Dmitry S d1c1416d78 (core) Add rules to eslint to better match our coding conventions.
We used tslint earlier, and on switching to eslint, some rules were not
transfered. This moves more rules over, for consistent conventions or helpful

- Name private members with a leading underscore.
- Prefer interface over a type alias.
- Use consistent spacing around ':' in type annotations.
- Use consistent spacing around braces of code blocks.
- Use semicolons consistently at the ends of statements.
- Use braces around even one-liner blocks, like conditionals and loops.
- Warn about shadowed variables.

Test Plan: Fixed all new warnings. Should be no behavior changes in code.

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Differential Revision:
2021-05-24 12:56:18 -04:00

240 lines
8.4 KiB

* Implements an autocomplete dropdown.
import {createPopper, Modifier, Instance as Popper, Options as PopperOptions} from '@popperjs/core';
import {ACItem, ACResults, HighlightFunc} from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {Disposable, dom, EventCB, IDisposable} from 'grainjs';
import {obsArray, onKeyElem, styled} from 'grainjs';
import merge = require('lodash/merge');
import maxSize from 'popper-max-size-modifier';
import {cssMenu} from 'popweasel';
export interface IAutocompleteOptions<Item extends ACItem> {
// If provided, applies the css class to the menu container. Could be multiple, space-separated.
menuCssClass?: string;
// A single class name to add for the selected item, or 'selected' by default.
selectedCssClass?: string;
// Popper options for positioning the popup.
popperOptions?: Partial<PopperOptions>;
// Given a search term, return the list of Items to render.
search(searchText: string): Promise<ACResults<Item>>;
// Function to render a single item.
renderItem(item: Item, highlightFunc: HighlightFunc): HTMLElement;
// Get text for the text input for a selected item, i.e. the text to present to the user.
getItemText(item: Item): string;
// A callback triggered when user clicks one of the choices.
onClick?(): void;
* An instance of an open Autocomplete dropdown.
export class Autocomplete<Item extends ACItem> extends Disposable {
// The UL element containing the actual menu items.
protected _menuContent: HTMLElement;
// Index into _items as well as into _menuContent, -1 if nothing selected.
protected _selectedIndex: number = -1;
// Currently selected element.
protected _selected: HTMLElement|null = null;
private _popper: Popper;
private _mouseOver: {reset(): void};
private _lastAsTyped: string;
private _items = this.autoDispose(obsArray<Item>([]));
private _highlightFunc: HighlightFunc;
private _triggerElem: HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement,
private readonly _options: IAutocompleteOptions<Item>,
) {
const content = cssMenuWrap(
this._menuContent = cssMenu({class: _options.menuCssClass || ''},
dom.forEach(this._items, (item) => _options.renderItem(item, this._highlightFunc)),'min-width', _triggerElem.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px'),
dom.on('mouseleave', (ev) => this._setSelected(-1, true)),
dom.on('click', (ev) => {
this._setSelected(this._findTargetItem(, true);
if (_options.onClick) { _options.onClick(); }
// Prevent trigger element from being blurred on click.
dom.on('mousedown', (ev) => ev.preventDefault()),
this._mouseOver = attachMouseOverOnMove(this._menuContent,
(ev) => this._setSelected(this._findTargetItem(, true));
// Add key handlers to the trigger element as well as the menu if it is an input.
this.autoDispose(onKeyElem(_triggerElem, 'keydown', {
ArrowDown: () => this._setSelected(this._getNext(1), true),
ArrowUp: () => this._setSelected(this._getNext(-1), true),
// Keeps track of the last value as typed by the user.;
this.autoDispose(dom.onElem(_triggerElem, 'input', () =>;
// Attach the content to the page.
this.onDispose(() => { dom.domDispose(content); content.remove(); });
// Prepare and create the Popper instance, which places the content according to the options.
const popperOptions = merge({}, defaultPopperOptions, _options.popperOptions);
this._popper = createPopper(_triggerElem, content, popperOptions);
this.onDispose(() => this._popper.destroy());
public getSelectedItem(): Item|undefined {
return this._items.get()[this._selectedIndex];
public search(findMatch?: (items: Item[]) => number) {
this._updateChoices(this._triggerElem.value, findMatch).catch(reportError);
// When the selected element changes, update the classes of the formerly and newly-selected
// elements and optionally update the text input.
private _setSelected(index: number, updateValue: boolean) {
const elem = (this._menuContent.children[index] as HTMLElement) || null;
const prev = this._selected;
if (elem !== prev) {
const clsName = this._options.selectedCssClass || 'selected';
if (prev) { prev.classList.remove(clsName); }
if (elem) {
elem.scrollIntoView({block: 'nearest'});
this._selected = elem;
this._selectedIndex = elem ? index : -1;
if (updateValue) {
// Update trigger's value with the selected choice, or else with the last typed value.
if (elem) {
this._triggerElem.value = this._options.getItemText(this.getSelectedItem()!);
} else {
this._triggerElem.value = this._lastAsTyped;
private _findTargetItem(target: EventTarget|null): number {
// Find immediate child of this._menuContent which is an ancestor of
const elem = findAncestorChild(this._menuContent, target as Element|null);
return, elem);
private _getNext(step: 1 | -1): number {
// Pretend there is an extra element at the end to mean "nothing selected".
const xsize = this._items.get().length + 1;
const next = (this._selectedIndex + step + xsize) % xsize;
return (next === xsize - 1) ? -1 : next;
private async _updateChoices(inputVal: string, findMatch?: (items: Item[]) => number): Promise<void> {
this._lastAsTyped = inputVal;
// TODO We should perhaps debounce the search() call in some clever way, to avoid unnecessary
// searches while typing. Today, search() is synchronous in practice, so it doesn't matter.
const acResults = await;
this._highlightFunc = acResults.highlightFunc;
// Plain update() (which is deferred) may be better, but if _setSelected() causes scrolling
// before the positions are updated, it causes the entire page to scroll horizontally.
let index: number;
if (findMatch) {
index = findMatch(this._items.get());
} else {
index = inputVal ? acResults.selectIndex : -1;
this._setSelected(index, false);
// The maxSize modifiers follow recommendations at
const calcMaxSize = {
options: {padding: 4},
const applyMaxSize: Modifier<any, any> = {
name: 'applyMaxSize',
enabled: true,
phase: 'beforeWrite',
requires: ['maxSize'],
fn({state}: any) {
// The `maxSize` modifier provides this data
const {height} = state.modifiersData.maxSize;
Object.assign(state.styles.popper, {
maxHeight: `${Math.max(160, height)}px`
export const defaultPopperOptions: Partial<PopperOptions> = {
placement: 'bottom-start',
modifiers: [
{name: "computeStyles", options: {gpuAcceleration: false}},
* Helper function which returns the direct child of ancestor which is an ancestor of elem, or
* null if elem is not a descendant of ancestor.
function findAncestorChild(ancestor: Element, elem: Element|null): Element|null {
while (elem && elem.parentElement !== ancestor) {
elem = elem.parentElement;
return elem;
* A version of dom.onElem('mouseover') that doesn't start firing until there is first a 'mousemove'.
* This way if an element is created under the mouse cursor (triggered by the keyboard, for
* instance) it's not immediately highlighted, but only when a user moves the mouse.
* Returns an object with a reset() method, which restarts the wait for mousemove.
function attachMouseOverOnMove<T extends EventTarget>(elem: T, callback: EventCB<MouseEvent, T>) {
let lis: IDisposable|undefined;
function setListener(eventType: 'mouseover'|'mousemove', cb: EventCB<MouseEvent, T>) {
if (lis) { lis.dispose(); }
lis = dom.onElem(elem, eventType, cb);
function reset() {
setListener('mousemove', (ev, _elem) => {
setListener('mouseover', callback);
callback(ev, _elem);
return {reset};
const cssMenuWrap = styled('div', `
position: absolute;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
outline: none;