mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Dmitry S e380fcfa90 (core) Admin Panel and InstallAdmin class to identify installation admins.
- Add InstallAdmin class to identify users who can manage Grist installation.

  This is overridable by different Grist flavors (e.g. different in SaaS).
  It generalizes previous logic used to decide who can control Activation
  settings (e.g. enable telemetry).

- Implement a basic Admin Panel at /admin, and move items previously in the
  "Support Grist" page into the "Support Grist" section of the Admin Panel.

- Replace "Support Grist" menu items with "Admin Panel" and show only to admins.

- Add "Support Grist" links to Github sponsorship to user-account menu.

- Add "Support Grist" button to top-bar, which
  - for admins, replaces the previous "Contribute" button and reopens the "Support Grist / opt-in to telemetry" nudge (unchanged)
  - for everyone else, links to Github sponsorship
  - in either case, user can dismiss it.

Test Plan: Shuffled some test cases between Support Grist and the new Admin Panel, and added some new cases.

Reviewers: jarek, paulfitz

Reviewed By: jarek, paulfitz

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D4194
2024-03-25 12:18:38 -04:00

309 lines
13 KiB

import {
} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {isAffirmative} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {getTagManagerSnippet} from 'app/common/tagManager';
import {Document} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {AttachedCustomWidgets, IAttachedCustomWidget} from "app/common/widgetTypes";
import {SUPPORT_EMAIL} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import {isAnonymousUser, isSingleUserMode, RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {RequestWithOrg} from 'app/server/lib/extractOrg';
import {GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import {getTemplateOrg} from 'app/server/lib/gristSettings';
import {getSupportedEngineChoices} from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils';
import {readLoadedLngs, readLoadedNamespaces} from 'app/server/localization';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as handlebars from 'handlebars';
import jsesc from 'jsesc';
import * as path from 'path';
import difference = require('lodash/difference');
const translate = (req: express.Request, key: string, args?: any) => req.t(`sendAppPage.${key}`, args);
export interface ISendAppPageOptions {
path: string; // Ignored if .content is present (set to "" for clarity).
content?: string;
status: number;
config: Partial<GristLoadConfig>;
tag?: string; // If present, override version tag.
// If present, enable Google Tag Manager on this page (if GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID env var is set).
// Used on the welcome page to track sign-ups. We don't intend to use it for in-app analytics.
// Set to true to insert tracker unconditionally; false to omit it; "anon" to insert
// it only when the user is not logged in.
googleTagManager?: true | false | 'anon';
export interface MakeGristConfigOptions {
homeUrl: string|null;
extra: Partial<GristLoadConfig>;
baseDomain?: string;
req?: express.Request;
server?: GristServer|null;
export function makeGristConfig(options: MakeGristConfigOptions): GristLoadConfig {
const {homeUrl, extra, baseDomain, req, server} = options;
// .invalid is a TLD the IETF promises will never exist.
const pluginUrl = process.env.APP_UNTRUSTED_URL || 'http://plugins.invalid';
const pathOnly = (process.env.GRIST_ORG_IN_PATH === "true") ||
(homeUrl && new URL(homeUrl).hostname === 'localhost') || false;
const mreq = req as RequestWithOrg|undefined;
return {
org: process.env.GRIST_SINGLE_ORG || (mreq && mreq.org),
singleOrg: process.env.GRIST_SINGLE_ORG,
helpCenterUrl: getHelpCenterUrl(),
freeCoachingCallUrl: getFreeCoachingCallUrl(),
contactSupportUrl: getContactSupportUrl(),
supportAnon: shouldSupportAnon(),
enableAnonPlayground: isAffirmative(process.env.GRIST_ANON_PLAYGROUND ?? true),
supportEngines: getSupportedEngineChoices(),
features: getFeatures(),
pageTitleSuffix: configuredPageTitleSuffix(),
stripeAPIKey: process.env.STRIPE_PUBLIC_API_KEY,
googleClientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
googleDriveScope: process.env.GOOGLE_DRIVE_SCOPE,
helpScoutBeaconId: process.env.HELP_SCOUT_BEACON_ID_V2,
maxUploadSizeImport: (Number(process.env.GRIST_MAX_UPLOAD_IMPORT_MB) * 1024 * 1024) || undefined,
maxUploadSizeAttachment: (Number(process.env.GRIST_MAX_UPLOAD_ATTACHMENT_MB) * 1024 * 1024) || undefined,
timestampMs: Date.now(),
enableWidgetRepository: Boolean(process.env.GRIST_WIDGET_LIST_URL) ||
((server?.getBundledWidgets().length || 0) > 0),
survey: Boolean(process.env.DOC_ID_NEW_USER_INFO),
tagManagerId: process.env.GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID,
activation: (req as RequestWithLogin|undefined)?.activation,
enableCustomCss: isAffirmative(process.env.APP_STATIC_INCLUDE_CUSTOM_CSS),
supportedLngs: readLoadedLngs(req?.i18n),
namespaces: readLoadedNamespaces(req?.i18n),
featureComments: isAffirmative(process.env.COMMENTS),
featureFormulaAssistant: Boolean(process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY || process.env.ASSISTANT_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT),
assistantService: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY ? 'OpenAI' : undefined,
permittedCustomWidgets: getPermittedCustomWidgets(server),
supportEmail: SUPPORT_EMAIL,
userLocale: (req as RequestWithLogin | undefined)?.user?.options?.locale,
telemetry: server?.getTelemetry().getTelemetryConfig(req as RequestWithLogin | undefined),
deploymentType: server?.getDeploymentType(),
templateOrg: getTemplateOrg(),
canCloseAccount: isAffirmative(process.env.GRIST_ACCOUNT_CLOSE),
experimentalPlugins: isAffirmative(process.env.GRIST_EXPERIMENTAL_PLUGINS),
* Creates a method that will send html page that will immediately post a message to a parent window.
* Primary used for Google Auth Grist's endpoint, but can be used in future in any other server side
* authentication flow.
export function makeMessagePage(staticDir: string) {
return async (req: express.Request, resp: express.Response, message: any) => {
const fileContent = await fse.readFile(path.join(staticDir, "message.html"), 'utf8');
const content = fileContent.replace(
"<!-- INSERT MESSAGE -->",
`<script>window.message = ${jsesc(message, {isScriptContext: true, json: true})};</script>`
* Send a simple template page, read from file at pagePath (relative to static/), with certain
* placeholders replaced.
export function makeSendAppPage(opts: {
server: GristServer, staticDir: string, tag: string, testLogin?: boolean,
baseDomain?: string
}) {
const {server, staticDir, tag, testLogin} = opts;
// If env var GRIST_INCLUDE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_URL is set, load it in a <script> tag on all app pages.
const customScriptUrl = process.env.GRIST_INCLUDE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_URL;
const insertCustomScript: string = customScriptUrl ?
`<script src="${customScriptUrl}" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>` : '';
return async (req: express.Request, resp: express.Response, options: ISendAppPageOptions) => {
const config = makeGristConfig({
homeUrl: !isSingleUserMode() ? server.getHomeUrl(req) : null,
extra: options.config,
baseDomain: opts.baseDomain,
// We could cache file contents in memory, but the filesystem does caching too, and compared
// to that, the performance gain is unlikely to be meaningful. So keep it simple here.
const fileContent = options.content || await fse.readFile(path.join(staticDir, options.path), 'utf8');
const needTagManager = (options.googleTagManager === 'anon' && isAnonymousUser(req)) ||
options.googleTagManager === true;
const tagManagerSnippet = needTagManager ? getTagManagerSnippet(process.env.GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID) : '';
const staticTag = options.tag || tag;
// If boot tag is used, serve assets locally, otherwise respect
const staticOrigin = staticTag === 'boot' ? '' : (process.env.APP_STATIC_URL || '');
const staticBaseUrl = `${staticOrigin}/v/${staticTag}/`;
const customHeadHtmlSnippet = server.create.getExtraHeadHtml?.() ?? "";
const warning = testLogin ? "<div class=\"dev_warning\">Authentication is not enforced</div>" : "";
// Preload all languages that will be used or are requested by client.
const preloads = req.languages
.filter(lng => (readLoadedLngs(req.i18n)).includes(lng))
.map(lng => lng.replace('-', '_'))
.map((lng) =>
readLoadedNamespaces(req.i18n).map((ns) =>
`<link rel="preload" href="locales/${lng}.${ns}.json" as="fetch" type="application/json" crossorigin>`
const content = fileContent
.replace("<!-- INSERT WARNING -->", warning)
.replace("<!-- INSERT TITLE -->", getPageTitle(req, config))
.replace("<!-- INSERT META -->", getPageMetadataHtmlSnippet(config))
.replace("<!-- INSERT TITLE SUFFIX -->", getPageTitleSuffix(server.getGristConfig()))
.replace("<!-- INSERT BASE -->", `<base href="${staticBaseUrl}">` + tagManagerSnippet)
.replace("<!-- INSERT LOCALE -->", preloads)
.replace("<!-- INSERT CUSTOM -->", customHeadHtmlSnippet)
.replace("<!-- INSERT CUSTOM SCRIPT -->", insertCustomScript)
"<!-- INSERT CONFIG -->",
`<script>window.gristConfig = ${jsesc(config, {isScriptContext: true, json: true})};</script>`
logVisitedPageTelemetryEvent(req as RequestWithLogin, {
pagePath: options.path,
docId: config.assignmentId,
interface LogVisitedPageEventOptions {
server: GristServer;
pagePath: string;
docId?: string;
function logVisitedPageTelemetryEvent(req: RequestWithLogin, options: LogVisitedPageEventOptions) {
const {server, pagePath, docId} = options;
// Construct a fake URL and append the utm_* parameters from the original URL.
// We avoid using the original URL here because it may contain sensitive identifiers,
// such as link key parameters and site/doc ids.
const url = new URL('fake', server.getMergedOrgUrl(req));
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(req.query)) {
if (key.startsWith('utm_')) {
url.searchParams.set(key, String(value));
server.getTelemetry().logEvent(req, 'visitedPage', {
full: {
docIdDigest: docId,
url: url.toString(),
path: pagePath,
userAgent: req.headers['user-agent'],
userId: req.userId,
altSessionId: req.altSessionId,
function shouldSupportAnon() {
// Enable UI for anonymous access if a flag is explicitly set in the environment
return process.env.GRIST_SUPPORT_ANON === "true";
function getFeatures(): IFeature[] {
const disabledFeatures = process.env.GRIST_HIDE_UI_ELEMENTS?.split(',') ?? [];
const enabledFeatures = process.env.GRIST_UI_FEATURES?.split(',') ?? Features.values;
return Features.checkAll(difference(enabledFeatures, disabledFeatures));
function getPermittedCustomWidgets(gristServer?: GristServer|null): IAttachedCustomWidget[] {
if (!process.env.PERMITTED_CUSTOM_WIDGETS && gristServer) {
// The PERMITTED_CUSTOM_WIDGETS environment variable is a bit of
// a drag. If there are bundled widgets that overlap with widgets
// described in the codebase, let's just assume they are permitted.
const widgets = gristServer.getBundledWidgets();
const names = new Set(AttachedCustomWidgets.values as string[]);
const namesFound: IAttachedCustomWidget[] = [];
for (const widget of widgets) {
// Permitted custom widgets are identified so many ways across the
// code! Why? TODO: cut down on identifiers.
const name = widget.widgetId.replace('@gristlabs/widget-', 'custom.');
if (names.has(name)) {
namesFound.push(name as IAttachedCustomWidget);
return AttachedCustomWidgets.checkAll(namesFound);
const widgetsList = process.env.PERMITTED_CUSTOM_WIDGETS?.split(',').map(widgetName=>`custom.${widgetName}`) ?? [];
return AttachedCustomWidgets.checkAll(widgetsList);
function configuredPageTitleSuffix() {
const result = process.env.GRIST_PAGE_TITLE_SUFFIX;
return result === "_blank" ? "" : result;
* Returns a page title suitable for inserting into an HTML title element.
* Currently returns the document name if the page being requested is for a document, or
* a placeholder, "Loading...", that's updated in the client once the page has loaded.
* Note: The string returned is escaped and safe to insert into HTML.
function getPageTitle(req: express.Request, config: GristLoadConfig): string {
const maybeDoc = getDocFromConfig(config);
if (!maybeDoc) { return translate(req, 'Loading') + "..."; }
return handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(maybeDoc.name);
* Returns a string representation of 0 or more HTML metadata elements.
* Currently includes the document description and thumbnail if the requested page is
* for a document and the document has one set.
* Note: The string returned is escaped and safe to insert into HTML.
function getPageMetadataHtmlSnippet(config: GristLoadConfig): string {
const metadataElements: string[] = [];
const maybeDoc = getDocFromConfig(config);
const description = maybeDoc?.options?.description;
if (description) {
const content = handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(description);
metadataElements.push(`<meta name="description" content="${content}">`);
metadataElements.push(`<meta property="og:description" content="${content}">`);
metadataElements.push(`<meta name="twitter:description" content="${content}">`);
const icon = maybeDoc?.options?.icon;
if (icon) {
const content = handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(icon);
metadataElements.push(`<meta name="thumbnail" content="${content}">`);
metadataElements.push(`<meta property="og:image" content="${content}">`);
metadataElements.push(`<meta name="twitter:image" content="${content}">`);
return metadataElements.join('\n');
function getDocFromConfig(config: GristLoadConfig): Document | null {
if (!config.getDoc || !config.assignmentId) { return null; }
return config.getDoc[config.assignmentId] ?? null;