Jakub Serafin 91f7606ae6 (core) Aggregate and reverse lookups
Reverse and Aggregation lookup.
Aggregation lookup works when table have a reference list column. It allow to list value of any fields of a referenced values, or to make some basic operation on them (sum, average, count)
Reverse lookup works as reverse one, but it allow do to the same operations on all rows that have reference to given row

Test Plan: Manual so far.

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Differential Revision:
2023-10-20 13:26:17 +02:00

234 lines
9.9 KiB

import {KoArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArray';
import {localStorageJsonObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs';
import {CellRec, DocModel, IRowModel, recordSet,
refRecord, TableRec, ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {jsonObservable, ObjObservable} from 'app/client/models/modelUtil';
import {AssistanceState} from 'app/common/AssistancePrompts';
import * as gristTypes from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {getReferencedTableId} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {
} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter';
import {createParser} from 'app/common/ValueParser';
import {Observable} from 'grainjs';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
import {v4 as uuidv4} from 'uuid';
// Column behavior type, used primarily in the UI.
export type BEHAVIOR = "empty"|"formula"|"data";
// Represents a column in a user-defined table.
export interface ColumnRec extends IRowModel<"_grist_Tables_column"> {
table: ko.Computed<TableRec>;
widgetOptionsJson: ObjObservable<any>;
/** Widget options that are save to copy over (for now, without rules) */
cleanWidgetOptionsJson: ko.Computed<string>;
viewFields: ko.Computed<KoArray<ViewFieldRec>>;
summarySource: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
// Is an empty column (undecided if formula or data); denoted by an empty formula.
isEmpty: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// Is a real formula column (not an empty column; i.e. contains a non-empty formula).
isRealFormula: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// Is a trigger formula column (not formula, but contains non-empty formula)
hasTriggerFormula: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// Used for transforming a column.
// Reference to the original column for a transform column, or to itself for a non-transforming column.
origColRef: ko.Observable<number>;
origCol: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
// Indicates whether a column is transforming. Manually set, but should be true in both the original
// column being transformed and that column's transform column.
isTransforming: ko.Observable<boolean>;
// Convenience observable to obtain and set the type with no suffix
pureType: ko.Computed<string>;
// Column behavior as seen by the user.
behavior: ko.Computed<BEHAVIOR>;
// The column's display column
_displayColModel: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
// Display col ref to use for the column, defaulting to the plain column itself.
displayColRef: ko.Computed<number>;
// The display column to use for the column, or the column itself when no displayCol is set.
displayColModel: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
visibleColModel: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
disableModifyBase: ko.Computed<boolean>; // True if column config can't be modified (name, type, etc.)
disableModify: ko.Computed<boolean>; // True if column can't be modified (is summary) or is being transformed.
disableEditData: ko.Computed<boolean>; // True to disable editing of the data in this column.
isHiddenCol: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// Returns the rowModel for the referenced table, or null, if is not a reference column.
refTable: ko.Computed<TableRec|null>;
// Helper for Reference/ReferenceList columns, which returns a formatter according
// to the visibleCol associated with column.
visibleColFormatter: ko.Computed<BaseFormatter>;
// A formatter for values of this column.
// The difference between visibleColFormatter and formatter is especially important for ReferenceLists:
// `visibleColFormatter` is for individual elements of a list, sometimes hypothetical
// (i.e. they aren't actually referenced but they exist in the visible column and are relevant to e.g. autocomplete)
// `formatter` formats actual cell values, e.g. a whole list from the display column.
formatter: ko.Computed<BaseFormatter>;
cells: ko.Computed<KoArray<CellRec>>;
* Current history of chat. This is a temporary array used only in the ui.
chatHistory: ko.PureComputed<Observable<ChatHistory>>;
// Helper which adds/removes/updates column's displayCol to match the formula.
saveDisplayFormula(formula: string): Promise<void>|undefined;
createValueParser(): (value: string) => any;
export function createColumnRec(this: ColumnRec, docModel: DocModel): void {
this.table = refRecord(docModel.tables, this.parentId);
this.widgetOptionsJson = jsonObservable(this.widgetOptions);
this.viewFields = recordSet(this, docModel.viewFields, 'colRef');
this.summarySource = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.summarySourceCol);
this.cells = recordSet(this, docModel.cells, 'colRef');
// Is this an empty column (undecided if formula or data); denoted by an empty formula.
this.isEmpty = ko.pureComputed(() => this.isFormula() && this.formula() === '');
// Is this a real formula column (not an empty column; i.e. contains a non-empty formula).
this.isRealFormula = ko.pureComputed(() => this.isFormula() && this.formula() !== '');
// If this column has a trigger formula defined
this.hasTriggerFormula = ko.pureComputed(() => !this.isFormula() && this.formula() !== '');
// Used for transforming a column.
// Reference to the original column for a transform column, or to itself for a non-transforming column.
this.origColRef = ko.observable(this.getRowId());
this.origCol = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.origColRef);
// Indicates whether a column is transforming. Manually set, but should be true in both the original
// column being transformed and that column's transform column.
this.isTransforming = ko.observable(false);
// Convenience observable to obtain and set the type with no suffix
this.pureType = ko.pureComputed(() => gristTypes.extractTypeFromColType(this.type()));
// The column's display column
this._displayColModel = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.displayCol);
// Helper which adds/removes/updates this column's displayCol to match the formula.
this.saveDisplayFormula = function(formula) {
if (formula !== (this._displayColModel().formula() || '')) {
return docModel.docData.sendAction(["SetDisplayFormula", this.table().tableId(),
null, this.getRowId(), formula]);
// Display col ref to use for the column, defaulting to the plain column itself.
this.displayColRef = ko.pureComputed(() => this.displayCol() || this.origColRef());
// The display column to use for the column, or the column itself when no displayCol is set.
this.displayColModel = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.displayColRef);
this.visibleColModel = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.visibleCol);
this.disableModifyBase = ko.pureComputed(() => Boolean(this.summarySourceCol()));
this.disableModify = ko.pureComputed(() => this.disableModifyBase() || this.isTransforming());
this.disableEditData = ko.pureComputed(() => Boolean(this.summarySourceCol()));
this.isHiddenCol = ko.pureComputed(() => gristTypes.isHiddenCol(this.colId()));
// Returns the rowModel for the referenced table, or null, if this is not a reference column.
this.refTable = ko.pureComputed(() => {
const refTableId = getReferencedTableId(this.type() || "");
return refTableId ? docModel.visibleTables.all().find(t => t.tableId() === refTableId) || null : null;
// Helper for Reference/ReferenceList columns, which returns a formatter according to the visibleCol
// associated with this column. If no visible column available, return formatting for the column itself.
this.visibleColFormatter = ko.pureComputed(() => formatterForRec(this, this, docModel, 'vcol'));
this.formatter = ko.pureComputed(() => formatterForRec(this, this, docModel, 'full'));
this.createValueParser = function() {
const parser = createParser(docModel.docData,;
return parser.cleanParse.bind(parser);
this.behavior = ko.pureComputed(() => this.isEmpty() ? 'empty' : this.isFormula() ? 'formula' : 'data');
this.chatHistory = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => {
const docId = urlState().state.get().doc ?? '';
// Changed key name from history to history-v2 when ChatHistory changed in incompatible way.
const key = `formula-assistant-history-v2-${docId}-${this.table().tableId()}-${this.colId()}`;
return localStorageJsonObs(key, {messages: [], conversationId: uuidv4()} as ChatHistory);
this.cleanWidgetOptionsJson = ko.pureComputed(() => {
const options = this.widgetOptionsJson();
if (options && options.rules) {
delete options.rules;
return JSON.stringify(options);
export function formatterForRec(
rec: ColumnRec | ViewFieldRec, colRec: ColumnRec, docModel: DocModel, kind: 'full' | 'vcol'
): BaseFormatter {
const vcol = rec.visibleColModel();
const func = kind === 'full' ? createFullFormatterRaw : createVisibleColFormatterRaw;
const args: FullFormatterArgs = {
docData: docModel.docData,
type: colRec.type(),
widgetOpts: rec.widgetOptionsJson(),
visibleColType: vcol?.type(),
visibleColWidgetOpts: vcol?.widgetOptionsJson(),
docSettings: docModel.docInfoRow.documentSettingsJson(),
return func(args);
* A chat message. Either send by the user or by the AI.
export interface ChatMessage {
* The message to display. It is a prompt typed by the user or a formula returned from the AI.
message: string;
* The sender of the message. Either the user or the AI.
sender: 'user' | 'ai';
* The formula returned from the AI. It is only set when the sender is the AI.
formula?: string|null;
* Suggested actions returned from the AI.
action?: any;
* The state of assistance for a particular column.
* ChatMessages are what are shown in the UI, whereas state is
* how the back-end represents the conversation. The two are
* similar but not the same because of post-processing.
* It may be possible to reconcile them when things settle down
* a bit?
export interface ChatHistory {
messages: ChatMessage[];
conversationId?: string;
state?: AssistanceState;