mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Paul Fitzpatrick 07bb90b5a6
allow bundled widgets to be hidden from dropdown, and nested ()
This makes a few refinements to bundling widgets:

  * A widget with `published: false` is not shown in the
    custom widget dropdown in the UI. This is so widgets
    can be bundled with the app for "native" use (like the
    calendar widget) without immediately resulting in an
    extra listing in the UI. (There are improvements we'd
    like to make to the UI to better communicate widget
    provenance and quality eventually, which would be a
    helpful alternative to just a binary flag.)

  * A relative path to the custom widget manifest is
    respected. This will make the bundling process marginally
2023-10-30 21:13:21 -04:00

901 lines
32 KiB

import {AccessLevel, ICustomWidget} from 'app/common/CustomWidget';
import {AccessTokenResult} from 'app/plugin/GristAPI';
import {TableOperations} from 'app/plugin/TableOperations';
import {getAppRoot} from 'app/server/lib/places';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import {assert, driver, Key} from 'mocha-webdriver';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils';
import {server, setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils';
import {serveSomething} from 'test/server/customUtil';
import {createTmpDir} from 'test/server/docTools';
import {EnvironmentSnapshot} from 'test/server/testUtils';
// Valid manifest url.
const manifestEndpoint = '/manifest.json';
// Valid widget url.
const widgetEndpoint = '/widget';
// Custom URL label in selectbox.
const CUSTOM_URL = 'Custom URL';
// Create some widgets:
const widget1: ICustomWidget = {widgetId: '1', name: 'W1', url: widgetEndpoint + '?name=W1'};
const widget2: ICustomWidget = {widgetId: '2', name: 'W2', url: widgetEndpoint + '?name=W2'};
const widgetWithTheme: ICustomWidget = {
widgetId: '3',
name: 'WithTheme',
url: widgetEndpoint + '?name=WithTheme',
const widgetNoPluginApi: ICustomWidget = {
widgetId: '4',
name: 'NoPluginApi',
url: widgetEndpoint + '?name=NoPluginApi',
const fromAccess = (level: AccessLevel) =>
({widgetId: level, name: level, url: widgetEndpoint, accessLevel: level}) as ICustomWidget;
const widgetNone = fromAccess(AccessLevel.none);
const widgetRead = fromAccess(AccessLevel.read_table);
const widgetFull = fromAccess(AccessLevel.full);
// Holds widgets manifest content.
let widgets: ICustomWidget[] = [];
// Helper function to get iframe with custom widget.
function getCustomWidgetFrame() {
return driver.findWait('iframe', 500);
describe('CustomWidgets', function () {
const cleanup = setupTestSuite();
// Holds url for sample widget server.
let widgetServerUrl = '';
// Switches widget manifest url
async function useManifest(url: string) {
await server.testingHooks.setWidgetRepositoryUrl(url ? `${widgetServerUrl}${url}` : '');
await driver.executeAsyncScript(
(done: any) => (window as any).gristApp?.topAppModel.testReloadWidgets().then(done).catch(done) || done()
before(async function () {
if (server.isExternalServer()) {
// Create simple widget server that serves manifest.json file, some widgets and some error pages.
const widgetServer = await serveSomething(app => {
app.get('/404', (_, res) => res.sendStatus(404).end()); // not found
app.get('/500', (_, res) => res.sendStatus(500).end()); // internal error
app.get('/200', (_, res) => res.sendStatus(200).end()); // valid response with OK
app.get('/401', (_, res) => res.sendStatus(401).end()); // unauthorized
app.get('/403', (_, res) => res.sendStatus(403).end()); // forbidden
app.get(widgetEndpoint, (req, res) =>
.header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
.send('<html><head>' +
(req.query.name === 'NoPluginApi' ? '' : '<script src="/grist-plugin-api.js"></script>') +
(req.query.name === 'WithTheme' ? '<script>grist.ready();</script>' : '') +
'</head><body>\n' +
(req.query.name === 'WithTheme' ? '<span style="color: var(--grist-theme-text);">' : '') +
(req.query.name || req.query.access) + // send back widget name from query string or access level
(req.query.name === 'WithTheme' ? '</span>' : '') +
app.get(manifestEndpoint, (_, res) =>
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
// prefix widget endpoint with server address
.json(widgets.map(widget => ({...widget, url: `${widgetServerUrl}${widget.url}`})))
app.get('/grist-plugin-api.js', (_, res) =>
'grist-plugin-api.js', {
root: path.resolve(getAppRoot(), "static")
widgetServerUrl = widgetServer.url;
// Start with valid endpoint and 2 widgets.
widgets = [widget1, widget2];
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
const session = await gu.session().login();
await session.tempDoc(cleanup, 'Hello.grist');
// Add custom section.
await gu.addNewSection(/Custom/, /Table1/, {selectBy: /TABLE1/});
after(async function() {
await server.testingHooks.setWidgetRepositoryUrl('');
// Open or close widget menu.
const toggle = async () => await driver.findWait('.test-config-widget-select .test-select-open', 1000).click();
// Get current value from widget menu.
const current = () => driver.find('.test-config-widget-select .test-select-open').getText();
// Get options from widget menu (must be first opened).
const options = () => driver.findAll('.test-select-menu li', e => e.getText());
// Select widget from the menu.
const select = async (text: string | RegExp) => {
await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', text).click();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Get rendered content from custom section.
const content = async () => {
return gu.doInIframe(await getCustomWidgetFrame(), async ()=>{
const text = await driver.find('body').getText();
return text;
async function execute(
op: (table: TableOperations) => Promise<any>,
tableSelector: (grist: any) => TableOperations = (grist) => grist.selectedTable
) {
return gu.doInIframe(await getCustomWidgetFrame(), async ()=> {
const harness = async (done: any) => {
const grist = (window as any).grist;
const table = tableSelector(grist);
try {
let result = await op(table);
if (result === undefined) {
result = "__undefined__";
} catch (e) {
done(String(e.message || e));
const cmd =
'const done = arguments[arguments.length - 1];\n' +
'const op = ' + op.toString() + ';\n' +
'const tableSelector = ' + tableSelector.toString() + ';\n' +
'const harness = ' + harness.toString() + ';\n' +
const result = await driver.executeAsyncScript(cmd);
// done callback will return null instead of undefined
return result === "__undefined__" ? undefined : result;
// Replace url for the Custom URL widget.
const setUrl = async (url: string) => {
await driver.find('.test-config-widget-url').click();
// First clear textbox.
await gu.sendKeys(await gu.selectAllKey(), Key.DELETE);
if (url) {
await gu.sendKeys(`${widgetServerUrl}${url}`, Key.ENTER);
} else {
await gu.sendKeys(Key.ENTER);
// Get an URL from the URL textbox.
const getUrl = () => driver.find('.test-config-widget-url').value();
// Get first error message from error toasts.
const getErrorMessage = async () => (await gu.getToasts())[0];
// Changes active section to recreate creator panel.
async function recreatePanel() {
await gu.getSection('TABLE1').click();
await gu.getSection('TABLE1 Custom').click();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Gets or sets access level
async function access(level?: AccessLevel) {
const text = {
[AccessLevel.none] : "No document access",
[AccessLevel.read_table]: "Read selected table",
[AccessLevel.full]: "Full document access"
if (!level) {
const currentAccess = await driver.find('.test-config-widget-access .test-select-open').getText();
return Object.entries(text).find(e => e[1] === currentAccess)![0];
} else {
await driver.find('.test-config-widget-access .test-select-open').click();
await driver.findContent('.test-select-menu li', text[level]).click();
await gu.waitForServer();
// Checks if access prompt is visible.
const hasPrompt = () => driver.find(".test-config-widget-access-accept").isPresent();
// Accepts new access level.
const accept = () => driver.find(".test-config-widget-access-accept").click();
// Rejects new access level.
const reject = () => driver.find(".test-config-widget-access-reject").click();
async function enableWidgetsAndShowPanel() {
// Override gristConfig to enable widget list.
await driver.executeScript('window.gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository = true;');
// We need to be sure that widget configuration panel is open all the time.
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
await recreatePanel();
await driver.findWait('.test-right-tab-pagewidget', 100).click();
describe('RightWidgetMenu', () => {
it('should show widgets in dropdown', async () => {
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
await driver.find('.test-right-tab-pagewidget').click();
await gu.waitForServer();
await driver.find('.test-config-widget').click();
await gu.waitForServer(); // Wait for widgets to load.
// Selectbox should have select label.
assert.equal(await current(), CUSTOM_URL);
// There should be 3 options (together with Custom URL)
await toggle();
assert.deepEqual(await options(), [CUSTOM_URL, widget1.name, widget2.name]);
await toggle();
it('should switch between widgets', async () => {
// Test custom URL.
await toggle();
await select(CUSTOM_URL);
assert.equal(await current(), CUSTOM_URL);
assert.equal(await getUrl(), '');
await setUrl('/200');
assert.equal(await content(), 'OK');
// Test first widget.
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.equal(await current(), widget1.name);
assert.equal(await content(), widget1.name);
// Test second widget.
await toggle();
await select(widget2.name);
assert.equal(await current(), widget2.name);
assert.equal(await content(), widget2.name);
// Go back to Custom URL.
await toggle();
await select(CUSTOM_URL);
assert.equal(await getUrl(), '');
assert.equal(await current(), CUSTOM_URL);
await setUrl('/200');
assert.equal(await content(), 'OK');
// Clear url and test if message page is shown.
await setUrl('');
assert.equal(await current(), CUSTOM_URL);
assert.isTrue((await content()).startsWith('Custom widget')); // start page
await recreatePanel();
assert.equal(await current(), CUSTOM_URL);
await gu.undo(7);
it('should support theme variables', async () => {
widgets = [widgetWithTheme];
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await recreatePanel();
await toggle();
await select(widgetWithTheme.name);
assert.equal(await current(), widgetWithTheme.name);
assert.equal(await content(), widgetWithTheme.name);
const getWidgetColor = async () => {
const iframe = driver.find('iframe');
await driver.switchTo().frame(iframe);
const color = await driver.find('span').getCssValue('color');
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
return color;
// Check that the widget is using the text color from the GristLight theme.
assert.equal(await getWidgetColor(), 'rgba(38, 38, 51, 1)');
// Switch the theme to GristDark.
await gu.setGristTheme({appearance: 'dark', syncWithOS: false});
await driver.navigate().back();
await gu.waitForDocToLoad();
// Check that the span is using the text color from the GristDark theme.
assert.equal(await getWidgetColor(), 'rgba(239, 239, 239, 1)');
// Switch back to GristLight.
await gu.setGristTheme({appearance: 'light', syncWithOS: true});
await driver.navigate().back();
await gu.waitForDocToLoad();
// Check that the widget is back to using the GristLight text color.
assert.equal(await getWidgetColor(), 'rgba(38, 38, 51, 1)');
// Re-enable widget repository.
await driver.executeScript('window.gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository = true;');
it("should support widgets that don't use the plugin api", async () => {
widgets = [widgetNoPluginApi];
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await recreatePanel();
await toggle();
await select(widgetNoPluginApi.name);
assert.equal(await current(), widgetNoPluginApi.name);
// Check that the widget loaded and its iframe is visible.
assert.equal(await content(), widgetNoPluginApi.name);
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('iframe').isDisplayed());
// Revert to original configuration.
widgets = [widget1, widget2];
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await recreatePanel();
it('should show error message for invalid widget url list', async () => {
const testError = async (url: string, error: string) => {
// Switch section to rebuild the creator panel.
await useManifest(url);
await recreatePanel();
assert.include(await getErrorMessage(), error);
await gu.wipeToasts();
// List should contain only a Custom URL.
await toggle();
assert.deepEqual(await options(), [CUSTOM_URL]);
await toggle();
await testError('/404', "Remote widget list not found");
await testError('/500', "Remote server returned an error");
await testError('/401', "Remote server returned an error");
await testError('/403', "Remote server returned an error");
// Invalid content in a response.
await testError('/200', "Error reading widget list");
// Reset to valid manifest.
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await recreatePanel();
* Need to think about whether this is desirable?
* The document could be on a different Grist installation to the
* one where it was created.
it.skip('should show widget when it was removed from list', async () => {
// Select widget1 and then remove it from the list.
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
widgets = [widget2];
// Invalidate cache.
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
// Toggle sections to reset creator panel and fetch list of available widgets.
await recreatePanel();
// But still should be selected with a correct url.
assert.equal(await current(), widget1.name);
assert.equal(await content(), widget1.name);
await gu.undo(1);
it('should switch access level to none on new widget', async () => {
widgets = [widget1, widget2];
await recreatePanel();
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
await access(AccessLevel.full);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.full);
await toggle();
await select(widget2.name);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
await access(AccessLevel.full);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.full);
await toggle();
await select(CUSTOM_URL);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
await access(AccessLevel.full);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.full);
await toggle();
await select(widget2.name);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
await access(AccessLevel.full);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.full);
await gu.undo(8);
it('should prompt for access change', async () => {
widgets = [widget1, widget2, widgetFull, widgetNone, widgetRead];
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await recreatePanel();
const test = async (w: ICustomWidget) => {
// Select widget without desired access level
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
// Select one with desired access level
await toggle();
await select(w.name);
// Access level should be still none (test by content which will display access level from query string)
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
// Accept, and test if prompt is hidden, and level stays
await accept();
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), w.accessLevel);
// Do the same, but this time reject
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
await toggle();
await select(w.name);
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
await reject();
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
await test(widgetFull);
await test(widgetRead);
it('should auto accept none access level', async () => {
// Select widget without access level
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
// Switch to one with none access level
await toggle();
await select(widgetNone.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
it('should show prompt when user switches sections', async () => {
// Select widget without access level
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
// Switch to one with full access level
await toggle();
await select(widgetFull.name);
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
// Switch section, and test if prompt is hidden
await recreatePanel();
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
it('should hide prompt when user switches widget', async () => {
// Select widget without access level
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
// Switch to one with full access level
await toggle();
await select(widgetFull.name);
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
// Switch to another level.
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
it('should hide prompt when manually changes access level', async () => {
// Select widget with no access level
const selectNone = async () => {
await toggle();
await select(widgetNone.name);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
// Selects widget with full access level
const selectFull = async () => {
await toggle();
await select(widgetFull.name);
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
await selectNone();
await selectFull();
// Select the same level.
await access(AccessLevel.full);
assert.isFalse(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.full);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.full);
await selectNone();
await selectFull();
// Select the normal level, prompt should be still there, as widget needs a higher permission.
await access(AccessLevel.read_table);
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.read_table);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.read_table);
await selectNone();
await selectFull();
// Select the none level.
await access(AccessLevel.none);
assert.isTrue(await hasPrompt());
assert.equal(await access(), AccessLevel.none);
assert.equal(await content(), AccessLevel.none);
it('should offer only custom url when disabled', async () => {
await toggle();
await select(CUSTOM_URL);
await driver.executeScript('window.gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository = false;');
await recreatePanel();
assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-url').isDisplayed());
assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-config-widget-select').isPresent());
describe('gristApiSupport', async ()=>{
beforeEach(async function () {
// Override gristConfig to enable widget list.
await driver.executeScript('window.gristConfig.enableWidgetRepository = true;');
// We need to be sure that widget configuration panel is open all the time.
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
await recreatePanel();
await driver.findWait('.test-right-tab-pagewidget', 100).click();
it('should set language in widget url', async () => {
function languageMenu() {
return gu.currentDriver().find('.test-account-page-language .test-select-open');
async function language() {
return await gu.doInIframe(await getCustomWidgetFrame(), async ()=>{
const urlText = await driver.executeScript<string>('return document.location.href');
const url = new URL(urlText);
return url.searchParams.get('language');
async function switchLanguage(lang: string) {
await gu.openProfileSettingsPage();
await gu.waitForServer();
await languageMenu().click();
await driver.findContentWait('.test-select-menu li', lang, 100).click();
await gu.waitForServer();
await driver.navigate().back();
await gu.waitForServer();
widgets = [widget1];
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await gu.openWidgetPanel();
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
//Switch language to Polish
await switchLanguage('Polski');
//Check if widgets have "pl" in url
assert.equal(await language(), 'pl');
//Switch back to English
await switchLanguage('English');
//Check if widgets have "en" in url
assert.equal(await language(), 'en');
it("should support grist.selectedTable", async () => {
// Open a custom widget with full access.
await gu.toggleSidePanel('right', 'open');
await driver.find('.test-config-widget').click();
await gu.waitForServer();
await toggle();
await select(widget1.name);
await access(AccessLevel.full);
// Check an upsert works.
await execute(async (table) => {
await table.upsert({
require: {A: 'hello'},
fields: {A: 'goodbye'}
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: 1, col: 0}).getText(), 'goodbye');
// Check an update works.
await execute(async table => {
return table.update({
id: 2,
fields: {A: 'farewell'}
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: 2, col: 0}).getText(), 'farewell');
// Check options are passed along.
await execute(async table => {
return table.upsert({
require: {},
fields: {A: 'goodbyes'}
}, {onMany: 'all', allowEmptyRequire: true});
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: 1, col: 0}).getText(), 'goodbyes');
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: 2, col: 0}).getText(), 'goodbyes');
// Check a create works.
const {id} = await execute(async table => {
return table.create({
fields: {A: 'partA', B: 'partB'}
}) as {id: number};
assert.equal(id, 5);
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: id, col: 0}).getText(), 'partA');
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: id, col: 1}).getText(), 'partB');
// Check a destroy works.
let result = await execute(async table => {
await table.destroy(1);
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: id - 1, col: 0}).getText(), 'partA');
result = await execute(async table => {
await table.destroy([2]);
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: id - 2, col: 0}).getText(), 'partA');
// Check errors are friendly.
const errMessage = await execute(async table => {
await table.create({fields: {ziggy: 1}});
assert.equal(errMessage, 'Invalid column "ziggy"');
it("should support grist.getTable", async () => {
// Check an update on an existing table works.
await execute(async table => {
return table.update({
id: 3,
fields: {A: 'back again'}
}, (grist) => grist.getTable('Table1'));
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await gu.getCell({section: 'TABLE1', rowNum: 1, col: 0}).getText(), 'back again');
// Check an update on a nonexistent table fails.
assert.match(String(await execute(async table => {
return table.update({
id: 3,
fields: {A: 'back again'}
}, (grist) => grist.getTable('Table2'))), /Table not found/);
it("should support grist.getAccessTokens", async () => {
return await gu.doInIframe(await getCustomWidgetFrame(), async ()=>{
const tokenResult: AccessTokenResult = await driver.executeAsyncScript(
(done: any) => (window as any).grist.getAccessToken().then(done)
assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(tokenResult), ['ttlMsecs', 'token', 'baseUrl']);
const result = await fetch(tokenResult.baseUrl + `/tables/Table1/records?auth=${tokenResult.token}`);
assert.sameMembers(Object.keys(await result.json()), ['records']);
describe('Bundling', function () {
let oldEnv: EnvironmentSnapshot;
before(async function () {
oldEnv = new EnvironmentSnapshot();
afterEach(async function() {
await server.restart();
await gu.reloadDoc();
for (const variant of ['flat', 'nested'] as const) {
it(`can add widgets via plugins (${variant} layout)`, async function () {
// Double-check that using one external widget, we see
// just that widget listed.
widgets = [widget1];
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await enableWidgetsAndShowPanel();
await toggle();
assert.deepEqual(await options(), [
CUSTOM_URL, widget1.name,
// Get a temporary directory that will be cleaned up,
// and populated it as follows ('flat' variant)
// plugins/
// my-widgets/
// manifest.yml # a plugin manifest, listing widgets.json
// widgets.json # a widget set manifest, grist-widget style
// p1.html # one of the widgets in widgets.json
// p2.html # another of the widgets in widgets.json
// grist-plugin-api.js # a dummy api file, to check it is overridden
// In 'nested' variant, widgets.json and the files it refers to are in
// a subdirectory.
const dir = await createTmpDir();
const pluginDir = path.join(dir, 'plugins', 'my-widgets');
const widgetDir = variant === 'nested' ? path.join(pluginDir, 'nested') : pluginDir;
await fse.mkdirp(pluginDir);
await fse.mkdirp(widgetDir);
// A plugin, with some widgets in it.
await fse.writeFile(
path.join(pluginDir, 'manifest.yml'),
`name: My Widgets\n` +
`components:\n` +
` widgets: ${variant === 'nested' ? 'nested/' : ''}widgets.json\n`
// A list of a pair of custom widgets, with the widget
// source in the same directory.
await fse.writeFile(
path.join(widgetDir, 'widgets.json'),
widgetId: 'p1',
name: 'P1',
url: './p1.html',
widgetId: 'p2',
name: 'P2',
url: './p2.html',
widgetId: 'p3',
name: 'P3',
url: './p3.html',
published: false,
// The first widget - just contains the text P1.
await fse.writeFile(
path.join(widgetDir, 'p1.html'),
// The second widget. This contains the text P2
// if grist is defined after loading grist-plugin-api.js
// (but the js bundled with the widget just throws an
// alert).
await fse.writeFile(
path.join(widgetDir, 'p2.html'),
<head><script src="./grist-plugin-api.js"></script></head>
<div id="readout"></div>
if (typeof grist !== 'undefined') {
document.getElementById('readout').innerText = 'P2';
// The third widget - just contains the text P3.
await fse.writeFile(
path.join(widgetDir, 'p3.html'),
// A dummy grist-plugin-api.js - hopefully the actual
// js for the current version of Grist will be served in
// its place.
await fse.writeFile(
path.join(widgetDir, 'grist-plugin-api.js'),
'alert("Error: built in api version used");',
// Restart server and reload doc now plugins are in place.
process.env.GRIST_USER_ROOT = dir;
await server.restart();
await gu.reloadDoc();
// Continue using one external widget.
await useManifest(manifestEndpoint);
await enableWidgetsAndShowPanel();
// Check we see one external widget and two bundled ones.
await toggle();
assert.deepEqual(await options(), [
CUSTOM_URL, widget1.name, 'P1 (My Widgets)', 'P2 (My Widgets)',
// Prepare to check content of widgets.
async function getWidgetText(): Promise<string> {
return gu.doInIframe(await getCustomWidgetFrame(), () => {
return driver.executeScript(
() => document.body.innerText
// Check built-in P1 works as expected.
await select(/P1/);
assert.equal(await current(), 'P1 (My Widgets)');
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await getWidgetText(), 'P1');
// Check external W1 works as expected.
await toggle();
await select(/W1/);
assert.equal(await current(), 'W1');
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await getWidgetText(), 'W1');
// Check build-in P2 works as expected.
await toggle();
await select(/P2/);
assert.equal(await current(), 'P2 (My Widgets)');
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await getWidgetText(), 'P2');
// Make sure widget setting is sticky.
await gu.reloadDoc();
await gu.waitToPass(async () => {
assert.equal(await getWidgetText(), 'P2');