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import {UserOptions} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {nativeValues} from 'app/gen-server/lib/values';
import {BaseEntity, Column, Entity, JoinTable, ManyToMany, OneToMany, OneToOne,
PrimaryGeneratedColumn} from "typeorm";
import {Group} from "./Group";
import {Login} from "./Login";
import {Organization} from "./Organization";
@Entity({name: 'users'})
export class User extends BaseEntity {
public id: number;
public name: string;
@Column({name: 'api_key', type: String, nullable: true})
// Found how to make a type nullable in this discussion:
// todo: adds constraint for api_key not to equal ''
public apiKey: string | null;
@Column({name: 'picture', type: String, nullable: true})
public picture: string | null;
@Column({name: 'first_login_at', type: Date, nullable: true})
public firstLoginAt: Date | null;
@OneToOne(type => Organization, organization => organization.owner)
public personalOrg: Organization;
@OneToMany(type => Login, login => login.user)
public logins: Login[];
@ManyToMany(type => Group)
name: 'group_users',
joinColumn: {name: 'user_id'},
inverseJoinColumn: {name: 'group_id'}
public groups: Group[];
@Column({name: 'is_first_time_user', default: false})
public isFirstTimeUser: boolean;
@Column({name: 'options', type: nativeValues.jsonEntityType, nullable: true})
public options: UserOptions | null;
@Column({name: 'connect_id', type: String, nullable: true})
public connectId: string | null;
* Get user's email. Returns undefined if logins has not been joined, or no login
* is available
public get loginEmail(): string|undefined {
const login = this.logins && this.logins[0];
if (!login) { return undefined; }