mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Paul Fitzpatrick 70935a4fa4
skip building test harness in docker image ()
A small test harness bundle was recently added that is breaking the docker image build. It could be added to the docker image, but that would introduce a bunch of extraneous test file dependencies. So this tweaks the build to simply skip the test bundle if its primary source file is not found.

Also added some other test fixes along the way:
  * make a custom widget test more reliable
  * update a localization test now that `pt` exists
  * store more log info in artifact on error
2023-06-30 05:50:40 -04:00

301 lines
10 KiB

* NOTE: this server is also exposed via test/nbrowser/testUtils; it's only moved into its own
* file to untangle dependencies between gristUtils and testUtils.
* Exports `server` to be used with mocha-webdriver's useServer(). This is normally set up using
* `setupTestSuite` from test/nbrowser/testUtils.
* Includes server.testingHooks and some useful methods that rely on them.
* Run with VERBOSE=1 in the environment to see the server log on the console. Normally it goes
* into a file whose path is printed when server starts.
import {encodeUrl, IGristUrlState, parseSubdomain} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {getAppRoot} from 'app/server/lib/places';
import {makeGristConfig} from 'app/server/lib/sendAppPage';
import {exitPromise} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils';
import {connectTestingHooks, TestingHooksClient} from 'app/server/lib/TestingHooks';
import {ChildProcess, execFileSync, spawn} from 'child_process';
import EventEmitter from 'events';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import {driver, IMochaServer, WebDriver} from 'mocha-webdriver';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import {tmpdir} from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import {removeConnection} from 'test/gen-server/seed';
import {HomeUtil} from 'test/nbrowser/homeUtil';
import {getDatabase} from 'test/testUtils';
export class TestServerMerged extends EventEmitter implements IMochaServer {
public testDir: string;
public testDocDir: string;
public testingHooks: TestingHooksClient;
// These have been moved to HomeUtil, and get set here when HomeUtil is created.
public simulateLogin: HomeUtil["simulateLogin"];
public removeLogin: HomeUtil["removeLogin"];
private _serverUrl: string;
private _proxyUrl: string|null = null;
private _server: ChildProcess;
private _exitPromise: Promise<number|string>;
private _starts: number = 0;
private _dbManager?: HomeDBManager;
private _driver?: WebDriver;
// The name is used to name the directory for server logs and data.
constructor(private _name: string) {
public async start() {
await this.restart(true);
* Restart the server. If reset is set, the database is cleared. If reset is not set,
* the database is preserved, and the temporary directory is unchanged.
public async restart(reset: boolean = false, quiet = false) {
if (this.isExternalServer()) { return; }
if (this._starts > 0) {
await this.stop();
const workerIdText = process.env.MOCHA_WORKER_ID || '0';
if (reset) {
if (process.env.TESTDIR) {
this.testDir = path.join(process.env.TESTDIR, workerIdText);
} else {
// Create a testDir of the form grist_test_{USER}_{SERVER_NAME}_{WORKER_ID}, removing any previous one.
const username = process.env.USER || "nobody";
this.testDir = path.join(tmpdir(), `grist_test_${username}_${this._name}_${workerIdText}`);
await fse.remove(this.testDir);
this.testDocDir = path.join(this.testDir, "data");
await fse.mkdirs(this.testDocDir);
log.warn(`Test logs and data are at: ${this.testDir}/`);
const nodeLogPath = path.join(this.testDir, 'node.log');
const nodeLogFd = await fse.open(nodeLogPath, 'a');
// The server isn't set up to close the testing socket cleanly and
// immediately. It is simplest to use a diffent socket each time
// we restart.
const testingSocket = path.join(this.testDir, `testing-${this._starts}.socket`);
const stubCmd = '_build/stubs/app/server/server';
const isCore = await fse.pathExists(stubCmd + '.js');
const cmd = isCore ? stubCmd : '_build/core/app/server/devServerMain';
// If a proxy is set, use a single port - otherwise we'd need a lot of
// proxies.
const useSinglePort = this._proxyUrl !== null;
// The reason we fork a process rather than start a server within the same process is mainly
// logging. Server code uses a global logger, so it's hard to separate out (especially so if
// we ever run different servers for different tests).
const serverLog = process.env.VERBOSE ? 'inherit' : nodeLogFd;
const workerId = parseInt(workerIdText, 10);
const corePort = String(8295 + workerId * 2);
const untrustedPort = String(8295 + workerId * 2 + 1);
const env: Record<string, string> = {
TYPEORM_DATABASE: this._getDatabaseFile(),
GRIST_DATA_DIR: this.testDocDir,
GRIST_INST_DIR: this.testDir,
// uses the test installed plugins folder as the user installed plugins.
GRIST_USER_ROOT: path.resolve(getAppRoot(), 'test/fixtures/plugins/browserInstalledPlugins/'),
// Set low limits for uploads, for testing.
// The following line only matters for testing with non-localhost URLs, which some tests do.
// Run with HOME_PORT, STATIC_PORT, DOC_PORT, DOC_WORKER_COUNT in the environment to override.
...(useSinglePort ? {
APP_HOME_URL: this.getHost(),
} : (isCore ? {
HOME_PORT: corePort,
STATIC_PORT: corePort,
DOC_PORT: corePort,
PORT: corePort,
APP_UNTRUSTED_URL: `http://localhost:${untrustedPort}`,
} : {
HOME_PORT: '8095',
STATIC_PORT: '8096',
DOC_PORT: '8100',
PORT: '0',
APP_UNTRUSTED_URL : "http://localhost:18096",
// This skips type-checking when running server, but reduces startup time a lot.
TEST_CLEAN_DATABASE: reset ? 'true' : '',
if (!process.env.REDIS_URL) {
// Multiple doc workers only possible when redis is available.
log.warn('Running without redis and without multiple doc workers');
delete env.DOC_WORKER_COUNT;
this._server = spawn('node', [cmd], {
stdio: quiet ? 'ignore' : ['inherit', serverLog, serverLog],
this._exitPromise = exitPromise(this._server);
const port = parseInt(env.HOME_PORT, 10);
this._serverUrl = `http://localhost:${port}`;
log.info(`Waiting for node server to respond at ${this._serverUrl}`);
// Try to be more helpful when server exits by printing out the tail of its log.
this._exitPromise.then((code) => {
if (this._server.killed || quiet) { return; }
log.error("Server died unexpectedly, with code", code);
const output = execFileSync('tail', ['-30', nodeLogPath]);
log.info(`\n===== BEGIN SERVER OUTPUT ====\n${output}\n===== END SERVER OUTPUT =====`);
.catch(() => undefined);
await this.waitServerReady(60000);
// Prepare testingHooks for certain behind-the-scenes interactions with the server.
this.testingHooks = await connectTestingHooks(testingSocket);
public async stop() {
if (this.isExternalServer()) { return; }
log.info("Stopping node server");
if (this.testingHooks) {
await this._exitPromise;
* Set server on pause and call `callback()`. Callback must returned a promise and server will
* resume normal activity when that promise resolves. This is useful to test behavior when a
* request takes a long time.
public async pauseUntil(callback: () => Promise<void>) {
if (this.isExternalServer()) {
throw new Error("Can't pause external server");
log.info("Pausing node server");
try {
await callback();
} finally {
log.info("Resuming node server");
public resume() {
if (this.isExternalServer()) { return; }
public getHost(): string {
if (this.isExternalServer()) { return process.env.HOME_URL!; }
return this._proxyUrl || this._serverUrl;
public getUrl(team: string, relPath: string) {
if (!this.isExternalServer()) {
return `${this.getHost()}/o/${team}${relPath}`;
const state: IGristUrlState = { org: team };
const baseDomain = parseSubdomain(new URL(this.getHost()).hostname).base;
const gristConfig = makeGristConfig({
homeUrl: this.getHost(),
extra: {},
const url = encodeUrl(gristConfig, state, new URL(this.getHost())).replace(/\/$/, "");
return `${url}${relPath}`;
// Configure the server to be accessed via a proxy. You'll need to
// restart the server after changing this setting.
public updateProxy(proxyUrl: string|null) {
this._proxyUrl = proxyUrl;
* Returns whether the server is up and responsive.
public async isServerReady(): Promise<boolean> {
try {
return (await fetch(`${this._serverUrl}/status/hooks`, {timeout: 1000})).ok;
} catch (err) {
return false;
* Wait for the server to be up and responsitve, for up to `ms` milliseconds.
public async waitServerReady(ms: number): Promise<void> {
await this.driver.wait(() => Promise.race([
this._exitPromise.then(() => { throw new Error("Server exited while waiting for it"); }),
]), ms);
* Returns a connection to the database.
public async getDatabase(): Promise<HomeDBManager> {
if (!this._dbManager) {
this._dbManager = await getDatabase(this._getDatabaseFile());
return this._dbManager;
public async closeDatabase() {
this._dbManager = undefined;
await removeConnection();
public get driver() {
return this._driver || driver;
// substitute a custom driver
public setDriver(customDriver?: WebDriver) {
this._driver = customDriver;
public async getTestingHooks() {
return this.testingHooks;
public isExternalServer() {
return Boolean(process.env.HOME_URL);
* Returns the path to the database.
private _getDatabaseFile(): string {
if (process.env.TYPEORM_TYPE === 'postgres') {
const db = process.env.TYPEORM_DATABASE;
if (!db) { throw new Error("Missing TYPEORM_DATABASE"); }
return db;
return path.join(this.testDir, 'landing.db');
export const server = new TestServerMerged("merged");