Jarosław Sadziński 8be920dd25 (core) Multi-column configuration
Creator panel allows now to edit multiple columns at once
for some options that are common for them. Options that
are not common are disabled.

List of options that can be edited for multiple columns:
- Column behavior (but limited to empty/formula columns)
- Alignment and wrapping
- Default style
- Number options (for numeric columns)
- Column types (but only for empty/formula columns)

If multiple columns of the same type are selected, most of
the options are available to change, except formula, trigger formula
and conditional styles.

Editing column label or column id is disabled by default for multiple

Not related: some tests were fixed due to the change in the column label
and id widget in grist-core (disabled attribute was replaced by readonly).

Test Plan: Updated and new tests.

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Differential Revision:
2022-10-17 09:51:19 +02:00

309 lines
12 KiB

declare module "app/client/components/AceEditor";
declare module "app/client/components/Clipboard";
declare module "app/client/components/CodeEditorPanel";
declare module "app/client/components/DetailView";
declare module "app/client/components/DocConfigTab";
declare module "app/client/components/GridView";
declare module "app/client/components/Layout";
declare module "app/client/components/LayoutEditor";
declare module "app/client/components/commandList";
declare module "app/client/lib/Mousetrap";
declare module "app/client/lib/browserGlobals";
declare module "app/client/lib/dom";
declare module "app/client/lib/koDom";
declare module "app/client/lib/koForm";
// tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file
declare module "app/client/components/Base" {
import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
namespace Base { }
class Base {
public static setBaseFor(ctor: any): void;
constructor(gristDoc: GristDoc);
export = Base;
declare module "app/client/components/BaseView" {
import {Cursor, CursorPos} from 'app/client/components/Cursor';
import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
import {SelectionSummary} from 'app/client/components/SelectionSummary';
import {Disposable} from 'app/client/lib/dispose';
import BaseRowModel from "app/client/models/BaseRowModel";
import {DataRowModel} from 'app/client/models/DataRowModel';
import {LazyArrayModel} from "app/client/models/DataTableModel";
import DataTableModel from "app/client/models/DataTableModel";
import {ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec} from "app/client/models/DocModel";
import {FilterInfo} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewSectionRec';
import {SortedRowSet} from 'app/client/models/rowset';
import {FieldBuilder} from "app/client/widgets/FieldBuilder";
import {DomArg} from 'grainjs';
import {IOpenController} from 'popweasel';
interface Options {
init?: string;
state?: any;
namespace BaseView {}
class BaseView extends Disposable {
public viewSection: ViewSectionRec;
public viewPane: any;
public viewData: LazyArrayModel<BaseRowModel>;
public gristDoc: GristDoc;
public cursor: Cursor;
public sortedRows: SortedRowSet;
public activeFieldBuilder: ko.Computed<FieldBuilder>;
public selectedColumns: ko.Computed<ViewFieldRec[]>|null;
public disableEditing: ko.Computed<boolean>;
public isTruncated: ko.Observable<boolean>;
public tableModel: DataTableModel;
public selectionSummary?: SelectionSummary;
constructor(gristDoc: GristDoc, viewSectionModel: any, options?: {addNewRow?: boolean, isPreview?: boolean});
public setCursorPos(cursorPos: CursorPos): void;
public createFilterMenu(ctl: IOpenController, filterInfo: FilterInfo, onClose?: () => void): HTMLElement;
public buildTitleControls(): DomArg;
public getLoadingDonePromise(): Promise<void>;
public activateEditorAtCursor(options?: Options): void;
public onResize(): void;
public prepareToPrint(onOff: boolean): void;
public moveEditRowToCursor(): DataRowModel;
public scrollToCursor(sync: boolean): Promise<void>;
export = BaseView;
declare module "app/client/components/ViewConfigTab" {
import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
import {Disposable} from 'app/client/lib/dispose';
import {KoArray} from "app/client/lib/koArray";
import {ColumnRec, ViewRec, ViewSectionRec} from "app/client/models/DocModel";
import {DomArg, DomContents} from 'grainjs';
namespace ViewConfigTab {
interface ViewSectionData {
section: ViewSectionRec;
hiddenFields: KoArray<ColumnRec>;
class ViewConfigTab extends Disposable {
constructor(options: {gristDoc: GristDoc, viewModel: ViewRec});
public buildSortDom(): DomContents;
// TODO: these should be made private or renamed.
public _buildAdvancedSettingsDom(): DomArg;
public _buildFilterDom(): DomArg;
public _buildThemeDom(): DomArg;
public _buildChartConfigDom(): DomContents;
public _buildLayoutDom(): DomArg;
public _buildCustomTypeItems(): DomArg;
export = ViewConfigTab;
declare module "app/client/components/commands" {
export class Command {
public name: string;
public desc: string;
public humanKeys: string[];
public keys: string[];
public run: () => any;
export type CommandsGroup = any;
export const init: any;
export const allCommands: any;
export const createGroup: any;
declare module "app/client/models/BaseRowModel" {
import {Disposable} from 'app/client/lib/dispose';
import TableModel from 'app/client/models/TableModel';
import {ColValues} from 'app/common/DocActions';
namespace BaseRowModel {}
class BaseRowModel extends Disposable {
public id: ko.Computed<number>;
public _index: ko.Observable<number|null>;
public _table: TableModel;
protected _rowId: number | 'new' | null;
protected _fields: string[];
public getRowId(): number;
public updateColValues(colValues: ColValues): Promise<void>;
export = BaseRowModel;
declare module "app/client/models/MetaRowModel" {
import BaseRowModel from "app/client/models/BaseRowModel";
namespace MetaRowModel {}
class MetaRowModel extends BaseRowModel {
public _isDeleted: ko.Observable<boolean>;
public events: { trigger: (key: string) => void };
export = MetaRowModel;
declare module "app/client/models/modelUtil" {
interface SaveInterface<T> {
saveOnly(value: T): Promise<void>;
save(): Promise<void>;
setAndSave(value: T): Promise<void>;
type KoSaveableObservable<T> = ko.Observable<T> & SaveInterface<T>;
type KoSaveableComputed<T> = ko.Computed<T> & SaveInterface<T>;
interface CustomComputed<T> extends KoSaveableComputed<T> {
isSaved: ko.Computed<boolean>;
revert(): void;
function addSaveInterface<T>(
obs: ko.Observable<T>|ko.Computed<T>,
saveFunc: (value: T) => Promise<void>): KoSaveableObservable<T>;
interface ObjObservable<T> extends ko.Observable<T> {
update(obj: T): void;
prop(propName: string): ko.Observable<any>;
interface SaveableObjObservable<T> extends ko.Observable<T>, SaveInterface<T> {
update(obj: T): void;
prop(propName: string): KoSaveableObservable<any>;
function objObservable<T>(obs: ko.KoSaveableObservable<T>): SaveableObjObservable<T>;
function objObservable<T>(obs: ko.Observable<T>): ObjObservable<T>;
function jsonObservable(obs: KoSaveableObservable<string>,
modifierFunc?: any, optContext?: any): SaveableObjObservable<any>;
function jsonObservable(obs: ko.Observable<string>|ko.Computed<string>,
modifierFunc?: any, optContext?: any): ObjObservable<any>;
function fieldWithDefault<T>(fieldObs: KoSaveableObservable<T>, defaultOrFunc: T | (() => T)):
function customValue<T>(obs: KoSaveableObservable<T>): CustomComputed<T>;
function savingComputed<T>(options: {
read: () => T,
write: (setter: (obs: ko.Observable<T>, val: T) => void, val: T) => void;
}): KoSaveableObservable<T>;
function customComputed<T>(options: {
read: () => T,
save?: (val: T) => Promise<void>;
}): CustomComputed<T>;
function setSaveValue<T>(obs: KoSaveableObservable<T>, val: T): Promise<void>;
declare module "app/client/models/TableModel" {
import {DocModel} from "app/client/models/DocModel";
import {RowGrouping, RowSource} from "app/client/models/rowset";
import {TableData} from "app/client/models/TableData";
import {CellValue, UserAction} from "app/common/DocActions";
namespace TableModel {}
class TableModel extends RowSource {
public docModel: DocModel;
public tableData: TableData;
public isLoaded: ko.Observable<boolean>;
constructor(docModel: DocModel, tableData: TableData);
public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise<void>;
public getAllRows(): ReadonlyArray<number>;
public getNumRows(): number;
public getRowGrouping(groupByCol: string): RowGrouping<CellValue>;
public sendTableActions(actions: UserAction[], optDesc?: string): Promise<any[]>;
public sendTableAction(action: UserAction, optDesc?: string): Promise<any> | undefined;
export = TableModel;
declare module "app/client/models/MetaTableModel" {
import {KoArray} from "app/client/lib/koArray";
import {DocModel} from "app/client/models/DocModel";
import MetaRowModel from "app/client/models/MetaRowModel";
import {RowSource} from "app/client/models/rowset";
import {TableData} from "app/client/models/TableData";
import TableModel from "app/client/models/TableModel";
import {CellValue} from "app/common/DocActions";
namespace MetaTableModel {}
class MetaTableModel<RowModel extends MetaRowModel> extends TableModel {
public rowModels: RowModel[];
constructor(docModel: DocModel, tableData: TableData, fields: string[], rowConstructor: (dm: DocModel) => void);
public loadData(): void;
public getRowModel(rowId: number, dependOnVersion?: boolean): RowModel;
public getEmptyRowModel(): RowModel;
public createFloatingRowModel(rowIdObs: ko.Observable<number>|ko.Computed<number>): RowModel;
public createRowGroupModel(groupValue: CellValue, options: {groupBy: string, sortBy: string}): KoArray<RowModel>;
public createAllRowsModel(sortColId: string): KoArray<RowModel>;
public _createRowSetModel(rowSource: RowSource, sortColId: string): KoArray<RowModel>;
export = MetaTableModel;
declare module "app/client/models/DataTableModel" {
import {KoArray} from "app/client/lib/koArray";
import BaseRowModel from "app/client/models/BaseRowModel";
import {DocModel, TableRec} from "app/client/models/DocModel";
import {TableQuerySets} from 'app/client/models/QuerySet';
import {SortedRowSet} from "app/client/models/rowset";
import {TableData} from "app/client/models/TableData";
import TableModel from "app/client/models/TableModel";
import {UIRowId} from "app/common/UIRowId";
namespace DataTableModel {
interface LazyArrayModel<T> extends KoArray<T | null> {
getRowId(index: number): UIRowId;
getRowIndex(rowId: UIRowId): number;
getRowIndexWithSub(rowId: UIRowId): number;
getRowModel(rowId: UIRowId): T|undefined;
class DataTableModel extends TableModel {
public tableMetaRow: TableRec;
public tableQuerySets: TableQuerySets;
constructor(docModel: DocModel, tableData: TableData, tableMetaRow: TableRec);
public createLazyRowsModel(sortedRowSet: SortedRowSet, optRowModelClass: any):
public createFloatingRowModel(optRowModelClass?: any): BaseRowModel;
export = DataTableModel;
declare module "app/client/lib/koUtil" {
export interface ComputedWithKoUtils<T> extends ko.Computed<T> {
onlyNotifyUnequal(): this;
previousOnUndefined(): this;
export interface ObservableWithKoUtils<T> extends ko.Observable<T> {
assign(value: unknown): this;
export function withKoUtils<T>(computed: ko.Computed<T>): ComputedWithKoUtils<T>;
export function withKoUtils<T>(computed: ko.Observable<T>): ObservableWithKoUtils<T>;
export function computedBuilder(callback: any, optContext: any): any;
export function observableWithDefault(obs: any, defaultOrFunc: any, optContext?: any): any;
export function computedAutoDispose(optionsOrReadFunc: any, target: any, options: any): any;
// Used in browser check. Bowser does in fact have types, but not the bundled version
// with polyfills for old browsers.
declare module "bowser/bundled";
declare module "randomcolor";
interface Location {
// We use reload(true) in places, which has an effect in Firefox, but may be more of a
// historical accident than an intentional choice.
reload(forceGet?: boolean): void;