You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
8.5 KiB

import { assert, driver, Key } from "mocha-webdriver";
import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import { setupTestSuite } from "test/nbrowser/testUtils";
async function getValues() {
return driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label', e => e.getText());
describe('ColumnFilterMenu3', function() {
const cleanup = setupTestSuite();
let mainSession: gu.Session;
let docId: string;
before(async () => {
mainSession = await gu.session().teamSite.user('user1').login();
docId = await mainSession.tempNewDoc(cleanup, 'Search3.grist', {load: false});
const api = mainSession.createHomeApi();
// Prepare a table with some interestingly-formatted columns, and some data.
const {retValues} = await api.applyUserActions(docId, [
['AddTable', 'Test', []],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Test', 'Date', {type: 'Date', widgetOptions: '{"dateFormat":"DD-MM-YYYY"}'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Test', 'Numeric', {type: 'Numeric'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Test', 'Int', {type: 'Int'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Test', 'Ref', {type: 'Ref:Test'}],
['AddVisibleColumn', 'Test', 'RefList', {type: 'RefList:Test'}],
await api.applyUserActions(docId, [
['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', retValues[4].colRef, {visibleCol: retValues[1].colRef}],
['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Tables_column', retValues[5].colRef, {visibleCol: retValues[1].colRef}],
['SetDisplayFormula', 'Test', null, retValues[4].colRef, '$Ref.Date'],
['SetDisplayFormula', 'Test', null, retValues[5].colRef, '$RefList.Date'],
['AddRecord', 'Test', null, {Date: '22-12-2011', Numeric: 2, Int: 2, Ref: 1,
RefList: ['L', 1, 2]}],
['AddRecord', 'Test', null, {Date: '20-12-2021', Numeric: 22, Int: 22, Ref: 2,
RefList: ['L', 1]}],
['AddRecord', 'Test', null, {Date: '20-12-2011', Numeric: 3, Int: 3, Ref: 3,
RefList: ['L', 1, 2, 3]}],
await mainSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId}/p/2`);
afterEach(async () => {
// close menu if one was opened
if (await driver.find('.grist-floating-menu').isPresent()) {
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
if (await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-wrapper').isPresent()) {
await driver.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
it('should correctly focus between inputs in Numeric columns', async () => {
// A bug was introduced where the search input could no longer be focused if either range
// input had focus.
await gu.openColumnMenu('Numeric', 'Filter');
const assertSearchCanBeFocused = async () => {
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-search-input').click();
await driver.switchTo().activeElement().getId(),
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-search-input').getId()
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-min').click();
await assertSearchCanBeFocused();
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-max').click();
await assertSearchCanBeFocused();
it('should have correct order for Numeric column', async () => {
await gu.openColumnMenu('Numeric', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['2', '3', '22']);
it('should have correct order for Integer column', async () => {
await gu.openColumnMenu('Int', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['2', '3', '22']);
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn');
it('should have correct order for Date column', async () => {
await gu.openColumnMenu('Date', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['20-12-2011', '22-12-2011', '20-12-2021']);
describe('Ref', function() {
it('should have correct order for Numeric column', async () => {
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
await gu.openColumnMenu('Ref', 'Options');
await gu.setRefShowColumn('Numeric');
await gu.openColumnMenu('Ref', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['2', '3', '22']);
it('should have correct order for Integer column', async () => {
await gu.setRefShowColumn('Int');
await gu.openColumnMenu('Ref', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['2', '3', '22']);
it('should have correct order for Date column', async () => {
await gu.setRefShowColumn('Date');
await gu.openColumnMenu('Ref', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['20-12-2011', '22-12-2011', '20-12-2021']);
describe('RefList', function() {
it('should have correct order for Numeric column', async () => {
await gu.openColumnMenu('RefList', 'Options');
await gu.setRefShowColumn('Numeric');
await gu.openColumnMenu('RefList', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['2', '3', '22']);
it('should have correct order for Integer column', async () => {
await gu.setRefShowColumn('Int');
await gu.openColumnMenu('RefList', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['2', '3', '22']);
it('should have correct order for Date column', async () => {
await gu.setRefShowColumn('Date');
await gu.openColumnMenu('RefList', 'Filter');
assert.deepEqual(await getValues(), ['20-12-2011', '22-12-2011', '20-12-2021']);
describe('id mismatch', function() {
// This test intent to replicate a bug that happened with filters. For the bug to happen we need
// to have a view field row id (here view field of col B) that matches the row id of another
// column (here col A). When this happen, and when col A is hidden, and when users open the
// column menu for B, the filter apply mistakingly to column A values as well, which could
// intail unexpected result depending on the values of A.
let docId2: string;
before(async () => {
docId2 = await mainSession.tempNewDoc(cleanup, 'ColumnFilterMenu3IdMismatch.grist', {load: false});
const api = mainSession.createHomeApi();
await api.applyUserActions(docId2, [
['BulkAddRecord', 'Table1', [null, null, null], {A: [1, 3, 3], B: [1, 1, 3]}],
['RemoveRecord', "_grist_Views_section_field", 1], // Hide 'A' column
it('filters should work correctly', async function() {
await mainSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId2}/p/1`);
// filter B by {max: 2}
await gu.openColumnMenu('B', 'Filter');
await gu.setRangeFilterBound('max', '2');
await driver.find('.test-filter-menu-apply-btn').click();
// check filter does not behaves in-correctly (here mostly to show what the problem looked
// like)
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['B'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3]}),
[ '1', '', undefined]
// check filter does behave correctly
await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: ['B'], rowNums: [1, 2, 3]}),
[ '1', '1', '']
describe('empty choice columns', function() {
// Previously, a bug would cause an error to be thrown when filtering an empty
// choice or choice list column. This suite replicates that scenario.
async function assertEmptyRowCount(count: number) {
await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list label', (e) => e.getText()),
await driver.findAll('.test-filter-menu-list .test-filter-menu-count', (e) => e.getText()),
async function assertEmptyColumnIsFilterable(
columnType: 'Choice' | 'Choice List' | 'Reference List'
) {
const columnLabel = `Empty ${columnType}`;
await gu.addColumn(columnLabel);
await gu.setType(new RegExp(`${columnType}$`));
await gu.openColumnMenu(columnLabel, 'Filter');
await assertEmptyRowCount(2);
await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE);
afterEach(() => gu.checkForErrors());
it('should not throw an error when filtering empty choice columns', async function() {
await assertEmptyColumnIsFilterable('Choice');
it('should not throw an error when filtering empty choice list columns', async function() {
await assertEmptyColumnIsFilterable('Choice List');
it('should not throw an error when filtering empty reference list columns', async function() {
// Note: this wasn't impacted by the aforementioned bug; this test is only included for
// completeness.
await assertEmptyColumnIsFilterable('Reference List');