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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
* Add "Copy with headers" to grid cell popup. This is what you want when you're going to paste into e.g. an email. Tested just by manually trying copy and paste into an editor and an email, and then again using the new variant to confirm the headers show up. https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core/pull/1208
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import type {CopySelection} from 'app/client/components/CopySelection';
import {get as getBrowserGlobals} from 'app/client/lib/browserGlobals';
import type {KoArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArray';
import {simpleStringHash} from 'app/client/lib/textUtils';
import type {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import type {BulkUpdateRecord} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil';
import type {TableData} from 'app/common/TableData';
import {tsvEncode} from 'app/common/tsvFormat';
import {dom} from 'grainjs';
import zipObject = require('lodash/zipObject');
const G = getBrowserGlobals('document', 'DOMParser');
* Returns a sorted array of parentPos values for a viewField to be inserted just before index.
* @param {koArray} viewFields - koArray of viewFields
* @{param} {number} index - index in viewFields at which to insert the new fields
* @{param} {number} numInserts - number of new fields to insert
export function fieldInsertPositions(viewFields: KoArray<ViewFieldRec>, index: number, numInserts: number = 1
): Array<number|null> {
const rightPos = (index < viewFields.peekLength) ? viewFields.at(index)!.parentPos() : null;
return Array(numInserts).fill(rightPos);
* Returns tsv formatted values from TableData at the given rowIDs and columnIds.
* @param {TableData} tableData - the table containing the values to convert
* @param {CopySelection} selection - a CopySelection instance
* @return {String}
export function makePasteText(tableData: TableData, selection: CopySelection, includeColHeaders: boolean) {
// tsvEncode expects data as a 2-d array with each a array representing a row
// i.e. [["1-1", "1-2", "1-3"],["2-1", "2-2", "2-3"]]
const result = [];
if (includeColHeaders) {
result.push(selection.fields.map(f => f.label()));
result.push(...selection.rowIds.map(rowId =>
selection.columns.map(col => col.fmtGetter(rowId))));
return tsvEncode(result);
* Hash of the current docId to allow checking if copying and pasting is happening in the same document,
* without leaking the actual docId which may allow others to access the document.
export function getDocIdHash(): string {
const docId = (window as any).gristDocPageModel.currentDocId.get();
return simpleStringHash(docId);
* Returns an html table of containing the cells denoted by the cross product of
* the given rows and columns, styled by the given table/row/col style dictionaries.
* @param {TableData} tableData - the table containing the values denoted by the grid selection
* @param {CopySelection} selection - a CopySelection instance
* @param {Boolean} showColHeader - whether to include a column header row
* @return {String} The html for a table containing the given data.
export function makePasteHtml(tableData: TableData, selection: CopySelection, includeColHeaders: boolean) {
const rowStyle = selection.rowStyle || {}; // Maps rowId to style object.
const colStyle = selection.colStyle || {}; // Maps colId to style object.
const elem = dom('table',
{border: '1', cellspacing: '0', style: 'white-space: pre', 'data-grist-doc-id-hash': getDocIdHash()},
dom('colgroup', selection.colIds.map((colId, idx) =>
dom('col', {
style: _styleAttr(colStyle[colId]),
'data-grist-col-ref': String(selection.colRefs[idx]),
'data-grist-col-type': tableData.getColType(colId)
// Include column headers if requested.
(includeColHeaders ?
dom('tr', selection.fields.map(field => dom('th', field.label()))) :
// Fill with table cells.
selection.rowIds.map(rowId =>
{style: _styleAttr(rowStyle[rowId as number])},
selection.columns.map(col => {
const rawValue = col.rawGetter(rowId);
const fmtValue = col.fmtGetter(rowId);
const dataOptions = (rawValue === fmtValue) ? {} :
{'data-grist-raw-value': JSON.stringify(rawValue)};
return dom('td', dataOptions, fmtValue);
return elem.outerHTML;
export interface RichPasteObject {
displayValue: string;
docIdHash?: string|null;
colType?: string|null; // Column type of the source column.
colRef?: number|null;
rawValue?: unknown; // Optional rawValue that should be used if colType matches destination.
* Parses a 2-d array of objects from a text string containing an HTML table.
* @param {string} data - String of an HTML table.
* @return {Array<Array<RichPasteObj>>} - 2-d array of objects containing details of copied cells.
export function parsePasteHtml(data: string): RichPasteObject[][] {
const parser = new G.DOMParser() as DOMParser;
const doc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/html');
const table = doc.querySelector('table')!;
const docIdHash = table.getAttribute('data-grist-doc-id-hash');
const cols = [...table.querySelectorAll('col')];
const rows = [...table.querySelectorAll('tr')];
const result = rows.map(row =>
Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td, th'), (cell, colIdx) => {
const col = cols[colIdx];
const colType = col?.getAttribute('data-grist-col-type');
const colRef = col && Number(col.getAttribute('data-grist-col-ref'));
const o: RichPasteObject = {displayValue: cell.textContent!, docIdHash, colType, colRef};
if (cell.hasAttribute('data-grist-raw-value')) {
o.rawValue = safeJsonParse(cell.getAttribute('data-grist-raw-value')!,
return o;
.filter((row) => (row.length > 0));
if (result.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Unable to parse data from text/html');
return result;
// Helper function to add css style properties to an html tag
function _styleAttr(style: object|undefined) {
if (typeof style !== 'object') {
return '';
return Object.entries(style).map(([prop, value]) => `${prop}: ${value};`).join(' ');
* Given a selection object, creates a action to set all references in the object to the empty string.
* @param {Object} selection - an object with a list of selected row Ids, selected column Ids, a list of
* column metaRowModels and other information about the currently selected cells.
* See GridView.js getSelection and DetailView.js getSelection.
* @returns {Object} BulkUpdateRecord action
export function makeDeleteAction(selection: CopySelection): BulkUpdateRecord|null {
// If the selection includes the "new" row, ignore that one.
const rowIds = selection.rowIds.filter((r): r is number => (typeof r === 'number'));
if (rowIds.length === 0) {
return null;
const blankRow = rowIds.map(() => '');
const colIds = selection.fields
.filter(field => !field.column().isRealFormula() && !field.disableEditData())
.map(field => field.colId());
// Get the tableId from the first selected column.
const tableId = selection.fields[0].column().table().tableId();
if (colIds.length === 0) {
return null;
return ['BulkUpdateRecord', tableId, rowIds,
zipObject(colIds, colIds.map(() => blankRow))];