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Helper functions for import plugins
import itertools
import logging
import os
import six
from six.moves import zip
if six.PY2:
raise RuntimeError("Imports should use a Python 3 environment")
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def empty(value):
""" Stringify the value and check that it has a length. """
if value is None:
return True
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = six.text_type(value)
return not value.strip()
# Get path to an imported file.
def get_path(file_source):
importdir = os.environ.get('IMPORTDIR') or '/importdir'
return os.path.join(importdir, file_source)
def capitalize(word):
"""Capitalize the first character in the word (without lowercasing the rest)."""
return word[0].capitalize() + word[1:]
def _is_numeric(text):
for t in six.integer_types + (float, complex):
return True
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
return False
def _is_header(header, data_rows):
Returns whether header can be considered a legitimate header for data_rows.
# See if the row has any non-text values.
for cell in header:
if not isinstance(cell, six.string_types) or _is_numeric(cell):
return False
# If it's all text, see if the values in the first row repeat in other rows. That's uncommon for
# a header.
count_repeats = [0 for cell in header]
for row in data_rows:
for cell, header_cell in zip(row, header):
if cell and cell == header_cell:
return False
return True
def _count_nonempty(row):
Returns the count of cells in row, ignoring trailing empty cells.
count = 0
for i, c in enumerate(row):
if not empty(c):
count = i + 1
return count
def find_first_non_empty_row(rows):
Returns (data_offset, header) of the first row with non-empty fields
or (0, []) if there are no non-empty rows.
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if _count_nonempty(row) > 0:
return i + 1, row
# No non-empty rows.
return 0, []
def expand_headers(headers, data_offset, rows):
Returns expanded header to have enough columns for all rows in the given sample.
row_length = max(itertools.chain([len(headers)],
(_count_nonempty(r) for r in itertools.islice(rows, data_offset,
header_values = [h.strip() for h in headers] + [u''] * (row_length - len(headers))
return header_values
def headers_guess(rows):
Our own smarter version of messytables.headers_guess, which also guesses as to whether one of
the first rows is in fact a header. Returns (data_offset, headers) where data_offset is the
index of the first line of data, and headers is the list of guessed headers (which will contain
empty strings if the file had no headers).
# Messytables guesses at the length of data rows, and then assumes that the first row that has
# close to that many non-empty fields is the header, where by "close" it means 1 less.
# For Grist, it's better to mistake headers for data than to mistake data for headers. Note that
# there is csv.Sniffer().has_header(), which tries to be clever, but it's messes up too much.
# We only consider for the header the first row with non-empty cells. It is a header if
# - it has no non-text fields
# - none of the fields have a value that repeats in that column of data
# Find the first row with non-empty fields.
data_offset, header = find_first_non_empty_row(rows)
if not header:
return data_offset, header
# Let's see if row is really a header.
if not _is_header(header, itertools.islice(rows, data_offset, None)):
data_offset -= 1
header = []
# Expand header to have enough columns for all rows in the given sample.
header_values = expand_headers(header, data_offset, rows)
return data_offset, header_values