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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
* allow Grist front-end to function when location history is unavailable When the Grist front-end is embedded in an iframe, using a srcdoc attribute, history.pushState and similar methods are unavailable. Currently, that makes it impossible to navigate between Grist pages, since an access error is thrown (behavior may be browser dependent). With this change, navigation succeeds. * give unrelated possibly slow test a little more time
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* Generic support of observable state represented by the current page's URL. The state is
* initialized on first use, and updated on navigation events, such as Back/Forward button clicks,
* and on calls to pushUrl().
* Application-specific module should instantiate UrlState with the desired way to encode state in
* URLs. Other code may then use the UrlState object exposed by that app-specific module.
* UrlState also provides functions to navigate: makeUrl(), pushUrl(), and setLinkUrl(). The
* preferred option is to use actual <a> links for navigation, creating them like so:
* import {urlState} from '...appUrlState';
* dom('a', urlState().setLinkUrl({org: 'foo'}))
* dom('a', urlState().setLinkUrl({docPage: pageId}))
* These will set actual hrefs (e.g. allowing links to be opened in a new tab), and also will
* intercept clicks and update history (using pushUrl()) without reloading the page.
import * as log from 'app/client/lib/log';
import {BaseObservable, Disposable, dom, DomElementMethod, observable} from 'grainjs';
export interface UrlStateSpec<IUrlState> {
encodeUrl(state: IUrlState, baseLocation: Location | URL): string;
decodeUrl(location: Location | URL): IUrlState;
updateState(prevState: IUrlState, newState: IUrlState): IUrlState;
// If present, the return value is checked by pushUrl() to decide if we can stay on the page or
// need to load the new URL. The new URL is always loaded if origin changes.
needPageLoad(prevState: IUrlState, newState: IUrlState): boolean;
// Give the implementation a chance to complete outstanding work, e.g. if there is unsaved
// data in the page state that would get destroyed.
delayPushUrl(prevState: IUrlState, newState: IUrlState): Promise<void>;
export type UpdateFunc<IUrlState> = (prevState: IUrlState) => IUrlState;
* Represents the state of a page in browser history, as encoded in window.location URL.
export class UrlState<IUrlState extends object> extends Disposable {
// Current state. This gets initialized in the constructor, and updated on navigation events.
public state = observable<IUrlState>(this._getState());
constructor(private _window: HistWindow, private _stateImpl: UrlStateSpec<IUrlState>) {
// Create a hook for navigation. It's exposed on the window for overriding in tests.
if (!_window._urlStateLoadPage) {
_window._urlStateLoadPage = (href) => { _window.location.href = href; };
// On navigation events, update our current state, including the observables.
this.autoDispose(dom.onElem(this._window, 'popstate', (ev) => this.loadState()));
* Creates a new history entry (navigable with Back/Forward buttons), encoding the given state
* in the URL. This is similar to navigating to a new URL, but does not reload the page.
public async pushUrl(urlState: IUrlState|UpdateFunc<IUrlState>,
options: {replace?: boolean, avoidReload?: boolean} = {}) {
const prevState = this.state.get();
const newState = this._mergeState(prevState, urlState);
const newUrl = this._stateImpl.encodeUrl(newState, this._window.location);
// Don't create a new history entry if nothing changed as it would only be annoying.
if (newUrl === this._window.location.href) { return; }
const oldOrigin = this._window.location.origin;
const newOrigin = new URL(newUrl).origin;
// We can only pushState() without reloading the page if going to a same-origin URL.
const samePage = (oldOrigin === newOrigin &&
(options.avoidReload || !this._stateImpl.needPageLoad(prevState, newState)));
if (samePage) {
await this._stateImpl.delayPushUrl(prevState, newState);
try {
if (options.replace) {
this._window.history.replaceState(null, '', newUrl);
} else {
this._window.history.pushState(null, '', newUrl);
// pushState/replaceState above do not trigger 'popstate' event, so we call loadState() manually.
} catch (e) {
// If we fail, we may be in a context where Grist doesn't have
// control over history, e.g. an iframe with srcdoc. Go ahead
// and apply the application state change (e.g. switching to a
// different Grist page). The back button won't work, but what
// it should do in an embedded context is full of nuance anyway.
log.debug(`pushUrl failure: ${e}`);
this.state.set(this._stateImpl.decodeUrl(new URL(newUrl)));
} else {
* Creates a URL (e.g. to use in a link's href) encoding the given state. The `use` argument
* allows for this to be used in a computed, and is used by setLinkUrl() and setHref().
* If urlState is an object (such as IGristUrlState), it gets merged with previous state
* according to rules (in gristUrlState's updateState). Alternatively, it can be a function that
* takes previous state and returns the new one (without mutating the previous state).
public makeUrl(urlState: IUrlState|UpdateFunc<IUrlState>, use: UseCB = unwrap): string {
const fullState = this._mergeState(use(this.state), urlState);
return this._stateImpl.encodeUrl(fullState, this._window.location);
* Sets href on a dom element, e.g. dom('a', setHref({...})).
* This is similar to {href: makeUrl(urlState)}, but the destination URL will reflect the
* current url state (e.g. due to switching pages).
public setHref(urlState: IUrlState|UpdateFunc<IUrlState>): DomElementMethod {
return dom.attr('href', (use) => this.makeUrl(urlState, use));
* Applies to an <a> element to create a smart link, e.g. dom('a', setLinkUrl({ws: wsId})). It
* both sets the href (e.g. to allow the link to be opened to a new tab), AND intercepts plain
* clicks on it to "follow" the link without reloading the page.
public setLinkUrl(urlState: IUrlState|UpdateFunc<IUrlState>): DomElementMethod[] {
return [
dom.attr('href', (use) => this.makeUrl(urlState, use)),
dom.on('click', (ev) => {
// Only override plain-vanilla clicks.
if (ev.shiftKey || ev.metaKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey) { return; }
return this.pushUrl(urlState);
* Reset the state from the current URL. This shouldn't normally need to get called. It's called
* automatically when needed. It's also used by tests.
public loadState() {
log.debug(`loadState ${this._window.location.href}`);
private _getState(): IUrlState {
return this._stateImpl.decodeUrl(this._window.location);
private _mergeState(prevState: IUrlState, newState: IUrlState|UpdateFunc<IUrlState>): IUrlState {
return (typeof newState === 'object') ?
this._stateImpl.updateState(prevState, newState) :
// This is what we expect from the global Window object. Tests may override with a mock.
export interface HistWindow extends EventTarget {
history: History;
location: Location;
// This is a hook we create, to allow stubbing or overriding in tests.
_urlStateLoadPage?: (href: string) => void;
// The type of a 'use' callback as used in a computed(). It's what makes a computed subscribe to
// its dependencies. The unwrap() helper allows using a dependency without any subscribing.
type UseCB = <T>(obs: BaseObservable<T>) => T;
const unwrap: UseCB = (obs) => obs.get();