Dmitry S e380fcfa90 (core) Admin Panel and InstallAdmin class to identify installation admins.
- Add InstallAdmin class to identify users who can manage Grist installation.

  This is overridable by different Grist flavors (e.g. different in SaaS).
  It generalizes previous logic used to decide who can control Activation
  settings (e.g. enable telemetry).

- Implement a basic Admin Panel at /admin, and move items previously in the
  "Support Grist" page into the "Support Grist" section of the Admin Panel.

- Replace "Support Grist" menu items with "Admin Panel" and show only to admins.

- Add "Support Grist" links to Github sponsorship to user-account menu.

- Add "Support Grist" button to top-bar, which
  - for admins, replaces the previous "Contribute" button and reopens the "Support Grist / opt-in to telemetry" nudge (unchanged)
  - for everyone else, links to Github sponsorship
  - in either case, user can dismiss it.

Test Plan: Shuffled some test cases between Support Grist and the new Admin Panel, and added some new cases.

Reviewers: jarek, paulfitz

Reviewed By: jarek, paulfitz

Differential Revision:
2024-03-25 12:18:38 -04:00

270 lines
10 KiB

* This module contains tools and helpers to open HelpScout "Beacon" -- a popup which may contain
* an email form, chat, and help docs -- and to include info relevant to support requests.
* Usage:
* import {Beacon} from 'app/client/lib/helpScout';
* Beacon('open')
* Beacon('prefill', {...})
* It takes care of initialization automatically.
* This is essentially a prettified typescript version of the snippet for the HelpScout Beacon
* available under Beacon settings in HelpScout. It offers the API documented at
// tslint:disable:unified-signatures
import {logTelemetryEvent} from 'app/client/lib/telemetry';
import {AppModel} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {reportWarning} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {IAppError} from 'app/client/models/NotifyModel';
import {GristLoadConfig} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {timeFormat} from 'app/common/timeFormat';
import * as version from 'app/common/version';
import {dom} from 'grainjs';
import identity = require('lodash/identity');
import pickBy = require('lodash/pickBy');
export type BeaconCmd = 'init' | 'destroy' | 'open' | 'close' | 'toggle' | 'search' | 'suggest' |
'article' | 'navigate' | 'identify' | 'prefill' | 'reset' | 'logout' | 'config' | 'on' | 'off' |
'once' | 'event' | 'session-data';
export type BeaconRoute = '/ask/message/' | '/answers/';
export interface IUserObj {
name?: string;
email?: string;
company?: string;
jobTitle?: string;
avatar?: string;
signature?: string;
[customKey: string]: string|number|boolean|null|undefined;
interface IFormObj {
name?: string;
email?: string;
subject?: string;
text?: string;
fields?: Array<{id: number, value: string|number|boolean}>;
interface ISessionData {
[key: string]: string;
interface ICallbackAttributes {
id?: string;
query?: string;
* This provides the HelpScout Beacon API, taking care of initializing Beacon on first use.
export function Beacon(method: 'init', beaconId: string): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'search', query: string): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'suggest', articles?: string[]): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'article', articleId: string, options?: unknown): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'navigate', route: string): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'identify', userObj: IUserObj): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'prefill', formObj: IFormObj): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'config', configObj: object): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'on'|'once', event: string,
callback: (attrs?: ICallbackAttributes) => void): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'off', event: string, callback?: () => void): void;
export function Beacon(method: 'session-data', data: ISessionData): void;
export function Beacon(method: BeaconCmd): void;
export function Beacon(method: BeaconCmd, options?: unknown, data?: unknown) {
(window as any).Beacon(method, options, data);
// This is essentially what's done by the code snippet that HelpScout suggests to install in every
// page. In Grist app pages, we only load HelpScout code when the beacon is opened.
function _beacon(method: BeaconCmd, options?: unknown, data?: unknown) {
_beacon.readyQueue.push({method, options, data});
_beacon.readyQueue = [] as unknown[];
function initBeacon(): void {
if (!(window as any).Beacon) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig|undefined = (window as any).gristConfig;
const beaconId = gristConfig && gristConfig.helpScoutBeaconId;
if (beaconId) {
(window as any).Beacon = _beacon;
type: 'text/javascript',
src: '',
async: true,
// Report when the beacon fails to load so that the user knows something is wrong, and we
// have a log of the error. (Note: might not report all failures due to ad-blockers.)
dom.on('error', (e) => {
reportWarning("Support form failed to load. " +
"Please email with questions instead.");
_beacon('init', beaconId);
_beacon('config', {display: {style: "manual"}});
} else {
(window as any).Beacon = () => null;
reportWarning("Support form is not configured");
let lastOpenType: 'error' | 'message' = 'message';
let lastRoute: BeaconRoute|null = null;
* Helper to open a beacon, taking care of setting focus appropriately. Calls optional onOpen
* callback when the beacon has opened.
* If errors is given, prepares a form for submitting an error report, and includes stack traces
* into the session-data.
function _beaconOpen(userObj: IUserObj|null, options: IBeaconOpenOptions) {
const {onOpen, errors} = options;
// The beacon remembers its content, so reset it when switching between reporting errors and
// sending a message.
const openType = errors?.length ? 'error' : 'message';
if (openType !== lastOpenType) {
lastOpenType = openType;
const route: BeaconRoute = options.route || (errors?.length ? '/ask/message/' : '/answers/');
// If beacon was and still is being opened for help articles, avoid the 'navigate' call
// altogether, to keep the beacon at the last article it was on.
const skipNav = (route === lastRoute && route === '/answers/');
lastRoute = route;
Beacon('once', 'open', () => {
const iframe = document.querySelector('#beacon-container iframe') as HTMLIFrameElement;
if (iframe) { iframe.focus(); }
if (onOpen) { onOpen(); }
// Fix base-href tag when opening an article.
Beacon('once', 'article-viewed', () => fixBeaconBaseHref());
// We duplicate this check for 'ready' event, because 'open' and 'article-viewed' events don't
// trigger on page reload when a beacon article is already open (seems to be a HelpScout bug).
Beacon('once', 'ready', () => fixBeaconBaseHref());
Beacon('once', 'close', () => {
const iframe = document.querySelector('#beacon-container iframe') as HTMLIFrameElement;
if (iframe) { iframe.blur(); }
Beacon('off', 'article-viewed');
if (userObj) {
Beacon('identify', userObj);
const attrs: ISessionData = {};
if (errors?.length) {
// If sending errors, prefill part of the message (the user sees this and can add to it), and
// include more detailed errors with stack traces into session-data.
const messages ={error, timestamp}) =>
(timeFormat('T', new Date(timestamp)) + ' ' + error.message));
const lastMessage = errors.length > 0 ? errors[errors.length - 1].error.message : '';
const prefill: IFormObj = {
subject: `Application Error: ${lastMessage}`.slice(0, 250), // subject has max-length of 250
text: `\n-- Include your description above --\nErrors encountered:\n${messages.join('\n')}\n`,
Beacon('prefill', prefill);
Beacon('config', {messaging: {contactForm: {showSubject: false}}});
errors.forEach(({error, timestamp}, i) => {
attrs[`error-${i}`] = timeFormat('D T', new Date(timestamp)) + ' ' + error.message;
if (error.stack) {
attrs[`error-${i}-stack`] = JSON.stringify(error.stack.trim().split('\n'));
} else {
Beacon('config', {messaging: {contactForm: {showSubject: true}}});
Beacon('session-data', {
'Grist Version': `${version.version} (${version.gitcommit})`,
if (!skipNav) {
Beacon('navigate', route);
Beacon('once', 'open', () => logTelemetryEvent('beaconOpen'));
Beacon('on', 'article-viewed', (article) => logTelemetryEvent('beaconArticleViewed', {
full: {articleId: article!.id},
Beacon('on', 'email-sent', () => logTelemetryEvent('beaconEmailSent'));
Beacon('on', 'search', (search) => logTelemetryEvent('beaconSearch', {
full: {searchQuery: search!.query},
function fixBeaconBaseHref() {
// HelpScout creates an iframe with an empty 'src' attribute, then writes to it. In such an
// iframe, different browsers interpret relative links differently: Chrome's are relative to
// the parent page's URL; Firefox's are relative to the parent page's <base href>.
// Here we set a <base href> explicitly in the iframe to get consistent behavior of links
// relative to the top page's URL (HelpScout then seems to handle clicks on them correctly).
const iframe = document.querySelector('#beacon-container iframe') as HTMLIFrameElement;
const iframeDoc = iframe?.contentDocument;
if (iframeDoc && !iframeDoc.querySelector('head > base')) {
iframeDoc.head.appendChild(dom('base', {href: ''}));
export interface IBeaconOpenOptions {
appModel: AppModel|null;
includeAppErrors?: boolean;
onOpen?: () => void;
errors?: IAppError[];
route?: BeaconRoute;
* Open the helpScout beacon to send us a message. Calls optional onOpen callback when the beacon
* has opened. The topAppModel is used to get the current user.
* If includeAppErrors or errors is set, the beacon will open to submit an error report. With
* includeAppErrors, it will include stack traces of errors in the notifier into the session-data.
* If errors is set, it will include the specified errors.
export function beaconOpenMessage(options: IBeaconOpenOptions) {
const app = options.appModel;
const errors = options.errors || [];
if (options.includeAppErrors && app) {
_beaconOpen(getBeaconUserObj(app), {...options, errors});
function getBeaconUserObj(appModel: AppModel|null): IUserObj|null {
if (!appModel) { return null; }
// ActiveSessionInfo["user"] includes optional helpScoutSignature too.
const user = appModel.currentValidUser;
// For anon user, don't attempt to identify anything. Even the "company" field (when anon on a
// team doc) isn't useful, because the user may be external to the company.
if (!user) { return null; }
// Use the company name only when it's not a personal org. Otherwise, it adds no information and
// overrides more useful company name gleaned by HelpScout from the web.
const org = appModel.currentOrg;
const company = org && !org.owner ? appModel.currentOrgName : undefined;
return pickBy({
avatar: user.picture,
signature: user.helpScoutSignature,
}, identity);