Alex Hall bc54a6646e (core) Filter rows based on linked widgets when exporting view
Fixes a problem reported here:

The download CSV/Excel link now contains an additional `linkingFilter` URL parameter containing JSON-encoded `filters` and `operations`. This object is originally created in the frontend in `LinkingState`, and previously it was only used internally in the frontend. It would make its way via `QuerySetManager` to `QuerySet.getFilterFunc` where the actual filtering logic happened. Now most of that logic has been moved to a similar function in `common`. The new function works with a new interface `ColumnGettersByColId` which abstract over the different ways data is accessed in the client and server in this context. There's no significant new logic in the diff, just refactoring and wiring.

Test Plan: Expanded two `nbrowser/SelectBy*.ts` test suites to also check the contents of a downloaded CSV in different linking scenarios.

Reviewers: paulfitz

Reviewed By: paulfitz

Differential Revision:
2023-07-26 21:49:52 +02:00

227 lines
8.2 KiB

import {PassThrough} from 'stream';
import {FilterColValues} from "app/common/ActiveDocAPI";
import {ActiveDocSource, doExportDoc, doExportSection, doExportTable, ExportData, Filter} from 'app/server/lib/Export';
import {createExcelFormatter} from 'app/server/lib/ExcelFormatter';
import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {Alignment, Border, stream as ExcelWriteStream, Fill} from 'exceljs';
import {Rpc} from 'grain-rpc';
import {Stream} from 'stream';
import {MessagePort, threadId} from 'worker_threads';
export const makeXLSX = handleExport(doMakeXLSX);
export const makeXLSXFromTable = handleExport(doMakeXLSXFromTable);
export const makeXLSXFromViewSection = handleExport(doMakeXLSXFromViewSection);
function handleExport<T extends any[]>(
make: (a: ActiveDocSource, testDates: boolean, output: Stream, ...args: T) => Promise<void>
) {
return async function({port, testDates, args}: {port: MessagePort, testDates: boolean, args: T}) {
try {
const start =;
log.debug("workerExporter %s %s: started", threadId,;
const rpc = new Rpc({
sendMessage: async (m) => port.postMessage(m),
logger: { info: m => {}, warn: m => log.warn(m) },
const activeDocSource = rpc.getStub<ActiveDocSource>("activeDocSource");
port.on('message', (m) => rpc.receiveMessage(m));
const outputStream = new PassThrough();
bufferedPipe(outputStream, (chunk) => rpc.postMessage(chunk));
await make(activeDocSource, testDates, outputStream, ...args);
log.debug("workerExporter %s %s: done in %s ms", threadId,, - start);
} catch (e) {
log.debug("workerExporter %s %s: error %s", threadId,, String(e));
// When Error objects move across threads, they keep only the 'message' property. We can
// keep other properties (like 'status') if we throw a plain object instead. (Didn't find a
// good reference on this, is vaguely related.)
throw {message: e.message, ...e};
// ExcelJS's WorkbookWriter produces many tiny writes (even though they pass through zipping). To
// reduce overhead and context switching, buffer them and pass on in chunks. (In practice, this
// helps performance only slightly.)
function bufferedPipe(stream: Stream, callback: (chunk: Buffer) => void, threshold = 64*1024) {
let buffers: Buffer[] = [];
let length = 0;
let flushed = 0;
function flush() {
if (length > 0) {
const data = Buffer.concat(buffers);
flushed += data.length;
buffers = [];
length = 0;
stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
// Whenever data is written to the stream, add it to the buffer.
length += chunk.length;
// If the buffer is large enough, post it to the callback. Also post the very first chunk:
// since this becomes an HTTP response, a quick first chunk lets the browser prompt the user
// more quickly about what to do with the download.
if (length >= threshold || flushed === 0) {
stream.on('end', flush);
* Returns a XLSX stream of a view section that can be transformed or parsed.
* @param {Object} activeDoc - the activeDoc that the table being converted belongs to.
* @param {Integer} viewSectionId - id of the viewsection to export.
* @param {Integer[]} activeSortOrder (optional) - overriding sort order.
* @param {Filter[]} filters (optional) - filters defined from ui.
async function doMakeXLSXFromViewSection(
activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource,
testDates: boolean,
stream: Stream,
viewSectionId: number,
sortOrder: number[],
filters: Filter[],
linkingFilter: FilterColValues,
) {
const data = await doExportSection(activeDocSource, viewSectionId, sortOrder, filters, linkingFilter);
const {exportTable, end} = convertToExcel(stream, testDates);
await end();
* Returns a XLSX stream of a table that can be transformed or parsed.
* @param {Object} activeDoc - the activeDoc that the table being converted belongs to.
* @param {Integer} tableId - id of the table to export.
async function doMakeXLSXFromTable(
activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource,
testDates: boolean,
stream: Stream,
tableId: string,
) {
const data = await doExportTable(activeDocSource, {tableId});
const {exportTable, end} = convertToExcel(stream, testDates);
await end();
* Creates excel document with all tables from an active Grist document.
async function doMakeXLSX(
activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource,
testDates: boolean,
stream: Stream,
): Promise<void> {
const {exportTable, end} = convertToExcel(stream, testDates);
await doExportDoc(activeDocSource, async (table: ExportData) => exportTable(table));
await end();
* Converts export data to an excel file.
function convertToExcel(stream: Stream, testDates: boolean): {
exportTable: (table: ExportData) => void,
end: () => Promise<void>,
} {
// Create workbook and add single sheet to it. Using the WorkbookWriter interface avoids
// creating the entire Excel file in memory, which can be very memory-heavy. See
// (The options useStyles and
// useSharedStrings replicate more closely what was used previously.)
const wb = new ExcelWriteStream.xlsx.WorkbookWriter({useStyles: true, useSharedStrings: true, stream});
if (testDates) {
// HACK: for testing, we will keep static dates
const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0));
wb.modified = date;
wb.created = date;
wb.lastPrinted = date;
wb.creator = 'test';
wb.lastModifiedBy = 'test';
// Prepare border - some of the cells can have background colors, in that case border will
// not be visible
const borderStyle: Border = {
color: { argb: 'FFE2E2E3' }, // dark gray - default border color for gdrive
style: 'thin'
const borders = {
left: borderStyle,
right: borderStyle,
top: borderStyle,
bottom: borderStyle
const headerBackground: Fill = {
type: 'pattern',
pattern: 'solid',
fgColor: { argb: 'FFEEEEEE' } // gray
const headerFontColor = {
color: {
argb: 'FF000000' // black
const centerAlignment: Partial<Alignment> = {
horizontal: 'center'
function exportTable(table: ExportData) {
const { columns, rowIds, access, tableName } = table;
const ws = wb.addWorksheet(sanitizeWorksheetName(tableName));
// Build excel formatters.
const formatters = => createExcelFormatter(col.formatter.type, col.formatter.widgetOpts));
// Generate headers for all columns with correct styles for whole column.
// Actual header style for a first row will be overwritten later.
ws.columns =, c) => ({ header: col.label, style: formatters[c].style() }));
// style up the header row
for (let i = 1; i <= columns.length; i++) {
// apply to all rows (including header)
ws.getColumn(i).border = borders;
// apply only to header
const header = ws.getCell(1, i);
header.fill = headerBackground;
header.font = headerFontColor;
header.alignment = centerAlignment;
// Make each column a little wider.
ws.columns.forEach(column => {
if (!column.header) {
// 14 points is about 100 pixels in a default font (point is around 7.5 pixels)
column.width = column.header.length < 14 ? 14 : column.header.length;
// Populate excel file with data
for (const row of rowIds) {
ws.addRow(, c) => formatters[c].formatAny(getter(row)))).commit();
function end() { return wb.commit(); }
return {exportTable, end};
* Removes invalid characters, see
export function sanitizeWorksheetName(tableName: string): string {
return tableName
// Convert invalid characters to spaces
.replace(/[*?:/\\[\]]/g, ' ')
// Collapse multiple spaces into one
.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
// Trim spaces and single quotes from the ends
.replace(/^['\s]+/, '')
.replace(/['\s]+$/, '');