You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import math
import time
import testutil
import test_engine
class TestLookupPerformance(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
def test_non_quadratic(self):
# This test measures performance which depends on other stuff running on the machine, which
# makes it inherently flaky. But if it fails legitimately, it should fail every time. So we
# run multiple times (3), and fail only if all of those times fail.
for i in range(2):
return self._do_test_non_quadratic()
except Exception as e:
print("FAIL #%d" % (i + 1))
def _do_test_non_quadratic(self):
# If the same lookupRecords is called by many cells, it should reuse calculations, not lead to
# quadratic complexity. (Actually making use of the result would often still be O(N) in each
# cell, but here we check that just doing the lookup is O(1) amortized.)
# Table1 has columns: Date and Status, each will have just two distinct values.
# We add a bunch of formulas that should take constant time outside of the lookup.
# The way we test for quadratic complexity is by timing "BulkAddRecord" action that causes all
# rows to recalculate for a geometrically growing sequence of row counts. Then we
# log-transform the data and do linear regression on it. It should produce data that fits
# closely a line of slope 1.
self.setUp() # Repeat setup because this test case gets called multiple times.
[1, "Table1", [
[1, "Date", "Date", False, "", "", ""],
[2, "Status", "Text", False, "", "", ""],
[3, "lookup_1a", "Any", True, "len(Table1.all)", "", ""],
[4, "lookup_2a", "Any", True, "len(Table1.lookupRecords(order_by='-Date'))", "", ""],
[5, "lookup_3a", "Any", True,
"len(Table1.lookupRecords(Status=$Status, order_by=('-Date', '-id')))", "", ""],
[6, "lookup_1b", "Any", True, "Table1.lookupOne().id", "", ""],
# Keep one legacy sort_by example (it shares implementation, so should work similarly)
[7, "lookup_2b", "Any", True, "Table1.lookupOne(sort_by='-Date').id", "", ""],
[8, "lookup_3b", "Any", True,
"Table1.lookupOne(Status=$Status, order_by=('-Date', '-id')).id", "", ""],
"DATA": {}
num_records = 0
def add_records(count):
assert count % 4 == 0, "Call add_records with multiples of 4 here"
self.add_records("Table1", ["Date", "Status"], [
[ "2024-01-01", "Green" ],
[ "2024-01-01", "Green" ],
[ "2024-02-01", "Blue" ],
[ "2000-01-01", "Blue" ],
] * (count // 4))
N = num_records + count
"Table1", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "lookup_1a", "lookup_2a", "lookup_3a", "lookup_1b", "lookup_2b", "lookup_3b"],
[1, N, N, N // 2, 1, 3, N - 2],
return N
# Add records in a geometric sequence
times = {}
start_time = time.time()
last_time = start_time
count_add = 20
while last_time < start_time + 2: # Stop once we've spent 2 seconds
add_time = time.time()
num_records = add_records(count_add)
last_time = time.time()
times[num_records] = last_time - add_time
count_add *= 2
count_array = sorted(times.keys())
times_array = [times[r] for r in count_array]
# Perform linear regression on log-transformed data
log_count_array = [math.log(x) for x in count_array]
log_times_array = [math.log(x) for x in times_array]
# Calculate slope and intercept using the least squares method.
# Doing this manually so that it works in Python2 too.
# Otherwise, we could just use statistics.linear_regression()
n = len(log_count_array)
sum_x = sum(log_count_array)
sum_y = sum(log_times_array)
sum_xx = sum(x * x for x in log_count_array)
sum_xy = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(log_count_array, log_times_array))
slope = (n * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / (n * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x)
intercept = (sum_y - slope * sum_x) / n
# Calculate R-squared
mean_y = sum_y / n
ss_tot = sum((y - mean_y) ** 2 for y in log_times_array)
ss_res = sum((y - (slope * x + intercept)) ** 2
for x, y in zip(log_count_array, log_times_array))
r_squared = 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot)
# Check that the slope is close to 1. For log-transformed data, this means a linear
# relationship (a quadratic term would make the slope 2).
# In practice, we see slope even less 1 (because there is a non-trivial constant term), so we
# can assert things a bit lower than 1: 0.86 to 1.04.
err_msg = "Time is non-linear: slope {} R^2 {}".format(slope, r_squared)
self.assertAlmostEqual(slope, 0.95, delta=0.09, msg=err_msg)
# Check that R^2 is close to 1, meaning that data is very close to that line (of slope ~1).
self.assertAlmostEqual(r_squared, 1, delta=0.08, msg=err_msg)