You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import unittest
import asttokens
import re
import textbuilder
from textbuilder import make_patch, make_regexp_patches, Patch
class TestTextBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
def test_validate_patch(self):
text = "To be or not to be"
patch = make_patch(text, 3, 8, "SEE OR")
self.assertEquals(textbuilder.validate_patch(text, patch), None)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
textbuilder.validate_patch('X' + text, patch)
def test_replacer(self):
value = object()
t1 = textbuilder.Text("To be or not\n to be?\n", value)
patches = make_regexp_patches(t1.get_text(), re.compile(r'be|to', re.I),
lambda m: ( +
t2 = textbuilder.Replacer(t1, patches)
self.assertEquals(t2.get_text(), "TOTO BEBE or not\n TOTO BEBE?\n")
self.assertEquals(t2.map_back_patch(make_patch(t2.get_text(), 0, 4, "xxx")),
(t1.get_text(), value, Patch(0, 2, "To", "xxx")))
self.assertEquals(t2.map_back_patch(make_patch(t2.get_text(), 5, 9, "xxx")),
(t1.get_text(), value, Patch(3, 5, "be", "xxx")))
self.assertEquals(t2.map_back_patch(make_patch(t2.get_text(), 18, 23, "xxx")),
(t1.get_text(), value, Patch(14, 17, " to", "xxx")))
# Match the entire second line
self.assertEquals(t2.map_back_patch(make_patch(t2.get_text(), 17, 29, "xxx")),
(t1.get_text(), value, Patch(13, 21, " to be?", "xxx")))
def test_combiner(self):
valueA, valueB = object(), object()
t1 = textbuilder.Text("To be or not\n to be?\n", valueA)
patches = make_regexp_patches(t1.get_text(), re.compile(r'be|to', re.I),
lambda m: ( +
t2 = textbuilder.Replacer(t1, patches)
t3 = textbuilder.Text("That is the question", valueB)
t4 = textbuilder.Combiner(["[", t2, t3, "]"])
self.assertEqual(t4.get_text(), "[TOTO BEBE or not\n TOTO BEBE?\nThat is the question]")
self.assertEqual(t4.map_back_patch(make_patch(t4.get_text(), 1, 5, "xxx")),
(t1.get_text(), valueA, Patch(0, 2, "To", "xxx")))
self.assertEqual(t4.map_back_patch(make_patch(t4.get_text(), 18, 30, "xxx")),
(t1.get_text(), valueA, Patch(13, 21, " to be?", "xxx")))
self.assertEqual(t4.map_back_patch(make_patch(t4.get_text(), 0, 1, "xxx")),
self.assertEqual(t4.map_back_patch(make_patch(t4.get_text(), 31, 38, "xxx")),
(t3.get_text(), valueB, Patch(0, 7, "That is", "xxx")))
def test_linenumbers(self):
ln = asttokens.LineNumbers("Hello\nworld\nThis\n\nis\n\na test.\n")
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(1, 0), 0)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(1, 5), 5)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(2, 0), 6)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(2, 5), 11)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(3, 0), 12)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(4, 0), 17)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(5, 0), 18)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(6, 0), 21)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(7, 0), 22)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(7, 7), 29)
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(0), (1, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(5), (1, 5))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(6), (2, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(11), (2, 5))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(12), (3, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(17), (4, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(18), (5, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(21), (6, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(22), (7, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(29), (7, 7))
# Test that out-of-bounds inputs still return something sensible.
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(6, 19), 30)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(100, 99), 30)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(2, -1), 6)
self.assertEqual(ln.line_to_offset(-1, 99), 0)
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(30), (8, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(100), (8, 0))
self.assertEqual(ln.offset_to_line(-100), (1, 0))
if __name__ == "__main__":