Alex Hall 391c8ee087 (core) Allow assistant to evaluate current formula
Replaces, particularly to avoid doing potentially unwanted things automatically.

Adds optional fields `evaluateCurrentFormula?: boolean; rowId?: number` to `FormulaAssistanceContext` (part of `AssistanceRequest`). When `evaluateCurrentFormula` is `true`, calls a new function `evaluate_formula` in the sandbox which computes the existing formula in the column (regardless of anything the AI may have suggested) and uses that to generate an additional system message which is added before the user's message. In theory this could be used in an interface where users ask why a formula doesn't work, including possibly a formula suggested by the AI. For now, it's only used in `runCompletion_impl.ts` for experimenting.

Also cleaned up a bit, removing `_chatMode` which is always `true` now, and uses of `regenerate` which is always `false`.

Test Plan: Updated `runCompletion_impl` to optionally use the new feature, in which case it now scores 51/68 instead of 49/68.

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Differential Revision:
2023-07-24 21:59:00 +02:00

283 lines
8.8 KiB

import ast
import json
import re
import textwrap
import asttokens
import asttokens.util
import six
import attribute_recorder
import objtypes
from codebuilder import make_formula_body
from column import is_visible_column, BaseReferenceColumn
from objtypes import RaisedException
import records
def column_type(engine, table_id, col_id):
col_rec = engine.docmodel.get_column_rec(table_id, col_id)
typ = col_rec.type
parts = typ.split(":")
if parts[0] == "Ref":
return parts[1]
elif parts[0] == "RefList":
return "List[{}]".format(parts[1])
elif typ == "Choice":
return choices(col_rec)
elif typ == "ChoiceList":
return "Tuple[{}, ...]".format(choices(col_rec))
elif typ == "Any":
table = engine.tables[table_id]
col = table.get_column(col_id)
values = [col.raw_get(row_id) for row_id in table.row_ids]
return values_type(values)
return dict(
def choices(col_rec):
widget_options = json.loads(col_rec.widgetOptions)
return "Literal{}".format(widget_options["choices"])
except (ValueError, KeyError):
return 'str'
def values_type(values):
types = set(type(v) for v in values) - {RaisedException}
optional = type(None) in types # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
if types == {int, float}:
types = {float}
if len(types) != 1:
return "Any"
[typ] = types
val = next(v for v in values if isinstance(v, typ))
if isinstance(val, records.Record):
type_name = val._table.table_id
elif isinstance(val, records.RecordSet):
type_name = "List[{}]".format(val._table.table_id)
elif isinstance(val, list):
type_name = "List[{}]".format(values_type(val))
elif isinstance(val, set):
type_name = "Set[{}]".format(values_type(val))
elif isinstance(val, tuple):
type_name = "Tuple[{}, ...]".format(values_type(val))
elif isinstance(val, dict):
type_name = "Dict[{}, {}]".format(values_type(val.keys()), values_type(val.values()))
type_name = typ.__name__
if optional:
type_name = "Optional[{}]".format(type_name)
return type_name
def referenced_tables(engine, table_id):
result = set()
queue = [table_id]
while queue:
cur_table_id = queue.pop()
if cur_table_id in result:
for col_id, col in visible_columns(engine, cur_table_id):
if isinstance(col, BaseReferenceColumn):
target_table_id = col._target_table.table_id
if not target_table_id.startswith("_"):
return result - {table_id}
def all_other_tables(engine, table_id):
result = set(t for t in engine.tables.keys() if not t.startswith('_grist'))
return result - {table_id} - {'GristDocTour'}
def visible_columns(engine, table_id):
return [
(col_id, col)
for col_id, col in engine.tables[table_id].all_columns.items()
if is_visible_column(col_id)
def class_schema(engine, table_id, exclude_col_id=None, lookups=False):
result = "@dataclass\nclass {}:\n".format(table_id)
if lookups:
# Build a lookupRecords and lookupOne method for each table, providing some arguments hints
# for the columns that are visible.
lookupRecords_args = []
lookupOne_args = []
for col_id, col in visible_columns(engine, table_id):
if col_id != exclude_col_id:
lookupOne_args.append(col_id + '=None')
lookupRecords_args.append('%s=%s' % (col_id, col_id))
lookupOne_args_line = ', '.join(lookupOne_args)
lookupRecords_args_line = ', '.join(lookupRecords_args)
result += " def __len__(self):\n"
result += " return len(%s.lookupRecords())\n" % table_id
result += " @staticmethod\n"
result += " def lookupRecords(%s) -> List[%s]:\n" % (lookupOne_args_line, table_id)
result += " # ...\n"
result += " @staticmethod\n"
result += " def lookupOne(%s) -> %s:\n" % (lookupOne_args_line, table_id)
result += " '''\n"
result += " Filter for one result matching the keys provided.\n"
result += " To control order, use e.g. `sort_by='Key' or `sort_by='-Key'`.\n"
result += " '''\n"
result += " return %s.lookupRecords(%s)[0]\n" % (table_id, lookupRecords_args_line)
result += "\n"
for col_id, col in visible_columns(engine, table_id):
if col_id != exclude_col_id:
result += " {}: {}\n".format(col_id, column_type(engine, table_id, col_id))
result += "\n"
return result
def get_formula_prompt(engine, table_id, col_id, _description,
result = ""
other_tables = (all_other_tables(engine, table_id)
if include_all_tables else referenced_tables(engine, table_id))
for other_table_id in sorted(other_tables):
result += class_schema(engine, other_table_id, lookups)
result += class_schema(engine, table_id, col_id, lookups)
return_type = column_type(engine, table_id, col_id)
result += " @property\n"
result += " # rec is alias for self\n"
result += " def {}(rec) -> {}:\n".format(col_id, return_type)
result += " # Please fill in code only after this line, not the `def`\n"
return result
def indent(text, prefix, predicate=None):
Copied from for python2 compatibility.
if six.PY3:
return textwrap.indent(text, prefix, predicate) # pylint: disable = no-member
if predicate is None:
def predicate(line):
return line.strip()
def prefixed_lines():
for line in text.splitlines(True):
yield (prefix + line if predicate(line) else line)
return ''.join(prefixed_lines())
def convert_completion(completion):
# Extract code from a markdown code block if needed.
match ="```\w*\n(.*)```", completion, re.DOTALL)
if match:
completion =
result = textwrap.dedent(completion)
atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(result, parse=True)
except SyntaxError:
# If we don't have valid Python code, don't suggest a formula at all
return ""
stmts = atok.tree.body
# If the code starts with imports, save them for later.
# In particular, the model may return something like:
# from datetime import date
# def my_column():
# ...
# We want to return just the function body, but we need to keep the import,
# i.e. move it 'inside the function'.
imports = ""
while stmts and isinstance(stmts[0], (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
imports += atok.get_text(stmts.pop(0)) + "\n"
# If the non-import code consists only of a function definition, extract the body.
if len(stmts) == 1 and isinstance(stmts[0], ast.FunctionDef):
func_body_stmts = stmts[0].body
if (
len(func_body_stmts) > 1 and
isinstance(func_body_stmts[0], ast.Expr) and
isinstance(func_body_stmts[0].value, ast.Str)
# Skip the docstring.
first_stmt = func_body_stmts[1]
first_stmt = func_body_stmts[0]
result_lines = result.splitlines()[first_stmt.lineno - 1:]
result = "\n".join(result_lines)
result = textwrap.dedent(result)
if imports:
result = imports + "\n" + result
# Now convert `rec.` to `$` and remove redundant `return ` at the end.
atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(result, parse=True)
except SyntaxError:
# In case the above extraction somehow messed things up
return ""
replacements = []
for node in ast.walk(atok.tree):
if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
start, end = atok.get_text_range(node.value)
end += 1
if result[start:end] == "rec.":
replacements.append((start, end, "$"))
last_stmt = atok.tree.body[-1]
if isinstance(last_stmt, ast.Return):
start, _ = atok.get_text_range(last_stmt)
expected = "return "
end = start + len(expected)
if result[start:end] == expected:
replacements.append((start, end, ""))
result = asttokens.util.replace(result, replacements)
return result.strip()
def evaluate_formula(engine, table_id, col_id, row_id):
grist_formula = engine.docmodel.get_column_rec(table_id, col_id).formula
assert grist_formula
plain_formula = make_formula_body(grist_formula, default_value=None).get_text()
attributes = {}
result = engine.get_formula_value(table_id, col_id, row_id, record_attributes=attributes)
if isinstance(result, objtypes.RaisedException):
name, message = result.encode_args()[:2]
result = "%s: %s" % (name, message)
error = True
result = attribute_recorder.safe_repr(result)
error = False
return dict(