Florent 95b2459f25
HomeDBManager refactoration: extract method related to Users management in its own module (#1049)
The HomeDBManager remains the exposed class to the other parts of the code: any module under gen-server/lib/homedb like UsersManager is intended to be used solely by HomeDBManager, and in order to use their methods, an indirection has to be created to pass through HomeDBManager.
2024-06-18 10:57:06 -04:00

756 lines
29 KiB

import { ApiError } from 'app/common/ApiError';
import { normalizeEmail } from 'app/common/emails';
import { PERSONAL_FREE_PLAN } from 'app/common/Features';
import { UserOrgPrefs } from 'app/common/Prefs';
import * as roles from 'app/common/roles';
import {
} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import { AclRule } from 'app/gen-server/entity/AclRule';
import { Group } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Group';
import { Login } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Login';
import { User } from 'app/gen-server/entity/User';
import { appSettings } from 'app/server/lib/AppSettings';
import { HomeDBManager, PermissionDeltaAnalysis, Scope } from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import {
AvailableUsers, GetUserOptions, NonGuestGroup, QueryResult, Resource, RunInTransaction, UserProfileChange
} from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/Interfaces';
import { Permissions } from 'app/gen-server/lib/Permissions';
import { Pref } from 'app/gen-server/entity/Pref';
import flatten from 'lodash/flatten';
import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
// A special user allowed to add/remove the EVERYONE_EMAIL to/from a resource.
export const SUPPORT_EMAIL = appSettings.section('access').flag('supportEmail').requireString({
defaultValue: '',
// A list of emails we don't expect to see logins for.
* Class responsible for Users Management.
* It's only meant to be used by HomeDBManager. If you want to use one of its (instance or static) methods,
* please make an indirection which passes through HomeDBManager.
export class UsersManager {
public static isSingleUser(users: AvailableUsers): users is number {
return typeof users === 'number';
// Returns all first-level memberUsers in the resources. Requires all resources' aclRules, groups
// and memberUsers to be populated.
// If optRoles is provided, only checks membership in resource groups with the given roles.
public static getResourceUsers(res: Resource|Resource[], optRoles?: string[]): User[] {
res = Array.isArray(res) ? res : [res];
const users: {[uid: string]: User} = {};
let resAcls: AclRule[] = flatten( => _res.aclRules as AclRule[]));
if (optRoles) {
resAcls = resAcls.filter(_acl => optRoles.includes(;
resAcls.forEach((aclRule: AclRule) => { User) => users[] = u);
const userList = Object.keys(users).map(uid => users[uid]);
userList.sort((a, b) => -;
return userList;
// Returns a map of users indexed by their roles. Optionally excludes users whose ids are in
// excludeUsers.
public static getUsersWithRole(groups: NonGuestGroup[], excludeUsers?: number[]): Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]> {
const members = new Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>();
for (const group of groups) {
let users = group.memberUsers;
if (excludeUsers) {
users = users.filter((user) => !excludeUsers.includes(;
members.set(, users);
return members;
private _specialUserIds: {[name: string]: number} = {}; // id for anonymous user, previewer, etc
private get _connection () {
return this._homeDb.connection;
public constructor(
private readonly _homeDb: HomeDBManager,
private _runInTransaction: RunInTransaction
) {}
* Clear all user preferences associated with the given email addresses.
* For use in tests.
public async testClearUserPrefs(emails: string[]) {
return await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
for (const email of emails) {
const user = await this.getUserByLogin(email, {manager});
if (user) {
await manager.delete(Pref, {userId:});
public getSpecialUserId(key: string) {
return this._specialUserIds[key];
* Get the id of the anonymous user.
public getAnonymousUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("Anonymous user not available"); }
return id;
* Get the id of the thumbnail user.
public getPreviewerUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[PREVIEWER_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("Previewer user not available"); }
return id;
* Get the id of the 'everyone' user.
public getEveryoneUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[EVERYONE_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("'everyone' user not available"); }
return id;
* Get the id of the 'support' user.
public getSupportUserId(): number {
const id = this._specialUserIds[SUPPORT_EMAIL];
if (!id) { throw new Error("'support' user not available"); }
return id;
public async getUserByKey(apiKey: string): Promise<User|undefined> {
// Include logins relation for Authorization convenience.
return await User.findOne({where: {apiKey}, relations: ["logins"]}) || undefined;
public async getUserByRef(ref: string): Promise<User|undefined> {
return await User.findOne({where: {ref}, relations: ["logins"]}) || undefined;
public async getUser(
userId: number,
options: {includePrefs?: boolean} = {}
): Promise<User|undefined> {
const {includePrefs} = options;
const relations = ["logins"];
if (includePrefs) { relations.push("prefs"); }
return await User.findOne({where: {id: userId}, relations}) || undefined;
public async getFullUser(userId: number): Promise<FullUser> {
const user = await User.findOne({where: {id: userId}, relations: ["logins"]});
if (!user) { throw new ApiError("unable to find user", 400); }
return this.makeFullUser(user);
* Convert a user record into the format specified in api.
public makeFullUser(user: User): FullUser {
if (!user.logins?.[0]?.displayEmail) {
throw new ApiError("unable to find mandatory user email", 400);
const displayEmail = user.logins[0].displayEmail;
const loginEmail = user.loginEmail;
const result: FullUser = {
email: displayEmail,
// Only include loginEmail when it's different, to avoid overhead when FullUser is sent
// around, and also to avoid updating too many tests.
loginEmail: loginEmail !== displayEmail ? loginEmail : undefined,
picture: user.picture,
ref: user.ref,
locale: user.options?.locale,
prefs: user.prefs?.find((p)=> p.orgId === null)?.prefs,
if (this.getAnonymousUserId() === {
result.anonymous = true;
if (this.getSupportUserId() === {
result.isSupport = true;
return result;
* Ensures that user with external id exists and updates its profile and email if necessary.
* @param profile External profile
public async ensureExternalUser(profile: UserProfile) {
await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
// First find user by the connectId from the profile
const existing = await manager.findOne(User, {
where: {connectId: profile.connectId || undefined},
relations: ["logins"],
// If a user does not exist, create it with data from the external profile.
if (!existing) {
const newUser = await this.getUserByLoginWithRetry(, {
if (!newUser) {
throw new ApiError("Unable to create user", 500);
// No need to survey this user.
newUser.isFirstTimeUser = false;
} else {
// Else update profile and login information from external profile.
let updated = false;
let login: Login = existing.logins[0]!;
const properEmail = normalizeEmail(;
if (properEmail !== existing.loginEmail) {
login = login ?? new Login(); = properEmail;
login.displayEmail =;
existing.logins.splice(0, 1, login);
login.user = existing;
updated = true;
if (profile?.name && profile?.name !== { =;
updated = true;
if (profile?.picture && profile?.picture !== existing.picture) {
existing.picture = profile.picture;
updated = true;
if (updated) {
await[existing, login]);
public async updateUser(userId: number, props: UserProfileChange) {
let isWelcomed: boolean = false;
let user: User|null = null;
await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
user = await manager.findOne(User, {relations: ['logins'],
where: {id: userId}});
let needsSave = false;
if (!user) { throw new ApiError("unable to find user", 400); }
if ( && !== { =;
needsSave = true;
if (props.isFirstTimeUser !== undefined && props.isFirstTimeUser !== user.isFirstTimeUser) {
user.isFirstTimeUser = props.isFirstTimeUser;
needsSave = true;
// If we are turning off the isFirstTimeUser flag, then right
// after this transaction commits is a great time to trigger
// any automation for first logins
if (!props.isFirstTimeUser) { isWelcomed = true; }
if (needsSave) {
return { user, isWelcomed };
public async updateUserName(userId: number, name: string) {
const user = await User.findOne({where: {id: userId}});
if (!user) { throw new ApiError("unable to find user", 400); } = name;
public async updateUserOptions(userId: number, props: Partial<UserOptions>) {
const user = await User.findOne({where: {id: userId}});
if (!user) { throw new ApiError("unable to find user", 400); }
const newOptions = {...(user.options ?? {}), ...props};
user.options = newOptions;
* Get the anonymous user, as a constructed object rather than a database lookup.
public getAnonymousUser(): User {
const user = new User(); = this.getAnonymousUserId(); = "Anonymous";
user.isFirstTimeUser = false;
const login = new Login();
login.displayEmail = = ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL;
user.logins = [login];
user.ref = '';
return user;
// Fetch user from login, creating the user if previously unseen, allowing one retry
// for an email key conflict failure. This is in case our transaction conflicts with a peer
// doing the same thing. This is quite likely if the first page visited by a previously
// unseen user fires off multiple api calls.
public async getUserByLoginWithRetry(email: string, options: GetUserOptions = {}): Promise<User|undefined> {
try {
return await this.getUserByLogin(email, options);
} catch (e) {
if ( === 'QueryFailedError' && e.detail &&
e.detail.match(/Key \(email\)=[^ ]+ already exists/)) {
// This is a postgres-specific error message. This problem cannot arise in sqlite,
// because we have to serialize sqlite transactions in any case to get around a typeorm
// limitation.
return await this.getUserByLogin(email, options);
throw e;
* Find a user by email. Don't create the user if it doesn't already exist.
public async getExistingUserByLogin(
email: string,
manager?: EntityManager
): Promise<User|undefined> {
const normalizedEmail = normalizeEmail(email);
return await (manager || this._connection).createQueryBuilder()
.from(User, 'user')
.leftJoinAndSelect('user.logins', 'logins')
.where('email = :email', {email: normalizedEmail})
.getOne() || undefined;
* Fetches a user record based on an email address. If a user record already
* exists linked to the email address supplied, that is the record returned.
* Otherwise a fresh record is created, linked to the supplied email address.
* The supplied `options` are used when creating a fresh record, or updating
* unset/outdated fields of an existing record.
public async getUserByLogin(email: string, options: GetUserOptions = {}): Promise<User|undefined> {
const {manager: transaction, profile, userOptions} = options;
const normalizedEmail = normalizeEmail(email);
const userByLogin = await this._runInTransaction(transaction, async manager => {
let needUpdate = false;
const userQuery = manager.createQueryBuilder()
.from(User, 'user')
.leftJoinAndSelect('user.logins', 'logins')
.leftJoinAndSelect('user.personalOrg', 'personalOrg')
.where('email = :email', {email: normalizedEmail});
let user = await userQuery.getOne();
let login: Login;
if (!user) {
user = new User();
// Special users do not have first time user set so that they don't get redirected to the
// welcome page.
user.isFirstTimeUser = !NON_LOGIN_EMAILS.includes(normalizedEmail);
login = new Login(); = normalizedEmail;
login.user = user;
needUpdate = true;
} else {
login = user.logins[0];
// Check that user and login records are up to date.
if (! {
// Set the user's name if our provider knows it. Otherwise use their username
// from email, for lack of something better. If we don't have a profile at this
// time, then leave the name blank in the hopes of learning it when the user logs in. = (profile && ( || email.split('@')[0])) || '';
needUpdate = true;
if (profile && !user.firstLoginAt) {
// set first login time to now (remove milliseconds for compatibility with other
// timestamps in db set by typeorm, and since second level precision is fine)
const nowish = new Date();
user.firstLoginAt = nowish;
needUpdate = true;
if (!user.picture && profile && profile.picture) {
// Set the user's profile picture if our provider knows it.
user.picture = profile.picture;
needUpdate = true;
if (profile && && !== login.displayEmail) {
// Use provider's version of email address for display.
login.displayEmail =;
needUpdate = true;
if (profile?.connectId && profile?.connectId !== user.connectId) {
user.connectId = profile.connectId;
needUpdate = true;
if (!login.displayEmail) {
// Save some kind of display email if we don't have anything at all for it yet.
// This could be coming from how someone wrote it in a UserManager dialog, for
// instance. It will get overwritten when the user logs in if the provider's
// version is different.
login.displayEmail = email;
needUpdate = true;
if (!user.options?.authSubject && userOptions?.authSubject) {
// Link subject from password-based authentication provider if not previously linked.
user.options = {...(user.options ?? {}), authSubject: userOptions.authSubject};
needUpdate = true;
if (needUpdate) {
login.user = user;
await[user, login]);
if (!user.personalOrg && !NON_LOGIN_EMAILS.includes( {
// Add a personal organization for this user.
// We don't add a personal org for anonymous/everyone/previewer "users" as it could
// get a bit confusing.
const result = await this._homeDb.addOrg(user, {name: "Personal"}, {
setUserAsOwner: true,
useNewPlan: true,
}, manager);
if (result.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(result.errMessage);
needUpdate = true;
// We just created a personal org; set userOrgPrefs that should apply for new users only.
const userOrgPrefs: UserOrgPrefs = {showGristTour: true};
const orgId =;
if (orgId) {
await this._homeDb.updateOrg({userId:}, orgId, {userOrgPrefs}, manager);
if (needUpdate) {
// We changed the db - reload user in order to give consistent results.
// In principle this could be optimized, but this is simpler to maintain.
user = await userQuery.getOne();
return user;
return userByLogin;
* Deletes a user from the database. For the moment, the only person with the right
* to delete a user is the user themselves.
* Users have logins, a personal org, and entries in the group_users table. All are
* removed together in a transaction. All material in the personal org will be lost.
* @param scope: request scope, including the id of the user initiating this action
* @param userIdToDelete: the id of the user to delete from the database
* @param name: optional cross-check, delete only if user name matches this
public async deleteUser(scope: Scope, userIdToDelete: number,
name?: string): Promise<QueryResult<void>> {
const userIdDeleting = scope.userId;
if (userIdDeleting !== userIdToDelete) {
throw new ApiError('not permitted to delete this user', 403);
await this._connection.transaction(async manager => {
const user = await manager.findOne(User, {where: {id: userIdToDelete},
relations: ["logins", "personalOrg", "prefs"]});
if (!user) { throw new ApiError('user not found', 404); }
if (name) {
if ( !== name) {
throw new ApiError(`user name did not match ('${name}' vs '${}')`, 400);
if (user.personalOrg) { await this._homeDb.deleteOrg(scope,, manager); }
await manager.remove([...user.logins]);
// We don't have a GroupUser entity, and adding one tickles lots of TypeOrm quirkiness,
// so use a plain query to delete entries in the group_users table.
await manager.createQueryBuilder()
.where('user_id = :userId', {userId: userIdToDelete})
await manager.delete(User, userIdToDelete);
return {
status: 200
// Looks up the emails in the permission delta and adds them to the users map in
// the delta object.
// Returns a QueryResult based on the validity of the passed in PermissionDelta object.
public async verifyAndLookupDeltaEmails(
userId: number,
delta: PermissionDelta,
isOrg: boolean = false,
transaction?: EntityManager
): Promise<PermissionDeltaAnalysis> {
if (!delta) {
throw new ApiError('Bad request: missing permission delta', 400);
const hasInherit = 'maxInheritedRole' in delta;
const hasUsers = delta.users; // allow zero actual changes; useful to reduce special
// cases in scripts
if ((isOrg && (hasInherit || !hasUsers)) || (!isOrg && !hasInherit && !hasUsers)) {
throw new ApiError('Bad request: invalid permission delta', 400);
// Lookup the email access changes and move them to the users object.
const userIdMap: {[userId: string]: roles.NonGuestRole|null} = {};
if (hasInherit) {
// Verify maxInheritedRole
const role = delta.maxInheritedRole;
const validRoles = new Set(this._homeDb.defaultBasicGroupNames);
if (role && !validRoles.has(role)) {
throw new ApiError(`Invalid maxInheritedRole ${role}`, 400);
if (delta.users) {
// Verify roles
const deltaRoles = Object.keys(delta.users).map(_userId => delta.users![_userId]);
// Cannot set role "members" on workspace/doc.
const validRoles = new Set(isOrg ? this._homeDb.defaultNonGuestGroupNames : this._homeDb.defaultBasicGroupNames);
for (const role of deltaRoles) {
if (role && !validRoles.has(role)) {
throw new ApiError(`Invalid user role ${role}`, 400);
// Lookup emails
const emailMap = delta.users;
const emails = Object.keys(emailMap);
const emailUsers = await Promise.all( email => await this.getUserByLogin(email, {manager: transaction}))
emails.forEach((email, i) => {
const userIdAffected = emailUsers[i]!.id;
// Org-level sharing with everyone would allow serious spamming - forbid it.
if (emailMap[email] !== null && // allow removing anything
userId !== this.getSupportUserId() && // allow support user latitude
userIdAffected === this.getEveryoneUserId() &&
isOrg) {
throw new ApiError('This user cannot share with everyone at top level', 403);
userIdMap[userIdAffected] = emailMap[email];
const userIdDelta = delta.users ? userIdMap : null;
const userIds = Object.keys(userIdDelta || {});
const removingSelf = userIds.length === 1 && userIds[0] === String(userId) &&
delta.maxInheritedRole === undefined && userIdDelta?.[userId] === null;
const permissionThreshold = removingSelf ? Permissions.VIEW : Permissions.ACL_EDIT;
return {
affectsSelf: userId in userIdMap,
public async initializeSpecialIds(): Promise<void> {
await this._maybeCreateSpecialUserId({
name: "Anonymous"
await this._maybeCreateSpecialUserId({
name: "Preview"
await this._maybeCreateSpecialUserId({
name: "Everyone"
await this._maybeCreateSpecialUserId({
name: "Support"
* Check for anonymous user, either encoded directly as an id, or as a singular
* profile (this case arises during processing of the session/access/all endpoint
* whether we are checking for available orgs without committing yet to a particular
* choice of user).
public isAnonymousUser(users: AvailableUsers): boolean {
return UsersManager.isSingleUser(users) ? users === this.getAnonymousUserId() :
users.length === 1 && normalizeEmail(users[0].email) === ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL;
* Get ids of users to be excluded from member counts and emails.
public getExcludedUserIds(): number[] {
return [this.getSupportUserId(), this.getAnonymousUserId(), this.getEveryoneUserId()];
* Returns a Promise for an array of User entites for the given userIds.
public async getUsers(userIds: number[], optManager?: EntityManager): Promise<User[]> {
if (userIds.length === 0) {
return [];
const manager = optManager || new EntityManager(this._connection);
const queryBuilder = manager.createQueryBuilder()
.from(User, 'users')
.where(' IN (:...userIds)', {userIds});
return await queryBuilder.getMany();
* Don't add everyone@ as a guest, unless also sharing with anon@.
* This means that material shared with everyone@ doesn't become
* listable/discoverable by default.
* This is a HACK to allow existing example doc setup to continue to
* work. It could be removed if we are willing to share the entire
* support org with users. E.g. move any material we don't want to
* share into a workspace that doesn't inherit ACLs. TODO: remove
* this hack, or enhance it up as a way to support discoverability /
* listing. It has the advantage of cloning well.
public filterEveryone(users: User[]): User[] {
const everyone = this.getEveryoneUserId();
const anon = this.getAnonymousUserId();
if (users.find(u => === anon)) { return users; }
return users.filter(u => !== everyone);
// Given two arrays of groups, returns a map of users present in the first array but
// not the second, where the map is broken down by user role.
// This method is used for checking limits on shares.
// Excluded users are removed from the results.
public getUserDifference(groupsA: Group[], groupsB: Group[]): Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]> {
const subtractSet: Set<number> =
new Set(flatten( => grp.memberUsers)).map(usr =>;
const result = new Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>();
for (const group of groupsA) {
const name =;
if (!roles.isNonGuestRole(name)) { continue; }
result.set(name, group.memberUsers.filter(user => !subtractSet.has(;
return this.withoutExcludedUsers(result);
public withoutExcludedUsers(members: Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]>): Map<roles.NonGuestRole, User[]> {
const excludedUsers = this.getExcludedUserIds();
for (const [role, users] of members.entries()) {
members.set(role, users.filter((user) => !excludedUsers.includes(;
return members;
* Take a list of user profiles coming from the client's session, correlate
* them with Users and Logins in the database, and construct full profiles
* with user ids, standardized display emails, pictures, and anonymous flags.
public async completeProfiles(profiles: UserProfile[]): Promise<FullUser[]> {
if (profiles.length === 0) { return []; }
const qb = this._connection.createQueryBuilder()
.from(Login, 'logins')
.leftJoinAndSelect('logins.user', 'user')
.where(' in (:...emails)', {emails: => normalizeEmail(});
const completedProfiles: {[email: string]: FullUser} = {};
for (const login of await qb.getMany()) {
completedProfiles[] = {
email: login.displayEmail,
picture: login.user.picture,
anonymous: === this.getAnonymousUserId(),
locale: login.user.options?.locale
return => completedProfiles[normalizeEmail(])
.filter(profile => profile);
// For the moment only the support user can add both everyone@ and anon@ to a
// resource, since that allows spam. TODO: enhance or remove.
public checkUserChangeAllowed(userId: number, groups: Group[]) {
if (userId === this.getSupportUserId()) { return; }
const ids = new Set(flatten( => g.memberUsers)).map(u =>;
if (ids.has(this.getEveryoneUserId()) && ids.has(this.getAnonymousUserId())) {
throw new Error('this user cannot share with everyone and anonymous');
* Get the id of a special user, creating that user if it is not already present.
private async _maybeCreateSpecialUserId(profile: UserProfile) {
let id = this._specialUserIds[];
if (!id) {
// get or create user - with retry, since there'll be a race to create the
// user if a bunch of servers start simultaneously and the user doesn't exist
// yet.
const user = await this.getUserByLoginWithRetry(, {profile});
if (user) { id = this._specialUserIds[] =; }
if (!id) { throw new Error(`Could not find or create user ${}`); }
return id;
// This deals with the problem posed by receiving a PermissionDelta specifying a
// role for both alice@x and Alice@x. We do not distinguish between such emails.
// If there are multiple indistinguishabe emails, we preserve just one of them,
// assigning it the most powerful permission specified. The email variant perserved
// is the earliest alphabetically.
private _mergeIndistinguishableEmails(delta: PermissionDelta) {
if (!delta.users) { return; }
// We normalize emails for comparison, but track how they were capitalized
// in order to preserve it. This is worth doing since for the common case
// of a user being added to a resource prior to ever logging in, their
// displayEmail will be seeded from this value.
const displayEmails: {[email: string]: string} = {};
// This will be our output.
const users: {[email: string]: roles.NonGuestRole|null} = {};
for (const displayEmail of Object.keys(delta.users).sort()) {
const email = normalizeEmail(displayEmail);
const role = delta.users[displayEmail];
const key = displayEmails[email] = displayEmails[email] || displayEmail;
users[key] = users[key] ? roles.getStrongestRole(users[key], role) : role;
delta.users = users;