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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: Extend the way ACL resources are read in the server so that if a rule applies to a specific column then that rule also applies to helper columns belonging to that column, as well as helper columns belonging to fields which display that column. This is particularly intended for display columns of reference columns, but it also applies to conditional formatting rule columns. Test Plan: Added a server test Reviewers: paulfitz, jarek Reviewed By: paulfitz, jarek Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3628
432 lines
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432 lines
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import {parsePermissions} from 'app/common/ACLPermissions';
import {ILogger} from 'app/common/BaseAPI';
import {DocData} from 'app/common/DocData';
import {AclMatchFunc, ParsedAclFormula, RulePart, RuleSet, UserAttributeRule} from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import {getSetMapValue} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {MetaRowRecord} from 'app/common/TableData';
import {decodeObject} from 'app/plugin/objtypes';
import sortBy = require('lodash/sortBy');
const defaultMatchFunc: AclMatchFunc = () => true;
// This is the hard-coded default RuleSet that's added to any user-created default rule.
const DEFAULT_RULE_SET: RuleSet = {
tableId: '*',
colIds: '*',
body: [{
aclFormula: "user.Access in [EDITOR, OWNER]",
matchFunc: (input) => ['editors', 'owners'].includes(String(input.user.Access)),
permissions: parsePermissions('all'),
permissionsText: 'all',
}, {
aclFormula: "user.Access in [VIEWER]",
matchFunc: (input) => ['viewers'].includes(String(input.user.Access)),
permissions: parsePermissions('+R-CUDS'),
permissionsText: '+R',
}, {
aclFormula: "",
matchFunc: defaultMatchFunc,
permissions: parsePermissions('none'),
permissionsText: 'none',
const SPECIAL_RULE_SETS: Record<string, RuleSet> = {
AccessRules: {
colIds: ['AccessRules'],
body: [{
aclFormula: "user.Access in [OWNER]",
matchFunc: (input) => ['owners'].includes(String(input.user.Access)),
permissions: parsePermissions('+R'),
permissionsText: '+R',
}, {
aclFormula: "",
matchFunc: defaultMatchFunc,
permissions: parsePermissions('-R'),
permissionsText: '-R',
FullCopies: {
colIds: ['FullCopies'],
body: [{
aclFormula: "user.Access in [OWNER]",
matchFunc: (input) => ['owners'].includes(String(input.user.Access)),
permissions: parsePermissions('+R'),
permissionsText: '+R',
}, {
aclFormula: "",
matchFunc: defaultMatchFunc,
permissions: parsePermissions('-R'),
permissionsText: '-R',
// If the user-created rules become dysfunctional, we can swap in this emergency set.
// It grants full access to owners, and no access to anyone else.
const EMERGENCY_RULE_SET: RuleSet = {
tableId: '*',
colIds: '*',
body: [{
aclFormula: "user.Access in [OWNER]",
matchFunc: (input) => ['owners'].includes(String(input.user.Access)),
permissions: parsePermissions('all'),
permissionsText: 'all',
}, {
aclFormula: "",
matchFunc: defaultMatchFunc,
permissions: parsePermissions('none'),
permissionsText: 'none',
export class ACLRuleCollection {
// Store error if one occurs while reading rules. Rules are replaced with emergency rules
// in this case.
public ruleError: Error|undefined;
// In the absence of rules, some checks are skipped. For now this is important to maintain all
// existing behavior. TODO should make sure checking access against default rules is equivalent
// and efficient.
private _haveRules = false;
// Map of tableId to list of column RuleSets (those with colIds other than '*')
// Includes also SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID.
private _columnRuleSets = new Map<string, RuleSet[]>();
// Maps 'tableId:colId' to one of the RuleSets in the list _columnRuleSets.get(tableId).
private _tableColumnMap = new Map<string, RuleSet>();
// Rules for SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID "columns".
private _specialRuleSets = new Map<string, RuleSet>();
// Map of tableId to the single default RuleSet for the table (colIds of '*')
private _tableRuleSets = new Map<string, RuleSet>();
// The default RuleSet (tableId '*', colIds '*')
private _defaultRuleSet: RuleSet = DEFAULT_RULE_SET;
// List of all tableIds mentioned in rules.
private _tableIds: string[] = [];
// Maps name to the corresponding UserAttributeRule.
private _userAttributeRules = new Map<string, UserAttributeRule>();
// Whether there are ANY user-defined rules.
public haveRules(): boolean {
return this._haveRules;
// Return the RuleSet for "tableId:colId", or undefined if there isn't one for this column.
public getColumnRuleSet(tableId: string, colId: string): RuleSet|undefined {
if (tableId === SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID) { return this._specialRuleSets.get(colId); }
return this._tableColumnMap.get(`${tableId}:${colId}`);
// Return all RuleSets for "tableId:<any colId>", not including "tableId:*".
public getAllColumnRuleSets(tableId: string): RuleSet[] {
return this._columnRuleSets.get(tableId) || [];
// Return the RuleSet for "tableId:*".
public getTableDefaultRuleSet(tableId: string): RuleSet|undefined {
return this._tableRuleSets.get(tableId);
// Return the RuleSet for "*:*".
public getDocDefaultRuleSet(): RuleSet {
return this._defaultRuleSet;
// Return the list of all tableId mentions in ACL rules.
public getAllTableIds(): string[] {
return this._tableIds;
// Returns a Map of user attribute name to the corresponding UserAttributeRule.
public getUserAttributeRules(): Map<string, UserAttributeRule> {
return this._userAttributeRules;
* Update granular access from DocData.
public async update(docData: DocData, options: ReadAclOptions) {
const {ruleSets, userAttributes} = this._safeReadAclRules(docData, options);
// Build a map of user characteristics rules.
const userAttributeMap = new Map<string, UserAttributeRule>();
for (const userAttr of userAttributes) {
userAttributeMap.set(userAttr.name, userAttr);
// Build maps of ACL rules.
const colRuleSets = new Map<string, RuleSet[]>();
const tableColMap = new Map<string, RuleSet>();
const tableRuleSets = new Map<string, RuleSet>();
const tableIds = new Set<string>();
let defaultRuleSet: RuleSet = DEFAULT_RULE_SET;
// Collect special rules, combining them with corresponding defaults.
const specialRuleSets = new Map<string, RuleSet>(Object.entries(SPECIAL_RULE_SETS));
for (const ruleSet of ruleSets) {
if (ruleSet.tableId === SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID) {
const specialType = String(ruleSet.colIds);
const specialDefault = specialRuleSets.get(specialType);
if (!specialDefault) {
throw new Error(`Invalid rule for ${ruleSet.tableId}:${ruleSet.colIds}`);
specialRuleSets.set(specialType, {...ruleSet, body: [...ruleSet.body, ...specialDefault.body]});
// Insert the special rule sets into colRuleSets.
for (const ruleSet of specialRuleSets.values()) {
getSetMapValue(colRuleSets, SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID, () => []).push(ruleSet);
this._haveRules = (ruleSets.length > 0);
for (const ruleSet of ruleSets) {
if (ruleSet.tableId === '*') {
if (ruleSet.colIds === '*') {
defaultRuleSet = {
body: [...ruleSet.body, ...DEFAULT_RULE_SET.body],
} else {
// tableId of '*' cannot list particular columns.
throw new Error(`Invalid rule for tableId ${ruleSet.tableId}, colIds ${ruleSet.colIds}`);
} else if (ruleSet.tableId === SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID) {
// Skip, since we handled these separately earlier.
} else if (ruleSet.colIds === '*') {
if (tableRuleSets.has(ruleSet.tableId)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid duplicate default rule for ${ruleSet.tableId}`);
tableRuleSets.set(ruleSet.tableId, ruleSet);
} else {
getSetMapValue(colRuleSets, ruleSet.tableId, () => []).push(ruleSet);
for (const colId of ruleSet.colIds) {
tableColMap.set(`${ruleSet.tableId}:${colId}`, ruleSet);
// Update GranularAccess state.
this._columnRuleSets = colRuleSets;
this._tableColumnMap = tableColMap;
this._tableRuleSets = tableRuleSets;
this._defaultRuleSet = defaultRuleSet;
this._tableIds = [...tableIds];
this._userAttributeRules = userAttributeMap;
this._specialRuleSets = specialRuleSets;
* Check that all references to table and column IDs in ACL rules are valid.
public checkDocEntities(docData: DocData) {
const tablesTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables');
const columnsTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column');
// Collect valid tableIds and check rules against those.
const validTableIds = new Set(tablesTable.getColValues('tableId'));
const invalidTables = this.getAllTableIds().filter(t => !validTableIds.has(t));
if (invalidTables.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid tables in rules: ${invalidTables.join(', ')}`);
// Collect valid columns, grouped by tableRef (rowId of table record).
const validColumns = new Map<number, Set<string>>(); // Map from tableRef to set of colIds.
const colTableRefs = columnsTable.getColValues('parentId');
for (const [i, colId] of columnsTable.getColValues('colId').entries()) {
getSetMapValue(validColumns, colTableRefs[i], () => new Set()).add(colId);
// For each table, check that any explicitly mentioned columns are valid.
for (const tableId of this.getAllTableIds()) {
const tableRef = tablesTable.findRow('tableId', tableId);
const validTableCols = validColumns.get(tableRef);
for (const ruleSet of this.getAllColumnRuleSets(tableId)) {
if (Array.isArray(ruleSet.colIds)) {
const invalidColIds = ruleSet.colIds.filter(c => !validTableCols?.has(c));
if (invalidColIds.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid columns in rules for table ${tableId}: ${invalidColIds.join(', ')}`);
// Check for valid tableId/lookupColId combinations in UserAttribute rules.
const invalidUAColumns: string[] = [];
for (const rule of this.getUserAttributeRules().values()) {
const tableRef = tablesTable.findRow('tableId', rule.tableId);
const colRef = columnsTable.findMatchingRowId({parentId: tableRef, colId: rule.lookupColId});
if (!colRef) {
if (invalidUAColumns.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid columns in User Attribute rules: ${invalidUAColumns.join(', ')}`);
private _safeReadAclRules(docData: DocData, options: ReadAclOptions): ReadAclResults {
try {
this.ruleError = undefined;
return readAclRules(docData, options);
} catch (e) {
this.ruleError = e; // Report the error indirectly.
return {ruleSets: [EMERGENCY_RULE_SET], userAttributes: []};
export interface ReadAclOptions {
log: ILogger; // For logging warnings during rule processing.
compile?: (parsed: ParsedAclFormula) => AclMatchFunc;
// If true, call addHelperCols to add helper columns of restricted columns to rule sets.
// Used in the server for extra filtering, but not in the client, because:
// 1. They would show in the UI
// 2. They would be saved back after editing, causing them to accumulate
includeHelperCols?: boolean;
export interface ReadAclResults {
ruleSets: RuleSet[];
userAttributes: UserAttributeRule[];
* For each column in colIds, return the colIds of any hidden helper columns it has,
* i.e. display columns of references, and conditional formatting rule columns.
function getHelperCols(docData: DocData, tableId: string, colIds: string[], log: ILogger): string[] {
const tablesTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables');
const columnsTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column');
const fieldsTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section_field');
const tableRef = tablesTable.findRow('tableId', tableId);
if (!tableRef) {
return [];
const result: string[] = [];
for (const colId of colIds) {
const [column] = columnsTable.filterRecords({parentId: tableRef, colId});
if (!column) {
function addColsFromRefs(colRefs: unknown) {
if (!Array.isArray(colRefs)) {
for (const colRef of colRefs) {
if (typeof colRef !== 'number') {
const extraCol = columnsTable.getRecord(colRef);
if (!extraCol) {
if (extraCol.colId.startsWith("gristHelper_") && extraCol.parentId === tableRef) {
} else {
log.error(`Invalid helper column ${extraCol.colId} of ${tableId}:${colId}`);
function addColsFromMetaRecord(rec: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables_column' | '_grist_Views_section_field'>) {
for (const field of fieldsTable.filterRecords({colRef: column.id})) {
return result;
* Parse all ACL rules in the document from DocData into a list of RuleSets and of
* UserAttributeRules. This is used by both client-side code and server-side.
function readAclRules(docData: DocData, {log, compile, includeHelperCols}: ReadAclOptions): ReadAclResults {
const resourcesTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_ACLResources');
const rulesTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_ACLRules');
const ruleSets: RuleSet[] = [];
const userAttributes: UserAttributeRule[] = [];
// Group rules by resource first, ordering by rulePos. Each group will become a RuleSet.
const rulesByResource = new Map<number, Array<MetaRowRecord<'_grist_ACLRules'>>>();
for (const ruleRecord of sortBy(rulesTable.getRecords(), 'rulePos')) {
getSetMapValue(rulesByResource, ruleRecord.resource, () => []).push(ruleRecord);
for (const [resourceId, rules] of rulesByResource.entries()) {
const resourceRec = resourcesTable.getRecord(resourceId);
if (!resourceRec) {
throw new Error(`ACLRule ${rules[0].id} refers to an invalid ACLResource ${resourceId}`);
if (!resourceRec.tableId || !resourceRec.colIds) {
// This should only be the case for the old-style default rule/resource, which we
// intentionally ignore and skip.
const tableId = resourceRec.tableId;
const colIds = resourceRec.colIds === '*' ? '*' : resourceRec.colIds.split(',');
if (includeHelperCols && Array.isArray(colIds)) {
colIds.push(...getHelperCols(docData, tableId, colIds, log));
const body: RulePart[] = [];
for (const rule of rules) {
if (rule.userAttributes) {
if (tableId !== '*' || colIds !== '*') {
throw new Error(`ACLRule ${rule.id} invalid; user attributes must be on the default resource`);
const parsed = JSON.parse(String(rule.userAttributes));
// TODO: could perhaps use ts-interface-checker here.
if (!(parsed && typeof parsed === 'object' &&
[parsed.name, parsed.tableId, parsed.lookupColId, parsed.charId]
.every(p => p && typeof p === 'string'))) {
throw new Error(`User attribute rule ${rule.id} is invalid`);
parsed.origRecord = rule;
userAttributes.push(parsed as UserAttributeRule);
} else if (body.length > 0 && !body[body.length - 1].aclFormula) {
throw new Error(`ACLRule ${rule.id} invalid because listed after default rule`);
} else if (rule.aclFormula && !rule.aclFormulaParsed) {
throw new Error(`ACLRule ${rule.id} invalid because missing its parsed formula`);
} else {
const aclFormulaParsed = rule.aclFormula && JSON.parse(String(rule.aclFormulaParsed));
origRecord: rule,
aclFormula: String(rule.aclFormula),
matchFunc: rule.aclFormula ? compile?.(aclFormulaParsed) : defaultMatchFunc,
memo: aclFormulaParsed && aclFormulaParsed[0] === 'Comment' && aclFormulaParsed[2],
permissions: parsePermissions(String(rule.permissionsText)),
permissionsText: String(rule.permissionsText),
const ruleSet: RuleSet = {tableId, colIds, body};
return {ruleSets, userAttributes};