George Gevoian 4740f1f933 (core) Update onboarding flow
A new onboarding page is now shown to all new users visiting the doc
menu for the first time. Tutorial cards on the doc menu have been
replaced with a new version that tracks completion progress, alongside
a new card that opens the orientation video.

Test Plan: Browser tests.

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Differential Revision:
2024-07-23 11:49:23 -04:00

446 lines
18 KiB

import {ClientScope} from 'app/client/components/ClientScope';
import {guessTimezone} from 'app/client/lib/guessTimezone';
import {HomePluginManager} from 'app/client/lib/HomePluginManager';
import {ImportSourceElement} from 'app/client/lib/ImportSourceElement';
import {localStorageObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs';
import {AppModel, reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel';
import {reportMessage, UserError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState';
import {ownerName} from 'app/client/models/WorkspaceInfo';
import {IHomePage, isFeatureEnabled} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import {isLongerThan} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {SortPref, UserOrgPrefs, ViewPref} from 'app/common/Prefs';
import * as roles from 'app/common/roles';
import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils';
import {Document, Organization, Workspace} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, Observable, subscribe} from 'grainjs';
import flatten = require('lodash/flatten');
import sortBy = require('lodash/sortBy');
export interface HomeModel {
// PageType value, one of the discriminated union values used by AppModel.
pageType: "home";
app: AppModel;
currentPage: Observable<IHomePage>;
currentWSId: Observable<number|undefined>; // should be set when currentPage is 'workspace'
// Note that Workspace contains its documents in .docs.
workspaces: Observable<Workspace[]>;
loading: Observable<boolean|"slow">; // Set to "slow" when loading for a while.
available: Observable<boolean>; // set if workspaces loaded correctly.
showIntro: Observable<boolean>; // set if no docs and we should show intro.
singleWorkspace: Observable<boolean>; // set if workspace name should be hidden.
trashWorkspaces: Observable<Workspace[]>; // only set when viewing trash
templateWorkspaces: Observable<Workspace[]>; // Only set when viewing templates or all documents.
// currentWS is undefined when currentPage is not "workspace" or if currentWSId doesn't exist.
currentWS: Observable<Workspace|undefined>;
// List of pinned docs to show for currentWS.
currentWSPinnedDocs: Observable<Document[]>;
// List of featured templates from templateWorkspaces.
featuredTemplates: Observable<Document[]>;
// List of other sites (orgs) user can access. Only populated on All Documents, and only when
// the current org is a personal org, or the current org is view access only.
otherSites: Observable<Organization[]>;
currentSort: Observable<SortPref>;
currentView: Observable<ViewPref>;
importSources: Observable<ImportSourceElement[]>;
// The workspace for new docs, or "unsaved" to only allow unsaved-doc creation, or null if the
// user isn't allowed to create a doc.
newDocWorkspace: Observable<Workspace|null|"unsaved">;
shouldShowAddNewTip: Observable<boolean>;
onboardingTutorial: Observable<Document|null>;
createWorkspace(name: string): Promise<void>;
renameWorkspace(id: number, name: string): Promise<void>;
deleteWorkspace(id: number, forever: boolean): Promise<void>;
restoreWorkspace(ws: Workspace): Promise<void>;
createDoc(name: string, workspaceId: number|"unsaved"): Promise<string>;
renameDoc(docId: string, name: string): Promise<void>;
deleteDoc(docId: string, forever: boolean): Promise<void>;
restoreDoc(doc: Document): Promise<void>;
pinUnpinDoc(docId: string, pin: boolean): Promise<void>;
moveDoc(docId: string, workspaceId: number): Promise<void>;
export interface ViewSettings {
currentSort: Observable<SortPref>;
currentView: Observable<ViewPref>;
export class HomeModelImpl extends Disposable implements HomeModel, ViewSettings {
public readonly pageType = "home";
public readonly currentPage = Computed.create(this, urlState().state, (use, s) =>
s.homePage || ( !== undefined ? "workspace" : "all"));
public readonly currentWSId = Computed.create(this, urlState().state, (use, s) =>;
public readonly workspaces = Observable.create<Workspace[]>(this, []);
public readonly loading = Observable.create<boolean|"slow">(this, true);
public readonly available = Observable.create(this, false);
public readonly singleWorkspace = Observable.create(this, true);
public readonly trashWorkspaces = Observable.create<Workspace[]>(this, []);
public readonly templateWorkspaces = Observable.create<Workspace[]>(this, []);
public readonly importSources = Observable.create<ImportSourceElement[]>(this, []);
// Get the workspace details for the workspace with id of currentWSId.
public readonly currentWS = Computed.create(this, (use) =>
use(this.workspaces).find(ws => ( === use(this.currentWSId))));
public readonly currentWSPinnedDocs = Computed.create(this, this.currentPage, this.currentWS, (use, page, ws) => {
const docs = (page === 'all') ?
flatten((use(this.workspaces).map(w => :
(ws ? : []);
return sortBy(docs.filter(doc => doc.isPinned), (doc) =>;
public readonly featuredTemplates = Computed.create(this, this.templateWorkspaces, (_use, templates) => {
const featuredTemplates = flatten((templates).map(t => => t.isPinned);
return sortBy(featuredTemplates, (t) =>;
public readonly otherSites = Computed.create(this, this.currentPage,,
(_use, page, orgs) => {
if (page !== 'all') { return []; }
const currentOrg = this._app.currentOrg;
if (!currentOrg) { return []; }
const isPersonalOrg = currentOrg.owner;
if (!isPersonalOrg && (currentOrg.access !== 'viewers' || !currentOrg.public)) {
return [];
return orgs.filter(org => !==;
public readonly currentSort: Observable<SortPref>;
public readonly currentView: Observable<ViewPref>;
// The workspace for new docs, or "unsaved" to only allow unsaved-doc creation, or null if the
// user isn't allowed to create a doc.
public readonly newDocWorkspace = Computed.create(this, this.currentPage, this.currentWS, (use, page, ws) => {
// Anonymous user can create docs, but in unsaved mode.
if (! { return "unsaved"; }
if (page === 'trash') { return null; }
const destWS = (['all', 'templates'].includes(page)) ? (use(this.workspaces)[0] || null) : ws;
return destWS && roles.canEdit(destWS.access) ? destWS : null;
// Whether to show intro: no docs (other than examples).
public readonly showIntro = Computed.create(this, this.workspaces, (use, wss) => (
wss.every((ws) => ws.isSupportWorkspace || === 0)));
public readonly shouldShowAddNewTip = Observable.create(this,
public readonly onboardingTutorial = Observable.create<Document|null>(this, null);
private _userOrgPrefs = Observable.create<UserOrgPrefs|undefined>(this, this._app.currentOrg?.userOrgPrefs);
constructor(private _app: AppModel, clientScope: ClientScope) {
if (! {
// For the anonymous user, use local settings, don't attempt to save anything to the server.
const viewSettings = makeLocalViewSettings(null, 'all');
this.currentSort = viewSettings.currentSort;
this.currentView = viewSettings.currentView;
} else {
// Preference for sorting. Defaults to 'name'. Saved to server on write.
this.currentSort = Computed.create(this, this._userOrgPrefs,
(use, prefs) => SortPref.parse(prefs?.docMenuSort) || 'name')
.onWrite(s => this._saveUserOrgPref("docMenuSort", s));
// Preference for view mode. The default is somewhat complicated. Saved to server on write.
this.currentView = Computed.create(this, this._userOrgPrefs,
(use, prefs) => ViewPref.parse(prefs?.docMenuView) || getViewPrefDefault(use(this.workspaces)))
.onWrite(s => this._saveUserOrgPref("docMenuView", s));
this.autoDispose(subscribe(this.currentPage, this.currentWSId, (use) =>
// Defer home plugin initialization
const pluginManager = new HomePluginManager({
localPlugins: _app.topAppModel.plugins,
untrustedContentOrigin: _app.topAppModel.getUntrustedContentOrigin()!,
const importSources = ImportSourceElement.fromArray(pluginManager.pluginsList);
// Accessor for the AppModel containing this HomeModel.
public get app(): AppModel { return this._app; }
public async createWorkspace(name: string) {
const org = this._app.currentOrg;
if (!org) { return; }
await this._app.api.newWorkspace({name},;
await this._updateWorkspaces();
public async renameWorkspace(id: number, name: string) {
await this._app.api.renameWorkspace(id, name);
await this._updateWorkspaces();
public async deleteWorkspace(id: number, forever: boolean) {
// TODO: Prevent the last workspace from being removed.
await (forever ? this._app.api.deleteWorkspace(id) : this._app.api.softDeleteWorkspace(id));
await this._updateWorkspaces();
public async restoreWorkspace(ws: Workspace) {
await this._app.api.undeleteWorkspace(;
await this._updateWorkspaces();
reportMessage(`Workspace "${}" restored`);
// Creates a new doc by calling the API, and returns its docId.
public async createDoc(name: string, workspaceId: number|"unsaved"): Promise<string> {
if (workspaceId === "unsaved") {
const timezone = await guessTimezone();
return await this._app.api.newUnsavedDoc({timezone});
const id = await this._app.api.newDoc({name}, workspaceId);
await this._updateWorkspaces();
return id;
public async renameDoc(docId: string, name: string): Promise<void> {
await this._app.api.renameDoc(docId, name);
await this._updateWorkspaces();
public async deleteDoc(docId: string, forever: boolean): Promise<void> {
await (forever ? this._app.api.deleteDoc(docId) : this._app.api.softDeleteDoc(docId));
await this._updateWorkspaces();
public async restoreDoc(doc: Document): Promise<void> {
await this._app.api.undeleteDoc(;
await this._updateWorkspaces();
reportMessage(`Document "${}" restored`);
public async pinUnpinDoc(docId: string, pin: boolean): Promise<void> {
await (pin ? this._app.api.pinDoc(docId) : this._app.api.unpinDoc(docId));
await this._updateWorkspaces();
public async moveDoc(docId: string, workspaceId: number): Promise<void> {
await this._app.api.moveDoc(docId, workspaceId);
await this._updateWorkspaces();
private _checkForDuplicates(name: string): void {
if (this.workspaces.get().find(ws => === name)) {
throw new UserError('Name already exists. Please choose a different name.');
// Fetches and updates workspaces, which include contained docs as well.
private async _updateWorkspaces() {
if (this.isDisposed()) {
const org = this._app.currentOrg;
if (!org) {
const currentPage = this.currentPage.get();
const promises = [
this._fetchWorkspaces(, false).catch(reportError),
currentPage === 'trash' ? this._fetchWorkspaces(, true).catch(reportError) : null,
] as const;
const promise = Promise.all(promises);
if (await isLongerThan(promise, DELAY_BEFORE_SPINNER_MS)) {
const [wss, trashWss, templateWss] = await promise;
if (this.isDisposed()) {
// bundleChanges defers computeds' evaluations until all changes have been applied.
bundleChanges(() => {
this.workspaces.set(wss || []);
this.trashWorkspaces.set(trashWss || []);
this.templateWorkspaces.set(templateWss || []);
// Hide workspace name if we are showing a single (non-support) workspace, and active
// product doesn't allow adding workspaces. It is important to check both conditions because:
// * A personal org, where workspaces can't be added, can still have multiple
// workspaces via documents shared by other users.
// * An org with workspace support might happen to just have one workspace right
// now, but it is good to show names to highlight the possibility of adding more.
const nonSupportWss = Array.isArray(wss) ? wss.filter(ws => !ws.isSupportWorkspace) : null;
// The anon personal site always has 0 non-support workspaces.
nonSupportWss?.length === 0 ||
nonSupportWss?.length === 1 && _isSingleWorkspaceMode(this._app)
private async _fetchWorkspaces(orgId: number, forRemoved: boolean) {
let api = this._app.api;
if (forRemoved) {
api = api.forRemoved();
const wss = await api.getOrgWorkspaces(orgId);
if (this.isDisposed()) { return null; }
for (const ws of wss) { = sortBy(, (doc) =>;
// Populate doc.removedAt for soft-deleted docs even when deleted along with a workspace.
if (forRemoved) {
for (const doc of {
doc.removedAt = doc.removedAt || ws.removedAt;
// Populate doc.workspace, which is used by DocMenu/PinnedDocs and
// is useful in cases where there are multiple workspaces containing
// pinned documents that need to be sorted in alphabetical order.
for (const doc of {
doc.workspace = doc.workspace ?? ws;
// Sort workspaces such that workspaces from the personal orgs of others
// come after workspaces from our own personal org; workspaces from personal
// orgs are grouped by personal org and the groups are ordered alphabetically
// by owner name; and all else being equal workspaces are ordered alphabetically
// by their name. All alphabetical ordering is case-insensitive.
// Workspaces shared from support account (e.g. samples) are put last.
return sortBy(wss, (ws) => [ws.isSupportWorkspace,
ownerName(this._app, ws).toLowerCase(),]);
* Fetches templates if on the Templates or All Documents page.
* Only fetches featured (pinned) templates on the All Documents page.
private async _maybeFetchTemplates(): Promise<Workspace[] | null> {
const {templateOrg} = getGristConfig();
if (!templateOrg) { return null; }
const currentPage = this.currentPage.get();
const shouldFetchTemplates = ['all', 'templates'].includes(currentPage);
if (!shouldFetchTemplates) { return null; }
let templateWss: Workspace[] = [];
try {
const onlyFeatured = currentPage === 'all';
templateWss = await this._app.api.getTemplates(onlyFeatured);
} catch {
reportError('Failed to load templates');
if (this.isDisposed()) { return null; }
for (const ws of templateWss) {
for (const doc of {
// Populate doc.workspace, which is used by DocMenu/PinnedDocs and
// is useful in cases where there are multiple workspaces containing
// pinned documents that need to be sorted in alphabetical order.
doc.workspace = doc.workspace ?? ws;
} = sortBy(, (doc) =>;
return templateWss;
private async _loadWelcomeTutorial() {
const {templateOrg, onboardingTutorialDocId} = getGristConfig();
if (
!isFeatureEnabled('tutorials') ||
!templateOrg ||
!onboardingTutorialDocId ||
) {
try {
const doc = await this._app.api.getTemplate(onboardingTutorialDocId);
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
} catch (e) {
reportError('Failed to load welcome tutorial');
private async _saveUserOrgPref<K extends keyof UserOrgPrefs>(key: K, value: UserOrgPrefs[K]) {
const org = this._app.currentOrg;
if (org) {
org.userOrgPrefs = {, [key]: value};
await this._app.api.updateOrg('current', {userOrgPrefs: org.userOrgPrefs});
// Check if active product allows just a single workspace.
function _isSingleWorkspaceMode(app: AppModel): boolean {
return app.currentFeatures?.maxWorkspacesPerOrg === 1;
// Returns a default view mode preference. We used to show 'list' for everyone. We now default to
// 'icons' for new or light users. But if a user has more than 4 docs or any pinned docs, we'll
// switch to 'list'. This will also avoid annoying existing users who may prefer a list.
function getViewPrefDefault(workspaces: Workspace[]): ViewPref {
const userWorkspaces = workspaces.filter(ws => !ws.isSupportWorkspace);
const numDocs = userWorkspaces.reduce((sum, ws) => sum +, 0);
const pinnedDocs = userWorkspaces.some((ws) => => doc.isPinned));
return (numDocs > 4 || pinnedDocs) ? 'list' : 'icons';
* Create observables for per-workspace view settings which default to org-wide settings, but can
* be changed independently and persisted in localStorage.
export function makeLocalViewSettings(home: HomeModel|null, wsId: number|'trash'|'all'|'templates'): ViewSettings {
const userId = home?.app.currentUser?.id || 0;
const sort = localStorageObs(`u=${userId}:ws=${wsId}:sort`);
const view = localStorageObs(`u=${userId}:ws=${wsId}:view`);
return {
currentSort: Computed.create(null,
// If no value in localStorage, use sort of All Documents.
(use) => SortPref.parse(use(sort)) || (home ? use(home.currentSort) : 'name'))
.onWrite((val) => sort.set(val)),
currentView: Computed.create(null,
// If no value in localStorage, use mode of All Documents, except Trash which defaults to 'list'.
(use) => ViewPref.parse(use(view)) || (wsId === 'trash' ? 'list' : (home ? use(home.currentView) : 'icons')))
.onWrite((val) => view.set(val)),