear state only when owner was not disposed
if (!owner.isDisposed()) {
// Should we disable all other action buttons and formula editor. For now
// we will disable them when multiple columns are selected, or any of the column selected
// can't be modified.
const disableOtherActions = Computed.create(owner, use => use(disableModify) || use(isMultiSelect));
const errorMessage = createFormulaErrorObs(owner, gristDoc, origColumn);
// Helper that will create different flavors for formula builder.
const formulaBuilder = (onSave: SaveHandler) => [
cssRow(formulaField = buildFormula(
gristTheme: gristDoc.currentTheme,
placeholder: t("Enter formula"),
disabled: disableOtherActions,
onCancel: clearState,
dom.maybe(errorMessage, errMsg => cssRow(cssError(errMsg), testId('field-error-count'))),
return dom.maybe(behavior, (type: BEHAVIOR) => [
cssLabel(t("COLUMN BEHAVIOR")),
...(type === "empty" ? [
menu(behaviorLabel(), [
t("Set formula"),
dom.on("click", setFormula),
dom.prop("disabled", disableOtherActions),
t("Set trigger formula"),
dom.on("click", setTrigger),
dom.prop("disabled", use => use(isSummaryTable) || use(disableOtherActions)),
t("Make into data column"),
dom.on("click", convertToData),
dom.prop("disabled", use => use(isSummaryTable) || use(disableOtherActions)),
] : type === "formula" ? [
menu(behaviorLabel(), [
dom.maybe(GRIST_FORMULA_ASSISTANT(), () => cssRow(buildAiButton(gristDoc, origColumn))),
t("Convert to trigger formula"),
dom.on("click", convertFormulaToTrigger),
dom.prop("disabled", use => use(isSummaryTable) || use(disableOtherActions)),
] : /* type == 'data' */ [
dom.domComputed(origColumn.hasTriggerFormula, (hasTrigger) => hasTrigger ?
// If we have trigger, we will convert it directly to a formula column
convertTriggerToFormulaOption() :
// else we will convert to empty column and open up the editor
// If data column is or wants to be a trigger formula:
dom.maybe((use) => use(maybeTrigger) || use(origColumn.hasTriggerFormula), () => [
cssLabel(t("TRIGGER FORMULA")),
dom.create(buildFormulaTriggers, origColumn, {
disabled: disableOtherActions,
notTrigger: maybeTrigger,
// Else offer a way to convert to trigger formula.
dom.maybe((use) => !(use(maybeTrigger) || use(origColumn.hasTriggerFormula)), () => [
t("Set trigger formula"),
dom.on("click", convertDataColumnToTriggerColumn),
dom.prop("disabled", disableOtherActions),
interface BuildFormulaOptions {
gristTheme: Computed<Theme>;
placeholder: string;
disabled: Observable<boolean>;
onSave?: SaveHandler;
onCancel?: () => void;
function buildFormula(
column: ColumnRec,
buildEditor: BuildEditor,
options: BuildFormulaOptions
) {
const {gristTheme, placeholder, disabled, onSave, onCancel} = options;
return cssFieldFormula(column.formula, {gristTheme, placeholder, maxLines: 2},
cssFieldFormula.cls('-disabled', disabled),
cssFieldFormula.cls('-disabled-icon', use => !use(column.formula)),
{tabIndex: '-1'},
// Focus event use used by a user to edit an existing formula.
// It can also be triggered manually to open up the editor.
dom.on('focus', (_, elem) => buildEditor(elem, undefined, onSave, onCancel)),
export const cssFieldFormula = styled(buildHighlightedCode, `
flex: auto;
cursor: pointer;
margin-top: 4px;
padding-left: 24px;
--icon-color: ${theme.accentIcon};
&-disabled-icon.formula_field_sidepane::before {
--icon-color: ${theme.lightText};
&-disabled {
pointer-events: none;
const cssToggleButton = styled(cssIconButton, `
margin-left: 8px;
background-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonDisabledBg};
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px ${theme.inputBorder};
&-selected, &-selected:hover {
box-shadow: none;
background-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonEnabledBg};
--icon-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonEnabledFg};
&-selected:hover {
--icon-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonEnabledHoverFg};
&-disabled, &-disabled:hover {
--icon-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonDisabledFg};
background-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonDisabledBg};
const cssColLabelBlock = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex: auto;
min-width: 80px;
const cssColTieBlock = styled('div', `
position: relative;
const cssColTieConnectors = styled('div', `
position: absolute;
border: 2px solid ${theme.inputBorder};
top: -9px;
bottom: -9px;
right: 11px;
left: 0px;
border-left: none;
z-index: -1;
const cssEmptySeparator = styled('div', `
margin-top: 16px;
const cssInput = styled(textInput, `
color: ${theme.inputFg};
background-color: ${theme.mainPanelBg};
border: 1px solid ${theme.inputBorder};
&::placeholder {
color: ${theme.inputPlaceholderFg};
&[readonly] {
background-color: ${theme.inputDisabledBg};
color: ${theme.inputDisabledFg};