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This module reads a file path that is passed in using ActiveDoc.importFile()
and returns a object formatted so that it can be used by grist for a bulk add records action
import logging
import messytables
import six
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.utils.datetime import from_excel
from openpyxl.worksheet import _reader
from six.moves import zip
import parse_data
from imports import import_utils
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Some strange Excel files have values that are marked as dates but are invalid as dates.
# Normally, openpyxl converts these to `#VALUE!`, but keeping the original value is better.
# In the case where this was encountered, the original value is a large number:
# the 6281228502068 in test_excel_strange_dates.
# Here we monkeypatch openpyxl to keep the original value.
def new_from_excel(value, *args, **kwargs):
return from_excel(value, *args, **kwargs)
except (ValueError, OverflowError):
return value
_reader.from_excel = new_from_excel
def import_file(file_source):
path = import_utils.get_path(file_source["path"])
parse_options, tables = parse_file(path)
return {"parseOptions": parse_options, "tables": tables}
def parse_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
return parse_open_file(f)
def parse_open_file(file_obj):
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(
skipped_tables = 0
export_list = []
# A table set is a collection of tables:
for sheet in workbook:
# openpyxl fails to read xlsx files with incorrect dimensions; we reset here as a precaution.
# See
table_name = sheet.title
rows = [
for row in sheet.iter_rows(values_only=True)
# Exclude empty rows, i.e. rows with only empty values.
# `if not any(row)` would be slightly faster, but would count `0` as empty.
if not set(row) <= {None, ""}
sample = [
# Create messytables.Cells for the sake of messytables.headers_guess
[messytables.Cell(cell) for cell in row]
# Resetting dimensions via openpyxl causes rows to not be padded. Make sure
# sample rows are padded; get_table_data will handle padding the rest.
for row in _with_padding(rows[:1000])
offset, headers = messytables.headers_guess(sample)
data_offset = offset + 1 # Add the header line
rows = rows[data_offset:]
# Make sure all header values are strings.
for i, header in enumerate(headers):
if header is None:
headers[i] = u''
elif not isinstance(header, six.string_types):
headers[i] = six.text_type(header)
log.debug("Guessed data_offset as %s", data_offset)
log.debug("Guessed headers as: %s", headers)
table_data_with_types = parse_data.get_table_data(rows, len(headers))
# Identify and remove empty columns, and populate separate metadata and data lists.
column_metadata = []
table_data = []
for col_data, header in zip(table_data_with_types, headers):
if not header and all(val == "" for val in col_data["data"]):
continue # empty column
data = col_data.pop("data")
col_data["id"] = header
if not table_data:
# Don't add tables with no columns.
skipped_tables += 1
continue"Output table %r with %d columns", table_name, len(column_metadata))
for c in column_metadata:
log.debug("Output column %s", c)
"table_name": table_name,
"column_metadata": column_metadata,
"table_data": table_data
if not export_list:
if skipped_tables:
raise Exception("No tables found ({} empty tables skipped)".format(skipped_tables))
raise Exception("No tables found")
parse_options = {}
return parse_options, export_list
def _with_padding(rows):
if not rows:
return []
max_width = max(len(row) for row in rows)
min_width = min(len(row) for row in rows)
if min_width == max_width:
return rows
for row in rows:
row.extend([""] * (max_width - len(row)))
return rows