Leslie H 24ce54b586
Improve session ID security (#1059)
Follow-up of #994. This PR revises the session ID generation logic to improve security in the absence of a secure session secret. It also adds a section in the admin panel "security" section to nag system admins when GRIST_SESSION_SECRET is not set.

Following is an excerpt from internal conversation.

TL;DR: Grist's current implementation generates semi-secure session IDs and uses a publicly known default signing key to sign them when the environment variable GRIST_SESSION_SECRET is not set. This PR generates cryptographically secure session IDs to dismiss security concerns around an insecure signing key, and encourages system admins to configure their own signing key anyway.

> The session secret is required by expressjs/session to sign its session IDs. It's designed as an extra protection against session hijacking by randomly guessing session IDs and hitting a valid one. While it is easy to encourage users to set a distinct session secret, this is unnecessary if session IDs are generated in a cryptographically secure way. As of now Grist uses version 4 UUIDs as session IDs (see app/server/lib/gristSessions.ts - it uses shortUUID.generate which invokes uuid.v4 under the hood). These contain 122 bits of entropy, technically insufficient to be considered cryptographically secure. In practice, this is never considered a real vulnerability. To compare, RSA2048 is still very commonly used in web servers, yet it only has 112 bits of security (>=128 bits = "secure", rule of thumb in cryptography). But for peace of mind I propose using crypto.getRandomValues to generate real 128-bit random values. This should render session ID signing unnecessary and hence dismiss security concerns around an insecure signing key.
2024-06-25 15:43:25 -04:00

700 lines
23 KiB

import {buildHomeBanners} from 'app/client/components/Banners';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {localStorageJsonObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs';
import {getTimeFromNow} from 'app/client/lib/timeUtils';
import {AdminChecks, probeDetails, ProbeDetails} from 'app/client/models/AdminChecks';
import {AppModel, getHomeUrl, reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {AppHeader} from 'app/client/ui/AppHeader';
import {leftPanelBasic} from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon';
import {pagePanels} from 'app/client/ui/PagePanels';
import {SupportGristPage} from 'app/client/ui/SupportGristPage';
import {createTopBarHome} from 'app/client/ui/TopBar';
import {cssBreadcrumbs, separator} from 'app/client/ui2018/breadcrumbs';
import {basicButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {toggle} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox';
import {mediaSmall, testId, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {cssLink, makeLinks} from 'app/client/ui2018/links';
import {BootProbeInfo, BootProbeResult, SandboxingBootProbeDetails} from 'app/common/BootProbe';
import {commonUrls, getPageTitleSuffix} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {InstallAPI, InstallAPIImpl, LatestVersion} from 'app/common/InstallAPI';
import {naturalCompare} from 'app/common/SortFunc';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import * as version from 'app/common/version';
import {Computed, Disposable, dom, IDisposable,
IDisposableOwner, MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
import {AdminSection, AdminSectionItem, HidableToggle} from 'app/client/ui/AdminPanelCss';
const t = makeT('AdminPanel');
// Translated "Admin Panel" name, made available to other modules.
export function getAdminPanelName() {
return t("Admin Panel");
export class AdminPanel extends Disposable {
private _supportGrist = SupportGristPage.create(this, this._appModel);
private readonly _installAPI: InstallAPI = new InstallAPIImpl(getHomeUrl());
private _checks: AdminChecks;
constructor(private _appModel: AppModel) {
document.title = getAdminPanelName() + getPageTitleSuffix(getGristConfig());
this._checks = new AdminChecks(this, this._installAPI);
public buildDom() {
this._checks.fetchAvailableChecks().catch(err => {
const panelOpen = Observable.create(this, false);
return pagePanels({
leftPanel: {
panelWidth: Observable.create(this, 240),
hideOpener: true,
header: dom.create(AppHeader, this._appModel),
content: leftPanelBasic(this._appModel, panelOpen),
headerMain: this._buildMainHeader(),
contentTop: buildHomeBanners(this._appModel),
contentMain: dom.create(this._buildMainContent.bind(this)),
private _buildMainHeader() {
return dom.frag(
cssBreadcrumbs({style: 'margin-left: 16px;'},
separator(' / '),
dom('span', getAdminPanelName()),
private _buildMainContent(owner: MultiHolder) {
// If probes are available, show the panel as normal.
// Otherwise say it is unavailable, and describe a fallback
// mechanism for access.
return cssPageContainer(
{tabIndex: "-1"},
dom.maybe(this._checks.probes, probes => {
return probes.length > 0
? this._buildMainContentForAdmin(owner)
: this._buildMainContentForOthers(owner);
* Show something helpful to those without access to the panel,
* which could include a legit adminstrator if auth is misconfigured.
private _buildMainContentForOthers(owner: MultiHolder) {
const exampleKey = _longCodeForExample();
return dom.create(AdminSection, t('Administrator Panel Unavailable'), [
dom('p', t(`You do not have access to the administrator panel.
Please log in as an administrator.`)),
t(`Or, as a fallback, you can set: {{bootKey}} in the environment and visit: {{url}}`, {
bootKey: dom('pre', `GRIST_BOOT_KEY=${exampleKey}`),
url: dom('pre', `/admin?boot-key=${exampleKey}`)
private _buildMainContentForAdmin(owner: MultiHolder) {
return [
dom.create(AdminSection, t('Support Grist'), [
dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'telemetry',
name: t('Telemetry'),
description: t('Help us make Grist better'),
value: dom.create(HidableToggle, this._supportGrist.getTelemetryOptInObservable()),
expandedContent: this._supportGrist.buildTelemetrySection(),
dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'sponsor',
name: t('Sponsor'),
description: t('Support Grist Labs on GitHub'),
value: this._supportGrist.buildSponsorshipSmallButton(),
expandedContent: this._supportGrist.buildSponsorshipSection(),
dom.create(AdminSection, t('Security Settings'), [
dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'sandboxing',
name: t('Sandboxing'),
description: t('Sandbox settings for data engine'),
value: this._buildSandboxingDisplay(owner),
expandedContent: this._buildSandboxingNotice(),
dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'authentication',
name: t('Authentication'),
description: t('Current authentication method'),
value: this._buildAuthenticationDisplay(owner),
expandedContent: this._buildAuthenticationNotice(owner),
dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'session',
name: t('Session Secret'),
description: t('Key to sign sessions with'),
value: this._buildSessionSecretDisplay(owner),
expandedContent: this._buildSessionSecretNotice(owner),
dom.create(AdminSection, t('Version'), [
dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'version',
name: t('Current'),
description: t('Current version of Grist'),
value: cssValueLabel(`Version ${version.version}`),
dom.create(AdminSection, t('Self Checks'), [
this._buildProbeItems(owner, {
showRedundant: false,
showNovel: true,
dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'probe-other',
name: 'more...',
description: '',
value: '',
expandedContent: this._buildProbeItems(owner, {
showRedundant: true,
showNovel: false,
private _buildSandboxingDisplay(owner: IDisposableOwner) {
return dom.domComputed(
use => {
const req = this._checks.requestCheckById(use, 'sandboxing');
const result = req ? use(req.result) : undefined;
const success = result?.status === 'success';
const details = result?.details as SandboxingBootProbeDetails|undefined;
if (!details) {
return cssValueLabel(t('unknown'));
const flavor = details.flavor;
const configured = details.configured;
return cssValueLabel(
configured ?
(success ? cssHappyText(t('OK') + `: ${flavor}`) :
cssErrorText(t('Error') + `: ${flavor}`)) :
private _buildSandboxingNotice() {
return [
// Use AdminChecks text for sandboxing, in order not to
// duplicate.
{style: 'margin-top: 8px'},
cssLink({href: commonUrls.helpSandboxing, target: '_blank'}, t('Learn more.'))
private _buildAuthenticationDisplay(owner: IDisposableOwner) {
return dom.domComputed(
use => {
const req = this._checks.requestCheckById(use, 'authentication');
const result = req ? use(req.result) : undefined;
if (!result) {
return cssValueLabel(cssErrorText('unavailable'));
const { status, details } = result;
const success = status === 'success';
const loginSystemId = details?.loginSystemId;
if (!success || !loginSystemId) {
return cssValueLabel(cssErrorText('auth error'));
if (loginSystemId === 'no-logins') {
return cssValueLabel(cssDangerText('no authentication'));
return cssValueLabel(cssHappyText(loginSystemId));
private _buildAuthenticationNotice(owner: IDisposableOwner) {
return t('Grist allows different types of authentication to be configured, including SAML and OIDC. \
We recommend enabling one of these if Grist is accessible over the network or being made available \
to multiple people.');
private _buildSessionSecretDisplay(owner: IDisposableOwner) {
return dom.domComputed(
use => {
const req = this._checks.requestCheckById(use, 'session-secret');
const result = req ? use(req.result) : undefined;
if (result?.status === 'warning') {
return cssValueLabel(cssDangerText('default'));
return cssValueLabel(cssHappyText('configured'));
private _buildSessionSecretNotice(owner: IDisposableOwner) {
return t('Grist signs user session cookies with a secret key. Please set this key via the environment variable \
GRIST_SESSION_SECRET. Grist falls back to a hard-coded default when it is not set. We may remove this notice \
in the future as session IDs generated since v1.1.16 are inherently cryptographically secure.');
private _buildUpdates(owner: MultiHolder) {
// We can be in those states:
enum State {
// Never checked before (no last version or last check time).
// Shows "No information available" [Check now]
// Did check previously, but it was a while ago, user should press the button to check.
// Shows "Last checked X days ago" [Check now]
// In the middle of checking for updates.
// Transient state, shown after Check now is clicked.
// Grist is up to date (state only shown after a successful check), or even upfront.
// Won't be shown after page is reloaded.
// Shows "Checking for updates..."
// A newer version is available. Can be shown after reload if last
// version that was checked is newer than the current version.
// Shows "Newer version available" [version]
// Error occurred during this check. If the error occurred during last check
// it is not stored.
// Shows "Error checking for updates" [Check now]
// Are updates enabled at all.
const defaultValue = {
onLoad: false,
lastCheckDate: null as number|null,
lastVersion: null as string|null,
const prop = <T extends keyof typeof defaultValue>(key: T) => {
const computed = Computed.create(owner, (use) => use(settings)[key]);
computed.onWrite((val) => settings.set({...settings.get(), [key]: val}));
return computed as Observable<typeof defaultValue[T]>;
const settings = owner.autoDispose(localStorageJsonObs('new-version-check', defaultValue));
const onLoad = prop('onLoad');
const latestVersion = prop('lastVersion');
const lastCheckDate = prop('lastCheckDate');
const comparison = Computed.create(owner, (use) => {
const versions = [version.version, use(latestVersion)];
if (!versions[1]) {
return null;
// Sort them in natural order, so that "1.10" comes after "1.9".
if (versions[0] === version.version) {
return 'old';
} else {
return 'new';
// Observable state of the updates check.
const state: Observable<State> = Observable.create(owner, State.NEVER);
// The background task that checks for updates, can be disposed (cancelled) when needed.
let backgroundTask: IDisposable|null = null;
// By default we link to the GitHub releases page, but the endpoint might say something different.
let releaseURL = '';
// All the events that might occur
const actions = {
checkForUpdates: async () => {
// We can be disabled, why the check is in progress.
const controller = new AbortController();
backgroundTask = {
dispose() {
if (controller.signal.aborted) { return; }
backgroundTask = null;
try {
const result = await this._installAPI.checkUpdates();
if (controller.signal.aborted) { return; }
} catch(err) {
if (controller.signal.aborted) { return; }
disableAutoCheck: () => {
backgroundTask = null;
enableAutoCheck: () => {
if (state.get() !== State.CHECKING && state.get() !== State.AVAILABLE) {
gotLatestVersion: (data: LatestVersion) => {
releaseURL = data.updateURL || releaseURL;
const result = comparison.get();
switch (result) {
case 'old': state.set(State.CURRENT); break;
case 'new': state.set(State.AVAILABLE); break;
// This should not happen, but if it does, we should show the error.
default: state.set(State.ERROR); break;
const description = Computed.create(owner, (use) => {
switch (use(state)) {
case State.NEVER: return t('No information available');
case State.CHECKING: return '⌛ ' + t('Checking for updates...');
case State.CURRENT: return '✅ ' + t('Grist is up to date');
case State.AVAILABLE: return t('Newer version available');
case State.ERROR: return '❌ ' + t('Error checking for updates');
case State.STALE: {
const lastCheck = use(lastCheckDate);
return t('Last checked {{time}}', {time: lastCheck ? getTimeFromNow(lastCheck) : 'n/a'});
// Now trigger the initial state, by checking if we should auto-check.
if (onLoad.get()) {
} else {
if (comparison.get() === 'new') {
} else if (comparison.get() === 'old') {
} else {
state.set(State.NEVER); // default one.
// Toggle component operates on a boolean observable, without a way to set the value. So
// create a controller for it to intercept the write and call the appropriate action.
const enabledController = Computed.create(owner, (use) => use(onLoad));
enabledController.onWrite((val) => {
if (val) {
} else {
const upperCheckNowVisible = Computed.create(owner, (use) => {
switch (use(state)) {
case State.CHECKING:
case State.CURRENT:
case State.AVAILABLE:
return false;
return true;
return dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: 'updates',
name: t('Updates'),
description: dom('span', testId('admin-panel-updates-message'), dom.text(description)),
value: cssValueButton(
dom.domComputed(use => {
if (use(state) === State.CHECKING) {
return null;
if (use(upperCheckNowVisible)) {
return basicButton(
t('Check now'),
dom.on('click', actions.checkForUpdates),
if (use(latestVersion)) {
return cssValueLabel(`Version ${use(latestVersion)}`, testId('admin-panel-updates-version'));
throw new Error('Invalid state');
expandedContent: cssColumns(
dom('div', t('Grist releases are at '), makeLinks(releaseURL)),
dom.maybe(lastCheckDate, ms => dom('div',
dom('span', t('Last checked {{time}}', {time: getTimeFromNow(ms)})),
dom('span', ' '),
// Format date in local format.
cssGrayed(new Date(ms).toLocaleString()),
dom('div', t('Auto-check when this page loads')),
// `Check now` button, only shown when auto checks are enabled and we are not in the
// middle of checking. Otherwise the button is shown in the summary row, and there is
// no need to duplicate it.
dom.maybe(use => !use(upperCheckNowVisible), () => [
t('Check now'),
dom.on('click', actions.checkForUpdates),
dom.prop('disabled', use => use(state) === State.CHECKING),
toggle(enabledController, testId('admin-panel-updates-auto-check')),
* Show the results of various checks. Of the checks, some are considered
* "redundant" (already covered elsewhere in the Admin Panel) and the
* remainder are "novel".
private _buildProbeItems(owner: MultiHolder, options: {
showRedundant: boolean,
showNovel: boolean,
}) {
return dom.domComputed(
use => [
...use(this._checks.probes).map(probe => {
const isRedundant = [
const show = isRedundant ? options.showRedundant : options.showNovel;
if (!show) { return null; }
const req = this._checks.requestCheck(probe);
return this._buildProbeItem(owner, req.probe, use(req.result), req.details);
* Show the result of an individual check.
private _buildProbeItem(owner: MultiHolder,
info: BootProbeInfo,
result: BootProbeResult,
details: ProbeDetails|undefined) {
const status = this._encodeSuccess(result);
return dom.create(AdminSectionItem, {
id: `probe-${}`,
value: cssStatus(status),
expandedContent: [
{ style: 'margin-top: 0px; padding-top: 0px;' },
result.verdict ? dom('pre', result.verdict) : null,
(result.status === 'none') ? null :
(result.status === 'success') ? t('Check succeeded.') : t('Check failed.')),
(result.status !== 'none') ? null :
dom('p', t('No fault detected.')),
(details?.info === undefined) ? null : [
(result.details === undefined) ? null : [
...Object.entries(result.details).map(([key, val]) => {
return dom(
dom('input', dom.prop(
typeof val === 'string' ? val : JSON.stringify(val))));
* Give an icon summarizing success or failure. Factor in the
* severity of the result for failures. This is crude, the
* visualization of the results can be elaborated in future.
private _encodeSuccess(result: BootProbeResult) {
switch (result.status) {
case 'success':
return '✅';
case 'fault':
return '❌';
case 'warning':
return '❗';
case 'hmm':
return '?';
case 'none':
return '―';
// should not arrive here
return '??';
// Ugh I'm not a front end person. h5 small-caps, sure why not.
// Hopefully someone with taste will edit someday!
const cssCheckHeader = styled('h5', `
margin-bottom: 5px;
font-variant: small-caps;
const cssStatus = styled('div', `
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
width: 40px;
padding: 5px;
const cssPageContainer = styled('div', `
overflow: auto;
padding: 40px;
font-size: ${vars.introFontSize};
color: ${theme.text};
@media ${mediaSmall} {
& {
padding: 0px;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
export const cssValueLabel = styled('div', `
padding: 4px 8px;
color: ${theme.text};
border: 1px solid ${theme.inputBorder};
border-radius: ${vars.controlBorderRadius};
// A wrapper for the version details panel. Shows two columns.
// First grows as needed, second shrinks as needed and is aligned to the bottom.
const cssColumns = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
& > div:first-child {
flex-grow: 1;
flex-shrink: 0;
& > div:last-child {
flex-shrink: 1;
const cssColumn = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 8px;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-shrink: 1;
margin-block: 1px; /* otherwise toggle is squashed: TODO: -1px in toggle looks like a bug */
&-left {
align-items: flex-start;
&-right {
align-items: flex-end;
justify-content: flex-end;
const cssValueButton = styled('div', `
height: 30px;
const cssCheckNowButton = styled(basicButton, `
&-hidden {
visibility: hidden;
const cssGrayed = styled('span', `
color: ${theme.lightText};
const cssErrorText = styled('span', `
color: ${theme.errorText};
export const cssDangerText = styled('div', `
color: ${theme.dangerText};
const cssHappyText = styled('span', `
color: ${theme.controlFg};
export const cssLabel = styled('div', `
display: inline-block;
min-width: 100px;
text-align: right;
padding-right: 5px;
* Make a long code to use in the example, so that if people copy
* and paste it lazily, they end up decently secure, or at least a
* lot more secure than a key like "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SECRET"
function _longCodeForExample() {
// Crypto in insecure contexts doesn't have randomUUID
if (window.isSecureContext) {
return 'example-a' + window.crypto.randomUUID();
return 'example-b' + 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/x/g, () => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16);