2024-05-23 13:27:59 -04:00

1151 lines
41 KiB

import {BillingPage, BillingSubPage, BillingTask} from 'app/common/BillingAPI';
import {OpenDocMode} from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import {EngineCode} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings';
import {encodeQueryParams, isAffirmative, removePrefix} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {LocalPlugin} from 'app/common/plugin';
import {StringUnion} from 'app/common/StringUnion';
import {TelemetryLevel} from 'app/common/Telemetry';
import {ThemeAppearance, ThemeAppearanceChecker, ThemeName, ThemeNameChecker} from 'app/common/ThemePrefs';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Document} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {IAttachedCustomWidget} from "app/common/widgetTypes";
import {UIRowId} from 'app/plugin/GristAPI';
import clone = require('lodash/clone');
import pickBy = require('lodash/pickBy');
import slugify from 'slugify';
export const SpecialDocPage = StringUnion('code', 'acl', 'data', 'GristDocTour', 'settings', 'webhook', 'timing');
type SpecialDocPage = typeof SpecialDocPage.type;
export type IDocPage = number | SpecialDocPage;
export type ViewDocPage = number | 'data';
* ViewDocPage is a page that shows table data (either normal or raw data view).
export function isViewDocPage(docPage: IDocPage): docPage is ViewDocPage {
return typeof docPage === 'number' || docPage === 'data';
// What page to show in the user's home area. Defaults to 'workspace' if a workspace is set, and
// to 'all' otherwise.
export const HomePage = StringUnion('all', 'workspace', 'templates', 'trash');
export type IHomePage = typeof HomePage.type;
// TODO: Remove 'user' and 'info', since those pages are no longer part of any flow.
export const WelcomePage = StringUnion('teams', 'signup', 'verify', 'select-account');
export type WelcomePage = typeof WelcomePage.type;
export const AccountPage = StringUnion('account');
export type AccountPage = typeof AccountPage.type;
export const ActivationPage = StringUnion('activation');
export type ActivationPage = typeof ActivationPage.type;
export const LoginPage = StringUnion('signup', 'login', 'verified', 'forgot-password');
export type LoginPage = typeof LoginPage.type;
export const AdminPanelPage = StringUnion('admin');
export type AdminPanelPage = typeof AdminPanelPage.type;
// Overall UI style. "full" is normal, "singlePage" is a single page focused, panels hidden experience.
export const InterfaceStyle = StringUnion('singlePage', 'full');
export type InterfaceStyle = typeof InterfaceStyle.type;
// Default subdomain for home api service if not otherwise specified.
export const DEFAULT_HOME_SUBDOMAIN = 'api';
// This is the minimum length a urlId may have if it is chosen
// as a prefix of the docId.
export const MIN_URLID_PREFIX_LENGTH = 12;
// A prefix that identifies a urlId as a share key.
// Important that this not be part of a valid docId.
export const SHARE_KEY_PREFIX = 's.';
* Special ways to open a document, based on what the user intends to do.
* - view: Open document in read-only mode (even if user has edit rights)
* - fork: Open document in fork-ready mode. This means that while edits are
* permitted, those edits should go to a copy of the document rather than
* the original.
export const commonUrls = {
help: getHelpCenterUrl(),
helpAccessRules: "",
helpAssistantDataUse: "",
helpColRefs: "",
helpConditionalFormatting: "",
helpFilterButtons: "",
helpLinkingWidgets: "",
helpRawData: "",
helpUnderstandingReferenceColumns: "",
helpTriggerFormulas: "",
helpTryingOutChanges: "",
helpCustomWidgets: "",
helpTelemetryLimited: "",
helpCalendarWidget: "",
helpLinkKeys: "",
helpFilteringReferenceChoices: "",
helpSandboxing: "",
helpAPI: '',
freeCoachingCall: getFreeCoachingCallUrl(),
contactSupport: getContactSupportUrl(),
termsOfService: getTermsOfServiceUrl(),
plans: "",
sproutsProgram: "",
contact: "",
templates: '',
community: '',
functions: '',
formulaSheet: '',
formulas: '',
forms: '',
basicTutorial: '',
basicTutorialImage: '',
gristLabsCustomWidgets: '',
gristLabsWidgetRepository: '',
githubGristCore: '',
githubSponsorGristLabs: '',
versionCheck: '',
* Values representable in a URL. The current state is available as urlState().state observable
* in client. Updates to this state are expected by functions such as makeUrl() and setLinkUrl().
export interface IGristUrlState {
org?: string;
homePage?: IHomePage;
ws?: number;
doc?: string;
slug?: string; // if present, this is based on the document title, and is not a stable id
mode?: OpenDocMode;
fork?: UrlIdParts;
docPage?: IDocPage;
account?: AccountPage;
billing?: BillingPage;
activation?: ActivationPage;
login?: LoginPage;
welcome?: WelcomePage;
adminPanel?: AdminPanelPage;
welcomeTour?: boolean;
docTour?: boolean;
manageUsers?: boolean;
createTeam?: boolean;
upgradeTeam?: boolean;
params?: {
billingPlan?: string; // priceId
planType?: string;
billingTask?: BillingTask;
embed?: boolean;
state?: string;
srcDocId?: string;
style?: InterfaceStyle;
compare?: string;
linkParameters?: Record<string, string>; // Parameters to pass as 'user.Link' in granular ACLs.
// Encoded in URL as query params with extra '_' suffix.
themeSyncWithOs?: boolean;
themeAppearance?: ThemeAppearance;
themeName?: ThemeName;
hash?: HashLink; // if present, this specifies an individual row within a section of a page.
api?: boolean; // indicates that the URL should be encoded as an API URL, not as a landing page.
// But this barely works, and is suitable only for documents. For decoding it
// indicates that the URL probably points to an API endpoint.
viaShare?: boolean; // Accessing document via a special share.
form?: {
vsId: number; // a view section id of a form.
shareKey?: string; // only one of shareKey or doc should be set.
// Subset of GristLoadConfig used by getOrgUrlInfo(), which affects the interpretation of the
// current URL.
export interface OrgUrlOptions {
// The org associated with the current URL.
org?: string;
// Base domain for constructing new URLs, should start with "." and not include port, e.g.
// "". It should be unset for localhost operation and in single-org mode.
baseDomain?: string;
// In single-org mode, this is the single well-known org.
singleOrg?: string;
// Base URL used for accessing plugin material.
pluginUrl?: string;
// If set, org is expected to be encoded in the path, not domain.
pathOnly?: boolean;
// Result of getOrgUrlInfo().
export interface OrgUrlInfo {
hostname?: string; // If hostname should be changed to access the requested org.
orgInPath?: string; // If /o/{orgInPath} should be used to access the requested org.
function hostMatchesUrl(host?: string, url?: string) {
return host !== undefined && url !== undefined && new URL(url).host === host;
* Returns true if:
* - the server is a home worker and the host matches APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL;
* - or the server is a doc worker and the host matches APP_DOC_INTERNAL_URL;
* @param {string?} host The host to check
function isOwnInternalUrlHost(host?: string) {
// Note: APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL may also be defined in doc worker as well as in home worker
if (process.env.APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL && hostMatchesUrl(host, process.env.APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL)) {
return true;
return Boolean(process.env.APP_DOC_INTERNAL_URL) && hostMatchesUrl(host, process.env.APP_DOC_INTERNAL_URL);
* Given host (optionally with port), baseDomain, and pluginUrl, determine whether to interpret host
* as a custom domain, a native domain, or a plugin domain.
export function getHostType(host: string, options: {
baseDomain?: string, pluginUrl?: string
}): 'native' | 'custom' | 'plugin' {
if (options.pluginUrl) {
const url = new URL(options.pluginUrl);
if ( === host.toLowerCase()) {
return 'plugin';
const hostname = host.split(":")[0];
if (!options.baseDomain) { return 'native'; }
if (
hostname === 'localhost' ||
isOwnInternalUrlHost(host) ||
) {
return 'native';
return 'custom';
export function getOrgUrlInfo(newOrg: string, currentHost: string, options: OrgUrlOptions): OrgUrlInfo {
if (newOrg === options.singleOrg) {
return {};
if (options.pathOnly) {
return {orgInPath: newOrg};
const hostType = getHostType(currentHost, options);
if (hostType !== 'plugin') {
const hostname = currentHost.split(":")[0];
if (!options.baseDomain || hostname === 'localhost') {
return {orgInPath: newOrg};
if (newOrg === && hostType !== 'native') {
return {};
return {hostname: newOrg + options.baseDomain};
* The actual serialization of a url state into a URL. The URL has the form
* <org-base>/
* <org-base>/ws/<ws>/
* <org-base>/doc/<doc>[/p/<docPage>]
* where <org-base> depends on whether subdomains are in use, e.g.
* <org>
* localhost:8080/o/<org>
export function encodeUrl(gristConfig: Partial<GristLoadConfig>,
state: IGristUrlState, baseLocation: Location | URL,
options: {
tweaks?: UrlTweaks,
} = {}): string {
const url = new URL(baseLocation.href);
const parts = ['/'];
if ( {
// We figure out where to stick the org using the gristConfig and the current host.
const {hostname, orgInPath} = getOrgUrlInfo(,, gristConfig);
if (hostname) {
url.hostname = hostname;
if (orgInPath) {
if (state.api) {
if ( { parts.push(`ws/${}/`); }
if (state.doc) {
if (state.api) {
} else if (state.viaShare) {
// Use a special path, and remove SHARE_KEY_PREFIX from id.
let id = state.doc;
if (id.startsWith(SHARE_KEY_PREFIX)) {
id = id.substring(SHARE_KEY_PREFIX.length);
} else if (state.slug) {
} else {
if (state.mode && OpenDocMode.guard(state.mode)) {
if (state.docPage) {
if (state.form) {
} else if (state.form?.shareKey) {
} else if (state.homePage === 'trash' || state.homePage === 'templates') {
if (state.account) {
parts.push(state.account === 'account' ? 'account' : `account/${state.account}`);
if (state.billing) {
parts.push(state.billing === 'billing' ? 'billing' : `billing/${state.billing}`);
if (state.activation) { parts.push(state.activation); }
if (state.login) { parts.push(state.login); }
if (state.welcome) {
if (state.adminPanel) { parts.push(state.adminPanel); }
const queryParams = pickBy(state.params, (v, k) => k !== 'linkParameters') as {[key: string]: string};
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(state.params?.linkParameters || {})) {
queryParams[`${k}_`] = v;
const hashParts: string[] = [];
if (state.hash && (state.hash.rowId || state.hash.popup || state.hash.recordCard)) {
const hash = state.hash;
if (hash.recordCard) {
} else if (hash.popup) {
} else {
for (const key of ['sectionId', 'rowId', 'colRef'] as Array<keyof HashLink>) {
let enhancedRowId: string|undefined;
if (key === 'rowId' && hash.linkingRowIds?.length) {
enhancedRowId = [hash.rowId, ...hash.linkingRowIds].join("-");
const partValue = enhancedRowId ?? hash[key];
if (partValue) {
const partKey = key === 'rowId' && state.hash?.rickRow ? 'rr' : key[0];
const queryStr = encodeQueryParams(queryParams);
url.pathname = parts.join(''); = queryStr;
if (state.hash) {
// Project tests use hashes, so only set hash if there is an anchor.
url.hash = hashParts.join('.');
} else if (state.welcomeTour) {
url.hash = 'repeat-welcome-tour';
} else if (state.docTour) {
url.hash = 'repeat-doc-tour';
} else if (state.manageUsers) {
url.hash = 'manage-users';
} else if (state.createTeam) {
url.hash = 'create-team';
} else if (state.upgradeTeam) {
url.hash = 'upgrade-team';
} else {
url.hash = '';
return url.href;
* Parse a URL location into an IGristUrlState object. See encodeUrl() documentation.
export function decodeUrl(gristConfig: Partial<GristLoadConfig>, location: Location | URL, options?: {
tweaks?: UrlTweaks,
}): IGristUrlState {
location = new URL(location.href); // Make sure location is a URL.
options?.tweaks?.preDecode?.({ url: location });
const parts = location.pathname.slice(1).split('/');
const state: IGristUrlState = {};
// Bare minimum we can do to detect API URLs: if it starts with /api/ or /o/{org}/api/...
if (parts[0] === 'api' || (parts[0] === 'o' && parts[2] === 'api')) {
state.api = true;
parts.splice(parts[0] === 'api' ? 0 : 2, 1);
// Bare minimum we can do to detect form URLs with share keys: if it starts with /forms/ or /o/{org}/forms/...
if (parts[0] === 'forms' || (parts[0] === 'o' && parts[2] === 'forms')) {
const startIndex = parts[0] === 'forms' ? 0 : 2;
// Form URLs have two parts to extract: the share key and the view section id.
state.form = {
shareKey: parts[startIndex + 1],
vsId: parseInt(parts[startIndex + 2], 10),
parts.splice(startIndex, 3);
const map = new Map<string, string>();
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 2) {
map.set(parts[i], decodeURIComponent(parts[i + 1]));
// For the API case, we need to map "docs" to "doc" (as this is what we did in encodeUrl and what API expects).
if (state.api && map.has('docs')) {
map.set('doc', map.get('docs')!);
// /s/<key> is accepted as another way to write -> /doc/<share-prefix><key>
if (map.has('s')) {
const key = map.get('s');
map.set('doc', `${SHARE_KEY_PREFIX}${key}`);
state.viaShare = true;
// When the urlId is a prefix of the docId, documents are identified
// as "<urlId>/slug" instead of "doc/<urlId>". We can detect that because
// the minimum length of a urlId prefix is longer than the maximum length
// of any of the valid keys in the url.
for (const key of map.keys()) {
if (key.length >= MIN_URLID_PREFIX_LENGTH && !LoginPage.guard(key)) {
map.set('doc', key);
map.set('slug', map.get(key)!);
const subdomain = parseSubdomain(;
if ( || gristConfig.singleOrg) { = || gristConfig.singleOrg;
} else if (!gristConfig.pathOnly && { =;
const sp = new URLSearchParams(;
if ( { state.params = {}; }
if (map.has('o')) { = map.get('o'); }
if (map.has('ws')) { = parseInt(map.get('ws')!, 10); }
if (map.has('doc')) {
state.doc = map.get('doc');
const fork = parseUrlId(map.get('doc')!);
if (fork.forkId) { state.fork = fork; }
if (map.has('slug')) { state.slug = map.get('slug'); }
if (map.has('p')) { state.docPage = parseDocPage(map.get('p')!); }
if (map.has('f')) { state.form = {vsId: parseInt(map.get('f')!, 10)}; }
} else {
if (map.has('p')) {
const p = map.get('p')!;
state.homePage = HomePage.parse(p);
if (map.has('m')) { state.mode = OpenDocMode.parse(map.get('m')); }
if (map.has('account')) { state.account = AccountPage.parse(map.get('account')) || 'account'; }
if (map.has('billing')) { state.billing = BillingSubPage.parse(map.get('billing')) || 'billing'; }
if (map.has('activation')) {
state.activation = ActivationPage.parse(map.get('activation')) || 'activation';
if (map.has('welcome')) { state.welcome = WelcomePage.parse(map.get('welcome')); }
if (map.has('admin')) { state.adminPanel = AdminPanelPage.parse(map.get('admin')) || 'admin'; }
if (sp.has('planType')) { state.params!.planType = sp.get('planType')!; }
if (sp.has('billingPlan')) { state.params!.billingPlan = sp.get('billingPlan')!; }
if (sp.has('billingTask')) {
state.params!.billingTask = BillingTask.parse(sp.get('billingTask'));
if (map.has('signup')) {
state.login = 'signup';
} else if (map.has('login')) {
state.login = 'login';
} else if (map.has('verified')) {
state.login = 'verified';
} else if (map.has('forgot-password')) {
state.login = 'forgot-password';
if (sp.has('state')) {
state.params!.state = sp.get('state')!;
if (sp.has('srcDocId')) {
state.params!.srcDocId = sp.get('srcDocId')!;
if (sp.has('style')) {
let style = sp.get('style');
if (style === 'light') {
style = 'singlePage';
state.params!.style = InterfaceStyle.parse(style);
if (sp.has('embed')) {
const embed = state.params!.embed = isAffirmative(sp.get('embed'));
// Turn view mode on if no mode has been specified, and not a fork.
if (embed && !state.mode && !state.fork) { state.mode = 'view'; }
// Turn on single page style if no style has been specified.
if (embed && !state.params!.style) { state.params!.style = 'singlePage'; }
// Theme overrides
if (sp.has('themeSyncWithOs')) {
state.params!.themeSyncWithOs = isAffirmative(sp.get('themeSyncWithOs'));
if (sp.has('themeAppearance')) {
const appearance = sp.get('themeAppearance');
if (ThemeAppearanceChecker.strictTest(appearance)) {
state.params!.themeAppearance = appearance;
if (sp.has('themeName')) {
const themeName = sp.get('themeName');
if (ThemeNameChecker.strictTest(themeName)) {
state.params!.themeName = themeName;
if (sp.has('compare')) {
state.params!.compare = sp.get('compare')!;
for (const [k, v] of sp.entries()) {
if (k.endsWith('_')) {
if (!state.params!.linkParameters) { state.params!.linkParameters = {}; }
state.params!.linkParameters[k.slice(0, k.length - 1)] = v;
if (location.hash) {
const hash = location.hash;
const hashParts = hash.split('.');
const hashMap = new Map<string, string>();
for (const part of hashParts) {
if (part.startsWith('rr')) {
hashMap.set(part.slice(0, 2), part.slice(2));
} else {
hashMap.set(part.slice(0, 1), part.slice(1));
if (hashMap.has('#') && ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'].includes(hashMap.get('#') || '')) {
const link: HashLink = {};
const keys = [
] as Array<'sectionId'|'rowId'|'colRef'>;
for (const key of keys) {
let ch: string;
if (key === 'rowId' && hashMap.has('rr')) {
ch = 'rr';
link.rickRow = true;
} else {
ch = key.substr(0, 1);
if (!hashMap.has(ch)) { continue; }
const value = hashMap.get(ch);
if (key === 'rowId' && value === 'new') {
link[key] = 'new';
} else if (key === 'rowId' && value && value.includes("-")) {
const rowIdParts = value.split("-").map(p => (p === 'new' ? p : parseInt(p, 10)));
link[key] = rowIdParts[0];
link.linkingRowIds = rowIdParts.slice(1);
} else {
link[key] = parseInt(value!, 10);
if (hashMap.get('#') === 'a2') {
link.popup = true;
} else if (hashMap.get('#') === 'a3') {
link.recordCard = true;
state.hash = link;
state.welcomeTour = hashMap.get('#') === 'repeat-welcome-tour';
state.docTour = hashMap.get('#') === 'repeat-doc-tour';
state.manageUsers = hashMap.get('#') === 'manage-users';
state.createTeam = hashMap.get('#') === 'create-team';
state.upgradeTeam = hashMap.get('#') === 'upgrade-team';
return state;
// Returns a function suitable for user with makeUrl/setHref/etc, which updates aclAsUser*
// linkParameters in the current state, unsetting them if email is null. Optional extraState
// allows setting other properties (e.g. 'docPage') at the same time.
export function userOverrideParams(email: string|null, extraState?: IGristUrlState) {
return function(prevState: IGristUrlState): IGristUrlState {
const combined = {...prevState, ...extraState};
const linkParameters = clone(combined.params?.linkParameters) || {};
if (email) {
linkParameters.aclAsUser = email;
} else {
delete linkParameters.aclAsUser;
delete linkParameters.aclAsUserId;
return {...combined, params: {...combined.params, linkParameters}};
* parseDocPage is a noop for special pages, otherwise parse to integer
function parseDocPage(p: string): IDocPage {
if (SpecialDocPage.guard(p)) {
return p;
return parseInt(p, 10);
* Parses the URL like "" into the pair {org: "foo", base: ".bar.baz"}.
* Port is allowed and included into base.
* The "base" part is required to have at least two periods. The "org" part must pass
* the subdomainRegex test.
* If there's no way to parse the URL into such a pair, then an empty object is returned.
export function parseSubdomain(host: string|undefined): {org?: string, base?: string} {
if (!host) { return {}; }
const match = /^([^.]+)(\..+\..+)$/.exec(host.toLowerCase());
if (match) {
const org = match[1];
const base = match[2];
if (subdomainRegex.exec(org)) {
return {org, base};
// Host has nowhere to put a subdomain.
return {};
// Allowed localhost addresses.
const localhostRegex = /^localhost(?::(\d+))?$/i;
* Like parseSubdomain, but throws an error if neither of these cases apply:
* - host can be parsed into a valid subdomain and a valid base domain.
* - host is localhost:NNNN
* An empty object is only returned when host is localhost:NNNN.
export function parseSubdomainStrictly(host: string|undefined): {org?: string, base?: string} {
if (!host) { throw new Error('host not known'); }
const result = parseSubdomain(host);
if ( { return result; }
if (!host.match(localhostRegex)) {
throw new Error(`host not understood: ${host}`);
// Host is localhost[:NNNN], no org available.
return {};
* These settings get sent to the client along with the loaded page. At the minimum, the browser
* needs to know the URL of the home API server (e.g.
export interface GristLoadConfig {
// URL of the Home API server for the browser client to use.
homeUrl: string|null;
// When loading /doc/{docId}, we include the id used to assign the document (this is the docId).
assignmentId?: string;
// Org or "subdomain". When present, this overrides org information from the hostname. We rely
// on this for custom domains, but set it generally for all pages.
org?: string;
// Base domain for constructing new URLs, should start with "." and not include port, e.g.
// "". It should be unset for localhost operation and in single-org mode.
baseDomain?: string;
// In single-org mode, this is the single well-known org. Suppress any org selection UI.
singleOrg?: string;
// Url for support for the browser client to use.
helpCenterUrl?: string;
// Url for terms of service for the browser client to use
termsOfServiceUrl?: string;
// Url for free coaching call scheduling for the browser client to use.
freeCoachingCallUrl?: string;
// Url for "contact support" button on Grist's "not found" error page
contactSupportUrl?: string;
// When set, this directs the client to encode org information in path, not in domain.
pathOnly?: boolean;
// Type of error page to show. This is used for pages such as "signed-out" and "not-found",
// which don't include the full app.
errPage?: string;
// When errPage is a generic "other-error", this is the message to show.
errMessage?: string;
// URL for client to use for untrusted content.
pluginUrl?: string;
// Stripe API key for use on the client.
stripeAPIKey?: string;
// BeaconID for the support widget from HelpScout.
helpScoutBeaconId?: string;
// If set, enable anonymous sharing UI elements.
supportAnon?: boolean;
// If set, enable anonymous playground.
enableAnonPlayground?: boolean;
// If set, allow selection of the specified engines.
// TODO: move this list to a separate endpoint.
supportEngines?: EngineCode[];
// Max upload allowed for imports (except .grist files), in bytes; 0 or omitted for unlimited.
maxUploadSizeImport?: number;
// Max upload allowed for attachments, in bytes; 0 or omitted for unlimited.
maxUploadSizeAttachment?: number;
// Pre-fetched call to getDoc for the doc being loaded.
getDoc?: {[id: string]: Document};
// Pre-fetched call to getWorker for the doc being loaded.
getWorker?: {[id: string]: string|null};
// The timestamp when this gristConfig was generated.
timestampMs: number;
// Google Client Id, used in Google integration (ex: Google Drive Plugin)
googleClientId?: string;
// Max scope we can request for accessing files from Google Drive.
// Default used by Grist is
// View and manage Google Drive files and folders that you have opened or created with this app.
// More on scopes:
googleDriveScope?: string;
// List of registered plugins (used by HomePluginManager and DocPluginManager)
plugins?: LocalPlugin[];
// If custom widget list is available.
enableWidgetRepository?: boolean;
// Whether there is somewhere for survey data to go.
survey?: boolean;
// Google Tag Manager id. Currently only used to load tag manager for reporting new sign-ups.
tagManagerId?: string;
activation?: ActivationState;
// List of enabled features.
features?: IFeature[];
// String to append to the end of the HTML document.title
pageTitleSuffix?: string;
// If custom CSS should be included in the head of each page.
enableCustomCss?: boolean;
// Supported languages for the UI. By default only english (en) is supported.
supportedLngs?: readonly string[];
// Loaded namespaces for translations.
namespaces?: readonly string[];
// TODO: remove when comments will be released.
featureComments?: boolean;
// TODO: remove once released.
featureFormulaAssistant?: boolean;
permittedCustomWidgets?: IAttachedCustomWidget[];
// Used to determine which disclosure links should be provided to user of
// formula assistance.
assistantService?: 'OpenAI' | undefined;
// Email address of the support user.
supportEmail?: string;
// Current user locale, read from the user options;
userLocale?: string;
// Telemetry config.
telemetry?: TelemetryConfig;
// The Grist deployment type (e.g. core, enterprise).
deploymentType?: GristDeploymentType;
// The org containing public templates and tutorials.
templateOrg?: string|null;
// Whether to show the "Delete Account" button in the account page.
canCloseAccount?: boolean;
experimentalPlugins?: boolean;
// If backend has an email service for sending notifications.
notifierEnabled?: boolean;
export const Features = StringUnion(
export type IFeature = typeof Features.type;
export function isFeatureEnabled(feature: IFeature): boolean {
return (getGristConfig().features || []).includes(feature);
export function getPageTitleSuffix(config?: GristLoadConfig) {
return config?.pageTitleSuffix ?? " - Grist";
export interface TelemetryConfig {
telemetryLevel: TelemetryLevel;
export const GristDeploymentTypes = StringUnion('saas', 'core', 'enterprise', 'electron', 'static');
export type GristDeploymentType = typeof GristDeploymentTypes.type;
* For a packaged version of Grist that requires activation, this
* summarizes the current state. Not applicable to grist-core.
export interface ActivationState {
trial?: { // Present when installation has not yet been activated.
days: number; // Max number of days allowed prior to activation.
expirationDate: string; // ISO8601 date that Grist will get cranky.
daysLeft: number; // Number of days left until Grist will get cranky.
needKey?: boolean; // Set when Grist is cranky and demanding activation.
key?: { // Set when Grist is activated.
expirationDate?: string; // ISO8601 date that Grist will need reactivation.
daysLeft?: number; // Number of days until Grist will need reactivation.
// Acceptable org subdomains are alphanumeric (hyphen also allowed) and of
// non-zero length.
const subdomainRegex = /^[-a-z0-9]+$/i;
export interface OrgParts {
subdomain: string|null;
orgFromHost: string|null;
orgFromPath: string|null;
pathRemainder: string;
mismatch: boolean;
* Returns true if code is running in client, false if running in server.
export function isClient() {
return (typeof window !== 'undefined') && window && window.location && window.location.hostname;
* Returns a known org "subdomain" if Grist is configured in single-org mode
* (GRIST_SINGLE_ORG=<org> on the server) or if the page includes an org in gristConfig.
export function getKnownOrg(): string|null {
if (isClient()) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig;
return (gristConfig && gristConfig.singleOrg) || null;
} else {
return process.env.GRIST_SINGLE_ORG || null;
export function getHelpCenterUrl(): string {
const defaultUrl = "";
if(isClient()) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig;
return gristConfig && gristConfig.helpCenterUrl || defaultUrl;
} else {
return process.env.GRIST_HELP_CENTER || defaultUrl;
export function getTermsOfServiceUrl(): string|undefined {
if(isClient()) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig;
return gristConfig && gristConfig.termsOfServiceUrl || undefined;
} else {
return process.env.GRIST_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_URL || undefined;
export function getFreeCoachingCallUrl(): string {
const defaultUrl = "";
if(isClient()) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig;
return gristConfig && gristConfig.freeCoachingCallUrl || defaultUrl;
} else {
return process.env.FREE_COACHING_CALL_URL || defaultUrl;
export function getContactSupportUrl(): string {
const defaultUrl = "";
if(isClient()) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig;
return gristConfig && gristConfig.contactSupportUrl || defaultUrl;
} else {
return process.env.GRIST_CONTACT_SUPPORT_URL || defaultUrl;
* Like getKnownOrg, but respects singleOrg/GRIST_SINGLE_ORG strictly.
* The main difference in behavior would be for orgs with custom domains
* served from a shared pool of servers, for which would
* be set, but not gristConfig.singleOrg.
export function getSingleOrg(): string|null {
if (isClient()) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig;
return (gristConfig && gristConfig.singleOrg) || null;
} else {
return process.env.GRIST_SINGLE_ORG || null;
* Returns true if org must be encoded in path, not in domain. Determined from
* gristConfig on the client. On the server, returns true if the host is
* supplied and is 'localhost', or if GRIST_ORG_IN_PATH is set to 'true'.
export function isOrgInPathOnly(host?: string): boolean {
if (isClient()) {
const gristConfig: GristLoadConfig = (window as any).gristConfig;
return (gristConfig && gristConfig.pathOnly) || false;
} else {
if (host && host.match(localhostRegex)) { return true; }
return (process.env.GRIST_ORG_IN_PATH === 'true');
// Extract an organization name from the host. Returns null if an organization name
// could not be recovered. Organization name may be overridden by server configuration.
export function getOrgFromHost(reqHost: string): string|null {
const singleOrg = getKnownOrg();
if (singleOrg) { return singleOrg; }
if (isOrgInPathOnly()) { return null; }
return parseSubdomain(reqHost).org || null;
* Get any information about an organization that is embedded in the host name or the
* path.
* For example, on, orgFromHost and subdomain will be set to "nasa".
* On localhost:8000/o/nasa, orgFromPath and subdomain will be set to "nasa".
* On, orgFromHost, orgFromPath, and subdomain will all be "nasa".
* On, orgFromHost will be "spam", orgFromPath will be "nasa",
* subdomain will be null, and mismatch will be true.
export function extractOrgParts(reqHost: string|undefined, reqPath: string): OrgParts {
let orgFromHost: string|null = getKnownOrg();
if (!orgFromHost && reqHost) {
orgFromHost = getOrgFromHost(reqHost);
if (orgFromHost) {
// Some subdomains are shared, and do not reflect the name of an organization.
// See /documentation/ for a list.
if (/^(api|v1-.*|doc-worker-.*)$/.test(orgFromHost)) {
orgFromHost = null;
const part = parseFirstUrlPart('o', reqPath);
if (part.value) {
const orgFromPath = part.value.toLowerCase();
const mismatch = Boolean(orgFromHost && orgFromPath && (orgFromHost !== orgFromPath));
const subdomain = mismatch ? null : orgFromPath;
return {orgFromHost, orgFromPath, pathRemainder: part.path, mismatch, subdomain};
return {orgFromHost, orgFromPath: null, pathRemainder: reqPath, mismatch: false, subdomain: orgFromHost};
* When a prefix is extracted from the path, the remainder of the path may be empty.
* This method makes sure there is at least a "/".
export function sanitizePathTail(path: string|undefined) {
path = path || '/';
return (path.startsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + path;
* If path starts with /{tag}/{value}{/rest}, returns value and the remaining path (/rest).
* Otherwise, returns value of undefined and the path unchanged.
* E.g. parseFirstUrlPart('o', '/o/foo/bar') returns {value: 'foo', path: '/bar'}.
export function parseFirstUrlPart(tag: string, path: string): {value?: string, path: string} {
const match = path.match(/^\/([^/?#]+)\/([^/?#]+)(.*)$/);
if (match && match[1] === tag) {
return {value: match[2], path: sanitizePathTail(match[3])};
} else {
return {path};
* The internal structure of a UrlId. There is no internal structure,
* except in the following cases. The id may be for a fork, in which
* case the fork has a separate id, and a user id may also be embedded
* to track ownership. The id may be a share key, in which case it
* has some special syntax to identify it as so.
export interface UrlIdParts {
trunkId: string;
forkId?: string;
forkUserId?: number;
snapshotId?: string;
shareKey?: string;
// Parse a string of the form trunkId or trunkId~forkId or trunkId~forkId~forkUserId
// or trunkId[....]~v=snapshotId
// or <SHARE-KEY-PREFIX>shareKey
export function parseUrlId(urlId: string): UrlIdParts {
let snapshotId: string|undefined;
const parts = urlId.split('~');
const bareParts = parts.filter(part => !part.includes('v='));
for (const part of parts) {
if (part.startsWith('v=')) {
snapshotId = decodeURIComponent(part.substr(2).replace(/_/g, '%'));
const trunkId = bareParts[0];
// IDs starting with SHARE_KEY_PREFIX are in fact shares.
const shareKey = removePrefix(trunkId, SHARE_KEY_PREFIX) || undefined;
return {
trunkId: bareParts[0],
forkId: bareParts[1],
forkUserId: (bareParts[2] !== undefined) ? parseInt(bareParts[2], 10) : undefined,
// Construct a string of the form trunkId or trunkId~forkId or trunkId~forkId~forkUserId
// or trunkId[....]~v=snapshotId
export function buildUrlId(parts: UrlIdParts): string {
let token = [parts.trunkId, parts.forkId, parts.forkUserId].filter(x => x !== undefined).join('~');
if (parts.snapshotId) {
// This could be an S3 VersionId, about which AWS makes few promises.
// encodeURIComponent leaves untouched the following:
// alphabetic; decimal; any of: - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )
// We further encode _.!~*'() to fit within existing limits on what characters
// may be in a docId (leaving just the hyphen, which is permitted). The limits
// could be loosened, but without much benefit.
const codedSnapshotId = encodeURIComponent(parts.snapshotId)
.replace(/[_.!~*'()-]/g, ch => `_${ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`)
.replace(/%/g, '_');
token = `${token}~v=${codedSnapshotId}`;
return token;
* Values that may be encoded in a hash in a document url.
export interface HashLink {
sectionId?: number;
rowId?: UIRowId;
colRef?: number;
popup?: boolean;
rickRow?: boolean;
recordCard?: boolean;
linkingRowIds?: UIRowId[];
// Check whether a urlId is a prefix of the docId, and adequately long to be
// a candidate for use in prettier urls.
function shouldIncludeSlug(doc: {id: string, urlId: string|null}): boolean {
if (!doc.urlId || doc.urlId.length < MIN_URLID_PREFIX_LENGTH) { return false; }
return || doc.urlId.startsWith(SHARE_KEY_PREFIX);
// Convert the name of a document into a slug. The slugify library normalizes unicode characters,
// replaces those with a reasonable ascii representation. Only alphanumerics are retained, and
// spaces are replaced with hyphens.
function nameToSlug(name: string): string {
return slugify(name, {strict: true});
// Returns a slug for the given docId/urlId/name, or undefined if a slug should
// not be used.
export function getSlugIfNeeded(doc: {id: string, urlId: string|null, name: string}): string|undefined {
if (!shouldIncludeSlug(doc)) { return; }
return nameToSlug(;
* It is possible we want to remap Grist URLs in some way - specifically,
* grist-static does this. We allow for a hook that is called after
* encoding state as a URL, and a hook that is called before decoding
* state from a URL.
export interface UrlTweaks {
* Tweak an encoded URL. Operates on the URL directly, in place.
postEncode?(options: {
url: URL,
parts: string[],
state: IGristUrlState,
baseLocation: Location | URL,
}): void;
* Tweak a URL prior to decoding it. Operates on the URL directly, in place.
preDecode?(options: {
url: URL,
}): void;