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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: Changes the minimum version of Node to 18, and updates the Docker images and GitHub workflows to build Grist with Node 18. Also updates various dependencies and scripts to support building running tests with arm64 builds of Node. Test Plan: Existing tests. Reviewers: paulfitz Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3968
673 lines
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673 lines
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import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { assert, driver, Key, stackWrapFunc, WebElement,
WebElementPromise } from 'mocha-webdriver';
import { driverCompanion, findOldTimey, waitImpl,
webdriverjqWrapper } from 'test/nbrowser/webdriverjq-nbrowser';
import * as guBase from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import { setupTestSuite } from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils';
import { server } from 'test/nbrowser/testServer';
// Simulate the old "$" object.
const _webdriverjqFactory = webdriverjqWrapper(driver);
function $(key) {
if (typeof key !== 'string') {
return key;
return _webdriverjqFactory(key);
// The "$" object needs some setup done asynchronously.
// We do that later, during test initialization.
async function applyPatchesToJquerylikeObject($) {
$.MOD = await guBase.modKey();
$.SELECT_ALL = await guBase.selectAllKey();
$.getPage = async (url) => {
return driver.get(url);
$.wait = (timeoutMs, conditionFunc) => {
return waitImpl(timeoutMs, conditionFunc);
for (const key of Object.keys(Key)) {
$[key] = Key[key];
// We need to tweak driver object a bit too (really?)
driverCompanion.$ = $;
// driver.testHost = server.getHost();
// driver.waitImpl = waitImpl;
// Adapt common old setup.
const test = {
setupTestSuite(self, ...args) {
return setupTestSuite(...args);
// Add some methods to the grist utils that are used by old tests.
// This could be cleaned up further, but translating to newer ways
// of doing things or, if the method is really useful, adding the
// method to the new grist utils.
const waitForServer = guBase.waitForServer;
let patchesApplied = false;
let session;
const gu = {
// Apply all needed patches, async initialization, and log in.
async supportOldTimeyTestCode() {
if (!patchesApplied) {
patchesApplied = true;
// Login as someone so old code doesn't have to be upgraded to do it.
session = await gu.session().user('userz');
const dbManager = await server.getDatabase();
const profile = {email: session.email, name: session.name};
await dbManager.getUserByLogin(session.email, {profile});
await gu.setApiKey(session.name);
await session.login();
// getCell with old-timey arguments.
getCellRC(r, c) {
return gu.getCell(c, r + 1);
// clickCell with old-timey arguments.
async clickCellRC(r, c) {
const cell = gu.getCell(c, r + 1);
await cell.click();
return cell;
// sendKeys variant that accepts arrays in place of Key.chord.
sendKeys(...args) {
return guBase.sendKeys(...args.map(
a => Array.isArray(a) ? Key.chord(...a) : a
* When doing type conversion in the side pane, this clicks the 'Apply' button and waits for the
* conversion to complete.
async applyTypeConversion() {
await $('.test-type-transform-apply').wait().scrollIntoView({
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'nearest',
await $('.test-type-transform-apply').waitDrop(assert.isPresent, false);
return gu.waitForServer();
async clickColumnMenuItem(colName, itemText, optRightClick) {
await gu.openColumnMenu(colName);
return gu.actions.selectFloatingOption(itemText);
getOpenEditingLabel(parentElem) {
return driver.find('.test-column-title-label');
enterGridValues(startRowIndex, startColIndex, dataMatrix) {
const transpose = dataMatrix[0].map(
(_, colIndex) => dataMatrix.map(row => row[colIndex])
return gu.enterGridRows({col: startColIndex,
rowNum: startRowIndex + 1}, transpose);
async openSidePane(tabName) {
if (['log', 'validate', 'repl', 'code'].includes(tabName)) {
await guBase.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
return $(`.test-tools-${tabName}`).wait().click();
} else if (tabName === 'field') {
await guBase.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
return $('.test-right-tab-field').click();
} else if (tabName === 'view') {
await guBase.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
return $('.test-right-tab-pagewidget').wait().click();
getGridValues(...options) {
return gu.getVisibleGridCells(...options);
* Returns the text in the row header of the last row in a Grid section, scrolling to the
* bottom, but not moving the cursor.
* @param {String} options.section: Optional section name to use instead of the active section.
async getGridLastRowText(options) {
if (options?.section) {
await gu.actions.viewSection(options.section).selectSection();
return String(await gu.getGridRowCount());
getAddRowNumber() {
return gu.getGridRowCount();
async getGridLabels(sectionName) {
return gu.getSection(sectionName).findAll('[data-test-id="GridView_columnLabel"] .kf_elabel_text',
label => label.getText());
* Given a cell in grist GridView, returns whether it contains the cursor. You may use it as
* hasCursor(getCell(...)) or getCell(...).waitFor(hasCursor, optTimeout).
hasCursor(cellElem) {
return cellElem.find('.selected_cursor').isDisplayed();
async useFixtureDoc(cleanup, fname, flag) {
return session.tempDoc(cleanup, fname);
async copyDoc(docId, flag) {
const result = await guBase.copyDoc(session.name, 'docs', 'Home', docId);
await session.loadDoc(`/doc/${result.id}`);
return result;
async clickCell(rowIndexOrPosOrCell, colIndex) {
if (typeof rowIndexOrPosOrCell === 'object' && 'driver_' in rowIndexOrPosOrCell) {
return rowIndexOrPosOrCell.click();
// Best just to force a rewrite of clickCell, e.g. to clickCellRC,
// since newer gristUtils interprets arguments entirely differently.
if (typeof rowIndexOrPosOrCell === 'number') {
throw new Error("ambiguous row/col");
const cell = guBase.getCell(rowIndexOrPosOrCell, colIndex);
await cell.click();
* Sets the visibleCol of the currently selected field to value.
async setVisibleCol(value) {
await gu.openSidePane('field');
await $('.test-fbuilder-ref-col-select').click();
await $(`.test-select-menu .test-select-row:contains(${value})`).wait().click();
return waitForServer();
* Asserts the type of the currently selected field.
async assertType(value) {
await gu.openSidePane('field');
assert.equal(await $('.test-fbuilder-type-select .test-select-row').getText(), value);
closeSidePane() {
return gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'close');
clickVisibleDetailCells(column, rowNums, section) {
return gu.getDetailCell(column, rowNums[0], section).click();
async clickRowMenuItem(rowNum, item) {
await (await gu.openRowMenu(rowNum)).findContent('li', item).click();
* Selects rows starting from rowStart and ending at rowEnd (1-based) by clicking and dragging or
* shift clicking (Defaults to dragging)
* @param {int} rowStart: 1-based row number
* @param {int} rowEnd: 1-based row number.
* @param {String} optMethod: if 'shift' then shift clicking is used to select rows otherwise it
* defaults to drag to select.
async selectRows(rowStart, rowEnd, optMethod) {
let start = await driver.findContent('.active_section .gridview_data_row_num', gu.exactMatch(rowStart.toString()));
let end = await driver.findContent('.active_section .gridview_data_row_num', gu.exactMatch(rowEnd.toString()));
if (optMethod === 'shift') {
await driver.withActions(a => a.click(start).keyDown($.SHIFT).click(end).keyUp($.SHIFT));
} else {
await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: start}).press().move({origin: end}).release());
async _fieldSettingsClickOption(isCommonToSeparate, optionSubstring) {
assert.include(await $('.fieldbuilder_settings_button').text(), isCommonToSeparate ? 'Common' : 'Separate');
await $('.fieldbuilder_settings_button').click();
await gu.actions.selectFloatingOption(optionSubstring);
await waitForServer();
assert.include(await $('.fieldbuilder_settings_button').text(), isCommonToSeparate ? 'Separate' : 'Common');
fieldSettingsUseSeparate: () => gu._fieldSettingsClickOption(true, 'Use separate'),
fieldSettingsSaveAsCommon: () => gu._fieldSettingsClickOption(false, 'Save as common'),
fieldSettingsRevertToCommon: () => gu._fieldSettingsClickOption(false, 'Revert to common'),
* Changes date format for date and datetime editor or returns current format
* @param {string} value Date format
async dateFormat(value) {
if (!value) {
return $('$Widget_dateFormat .test-select-row').text();
await $('$Widget_dateFormat').wait().click();
await $(`.test-select-menu .test-select-row:contains(${value})`).wait().click();
* Changes time format for datetime editor or returns current format
* @param {string} value Time format
async timeFormat(value) {
if (!value) {
return $('$Widget_timeFormat .test-select-row').getText();
await $('$Widget_timeFormat').wait().click();
await $(`.test-select-menu .test-select-row:contains(${value})`).wait().click();
async getDetailValues(...options) {
return gu.getVisibleDetailCells(...options);
* Selects all cells in a GridView between and including startCell and endCell
* @param {Array} startCell:
* startCell[0]: 1-based row index.
* startCell[1]: 0-based column index.
* @param {Array} endCell:
* endCell[0]: 1-based row index.
* endCell[1]: 0-based column index.
async selectGridArea(startCell, endCell) {
const [startRowNum, startCol] = startCell;
const [endRowNum, endCol] = endCell;
if (startRowNum === endRowNum && startCol === endCol) {
await gu.getCell({rowNum: endRowNum, col: endCol}).click();
} else {
const start = await gu.getCell({rowNum: startRowNum, col: startCol});
const end = await gu.getCell({rowNum: endRowNum, col: endCol});
await driver.withActions(a => a.click(start).keyDown($.SHIFT).click(end).keyUp($.SHIFT));
* Returns text of the cells for the given rows and columns of a viewSection.
* @param {String} option.section: Optional section name instead of active.
* @param {Array<Number>} option.rowNums: Array of row numbers (1-based)
* @param {Array<Number>} option.cols: Array of column indices (0-based) or labels.
* @param [Number: Function] option.cellFunc: a function that returns cells given an array of
* columns, rows and optionally a viewsection (defaults to the currently active section)
* @param [Number: Function] option.valueFunc: Optional function, or an object mapping column
* index or label (as in options.cols) to function, with the function mapping a cell to
* its value (by default, cell => cell.text()).
* @returns {Promise<Array>} Returns array of values for each requested cell, as all values from
* the first row, followed by values from the second, etc.
async getSectionValues(options) {
var opts = { section: options.section };
var defaultValueFunc = (cell => cell.text());
var valueFunc;
if (options.valueFunc && !_.isFunction(options.valueFunc)) {
valueFunc = (col => options.valueFunc[col] || defaultValueFunc);
} else {
valueFunc = _.constant(options.valueFunc || defaultValueFunc);
const colValues = [];
for (const col of options.cols) {
const colValue = await valueFunc(col)(options.cellFunc(col, options.rowNums, opts).array());
return _.flatten(_.zip.apply(_, colValues), true);
* Asserts the widget of the currently selected field.
async assertWidget(value) {
await gu.openSidePane('field');
assert.equal(await $('.test-fbuilder-widget-select .test-select-row').getText(), value);
* Sets the widget of the currently selected field to value.
async setWidget(value) {
await gu.openSidePane('field');
const selector = $('.test-fbuilder-widget-select');
const btnChildren = await selector.elem().findAll('.test-select-button');
if (btnChildren.length > 0) {
// This is a button select.
await selector.findOldTimey(`.test-select-button:contains(${value})`).click();
} else {
// This is a dropdown select.
await selector.click();
await $(`.test-select-menu .test-select-row:contains(${value})`).click();
await gu.waitForServer();
* Adds a new record to the grid. Takes an array of values that matches column positions.
async addRecord(values) {
await gu.sendKeys([$.MOD, $.UP]);
await gu.sendKeys([$.MOD, $.DOWN]);
await gu.sendKeys([$.LEFT]);
await gu.sendKeys([$.LEFT]);
await gu.sendKeys([$.LEFT]);
await gu.sendKeys([$.LEFT]);
await gu.sendKeys([$.LEFT]);
await driver.sleep(1000);
// For each value, type it, followed by Tab.
for (const [i, value] of values.entries()) {
await gu.waitAppFocus(true);
await gu.sendKeys(value, $.TAB);
await gu.waitForServer();
if (i === 0) {
// The very first value triggers add-record, but the creation of the new row isn't
// immediate, so give it a moment.
await driver.sleep(250);
// Return a promise that can be awaited; it will wait for all the previously queued ones.
return driver.sleep(0);
actions: {
createNewDoc: async (optDocName) => {
await gu.simulateLogin("Chimpy", "chimpy@getgrist.com", "nasa");
const docId = await gu.createNewDoc('chimpy', 'nasa', 'Horizon', optDocName || 'Untitled');
await gu.loadDoc(`/o/nasa/doc/${docId}`);
getDocTitle: () => {
return $('.test-bc-doc').val();
getActiveTab: () => {
return $('.test-treeview-itemHeader.selected .test-docpage-label').wait();
getTabs: () => {
return $('.test-docpage-label');
renameDoc: (newName) => {
$.driver.sendKeys(newName, $.ENTER);
return $.wait(1000, () => $.driver.getTitle().startsWith(newName + ' - '));
selectTabView: async (viewTitle) => {
const isOpen = await gu.isSidePanelOpen('left');
if (!isOpen) {
await gu.toggleSidePanel('left', 'open');
await gu.openPage(viewTitle);
if (!isOpen) {
await gu.toggleSidePanel('left', 'close');
addNewTable: async () => {
await $('.test-dp-add-new').wait().click();
await $('.test-dp-empty-table').click();
// if we selected a new table, there will be a popup for a name
const prompts = await $(".test-modal-prompt");
const prompt = prompts[0];
if (prompt) {
await await $(".test-modal-confirm").click();
return gu.waitForServer();
addNewSection: (tableId, sectionType) => {
return gu.addNewSection(sectionType, tableId);
addNewSummarySection: async (tableId, groupByArr, sectionType, sectionName) => {
await gu.addNewSection(sectionType, tableId, {summarize: groupByArr});
await gu.waitForServer();
await gu.renameActiveSection(sectionName);
await gu.waitForServer();
addNewView: (tableId, sectionType) => {
return gu.addNewPage(sectionType, tableId);
selectFloatingOption: async (optionName) => {
// Sometimes the element is there but "not interactable". Work around that.
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
await $(`.grist-floating-menu li:contains(${optionName})`).click();
* Actions related to view section. To use, pass in the section name.
* @param {string} sectionName - Title of the view section
* @return Object<string, function>} Collection of methods for the view section.
* @example
* gu.actions.viewSection('Table1 record').selectMenuOption('Insert section');
viewSection: (sectionName) => {
let section = gu.getSection(sectionName);
return {
* Clicks inside to make the current section active.
selectSection: function () {
return gu.selectSectionByTitle(sectionName);
* Opens the view section drop-down menu.
* @param {string} which - Which menu to open, coud be: 'sortAndFilter' or 'viewLayout'
openMenu: async function (which) {
await driver.withActions(a => a.move({origin: section.find('.viewsection_title')})); // to display menu buttons on hover
const item = section.find(`.test-section-menu-${which}`);
await gu.waitToPass(() => item.click());
* Opens the section drop-down menu and select option matching param.
* @param {string} which - Which menu to open, coud be: 'sortAndFilter' or 'viewLayout'
* @param {string} optionName
selectMenuOption: function (which, optionName) {
return gu.actions.selectFloatingOption(optionName);
tableView: (tableName, viewName) => {
return {
select: () => {
return gu.getPageItem(tableName).click();
selectOption: async optionName => {
await gu.openPageMenu(tableName);
return gu.actions.selectFloatingOption(optionName);
* This monkey-patches the WebElement class to make it look enough like
* jquery that a lot of old test code can be used without modification.
function applyPatchesToWebElements() {
WebElement.prototype.wait = function(fn, ...args) {
if (fn) {
return gu.waitToPass(async () => {
return fn.apply(null, [this, ...args]);
}).then(() => true);
} else {
return new WebElementPromise(
gu.waitToPass(async () => {
if (!(await this.isPresent())) {
throw new Error('not present');
}).then(() => this));
WebElement.prototype.selected = function(val) {
return driver.executeScript((elem, val) => {
elem.selected = val;
}, this, val);
WebElement.prototype.attr = function(key, val) {
if (val !== undefined) {
return driver.executeScript((elem, key, val) => {
elem.setAttribute(key, val);
}, this, key, val);
return this.getAttribute(key);
WebElement.prototype.classList = async function() {
return (await this.getAttribute('className')).split(' ');
// Lists of WebElements work differently - if we did a find() we
// already have just the first match.
WebElement.prototype.first = function() {
return this;
WebElement.prototype.text = function() {
return this.getText();
WebElement.prototype.val = function(newVal) {
if (newVal === undefined) {
return this.getAttribute('value');
return gu.setValue(this, newVal);
WebElement.prototype.css = function(key, val) {
if (val === undefined) {
return this.getCssValue(key);
return new WebElementPromise(
driver.executeScript(elem => {
elem.style[key] = val;
}, this)
WebElement.prototype.is = function(selector) {
return this.matches(selector);
WebElement.prototype.hasClass = async function(className) {
return (await this.classList()).includes(className);
WebElement.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {behavior: 'auto'};
return new WebElementPromise(
driver.executeScript((elem, opts) => elem.scrollIntoView(opts),
this, opts).then(() => this));
WebElement.prototype.parent = function() {
return new WebElementPromise(
driver.executeScript(elem => {
return elem.parentNode.closest('*');
}, this)
WebElement.prototype.closest = function(key) {
return this.findClosest(key);
WebElement.prototype.children = async function(mapper) {
// Collect children.
let result = await driver.executeScript(elem => {
return [...elem.children].map(c => c.closest('*'));
}, this);
// Fix up type.
result = result.map(v => new WebElementPromise(
// Apply mapper if available.
if (mapper) {
result = result.map(mapper);
// Result is a single promise.
return Promise.all(result);
WebElement.prototype.trimmedText = async function() {
const text = await this.getText();
return text.trim();
// A version of find() that supports some old timey syntax.
WebElement.prototype.findOldTimey = function(key) {
return findOldTimey(this, key);
WebElement.prototype.findAllOldTimey = function(key, mapper) {
return findOldTimey(this, key, true, mapper);
* This monkey-patches assert to add some methods that are very
* commonly used.
function applyPatchesToAssert() {
assert.hasClass = stackWrapFunc(async function(elem, className, present) {
if (present === undefined) {
present = true;
const c = await elem.getAttribute('class');
if (present) {
await assert.include(c.split(' '), className);
} else {
await assert.notInclude(c.split(' '), className);
assert.isPresent = stackWrapFunc(async function(elem, present) {
if (present === undefined) {
present = true;
let current = false;
try {
current = await elem.isPresent();
} catch (e) {
// $ object may fail if elem is non-existent.
await assert.equal(current, present);
return true;
assert.isDisplayed = stackWrapFunc(async function(elem, displayed) {
if (displayed === undefined) {
displayed = true;
await assert.equal(await elem.isDisplayed(), displayed);
return true;
exports.$ = $;
exports.gu = gu;
exports.server = server;
exports.test = test;