Jakub Serafin 440d5b935a (core) Proxy Agent moved to the separate file, Triggers are using proxy now to perform fetch
- Webhooks form Triggers.ts should now use proxy if it's configured
- Proxy handling code separated to ProxyAgent.ts
- Tests for ProxyAgent
- Integration/API Tests for using Proxy in webhooks
- a bit of refactor - proxy test uses mostly the same codebase as DocApi.ts, but because last one if over 4000 lines long, I've put it into separated file, and extract some common parts (there is some duplicates tho)
- some cleanup in files that I've touched

Test Plan:
Manual test to check if proxy is used on the staging env

Automatic test checking if (fake) proxy was called

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Subscribers: paulfitz

Differential Revision:
2023-05-08 11:54:09 +02:00

1013 lines
35 KiB

import {LocalActionBundle} from 'app/common/ActionBundle';
import {ActionSummary, TableDelta} from 'app/common/ActionSummary';
import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {MapWithTTL} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
import {fromTableDataAction, RowRecord, TableColValues, TableDataAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion';
import {MetaRowRecord} from 'app/common/TableData';
import {CellDelta} from 'app/common/TabularDiff';
import {decodeObject} from 'app/plugin/objtypes';
import {summarizeAction} from 'app/server/lib/ActionSummary';
import {ActiveDoc} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc';
import {makeExceptionalDocSession} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {matchesBaseDomain} from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils';
import {delayAbort} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils';
import {proxyAgent} from 'app/server/utils/ProxyAgent';
import {promisifyAll} from 'bluebird';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import {AbortController, AbortSignal} from 'node-abort-controller';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import {createClient, Multi, RedisClient} from 'redis';
// Only owners can manage triggers, but any user's activity can trigger them
// and the corresponding actions get the full values
const docSession = makeExceptionalDocSession('system');
// Describes the change in existence to a record, which determines the event type
interface RecordDelta {
existedBefore: boolean;
existedAfter: boolean;
type RecordDeltas = Map<number, RecordDelta>;
// Union discriminated by type
type TriggerAction = WebhookAction | PythonAction;
type WebhookBatchStatus = 'success'|'failure'|'rejected';
type WebhookStatus = 'idle'|'sending'|'retrying'|'postponed'|'error'|'invalid';
export interface WebhookSummary {
id: string;
fields: {
url: string;
unsubscribeKey: string;
eventTypes: string[];
isReadyColumn?: string|null;
tableId: string;
enabled: boolean;
usage: WebhookUsage|null,
interface WebhookUsage {
// As minimum we need number of waiting events and status (by default pending).
numWaiting: number,
status: WebhookStatus;
updatedTime?: number|null;
lastSuccessTime?: number|null;
lastFailureTime?: number|null;
lastErrorMessage?: string|null;
lastHttpStatus?: number|null;
lastEventBatch?: null | {
size: number;
errorMessage: string|null;
httpStatus: number|null;
status: WebhookBatchStatus;
attempts: number;
numSuccess?: {
pastHour: number;
past24Hours: number;
export interface WebhookAction {
type: "webhook";
id: string;
// Just hypothetical
interface PythonAction {
id: string;
type: "python";
code: string;
interface WebHookEvent {
payload: RowRecord;
id: string;
export const allowedEventTypes = StringUnion("add", "update");
type EventType = typeof allowedEventTypes.type;
type Trigger = MetaRowRecord<"_grist_Triggers">;
export interface WebHookSecret {
url: string;
unsubscribeKey: string;
// Work to do after fetching values from the document
interface Task {
tableDelta: TableDelta;
triggers: Trigger[];
tableDataAction: Promise<TableDataAction>;
recordDeltas: RecordDeltas;
process.env.GRIST_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE ? parseInt(process.env.GRIST_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, 10) : 1000;
const WEBHOOK_CACHE_TTL = 10_000;
const WEBHOOK_STATS_CACHE_TTL = 1000 /*s*/ * 60 /*m*/ * 24/*h*/;
// A time to wait for between retries of a webhook. Exposed for tests.
process.env.GRIST_TRIGGER_WAIT_DELAY ? parseInt(process.env.GRIST_TRIGGER_WAIT_DELAY, 10) : 1000;
process.env.GRIST_TRIGGER_MAX_ATTEMPTS ? parseInt(process.env.GRIST_TRIGGER_MAX_ATTEMPTS, 10) : 20;
// Processes triggers for records changed as described in action bundles.
// initiating webhooks and automations.
// The interesting stuff starts in the handle() method.
// Webhooks are placed on an event queue in memory which is replicated on redis as backup.
// The same class instance consumes the queue and sends webhook requests in the background - see _sendLoop().
// Triggers are configured in the document, while details of webhooks (URLs) are kept
// in the Secrets table of the Home DB.
export class DocTriggers {
// Events that need to be sent to webhooks in FIFO order.
// This is the primary place where events are stored and consumed,
// while a copy of this queue is kept on redis as a backup.
// Modifications to this queue should be replicated on the redis queue.
private _webHookEventQueue: WebHookEvent[] = [];
// DB cache for webhook secrets
private _webhookCache = new MapWithTTL<string, WebHookSecret>(WEBHOOK_CACHE_TTL);
// Set to true by shutdown().
// Indicates that loops (especially for sending requests) should stop.
private _shuttingDown: boolean = false;
// true if there is a webhook request sending loop running in the background
// to ensure only one loop is running at a time.
private _sending: boolean = false;
// Client lazily initiated by _redisClient getter, since most documents don't have triggers
// and therefore don't need a redis connection.
private _redisClientField: RedisClient | undefined;
// Promise which resolves after we finish fetching the backup queue from redis on startup.
private _getRedisQueuePromise: Promise<void> | undefined;
// Abort controller for the loop that sends webhooks.
private _loopAbort: AbortController|undefined;
private _stats: WebhookStatistics;
constructor(private _activeDoc: ActiveDoc) {
const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL;
if (redisUrl) {
// We create a transient client just for this purpose because it makes it easy
// to quit it afterwards and avoid keeping a client open for documents without triggers.
this._getRedisQueuePromise = this._getRedisQueue(createClient(redisUrl));
this._stats = new WebhookStatistics(this._docId, () => this._redisClient ?? null);
public shutdown() {
this._shuttingDown = true;
if (!this._sending) {
// Called after applying actions to a document and updating its data.
// Checks for triggers configured in a meta table,
// and whether any of those triggers monitor tables which were modified by the actions
// in the given bundle.
// If so, generates events which are pushed to the local and redis queues.
// Returns an ActionSummary generated from the given LocalActionBundle.
// Generating the summary here makes it easy to specify which columns need to
// have all their changes included in the summary without truncation
// so that we can accurately identify which records are ready for sending.
public async handle(localActionBundle: LocalActionBundle): Promise<ActionSummary> {
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData;
if (!docData) {
return summarizeAction(localActionBundle);
} // Happens on doc creation while processing InitNewDoc action.
const triggersTable = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Triggers");
const getTableId = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables").getRowPropFunc("tableId");
const triggersByTableRef = _.groupBy(triggersTable.getRecords(), "tableRef");
const triggersByTableId: Array<[string, Trigger[]]> = [];
// First we need a list of columns which must be included in full in the action summary
const isReadyColIds: string[] = [];
for (const tableRef of Object.keys(triggersByTableRef).sort()) {
const triggers = triggersByTableRef[tableRef];
const tableId = getTableId(Number(tableRef))!; // groupBy makes tableRef a string
triggersByTableId.push([tableId, triggers]);
for (const trigger of triggers) {
if (trigger.isReadyColRef) {
const colId = this._getColId(trigger.isReadyColRef);
if (colId) {
const summary = summarizeAction(localActionBundle, {alwaysPreserveColIds: isReadyColIds});
// Work to do after fetching values from the document
const tasks: Task[] = [];
// For each table in the document which is monitored by one or more triggers...
for (const [tableId, triggers] of triggersByTableId) {
const tableDelta = summary.tableDeltas[tableId];
// ...if the monitored table was modified by the summarized actions,
// fetch the modified/created records and note the work that needs to be done.
if (tableDelta) {
const recordDeltas = this._getRecordDeltas(tableDelta);
const filters = {id: [...recordDeltas.keys()]};
// Fetch the modified records in full so they can be sent in webhooks
// They will also be used to check if the record is ready
const tableDataAction = this._activeDoc.fetchQuery(docSession, {tableId, filters})
.then(tableFetchResult => tableFetchResult.tableData);
tasks.push({tableDelta, triggers, tableDataAction, recordDeltas});
// Fetch values from document DB in parallel
await Promise.all( => t.tableDataAction));
const events: WebHookEvent[] = [];
for (const task of tasks) {
events.push(...this._handleTask(task, await task.tableDataAction));
if (!events.length) {
return summary;
this._log("Total number of webhook events generated by bundle", {numEvents: events.length});
// Only add events to the queue after we finish fetching the backup from redis
// to ensure that events are delivered in the order they were generated.
await this._getRedisQueuePromise;
if (this._redisClient) {
await this._pushToRedisQueue(events);
// Prevent further document activity while the queue is too full.
while (this._drainingQueue && !this._shuttingDown) {
await delayAbort(1000, this._loopAbort?.signal);
return summary;
* Creates summary for all webhooks in the document.
public async summary(): Promise<WebhookSummary[]> {
// Prepare some data we will use.
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData!;
const triggersTable = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Triggers");
const getTableId = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables").getRowPropFunc("tableId");
const getColId = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column").getRowPropFunc("colId");
const getUrl = async (id: string) => (await this._getWebHook(id))?.url ?? '';
const getUnsubscribeKey = async (id: string) => (await this._getWebHook(id))?.unsubscribeKey ?? '';
const result: WebhookSummary[] = [];
// Go through all triggers int the document that we have.
for (const t of triggersTable.getRecords()) {
// Each trigger has associated table and a bunch of trigger actions (currently only 1 that is webhook).
const actions = JSON.parse(t.actions) as TriggerAction[];
// Get only webhooks for this trigger.
const webhookActions = actions.filter(act => act.type === "webhook") as WebhookAction[];
for (const act of webhookActions) {
// Url, probably should be hidden for non-owners (but currently this API is owners only).
const url = await getUrl(;
// Same story, should be hidden.
const unsubscribeKey = await getUnsubscribeKey(;
if (!url || !unsubscribeKey) {
// Webhook might have been deleted in the mean time.
// Report some basic info and usage stats.
const entry: WebhookSummary = {
// Id of the webhook
fields: {
// Url, probably should be hidden for non-owners (but currently this API is owners only).
// Other fields used to register this webhook.
eventTypes: decodeObject(t.eventTypes) as string[],
isReadyColumn: getColId(t.isReadyColRef) ?? null,
tableId: getTableId(t.tableRef) ?? null,
// For future use - for now every webhook is enabled.
enabled: true,
// Create some statics and status info.
usage: await this._stats.getUsage(, this._webHookEventQueue),
return result;
public getWebhookTriggerRecord(webhookId: string, tableRef?: number) {
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData!;
const triggersTable = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Triggers");
const trigger = triggersTable.getRecords().find(t => {
const actions: TriggerAction[] = JSON.parse((t.actions || '[]') as string);
return actions.some(action => === webhookId && action?.type === "webhook");
if (!trigger) {
throw new ApiError(`Webhook not found "${webhookId || ''}"`, 404);
if (tableRef && trigger.tableRef !== tableRef) {
throw new ApiError(`Wrong table`, 400);
return trigger;
public webhookDeleted(id: string) {
// We can't do much about that as the loop might be in progress and it is not safe to modify the queue.
// But we can clear the webHook cache, so that the next time we check the webhook url it will be gone.
public async clearWebhookQueue() {
// Make sure we are after start and in sync with redis.
if (this._getRedisQueuePromise) {
await this._getRedisQueuePromise;
// Clear in-memory queue.
const removed = this._webHookEventQueue.splice(0, this._webHookEventQueue.length).length;
// Notify the loop that it should restart.
// If we have backup in redis, clear it also.
// NOTE: this is subject to a race condition, currently it is not possible, but any future modification probably
// will require some kind of locking over the queue (or a rewrite)
if (removed && this._redisClient) {
await this._redisClient.multi().del(this._redisQueueKey).execAsync();
await this._stats.clear();
// Converts a table to tableId by looking it up in _grist_Tables.
private _getTableId(rowId: number) {
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData;
if (!docData) {
throw new Error("ActiveDoc not ready");
return docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables").getValue(rowId, "tableId");
// Return false if colRef does not belong to tableRef
private _validateColId(colRef: number, tableRef: number) {
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData;
if (!docData) {
throw new Error("ActiveDoc not ready");
return docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column").getValue(colRef, "parentId") === tableRef;
// Converts a column ref to colId by looking it up in _grist_Tables_column. If tableRef is
// provided, check whether col belongs to table and throws if not.
private _getColId(rowId: number, tableRef?: number) {
const docData = this._activeDoc.docData;
if (!docData) {
throw new Error("ActiveDoc not ready");
if (!rowId) { return ''; }
const colId = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column").getValue(rowId, "colId");
if (tableRef !== undefined &&
docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column").getValue(rowId, "parentId") !== tableRef) {
throw new ApiError(`Column ${colId} does not belong to table ${this._getTableId(tableRef)}`, 400);
return colId;
private get _docId() {
return this._activeDoc.docName;
private get _redisQueueKey() {
return `webhook-queue-${this._docId}`;
private get _drainingQueue() {
return this._webHookEventQueue.length >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;
private _log(msg: string, {level = 'info', ...meta}: any = {}) {
log.origLog(level, 'DocTriggers: ' + msg, {
docId: this._docId,
queueLength: this._webHookEventQueue.length,
drainingQueue: this._drainingQueue,
shuttingDown: this._shuttingDown,
sending: this._sending,
redisClient: Boolean(this._redisClientField),
private async _pushToRedisQueue(events: WebHookEvent[]) {
const strings = => JSON.stringify(e));
await this._redisClient?.rpushAsync(this._redisQueueKey, ...strings);
private async _getRedisQueue(redisClient: RedisClient) {
const strings = await redisClient.lrangeAsync(this._redisQueueKey, 0, -1);
if (strings.length) {
this._log("Webhook events found on redis queue", {numEvents: strings.length});
const events = => JSON.parse(s));
await redisClient.quitAsync();
private _getRecordDeltas(tableDelta: TableDelta): RecordDeltas {
const recordDeltas = new Map<number, RecordDelta>();
tableDelta.updateRows.forEach(id =>
recordDeltas.set(id, {existedBefore: true, existedAfter: true}));
// A row ID can appear in both updateRows and addRows, although it probably shouldn't
// Added row IDs override updated rows because they didn't exist before
tableDelta.addRows.forEach(id =>
recordDeltas.set(id, {existedBefore: false, existedAfter: true}));
// If we allow subscribing to deletion in the future
// delta.removeRows.forEach(id =>
// recordDeltas.set(id, {existedBefore: true, existedAfter: false}));
return recordDeltas;
private _handleTask(
{tableDelta, triggers, recordDeltas}: Task,
tableDataAction: TableDataAction,
) {
const bulkColValues = fromTableDataAction(tableDataAction);
const meta = {numTriggers: triggers.length, numRecords:};
this._log(`Processing triggers`, meta);
const makePayload = _.memoize((rowIndex: number) =>
_.mapValues(bulkColValues, col => col[rowIndex]) as RowRecord
const result: WebHookEvent[] = [];
for (const trigger of triggers) {
const actions = JSON.parse(trigger.actions) as TriggerAction[];
const webhookActions = actions.filter(act => act.type === "webhook") as WebhookAction[];
if (!webhookActions.length) {
if (trigger.isReadyColRef) {
if (!this._validateColId(trigger.isReadyColRef, trigger.tableRef)) {
// ready column does not belong to table, let's ignore trigger and log stats
for (const action of webhookActions) {
const colId = this._getColId(trigger.isReadyColRef); // no validation
const tableId = this._getTableId(trigger.tableRef);
const error = `isReadyColumn is not valid: colId ${colId} does not belong to ${tableId}`;
this._stats.logInvalid(, error).catch(e => log.error("Webhook stats failed to log", e));
// TODO: would be worth checking that the trigger's fields are valid (ie: eventTypes, url,
// ...) as there's no guarantee that they are.
const rowIndexesToSend: number[] = _.range( => {
const rowId =[rowIndex];
return this._shouldTriggerActions(
trigger, bulkColValues, rowIndex, rowId, recordDeltas.get(rowId)!, tableDelta,
for (const action of webhookActions) {
for (const rowIndex of rowIndexesToSend) {
const event = {id:, payload: makePayload(rowIndex)};
this._log("Generated events from triggers", {numEvents: result.length, ...meta});
return result;
* Determines if actions should be triggered for a single record and trigger.
private _shouldTriggerActions(
trigger: Trigger,
bulkColValues: TableColValues,
rowIndex: number,
rowId: number,
recordDelta: RecordDelta,
tableDelta: TableDelta,
): boolean {
let readyBefore: boolean;
if (!trigger.isReadyColRef) {
// User hasn't configured a column, so all records are considered ready immediately
readyBefore = recordDelta.existedBefore;
} else {
const isReadyColId = this._getColId(trigger.isReadyColRef)!;
// Must be the actual boolean `true`, not just anything truthy
const isReady = bulkColValues[isReadyColId][rowIndex] === true;
if (!isReady) {
return false;
const cellDelta: CellDelta | undefined = tableDelta.columnDeltas[isReadyColId]?.[rowId];
if (!recordDelta.existedBefore) {
readyBefore = false;
} else if (!cellDelta ) {
// Cell wasn't changed, and the record is ready now, so it was ready before.
// This requires that the ActionSummary contains all changes to the isReady column.
readyBefore = true;
} else {
const deltaBefore = cellDelta[0];
if (deltaBefore === null) {
// The record didn't exist before, so it definitely wasn't ready
// (although we probably shouldn't reach this since we already checked recordDelta.existedBefore)
readyBefore = false;
} else if (deltaBefore === "?") {
// The ActionSummary shouldn't contain this kind of delta at all
// since it comes from a single action bundle, not a combination of summaries.
this._log('Unexpected deltaBefore === "?"', {level: 'warn', trigger});
readyBefore = true;
} else {
// Only remaining case is that deltaBefore is a single-element array containing the previous value.
const [valueBefore] = deltaBefore;
// Must be the actual boolean `true`, not just anything truthy
readyBefore = valueBefore === true;
let eventType: EventType;
if (readyBefore) {
eventType = "update";
// If we allow subscribing to deletion in the future
// if (recordDelta.existedAfter) {
// eventType = "update";
// } else {
// eventType = "remove";
// }
} else {
eventType = "add";
return trigger.eventTypes!.includes(eventType);
private async _getWebHook(id: string): Promise<WebHookSecret | undefined> {
let webhook = this._webhookCache.get(id);
if (!webhook) {
const secret = await this._activeDoc.getHomeDbManager()?.getSecret(id, this._docId);
if (!secret) {
this._log(`No webhook secret found`, {level: 'warn', id});
webhook = JSON.parse(secret);
this._webhookCache.set(id, webhook!);
return webhook!;
private async _getWebHookUrl(id: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
const url = (await this._getWebHook(id))?.url ?? '';
if (!isUrlAllowed(url)) {
// TODO: this is not a good place for a validation.
this._log(`Webhook not sent to forbidden URL`, {level: 'warn', url});
return url;
private _startSendLoop() {
if (!this._sending) { // only run one loop at a time
this._sending = true;
this._sendLoop().catch((e) => { // run _sendLoop asynchronously (in the background)
this._log(`_sendLoop failed: ${e}`, {level: 'error'});
this._sending = false; // otherwise the following line will complete instantly
this._startSendLoop(); // restart the loop on failure
// Consumes the webhook event queue and sends HTTP requests.
// Should only be called if there are events to send.
// Managed by _startSendLoop. Runs in the background. Only one loop should run at a time.
// Runs until shutdown.
private async _sendLoop() {
this._log("Starting _sendLoop");
// TODO delay/prevent shutting down while queue isn't empty?
while (!this._shuttingDown) {
this._loopAbort = new AbortController();
if (!this._webHookEventQueue.length) {
await delayAbort(TRIGGER_WAIT_DELAY, this._loopAbort.signal).catch(() => {});
const id = this._webHookEventQueue[0].id;
const batch = _.takeWhile(this._webHookEventQueue.slice(0, 100), {id});
const body = JSON.stringify( => e.payload));
const url = await this._getWebHookUrl(id);
if (this._loopAbort.signal.aborted) {
let meta: Record<string, any>|undefined;
let success: boolean;
if (!url) {
success = true;
} else {
await this._stats.logStatus(id, 'sending');
meta = {numEvents: batch.length, webhookId: id, host: new URL(url).host};
this._log("Sending batch of webhook events", meta);
this._activeDoc.logTelemetryEvent(null, 'sendingWebhooks', meta);
success = await this._sendWebhookWithRetries(id, url, body, batch.length, this._loopAbort.signal);
if (this._loopAbort.signal.aborted) {
if (this._loopAbort.signal.aborted) {
this._webHookEventQueue.splice(0, batch.length);
let multi: Multi | null = null;
if (this._redisClient) {
multi = this._redisClient.multi();
multi.ltrim(this._redisQueueKey, batch.length, -1);
if (!success) {
this._log("Failed to send batch of webhook events", {...meta, level: 'warn'});
if (!this._drainingQueue) {
// Put the failed events at the end of the queue to try again later
// while giving other URLs a chance to receive events.
if (multi) {
const strings = => JSON.stringify(e));
multi.rpush(this._redisQueueKey, ...strings);
// We are postponed, so mark that.
await this._stats.logStatus(id, 'postponed');
} else {
// We are draining the queue and we skipped some events, so mark that.
await this._stats.logStatus(id, 'error');
await this._stats.logBatch(id, 'rejected');
} else {
await this._stats.logStatus(id, 'idle');
if (meta) {
this._log("Successfully sent batch of webhook events", meta);
await multi?.execAsync();
this._log("Ended _sendLoop");
this._redisClient?.quitAsync().catch(e =>
// Catch error to prevent sendLoop being restarted
this._log("Error quitting redis: " + e, {level: 'warn'})
private get _redisClient() {
if (this._redisClientField) {
return this._redisClientField;
const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL;
if (redisUrl) {
this._log("Creating redis client");
this._redisClientField = createClient(redisUrl);
return this._redisClientField;
private get _maxWebhookAttempts() {
if (this._shuttingDown) {
return 0;
return this._drainingQueue ? Math.min(5, TRIGGER_MAX_ATTEMPTS) : TRIGGER_MAX_ATTEMPTS;
private async _sendWebhookWithRetries(id: string, url: string, body: string, size: number, signal: AbortSignal) {
const maxWait = 64;
let wait = 1;
for (let attempt = 0; attempt < this._maxWebhookAttempts; attempt++) {
if (this._shuttingDown) {
return false;
try {
if (attempt > 0) {
await this._stats.logStatus(id, 'retrying');
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
agent: proxyAgent(new URL(url)),
if (response.status === 200) {
await this._stats.logBatch(id, 'success', { size, httpStatus: 200, error: null, attempts: attempt + 1 });
return true;
await this._stats.logBatch(id, 'failure', {
httpStatus: response.status,
error: await response.text(),
attempts: attempt + 1,
this._log(`Webhook responded with non-200 status`, {level: 'warn', status: response.status, attempt});
} catch (e) {
await this._stats.logBatch(id, 'failure', {
httpStatus: null,
error: (e.message || 'Unrecognized error during fetch'),
attempts: attempt + 1,
this._log(`Webhook sending error: ${e}`, {level: 'warn', attempt});
if (signal.aborted) {
return false;
// Don't wait any more if this is the last attempt.
if (attempt >= this._maxWebhookAttempts - 1) {
return false;
// Wait `wait` seconds, checking this._shuttingDown every second.
for (let waitIndex = 0; waitIndex < wait; waitIndex++) {
if (this._shuttingDown) {
return false;
try {
await delayAbort(TRIGGER_WAIT_DELAY, signal);
} catch (e) {
// If signal was aborted, don't log anything as we probably was cleared.
return false;
if (wait < maxWait) {
wait *= 2;
return false;
export function isUrlAllowed(urlString: string) {
let url: URL;
try {
url = new URL(urlString);
} catch (e) {
return false;
// http (no s) is only allowed for localhost for testing.
// localhost still needs to be explicitly permitted, and it shouldn't be outside dev
if (url.protocol !== "https:" && url.hostname !== "localhost") {
return false;
return (process.env.ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS || "").split(",").some(domain =>
domain && matchesBaseDomain(, domain)
* Implementation detail, helper to provide a persisted storage to a derived class.
class PersistedStore<Keys> {
/** In memory fallback if redis is not available */
private _statsCache = new MapWithTTL<string, string>(WEBHOOK_STATS_CACHE_TTL);
private _redisKey: string;
docId: string,
private _redisClientDep: () => RedisClient | null
) {
this._redisKey = `webhooks:${docId}:statistics`;
public async clear() {
if (this._redisClient) {
await this._redisClient.delAsync(this._redisKey).catch(() => {});
protected async set(id: string, keyValues: [Keys, string][]) {
if (this._redisClient) {
const multi = this._redisClient.multi();
for (const [key, value] of keyValues) {
multi.hset(this._redisKey, `${id}:${key}`, value);
multi.expire(this._redisKey, WEBHOOK_STATS_CACHE_TTL);
await multi.execAsync();
} else {
for (const [key, value] of keyValues) {
this._statsCache.set(`${id}:${key}`, value);
protected async get(id: string, keys: Keys[]): Promise<[Keys, string][]> {
if (this._redisClient) {
const values = (await this._redisClient.hgetallAsync(this._redisKey)) || {};
return => [key, values[`${id}:${key}`] || '']);
} else {
return => [key, this._statsCache.get(`${id}:${key}`) || '']);
private get _redisClient() {
return this._redisClientDep();
* Helper class that monitors and saves (either in memory or in Redis) usage statics and current
* status of webhooks.
class WebhookStatistics extends PersistedStore<StatsKey> {
* Retrieves and calculates all the statistics for a given webhook.
* @param id Webhook ID
* @param queue Current webhook task queue
public async getUsage(id: string, queue: WebHookEvent[]): Promise<WebhookUsage|null> {
// Get all the keys from the store for this webhook, and create a dictionary.
const values: Record<StatsKey, string> = _.fromPairs(await this.get(id, [
])) as Record<StatsKey, string>;
// If everything is empty, we don't have any stats yet.
if (Array.from(Object.values(values)).every(v => !v)) {
return {
status: 'idle',
numWaiting: queue.filter(e => === id).length,
lastEventBatch: null,
const usage: WebhookUsage = {
// Overall status of the webhook.
status: values.status as WebhookStatus || 'idle',
numWaiting: queue.filter(x => === id).length,
updatedTime: parseInt(values.updatedTime || "0", 10),
// Last values from batches.
lastEventBatch: null,
lastSuccessTime: parseInt(values.lastSuccessTime, 10),
lastFailureTime: parseInt(values.lastFailureTime, 10),
lastErrorMessage: values.lastErrorMessage || null,
lastHttpStatus: values.lastHttpStatus ? parseInt(values.lastHttpStatus, 10) : null,
// If we have a batchStatus (so we actually run it at least once - or it wasn't cleared).
if (values.batchStatus) {
usage.lastEventBatch = {
status: values.batchStatus as WebhookBatchStatus,
httpStatus: values.httpStatus ? parseInt(values.httpStatus || "0", 10) : null,
errorMessage: values.errorMessage || null,
size: parseInt(values.size || "0", 10),
attempts: parseInt(values.attempts|| "0", 10),
return usage;
* Logs a status of a webhook. Now is passed as a parameter so that updates that happen in almost the same
* millisecond were seen as the same update.
public async logStatus(id: string, status: WebhookStatus, now?: number|null) {
const stats: [StatsKey, string][] = [
['status', status],
['updatedTime', (now ??],
if (status === 'sending') {
// clear any error message that could have been left from an earlier bad state (ie: invalid
// fields)
stats.push(['errorMessage', '']);
await this.set(id, stats);
public async logInvalid(id: string, errorMessage: string) {
await this.logStatus(id, 'invalid');
await this.set(id, [
['errorMessage', errorMessage]
* Logs a status of the active batch.
public async logBatch(
id: string,
status: WebhookBatchStatus,
stats?: {
httpStatus?: number|null,
error?: string|null,
size?: number|null,
attempts?: number|null,
) {
const now =;
// Update batchStats.
const batchStats: [StatsKey, string][] = [
[`batchStatus`, status],
[`updatedTime`, now.toString()],
if (stats?.httpStatus !== undefined) {
batchStats.push([`httpStatus`, (stats.httpStatus || '').toString()]);
if (stats?.attempts !== undefined) {
batchStats.push([`attempts`, (stats.attempts || '0').toString()]);
if (stats?.error !== undefined) {
batchStats.push([`errorMessage`, stats?.error || '']);
if (stats?.size !== undefined) {
batchStats.push([`size`, (stats.size || '').toString()]);
const batchSummary: [StatsKey, string][] = [];
// Update webhook stats.
if (status === 'success') {
batchSummary.push([`lastSuccessTime`, now.toString()]);
} else if (status === 'failure') {
batchSummary.push([`lastFailureTime`, now.toString()]);
if (stats?.error) {
batchSummary.push([`lastErrorMessage`, stats.error]);
if (stats?.httpStatus) {
batchSummary.push([`lastHttpStatus`, (stats.httpStatus || '').toString()]);
await this.set(id, batchStats.concat(batchSummary));
type StatsKey =
'batchStatus' |
'httpStatus' |
'errorMessage' |
'attempts' |
'updatedTime' |
'lastFailureTime' |
'lastSuccessTime' |
'lastErrorMessage' |
'lastHttpStatus' |