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from numbers import Number
def make_sort_key(table, sort_spec):
table: Table object from
sort_spec: tuple of column IDs, optionally prefixed by '-' to invert the sort order.
Returns a key class for comparing row_ids, i.e. with the returned SortKey, the expression
SortKey(r1) < SortKey(r2) is true iff r1 comes before r2 according to sort_spec.
The returned SortKey also allows comparing values that aren't in the table:
SortKey(row_id, (v1, v2, ...)) will act as if the values of the columns mentioned in
sort_spec are v1, v2, etc.
col_sort_spec = []
for col_spec in sort_spec:
col_id, sign = (col_spec[1:], -1) if col_spec.startswith('-') else (col_spec, 1)
col_obj = table.get_column(col_id)
col_sort_spec.append((col_obj, sign))
class SortKey(object):
__slots__ = ("row_id", "values")
def __init__(self, row_id, values=None):
# When values are provided, row_id is not used for access but is used for comparison, so
# must still be comparable to any valid row_id (e.g. must not be None). We use
# +-sys.float_info.max in for this.
self.row_id = row_id
self.values = values or tuple(c.get_cell_value(row_id) for (c, _) in col_sort_spec)
def __lt__(self, other):
for (a, b, (col_obj, sign)) in zip(self.values, other.values, col_sort_spec):
if a < b:
return sign == 1
if b < a:
return sign == -1
except TypeError:
# Use fallback values to maintain order similar to Python2 (this matches the fallback
# logic in SafeSortKey in
# - None is less than everything else
# - Numbers are less than other types
# - Other types are ordered by type name
af = ( (0 if a is None else 1), (0 if isinstance(a, Number) else 1), type(a).__name__ )
bf = ( (0 if b is None else 1), (0 if isinstance(b, Number) else 1), type(b).__name__ )
if af < bf:
return sign == 1
if bf < af:
return sign == -1
# Fallback order is by ascending row_id.
return self.row_id < other.row_id
return SortKey