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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
The motivation for supporting an alternative to WebSockets is that while all browsers supported by Grist offer native WebSocket support, some networking environments do not allow WebSocket traffic. Engine.IO is used as the underlying implementation of HTTP long polling. The Grist client will first attempt a regular WebSocket connection, using the same protocol and endpoints as before, but fall back to long polling using Engine.IO if the WebSocket connection fails. Include these changes: - CORS websocket requests are now rejected as a stronger security measure. This shouldn’t affect anything in practice; but previously it could be possible to make unauthenticated websocket requests from another origin. - GRIST_HOST variable no longer affects CORS responses (also should not affect anything in practice, as it wasn't serving a useful purpose)
602 lines
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602 lines
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import {Events as BackboneEvents} from 'backbone';
import {promisifyAll} from 'bluebird';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import * as http from 'http';
import {AddressInfo} from 'net';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
import {GristWSConnection, GristWSSettings} from 'app/client/components/GristWSConnection';
import {GristClientSocket, GristClientSocketOptions} from 'app/client/components/GristClientSocket';
import {Comm as ClientComm} from 'app/client/components/Comm';
import * as log from 'app/client/lib/log';
import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm';
import {Client, ClientMethod} from 'app/server/lib/Client';
import {CommClientConnect} from 'app/common/CommTypes';
import {delay} from 'app/common/delay';
import {isLongerThan} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {fromCallback, listenPromise} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils';
import {Sessions} from 'app/server/lib/Sessions';
import {TcpForwarder} from 'test/server/tcpForwarder';
import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils';
import * as session from '@gristlabs/express-session';
import { Hosts, RequestOrgInfo } from 'app/server/lib/extractOrg';
const SQLiteStore = require('@gristlabs/connect-sqlite3')(session);
// Just enough implementation of Hosts to be able to fake using a custom host.
class FakeHosts {
public isCustomHost = false;
public get asHosts() { return this as unknown as Hosts; }
public async addOrgInfo<T extends http.IncomingMessage>(req: T): Promise<T & RequestOrgInfo> {
return Object.assign(req, {
isCustomHost: this.isCustomHost,
org: "example",
url: req.url!
describe('Comm', function() {
testUtils.setTmpLogLevel(process.env.VERBOSE ? 'debug' : 'warn');
// Allow test cases to register afterEach callbacks here for easier cleanup.
const cleanup: Array<() => void> = [];
let server: http.Server;
let sessions: Sessions;
let fakeHosts: FakeHosts;
let comm: Comm|null = null;
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
before(async function() {
const sessionDB = tmp.fileSync();
const sessionStore = new SQLiteStore({
dir: path.dirname(sessionDB.name),
db: path.basename(sessionDB.name),
table: 'sessions'
// Random string to use for the test session secret.
const sessionSecret = 'xkwriagasaqystubgkkbwhqtyyncwqjemyncnmetjpkiwtfzvllejpfneldmoyri';
sessions = new Sessions(sessionSecret, sessionStore);
function startComm(methods: {[name: string]: ClientMethod}) {
server = http.createServer();
fakeHosts = new FakeHosts();
comm = new Comm(server, {sessions, hosts: fakeHosts.asHosts});
return listenPromise(server.listen(0, 'localhost'));
async function stopComm() {
await comm?.testServerShutdown();
await fromCallback(cb => {
const assortedMethods: {[name: string]: ClientMethod} = {
methodSync: async function(client, x, y) {
return {x: x, y: y, name: "methodSync"};
methodError: async function(client, x, y) {
throw new Error("fake error");
methodAsync: async function(client, x, y) {
await delay(20);
return {x: x, y: y, name: "methodAsync"};
methodSend: async function(client, docFD) {
void(client.sendMessage({docFD, type: "fooType" as any, data: "foo"}));
void(client.sendMessage({docFD, type: "barType" as any, data: "bar"}));
beforeEach(function() {
// Silence console messages from client-side Comm.ts.
if (!process.env.VERBOSE) {
// TODO: This no longer works, now that 'log' is a more proper "module" object rather than
// an arbitrary JS object. Also used in a couple other tests where logs are no longer
// silenced.
sandbox.stub(log, 'debug');
afterEach(async function() {
// Run the cleanup callbacks registered in cleanup().
await Promise.all(cleanup.splice(0).map(callback => callback()));
function getMessages(ws: GristClientSocket, count: number): Promise<any[]> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const messages: object[] = [];
ws.onerror = (err) => {
ws.onmessage = null;
ws.onmessage = (data: string) => {
if (messages.length >= count) {
ws.onerror = null;
ws.onmessage = null;
* Returns a promise for the connected websocket.
function connect(options?: GristClientSocketOptions): Promise<GristClientSocket> {
const ws = new GristClientSocket('ws://localhost:' + (server.address() as AddressInfo).port, options);
return new Promise<GristClientSocket>((resolve, reject) => {
ws.onopen = () => {
ws.onerror = null;
ws.onerror = (err) => {
ws.onopen = null;
describe("server methods", function() {
let ws: GristClientSocket;
beforeEach(async function() {
await startComm(assortedMethods);
ws = await connect();
await getMessages(ws, 1); // consume a clientConnect message
afterEach(async function() {
await stopComm();
it("should return data for valid calls", async function() {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({reqId: 10, method: "methodSync", args: ["hello", "world"]}));
const messages = await getMessages(ws, 1);
const resp = messages[0];
assert.equal(resp.reqId, 10, `Messages received instead: ${JSON.stringify(messages)}`);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {x: "hello", y: "world", name: "methodSync"});
it("should work for async calls", async function() {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({reqId: 20, method: "methodAsync", args: ["hello", "world"]}));
const messages = await getMessages(ws, 1);
const resp = messages[0];
assert.equal(resp.reqId, 20);
assert.deepEqual(resp.data, {x: "hello", y: "world", name: "methodAsync"});
it("should work for out-of-order calls", async function() {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({reqId: 30, method: "methodAsync", args: [1, 2]}));
ws.send(JSON.stringify({reqId: 31, method: "methodSync", args: [3, 4]}));
const messages = await getMessages(ws, 2);
assert.equal(messages[0].reqId, 31);
assert.deepEqual(messages[0].data, {x: 3, y: 4, name: "methodSync"});
assert.equal(messages[1].reqId, 30);
assert.deepEqual(messages[1].data, {x: 1, y: 2, name: "methodAsync"});
it("should return error when a call fails", async function() {
const logMessages = await testUtils.captureLog('warn', async () => {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({reqId: 40, method: "methodError", args: ["hello"]}));
const messages = await getMessages(ws, 1);
const resp = messages[0];
assert.equal(resp.reqId, 40);
assert.equal(resp.data, undefined);
assert(resp.error.indexOf('fake error') >= 0);
testUtils.assertMatchArray(logMessages, [
/^warn: Client.* Error: fake error[^]+at methodError/,
/^warn: Client.* responding to .* ERROR fake error/,
it("should return error for unknown methods", async function() {
const logMessages = await testUtils.captureLog('warn', async () => {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({reqId: 50, method: "someUnknownMethod", args: []}));
const messages = await getMessages(ws, 1);
const resp = messages[0];
assert.equal(resp.reqId, 50);
assert.equal(resp.data, undefined);
assert(resp.error.indexOf('Unknown method') >= 0);
testUtils.assertMatchArray(logMessages, [
/^warn: Client.* Unknown method.*someUnknownMethod/
it('should only log warning for malformed JSON data', async function () {
const logMessages = await testUtils.captureLog('warn', async () => {
}, {waitForFirstLog: true});
testUtils.assertMatchArray(logMessages, [
/^warn: Client.* Unexpected token.*/
it('should log warning when null value is passed', async function () {
const logMessages = await testUtils.captureLog('warn', async () => {
}, {waitForFirstLog: true});
testUtils.assertMatchArray(logMessages, [
/^warn: Client.*Cannot read properties of null*/
it("should support app-level events correctly", async function() {
comm!.broadcastMessage('fooType' as any, 'hello');
comm!.broadcastMessage('barType' as any, 'world');
const messages = await getMessages(ws, 2);
assert.equal(messages[0].type, 'fooType');
assert.equal(messages[0].data, 'hello');
assert.equal(messages[1].type, 'barType');
assert.equal(messages[1].data, 'world');
it("should support doc-level events", async function() {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({reqId: 60, method: "methodSend", args: [13]}));
const messages = await getMessages(ws, 3);
assert.equal(messages[0].type, 'fooType');
assert.equal(messages[0].data, 'foo');
assert.equal(messages[0].docFD, 13);
assert.equal(messages[1].type, 'barType');
assert.equal(messages[1].data, 'bar');
assert.equal(messages[1].docFD, 13);
assert.equal(messages[2].reqId, 60);
assert.equal(messages[2].data, undefined);
assert.equal(messages[2].error, undefined);
describe("reconnects", function() {
const docId = "docId_abc";
// Helper to set up a Comm server, a Comm client, and a forwarder between them that allows
// simulating disconnects.
async function startManagedConnection(methods: {[name: string]: ClientMethod}) {
// Start the server Comm, providing a few methods.
await startComm(methods);
cleanup.push(() => stopComm());
// Create a forwarder, which we use to test disconnects.
const serverPort = (server.address() as AddressInfo).port;
const forwarder = new TcpForwarder(serverPort);
const forwarderPort = await forwarder.pickForwarderPort();
await forwarder.connect();
cleanup.push(() => forwarder.disconnect());
// To create a client-side Comm object, we need to trick GristWSConnection's check for
// whether there is a worker to connect to.
(global as any).window = undefined;
sandbox.stub(global as any, 'window').value({gristConfig: {getWorker: 'STUB', assignmentId: docId}});
// We also need to get GristWSConnection to use a custom GristWSSettings object, and to
// connect to the forwarder's port.
const docWorkerUrl = `http://localhost:${forwarderPort}`;
const settings = getWSSettings(docWorkerUrl);
const stubGristWsCreate = sandbox.stub(GristWSConnection, 'create').callsFake(function(this: any, owner) {
return (stubGristWsCreate as any).wrappedMethod.call(this, owner, settings);
// Cast with BackboneEvents to allow using cliComm.on().
const cliComm = ClientComm.create() as ClientComm & BackboneEvents;
cleanup.push(() => cliComm.dispose()); // Dispose after this test ends.
return {cliComm, forwarder};
it('should forward calls on a normal connection', async function() {
const {cliComm} = await startManagedConnection(assortedMethods);
// A couple of regular requests.
const resp1 = await cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "methodSync", "foo", 1);
assert.deepEqual(resp1, {name: 'methodSync', x: "foo", y: 1});
const resp2 = await cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "methodAsync", "foo", 2);
assert.deepEqual(resp2, {name: 'methodAsync', x: "foo", y: 2});
// Try calls that return out of order.
const [resp3, resp4] = await Promise.all([
cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "methodAsync", "foo", 3),
cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "methodSync", "foo", 4),
assert.deepEqual(resp3, {name: 'methodAsync', x: "foo", y: 3});
assert.deepEqual(resp4, {name: 'methodSync', x: "foo", y: 4});
it('should forward missed responses when a server send fails', async function() {
await testMissedResponses(true);
it('should forward missed responses when a server send is queued', async function() {
await testMissedResponses(false);
async function testMissedResponses(sendShouldFail: boolean) {
let failedSendCount = 0;
const {cliComm, forwarder} = await startManagedConnection({...assortedMethods,
// An extra method that simulates a lost connection on server side prior to response.
testDisconnect: async function(client, x, y) {
setTimeout(() => forwarder.disconnectServerSide(), 0);
if (!sendShouldFail) {
// Add a delay to let the 'close' event get noticed first.
await delay(20);
return {x: x, y: y, name: "testDisconnect"};
const resp1 = await cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "methodSync", "foo", 1);
assert.deepEqual(resp1, {name: 'methodSync', x: "foo", y: 1});
if (sendShouldFail) {
// In Node 18, the socket is closed during the call to 'testDisconnect'.
// In prior versions of Node, the socket was still disconnecting.
// This test is sensitive to timing and only passes in the latter, unless we
// stub the method below to produce similar behavior in the former.
sandbox.stub(Client.prototype as any, '_sendToWebsocket')
.callsFake(() => {
failedSendCount += 1;
throw new Error('WebSocket is not open');
// Make more calls, with a disconnect before they return. The server should queue up responses.
const resp2Promise = cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "testDisconnect", "foo", 2);
const resp3Promise = cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "methodAsync", "foo", 3);
assert.equal(await isLongerThan(resp2Promise, 250), true);
// Once we reconnect, the response should arrive.
await forwarder.connect();
assert.deepEqual(await resp2Promise, {name: 'testDisconnect', x: "foo", y: 2});
assert.deepEqual(await resp3Promise, {name: 'methodAsync', x: "foo", y: 3});
// Check that we saw the situation we were hoping to test.
assert.equal(failedSendCount, sendShouldFail ? 1 : 0, 'Expected to see a failed send');
it("should receive all server messages (small) in order when send doesn't fail", async function() {
await testSendOrdering({noFailedSend: true, useSmallMsgs: true});
it("should receive all server messages (large) in order when send doesn't fail", async function() {
await testSendOrdering({noFailedSend: true});
it("should order server messages correctly with failedSend before close", async function() {
await testSendOrdering({closeHappensFirst: false});
it("should order server messages correctly with close before failedSend", async function() {
await testSendOrdering({closeHappensFirst: true});
async function testSendOrdering(
options: {noFailedSend?: boolean, closeHappensFirst?: boolean, useSmallMsgs?: boolean}
) {
const eventsSeen: Array<'failedSend'|'close'> = [];
// Server-side Client object.
let ssClient!: Client;
const {cliComm, forwarder} = await startManagedConnection(assortedMethods);
// Intercept the call to _onClose to know when it occurs, since we are trying to hit a
// situation where 'close' and 'failedSend' events happen in either order.
const stubOnClose = sandbox.stub(Client.prototype as any, '_onClose')
.callsFake(async function(this: Client) {
if (!options.closeHappensFirst) { await delay(10); }
return (stubOnClose as any).wrappedMethod.apply(this, arguments);
// Intercept calls to client.sendMessage(), to know when it fails, and possibly to delay the
// failures to hit a particular order in which 'close' and 'failedSend' events are seen by
// Client.ts. This is the only reliable way I found to reproduce this order of events.
const stubSendToWebsocket = sandbox.stub(Client.prototype as any, '_sendToWebsocket')
.callsFake(async function(this: Client) {
try {
return await (stubSendToWebsocket as any).wrappedMethod.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (err) {
if (options.closeHappensFirst) { await delay(100); }
throw err;
// Watch the events received all the way on the client side.
const eventSpy = sinon.spy();
const clientConnectSpy = sinon.spy();
cliComm.on('docUserAction', eventSpy);
cliComm.on('clientConnect', clientConnectSpy);
// We need to simulate an important property of the browser client: when needReload is set
// in the clientConnect message, we are expected to reload the app. In the test, we replace
// the GristWSConnection.
cliComm.on('clientConnect', async (msg: CommClientConnect) => {
ssClient = comm!.getClient(msg.clientId);
if (msg.needReload) {
await delay(0);
// Wait for a connect call, which we rely on to get access to the Client object (ssClient).
await waitForCondition(() => (clientConnectSpy.callCount > 0), 1000);
// Send large buffers, to fill up the socket's buffers to get it to block.
const data = "x".repeat(options.useSmallMsgs ? 100_000 : 10_000_000);
const makeMessage = (n: number) => ({type: 'docUserAction', n, data});
let n = 0;
const sendPromises: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
const sendNextMessage= () => sendPromises.push(ssClient.sendMessage(makeMessage(n++) as any));
await testUtils.captureLog('warn', async () => {
// Make a few sends. These are big enough not to return immediately. Keep the first two
// successful (by awaiting them). And keep a few more that will fail. This is to test the
// ordering of successful and failed messages that may be missed.
await sendPromises[0];
await sendPromises[1];
// Forcibly close the forwarder, so that the server sees a 'close' event. But first let
// some messages get to the client. In case we want all sends to succeed, let them all get
// forwarded before disconnect; otherwise, disconnect after 2 are fowarded.
const countToWaitFor = options.noFailedSend ? 5 : 2;
await waitForCondition(() => eventSpy.callCount >= countToWaitFor);
// Wait less than the delay that we add for delayFailedSend, and send another message. There
// used to be a bug that such a message would get recorded into missedMessages out of order.
await delay(50);
// Now reconnect, and collect the messages that the client sees.
await forwarder.connect();
// Wait until we get a clientConnect message that does not require a reload. (Except with
// noFailedSend, the first one would have needReload set; and after the reconnect, we should
// get one without.)
await waitForCondition(() =>
(clientConnectSpy.callCount > 0 && clientConnectSpy.lastCall.args[0].needReload === false),
// This test helper is used for 3 different situations. Check that we observed that
// situations we were trying to hit.
if (options.noFailedSend) {
if (options.useSmallMsgs) {
assert.deepEqual(eventsSeen, ['close']);
} else {
// Make sure to have waited long enough for the 'close' event we may have delayed
await delay(20);
// Large messages now cause a send to fail, after filling up buffer, and close the socket.
assert.deepEqual(eventsSeen, ['close', 'close']);
} else if (options.closeHappensFirst) {
assert.equal(eventsSeen[0], 'close');
assert.include(eventsSeen, 'failedSend');
} else {
assert.equal(eventsSeen[0], 'failedSend');
assert.include(eventsSeen, 'close');
// After a successful reconnect, subsequent calls should work normally.
assert.deepEqual(await cliComm._makeRequest(null, null, "methodSync", 1, 2),
{name: 'methodSync', x: 1, y: 2});
// Check that all the received messages are in order.
const messageNums = eventSpy.getCalls().map(call => call.args[0].n);
assert.isAtLeast(messageNums.length, 2);
assert.deepEqual(messageNums, nrange(0, messageNums.length),
`Unexpected message sequence ${JSON.stringify(messageNums)}`);
// Subsequent messages should work normally too.
await waitForCondition(() => eventSpy.callCount > 0);
assert.deepEqual(eventSpy.getCalls().map(call => call.args[0].n), [n - 1]);
describe("Allowed Origin", function() {
beforeEach(async function () {
await startComm(assortedMethods);
afterEach(async function() {
await stopComm();
async function checkOrigin(headers: { origin: string, host: string }, allowed: boolean) {
const promise = connect({ headers });
if (allowed) {
await assert.isFulfilled(promise, `${headers.host} should allow ${headers.origin}`);
} else {
await assert.isRejected(promise, /.*/, `${headers.host} should reject ${headers.origin}`);
it('origin should match base domain of host', async () => {
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://www.toto.com", host: "worker.example.com"}, false);
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://badexample.com", host: "worker.example.com"}, false);
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://bad.com/example.com", host: "worker.example.com"}, false);
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://front.example.com", host: "worker.example.com"}, true);
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://front.example.com:3000", host: "worker.example.com"}, true);
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://example.com", host: "example.com"}, true);
it('with custom domains, origin should match the full hostname', async () => {
fakeHosts.isCustomHost = true;
// For a request to a custom domain, the full hostname must match.
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://front.example.com", host: "worker.example.com"}, false);
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://front.example.com", host: "front.example.com"}, true);
await checkOrigin({origin: "https://front.example.com:3000", host: "front.example.com"}, true);
// Waits for condFunc() to return true, for up to timeoutMs milliseconds, sleeping for stepMs
// between checks. Returns if succeeded, throws if failed.
async function waitForCondition(condFunc: () => boolean, timeoutMs = 1000, stepMs = 10): Promise<void> {
const end = Date.now() + timeoutMs;
while (Date.now() < end) {
if (condFunc()) { return; }
await delay(stepMs);
throw new Error(`Condition not met after ${timeoutMs}ms: ${condFunc.toString()}`);
// Returns a range of count consecutive numbers starting with start.
function nrange(start: number, count: number): number[] {
return Array.from(Array(count), (_, i) => start + i);
// Returns a GristWSSettings object, for use with GristWSConnection.
function getWSSettings(docWorkerUrl: string): GristWSSettings {
let clientId: string = 'clientid-abc';
let counter: number = 0;
return {
makeWebSocket(url: string): any { return new GristClientSocket(url); },
async getTimezone() { return 'UTC'; },
getPageUrl() { return "http://localhost"; },
async getDocWorkerUrl() { return docWorkerUrl; },
getClientId(did: any) { return clientId; },
getUserSelector() { return ''; },
updateClientId(did: string, cid: string) { clientId = cid; },
advanceCounter(): string { return String(counter++); },
log() { (log as any).debug(...arguments); },
warn() { (log as any).warn(...arguments); },