Alex Hall ecb30eebb8 (core) Parsing multiple values in reflists, parsing refs without table data in client
Added a new object type code `l` (for lookup) which can be used in user actions as a temporary cell value in ref[list] columns and is immediately converted to a row ID in the data engine. The value contains the original raw string (to be used as alt text), the column ID to lookup (typically the visible column) and one or more values to lookup.

For reflists, valueParser now tries parsing the string first as JSON, then as a CSV row, and applies the visible column parsed to each item.

Both ref and reflists columns no longer format the parsed value when there's no matching reference, the original unparsed string is used as alttext instead.

Test Plan: Added another table "Multi-References" to CopyPaste test. Made that table and the References table test with and without table data loaded in the browser.

Reviewers: dsagal

Reviewed By: dsagal

Differential Revision:
2021-11-09 14:41:04 +02:00

275 lines
13 KiB

import {ReferenceUtils} from 'app/client/lib/ReferenceUtils';
import {ColumnRec, DocModel, IRowModel, refRecord, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import * as modelUtil from 'app/client/models/modelUtil';
import * as UserType from 'app/client/widgets/UserType';
import {csvDecodeRow} from 'app/common/csvFormat';
import {DocumentSettings} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings';
import {isFullReferencingType} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {BaseFormatter, createFormatter} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter';
import {createParser} from 'app/common/ValueParser';
import {Computed, fromKo} from 'grainjs';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
// Represents a page entry in the tree of pages.
export interface ViewFieldRec extends IRowModel<"_grist_Views_section_field"> {
viewSection: ko.Computed<ViewSectionRec>;
widthDef: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<number>;
widthPx: ko.Computed<string>;
column: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
origCol: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
colId: ko.Computed<string>;
label: ko.Computed<string>;
// displayLabel displays label by default but switches to the more helpful colId whenever a
// formula field in the view is being edited.
displayLabel: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
// The field knows when we are editing a formula, so that all rows can reflect that.
editingFormula: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// CSS class to add to formula cells, incl. to show that we are editing field's formula.
formulaCssClass: ko.Computed<string|null>;
// The fields's display column
_displayColModel: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
// Whether field uses column's widgetOptions (true) or its own (false).
// During transform, use the transform column's options (which should be initialized to match
// field or column when the transform starts TODO).
useColOptions: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// Helper that returns the RowModel for either field or its column, depending on
// useColOptions. Field and Column have a few identical fields:
// .widgetOptions() // JSON string of options
// .saveDisplayFormula() // Method to save the display formula
// .displayCol() // Reference to an optional associated display column.
_fieldOrColumn: ko.Computed<ColumnRec|ViewFieldRec>;
// Display col ref to use for the field, defaulting to the plain column itself.
displayColRef: ko.Computed<number>;
visibleColRef: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<number>;
// The display column to use for the field, or the column itself when no displayCol is set.
displayColModel: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
visibleColModel: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
// The widgetOptions to read and write: either the column's or the field's own.
_widgetOptionsStr: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
// Observable for the object with the current options, either for the field or for the column,
// which takes into account the default options for column's type.
widgetOptionsJson: modelUtil.SaveableObjObservable<any>;
// Whether lines should wrap in a cell.
wrapping: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// Observable for the parsed filter object saved to the field.
activeFilter: modelUtil.CustomComputed<string>;
// Computed boolean that's true when there's a saved filter
isFiltered: Computed<boolean>;
disableModify: ko.Computed<boolean>;
disableEditData: ko.Computed<boolean>;
textColor: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string|undefined>;
fillColor: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
documentSettings: ko.PureComputed<DocumentSettings>;
valueParser: ko.Computed<(value: string) => any>;
// Helper which adds/removes/updates field's displayCol to match the formula.
saveDisplayFormula(formula: string): Promise<void>|undefined;
// Helper for Reference/ReferenceList columns, which returns a formatter according
// to the visibleCol associated with field. Subscribes to observables if used within a computed.
createVisibleColFormatter(): BaseFormatter;
// Helper for Choice/ChoiceList columns, that saves widget options and renames values in a document
// in one bundle
updateChoices(renameMap: Record<string, string>, options: any): Promise<void>;
export function createViewFieldRec(this: ViewFieldRec, docModel: DocModel): void {
this.viewSection = refRecord(docModel.viewSections, this.parentId);
this.widthDef = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(this.width, () => this.viewSection().defaultWidth());
this.widthPx = ko.pureComputed(() => this.widthDef() + 'px');
this.column = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.colRef);
this.origCol = ko.pureComputed(() => this.column().origCol());
this.colId = ko.pureComputed(() => this.column().colId());
this.label = ko.pureComputed(() => this.column().label());
// displayLabel displays label by default but switches to the more helpful colId whenever a
// formula field in the view is being edited.
this.displayLabel = modelUtil.savingComputed({
read: () => docModel.editingFormula() ? '$' + this.origCol().colId() : this.origCol().label(),
write: (setter, val) => setter(this.column().label, val)
// The field knows when we are editing a formula, so that all rows can reflect that.
const _editingFormula = ko.observable(false);
this.editingFormula = ko.pureComputed({
read: () => _editingFormula(),
write: val => {
// Whenever any view field changes its editingFormula status, let the docModel know.
// CSS class to add to formula cells, incl. to show that we are editing this field's formula.
this.formulaCssClass = ko.pureComputed<string|null>(() => {
const col = this.column();
return this.column().isTransforming() ? "transform_field" :
(this.editingFormula() ? "formula_field_edit" :
(col.isFormula() && col.formula() !== "" ? "formula_field" : null));
// The fields's display column
this._displayColModel = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.displayCol);
// Helper which adds/removes/updates this field's displayCol to match the formula.
this.saveDisplayFormula = function(formula) {
if (formula !== (this._displayColModel().formula() || '')) {
return docModel.docData.sendAction(["SetDisplayFormula", this.column().table().tableId(),
this.getRowId(), null, formula]);
// Whether this field uses column's widgetOptions (true) or its own (false).
// During transform, use the transform column's options (which should be initialized to match
// field or column when the transform starts TODO).
this.useColOptions = ko.pureComputed(() => !this.widgetOptions() || this.column().isTransforming());
// Helper that returns the RowModel for either this field or its column, depending on
// useColOptions. Field and Column have a few identical fields:
// .widgetOptions() // JSON string of options
// .saveDisplayFormula() // Method to save the display formula
// .displayCol() // Reference to an optional associated display column.
this._fieldOrColumn = ko.pureComputed(() => this.useColOptions() ? this.column() : this);
// Display col ref to use for the field, defaulting to the plain column itself.
this.displayColRef = ko.pureComputed(() => this._fieldOrColumn().displayCol() || this.colRef());
this.visibleColRef = modelUtil.addSaveInterface(ko.pureComputed({
read: () => this._fieldOrColumn().visibleCol(),
write: (colRef) => this._fieldOrColumn().visibleCol(colRef),
colRef => docModel.docData.bundleActions(null, async () => {
const col = docModel.columns.getRowModel(colRef);
await Promise.all([
this._fieldOrColumn().saveDisplayFormula(colRef ? `$${this.colId()}.${col.colId()}` : '')
}, {nestInActiveBundle: this.column.peek().isTransforming.peek()})
// The display column to use for the field, or the column itself when no displayCol is set.
this.displayColModel = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.displayColRef);
this.visibleColModel = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.visibleColRef);
// Helper for Reference/ReferenceList columns, which returns a formatter according to the visibleCol
// associated with this field. If no visible column available, return formatting for the field itself.
// Subscribes to observables if used within a computed.
// TODO: It would be better to replace this with a pureComputed whose value is a formatter.
this.createVisibleColFormatter = function() {
const vcol = this.visibleColModel();
return (vcol.getRowId() !== 0) ?
createFormatter(vcol.type(), vcol.widgetOptionsJson(), this.documentSettings()) :
createFormatter(this.column().type(), this.widgetOptionsJson(), this.documentSettings());
this.valueParser = ko.pureComputed(() => {
const docSettings = this.documentSettings();
const type = this.column().type();
if (!isFullReferencingType(type)) {
return createParser(type, this.widgetOptionsJson(), docSettings);
} else {
const vcol = this.visibleColModel();
const vcolParser = createParser(vcol.type(), vcol.widgetOptionsJson(), docSettings);
const refUtils = new ReferenceUtils(this, docModel.docData); // uses several more observables immediately
if (!refUtils.isRefList) {
return (s: string) => refUtils.parseReference(s, vcolParser(s));
} else {
return (s: string) => {
let values: any[] | null;
try {
values = JSON.parse(s);
} catch {
values = null;
if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
// csvDecodeRow should never raise an exception
values = csvDecodeRow(s);
values = => typeof v === "string" ? vcolParser(v) : v);
return refUtils.parseReferenceList(s, values);
// The widgetOptions to read and write: either the column's or the field's own.
this._widgetOptionsStr = modelUtil.savingComputed({
read: () => this._fieldOrColumn().widgetOptions(),
write: (setter, val) => setter(this._fieldOrColumn().widgetOptions, val)
// Observable for the object with the current options, either for the field or for the column,
// which takes into account the default options for this column's type.
this.widgetOptionsJson = modelUtil.jsonObservable(this._widgetOptionsStr,
(opts: any) => UserType.mergeOptions(opts || {}, this.column().pureType()));
this.wrapping = ko.pureComputed(() => {
// When user has yet to specify a desired wrapping state, we use different defaults for
// GridView (no wrap) and DetailView (wrap).
// "??" is the newish "nullish coalescing" operator. How cool is that!
return this.widgetOptionsJson().wrap ?? (this.viewSection().parentKey() !== 'record');
// Observable for the active filter that's initialized from the value saved to the server.
this.activeFilter = modelUtil.customComputed({
read: () => { const f = this.filter(); return f === 'null' ? '' : f; }, // To handle old empty filters
save: (val) => this.filter.saveOnly(val),
this.isFiltered = Computed.create(this, fromKo(this.activeFilter), (_use, f) => f !== '');
this.disableModify = ko.pureComputed(() => this.column().disableModify());
this.disableEditData = ko.pureComputed(() => this.column().disableEditData());
this.textColor = this.widgetOptionsJson.prop('textColor') as modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
const fillColorProp = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(
this.widgetOptionsJson.prop('fillColor') as modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>, "#FFFFFF00");
// Store empty string in place of the default white color, so that we can keep it transparent in
// GridView, to avoid interfering with zebra stripes.
this.fillColor = modelUtil.savingComputed({
read: () => fillColorProp(),
write: (setter, val) => setter(fillColorProp, val.toUpperCase() === '#FFFFFF' ? '' : val),
this.documentSettings = ko.pureComputed(() => docModel.docInfoRow.documentSettingsJson());
this.updateChoices = async (renames, widgetOptions) => {
// In case this column is being transformed - using Apply Formula to Data, bundle the action
// together with the transformation.
const actionOptions = {nestInActiveBundle: this.column.peek().isTransforming.peek()};
const hasRenames = !!Object.entries(renames).length;
const callback = async () => {
await Promise.all([
hasRenames ?
docModel.docData.sendAction(["RenameChoices", this.column().table().tableId(), this.colId(), renames]) :
return docModel.docData.bundleActions("Update choices configuration", callback, actionOptions);