You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

622 lines
21 KiB

import { UserAPI } from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import { addToRepl, assert, driver, Key } from 'mocha-webdriver';
import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import { setupTestSuite } from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils';
const limitShown = 500;
// Sum all of the counts directly on the browser using `driver.executeScript(...)`. There could me
// over 500 of them and using the classic driver.findAll(...) approach makes it too slow and causes
// the test to crash (timeout).
function getCount() {
return driver.executeScript(`
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.test-filter-menu-count'), e => e.innerText)
.map(s => s.split(',').join(''))
.reduce((acc, v) => acc + v, 0);
// find a filter value by name
function findByName(regex: RegExp | string) {
return driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-list label', regex);
describe('ColumnFilterMenu', function() {
const cleanup = setupTestSuite();
addToRepl('findByName', findByName);
let doc: any;
let api: UserAPI;
it('should handle empty lists consistently', async function() {
// A formula returning an empty RecordSet in a RefList columns results in storing [] instead of null.
// This previously caused a bug where the empty list was 'flattened' and the cell not appearing in filters at all.
const session = await gu.session().teamSite.login();
const api = session.createHomeApi();
const docId = await session.tempNewDoc(cleanup, 'FilterEmptyLists', {load: false});
await api.applyUserActions(docId, [
['AddTable', 'Table2', [
id: 'A', type: 'RefList:Table2', isFormula: true,
// This means that the first cell will contain [] while the second will contain null.
// The test asserts that both end up being treated the same.
formula: 'if $id == 1: return table.lookupRecords(B="foobar")'
{id: 'B'},
['BulkAddRecord', 'Table2', [null, null], {B: [1, 2]}],
await session.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId}/p/2`);
await gu.rightClick(gu.getCell({rowNum: 1, col: 'A'}));
await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li', 'Filter by this value').click();
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['A', 'B'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3]}),
'', '1',
'', '2',
'', ''
await gu.openColumnMenu('A', 'Filter');
await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list .test-filter-menu-count', (e) => e.getText()),
it('should show only first 500', async function() {
const session = await gu.session().teamSite.login();
await session.tempDoc(cleanup, 'World.grist');
// check row count is > 4000
const total = await gu.getGridRowCount() - 1;
assert.equal(total, 4079);
// scroll back to top
await gu.sendKeys(Key.chord(await gu.modKey(), Key.UP));
// open filter menu for first column
await gu.openColumnMenu('Name', 'Filter');
// check ther are 500 entry shown
assert.lengthOf(await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label'), limitShown);
// check `Other` summary is present
await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-summary', (e) => e.find('label').getText()),
['Other Values (3,501)', 'Future Values']
// check counts add up
assert.equal(await getCount(), total);
// type 'A' to search
await gu.sendKeys('A');
// check summary has `Other matching` and Other Non-matching`
await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-summary', (e) => e.find('label').getText()),
['Other Matching (2,493)', 'Other Non-Matching (1,008)']
// check count adds up
assert.equal(await getCount(), total);
// clear search input
await gu.sendKeys(Key.BACK_SPACE);
// Click All Except / Other Matching / Other NOn-Matching
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /None/).click();
// click Aba and Abadan
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-list label', /Aba/).click();
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-list label', /Abadan/).click();
// Apply filter
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// check grid contains aba and abadan
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3]}),
it('should uncheck \'Other Values\' checkbox when user clicks \'None\'', async () => {
// open the Name filter
await gu.openColumnMenu('Name', 'Filter');
// click None
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /None/).click();
// check Other values was propertly unchecked
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-summary', /Other Values/).find('input').matches(':checked'),
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-summary', /Future Values/).find('input').matches(':checked'),
it('should take other filters into account', async () => {
const session = await gu.session().teamSite.login();
doc = await session.tempDoc(cleanup, 'SortFilterIconTest.grist');
api = session.createHomeApi();
// check table content
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', 'Count'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}),
[ 'Apples', '1',
'Oranges', '3',
'Bananas', '2',
'Grapes', '-1',
'Grapefruit', 'n/a',
'Clementines', '5'
// add Name Filter
await gu.openColumnMenu('Name', 'Filter');
// Click Oranges
await findByName('Oranges').click();
// Click Apply
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// add Count filters
await driver.find('.test-add-filter-btn').click();
await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li', /Count/).click();
// Check that there's only 5 values left ('3' is missing)
assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label', (e) => e.getText()),
['n/a', '-1', '1', '2', '5']);
// Check `Others` shows unique count
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').getText(),
'Others (1)');
// Check `Others` is checked
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':checked'), true);
// Click `Other`
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').click();
// Click '1'
await findByName(/^1/).click();
// Click Apply
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// Open the Name menu filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Name/).click();
// Check there's only 4 values left
assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label', (e) => e.getText()),
['Bananas', 'Clementines', 'Grapefruit', 'Grapes']);
// check `Others` shows 2 unique values
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').getText(),
'Others (2)');
// check `Others` is in indeterminate state
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':checked'), false);
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':indeterminate'), true);
// Click `Others`
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').click();
// check `Others` is checked
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':checked'), true);
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':indeterminate'), false);
// Click `Others`
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').click();
// check `Others` is checked
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':checked'), false);
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':indeterminate'), false);
// Click Apply
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// open Count filter menu
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
// Click all and click Apply
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /All/).click();
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// open Name filter menu
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Name/).click();
// Check Apples and Oranges are unchecked
assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label', (e) => e.getText()),
['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Clementines', 'Grapefruit', 'Grapes', 'Oranges']);
assert.equal(await findByName('Apples').find('input').matches(':checked'), false);
assert.equal(await findByName('Oranges').find('input').matches(':checked'), false);
// click Apply
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// Open count Filter menu
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
// Check there's only 4 values left
assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label', (e) => e.getText()),
['n/a', '-1', '2', '5']);
// Click Others
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').click();
// click Apply
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// Open Name filter menu
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Name/).click();
// Check Others is unchecked
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':checked'), false);
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').matches(':indeterminate'), false);
// Click Others
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-summary').find('input').click();
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// Open count filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
// Click All and click apply
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /All/).click();
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// open Name filter menu
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Name/).click();
// Check both apples and orages are not checked
assert.equal(await findByName('Apples').find('input').matches(':checked'), false);
assert.equal(await findByName('Oranges').find('input').matches(':checked'), false);
// Revert to all
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /All/).click();
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// Open Count filter menu and click All
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-bulk-action', /All/).click();
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
it('should show count of unique values next to summaries', async () => {
// add another Apples
await driver.find('.record-add .field').click();
await driver.sendKeys('Apples', Key.ENTER);
await gu.waitForServer();
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', 'Count'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}),
[ 'Apples', '1',
'Oranges', '3',
'Bananas', '2',
'Grapes', '-1',
'Grapefruit', 'n/a',
'Clementines', '5',
'Apples', '0'
// open the Count filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
// uncheck 0 and 1
await findByName(/^0/).click();
await findByName(/^1/).click();
// Click Apply
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// open the Name filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Name/).click();
// check Apples is missing
assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label', (e) => e.getText()),
['Bananas', 'Clementines', 'Grapefruit', 'Grapes', 'Oranges']);
// check count is (1)
await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-summary', (e) => e.find('label').getText()),
['Others (1)']
// close filter
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
it('should show a working range filter for numeric columns', async function() {
// open the Count filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
// set min to '2'
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('min', '2');
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// check values
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', 'Count'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4]}),
[ 'Oranges', '3',
'Bananas', '2',
'Clementines', '5',
'', ''
// reopen the filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
// set max to '4'
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('max', '4');
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', 'Count'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4]}),
[ 'Oranges', '3',
'Bananas', '2',
'', '',
undefined, undefined
// remove both min and max
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('min', null);
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('max', null);
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// check all values are there
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', 'Count'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}),
[ 'Apples', '1',
'Oranges', '3',
'Bananas', '2',
'Grapes', '-1',
'Grapefruit', 'n/a',
'Clementines', '5',
'Apples', '0'
it('should remove new filters when Cancel is clicked in a new filter', async function() {
// Create a new Date filter.
await gu.openColumnMenu('Date', 'Filter');
{checked: true, value: 'n/a', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '', count: 2},
{checked: true, value: '2019-07-15', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '2019-07-16', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '2019-07-17', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '2019-07-18', count: 1}
await gu.getFilterMenuState()
// Check that the Date filter is pinned.
{name: 'Name', hasUnsavedChanges: true},
{name: 'Count', hasUnsavedChanges: true},
{name: 'Date', hasUnsavedChanges: true},
await gu.getPinnedFilters()
// Set a min filter of '2019-07-16'.
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('min', '2019-07-16');
// Click Cancel, and check that the filter is no longer applied to the table data.
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-cancel-btn').click();
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-wrapper').isPresent());
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', 'Count'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}),
[ 'Apples', '1',
'Oranges', '3',
'Bananas', '2',
'Grapes', '-1',
'Grapefruit', 'n/a',
'Clementines', '5',
'Apples', '0'
// Check that the Date filter was removed.
await gu.openSectionMenu('sortAndFilter');
assert.isFalse(await driver.findContent('.test-filter-config-filter', /Date/).isPresent());
await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
{name: 'Name', hasUnsavedChanges: true},
{name: 'Count', hasUnsavedChanges: true},
await gu.getPinnedFilters()
it('should revert to open state when Cancel is clicked in an existing filter', async function() {
// Open the Count filter.
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
// Filter out 1 and 2.
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-list label', /1/).click();
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-menu-list label', /2/).click();
// Unpin the filter.
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-pin-btn').click();
// Click Cancel, and check that the filter is no longer applied to the table data.
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-cancel-btn').click();
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', 'Count'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}),
[ 'Apples', '1',
'Oranges', '3',
'Bananas', '2',
'Grapes', '-1',
'Grapefruit', 'n/a',
'Clementines', '5',
'Apples', '0'
// Check that Count is still pinned to the filter bar.
{name: 'Name', hasUnsavedChanges: true},
{name: 'Count', hasUnsavedChanges: true},
await gu.getPinnedFilters()
// Check the filter menu state of Count.
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', /Count/).click();
{checked: true, value: 'n/a', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '-1', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '0', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '1', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '2', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '3', count: 1},
{checked: true, value: '5', count: 1},
await gu.getFilterMenuState()
await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
async function testDateLikeColumn(colId: 'Date'|'DateTime') {
const timeChunk = colId === 'DateTime' ? ' 12:00am' : '';
const colRegex = new RegExp(colId + '\\b');
// add Date Filter
await driver.find('.test-add-filter-btn').click();
await driver.findContent('.grist-floating-menu li', colRegex).click();
// set min to '2019-07-16'
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('min', '2019-07-16');
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
await gu.waitAppFocus(true);
// check values
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', colId], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4]}),
[ 'Apples', '2019-07-17' + timeChunk,
'Oranges', '2019-07-16' + timeChunk,
'Bananas', '2019-07-18' + timeChunk,
'', ''
// reopen the filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', colRegex).click();
// set max to '2019-07-17'
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('max', '2019-07-17');
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
await gu.waitAppFocus(true);
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', colId], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4]}),
[ 'Apples', '2019-07-17' + timeChunk,
'Oranges', '2019-07-16' + timeChunk,
'', '',
undefined, undefined
// remove both min and max
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', colRegex).click();
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('min', null);
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('max', null);
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
await gu.waitAppFocus(true);
// check all values are there
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['Name', colId], rowNums: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}),
[ 'Apples', '2019-07-17' + timeChunk,
'Oranges', '2019-07-16' + timeChunk,
'Bananas', '2019-07-18' + timeChunk,
'Grapes', '',
'Grapefruit', '2019-07-15' + timeChunk,
'Clementines', 'n/a',
'Apples', '',
it('should show a working range filter for Date column', async function() {
await testDateLikeColumn('Date');
it('should show a working range filter for DateTime column', async function() {
// adds a DateTime column
await api.applyUserActions(, [
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Table1', 'DateTime', {
type: "DateTime:UTC", widgetOptions: '{"dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD", "timeFormat": "h:mma"}'
['BulkUpdateRecord', 'Table1', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], {
DateTime: [
// TODO: fix timezone
await testDateLikeColumn('DateTime');
it('should have working date range filter also when column is hidden', async function() {
// hide Date column
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
await driver.find('.test-right-tab-pagewidget').click();
await gu.moveToHidden('Date');
// add Date filter
await driver.findContent('.test-filter-field', 'Date').click();
// start typing date in min bounds and send TAB
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-min').click();
await gu.sendKeys('2019-07-14', Key.TAB);
// check min is set to a valid date
assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-min input').value(), '2019-07-14');