Jarosław Sadziński 732611c356 (core) Removing GRIST_FORMULA_ASSISTANT flag
A floating formula editor is available by default and in the basic setup allows just formula modification.
AI assistant is now an optional component of the floating editor and it is controlled by OPENAPI_KEY presence.
Env variable GRIST_FORMULA_ASSISTANT was removed, new feature flag HAS_FORMULA_ASSISTANT is derived from the presence of OPENAPI_KEY.

Also updated anonymous signup nudge. By default it displays only info that this feature is only for logged in users.

Test Plan: updated

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Differential Revision:
2023-08-09 10:08:18 +02:00

779 lines
30 KiB

import * as AceEditor from 'app/client/components/AceEditor';
import {CommandName} from 'app/client/components/commandList';
import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands';
import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {DataRowModel} from 'app/client/models/DataRowModel';
import {ColumnRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec';
import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {HAS_FORMULA_ASSISTANT} from 'app/client/models/features';
import {hoverTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips';
import {textButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {colors, testId, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {createMobileButtons, getButtonMargins} from 'app/client/widgets/EditorButtons';
import {EditorPlacement, ISize} from 'app/client/widgets/EditorPlacement';
import {createDetachedIcon} from 'app/client/widgets/FloatingEditor';
import {FormulaAssistant} from 'app/client/widgets/FormulaAssistant';
import {NewBaseEditor, Options} from 'app/client/widgets/NewBaseEditor';
import {asyncOnce} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {isRaisedException} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {undef} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {decodeObject, RaisedException} from 'app/plugin/objtypes';
import {Computed, Disposable, dom, Holder, MultiHolder, Observable, styled, subscribe} from 'grainjs';
import debounce = require('lodash/debounce');
// How wide to expand the FormulaEditor when an error is shown in it.
const minFormulaErrorWidth = 400;
const t = makeT('FormulaEditor');
export interface IFormulaEditorOptions extends Options {
cssClass?: string;
editingFormula: ko.Computed<boolean>;
column: ColumnRec;
field?: ViewFieldRec;
canDetach?: boolean;
* Required parameters:
* @param {RowModel} options.field: ViewSectionField (i.e. column) being edited.
* @param {Object} options.cellValue: The value in the underlying cell being edited.
* @param {String} options.editValue: String to be edited.
* @param {Number} options.cursorPos: The initial position where to place the cursor.
* @param {Object} options.commands: Object mapping command names to functions, to enable as part
* of the command group that should be activated while the editor exists.
* @param {Boolean} options.omitBlurEventForObservableMode: Flag to indicate whether ace editor
* should save the value on `blur` event.
export class FormulaEditor extends NewBaseEditor {
public isDetached = Observable.create(this, false);
protected options: IFormulaEditorOptions;
private _aceEditor: any;
private _dom: HTMLElement;
private _editorPlacement!: EditorPlacement;
private _placementHolder = Holder.create(this);
private _canDetach: boolean;
private _isEmpty: Computed<boolean>;
constructor(options: IFormulaEditorOptions) {
const editingFormula = options.editingFormula;
const initialValue = undef(options.state as string | undefined, options.editValue, String(options.cellValue));
// create editor state observable (used by draft and latest position memory)
this.editorState = Observable.create(this, initialValue);
this._isEmpty = Computed.create(this, this.editorState, (_use, state) => state === '');
this._aceEditor = AceEditor.create({
// A bit awkward, but we need to assume calcSize is not used until attach() has been called
// and _editorPlacement created.
column: options.column,
calcSize: this._calcSize.bind(this),
gristDoc: options.gristDoc,
saveValueOnBlurEvent: !options.readonly,
editorState : this.editorState,
readonly: options.readonly
// For editable editor we will grab the cursor when we are in the formula editing mode.
const cursorCommands = options.readonly ? {} : { setCursor: this._onSetCursor };
const isActive = Computed.create(this, use => Boolean(use(editingFormula)));
const commandGroup = this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup(cursorCommands, this, isActive));
// We will create a group of editor commands right away.
const editorGroup = this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup({
}, this, true));
// Merge those two groups into one.
const aceCommands: any = {
knownKeys: {...commandGroup.knownKeys, ...editorGroup.knownKeys},
commands: {...commandGroup.commands, ...editorGroup.commands},
// Tab, Shift + Tab, Enter should be handled by the editor itself when we are in the detached mode.
// We will create disabled group, but will push those commands to the editor directly.
const passThrough = (name: CommandName) => () => {
if (this.isDetached.get()) {
// For detached editor, just leave the default behavior.
return true;
// Else invoke regular command.
return commands.allCommands[name]?.run() ?? false;
const detachedCommands = this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup({
nextField: passThrough('nextField'),
prevField: passThrough('prevField'),
fieldEditSave: passThrough('fieldEditSave'),
}, this, false /* don't activate, we're just borrowing constructor */));
Object.assign(aceCommands.knownKeys, detachedCommands.knownKeys);
Object.assign(aceCommands.commands, detachedCommands.commands);
const hideErrDetails = Observable.create(this, true);
const raisedException = Computed.create(this, use => {
if (!options.formulaError || !use(options.formulaError)) {
return null;
const error = isRaisedException(use(options.formulaError)!) ?
decodeObject(use(options.formulaError)!) as RaisedException:
new RaisedException(["Unknown error"]);
return error;
const errorText = Computed.create(this, raisedException, (_, error) => {
if (!error) {
return "";
return error.message ? `${} : ${error.message}` :;
const errorDetails = Computed.create(this, raisedException, (_, error) => {
if (!error) {
return "";
return error.details ?? "";
// Once the exception details are available, update the sizing. The extra delay is to allow
// the DOM to update before resizing.
this.autoDispose(errorDetails.addListener(() => setTimeout(this.resize.bind(this), 0)));
this._canDetach = Boolean(options.canDetach && !options.readonly);
// Show placeholder text when the formula is blank.
this._isEmpty.addListener(() => this._updateEditorPlaceholder());
// Disable undo/redo while the editor is detached.
this.isDetached.addListener((isDetached) => {
// TODO: look into whether we can support undo/redo while the editor is detached.
if (isDetached) {
} else {
this.onDispose(() => {
this._dom = cssFormulaEditor(
// switch border shadow
dom.cls("readonly_editor", options.readonly),
options.cssClass ? dom.cls(options.cssClass) : null,
// This shouldn't be needed, but needed for tests.
dom.on('mousedown', (ev) => {
// If we are detached, allow user to click and select error text.
if (this.isDetached.get()) {
// If we clicked on input element in our dom, don't do anything. We probably clicked on chat input, in AI
// tools box.
const clickedOnInput = instanceof HTMLInputElement || instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement;
if (clickedOnInput && this._dom.contains( {
// By not doing anything special here we assume that the input element will take the focus.
// Allow clicking the error message.
if ( instanceof HTMLElement && ('error_msg') ||'error_details_inner')
)) {
!this._canDetach ? null : createDetachedIcon(
hoverTooltip(t('Expand Editor')),
cssFormulaEditor.cls('-detached', this.isDetached),
dom('div.formula_editor.formula_field_edit', testId('formula-editor'),
this._aceEditor.buildDom((aceObj: any) => {
const val = initialValue;
const pos = Math.min(options.cursorPos, val.length);
this._aceEditor.setValue(val, pos);
// enable formula editing if state was passed
if (options.state || options.readonly) {
if (options.readonly) {
aceObj.gotoLine(0, 0); // By moving, ace editor won't highlight anything
// This catches any change to the value including e.g. via backspace or paste.
aceObj.once("change", () => {
if (val === '') {
// Show placeholder text if the formula is blank.
dom.maybe(options.formulaError, () => [
dom('div.error_msg', testId('formula-error-msg'),
dom.on('click', () => {
if (this.isDetached.get()) { return; }
if (errorDetails.get()){
dom.maybe(errorDetails, () =>
dom.domComputed(hideErrDetails, (hide) => cssCollapseIcon(
hide ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse',
dom.on('click', () => {
if (!this.isDetached.get()) { return; }
if (errorDetails.get()){
dom.maybe(use => Boolean(use(errorDetails) && !use(hideErrDetails)), () =>
dom.maybe(this.isDetached, () => {
return dom.create(FormulaAssistant, {
column: this.options.column,
field: this.options.field,
gristDoc: this.options.gristDoc,
editor: this,
public attach(cellElem: Element): void {
this._editorPlacement = EditorPlacement.create(
this._placementHolder, this._dom, cellElem, {margins: getButtonMargins()});
// Reposition the editor if needed for external reasons (in practice, window resize).
this.autoDispose(this._editorPlacement.onReposition.addListener(this._aceEditor.resize, this._aceEditor));
public getDom(): HTMLElement {
return this._dom;
public setFormula(formula: string) {
public getCellValue() {
const value = this._aceEditor.getValue();
// Strip the leading "=" sign, if any, in case users think it should start the formula body (as
// it does in Excel, and because the equal sign is also used for formulas in Grist UI).
return (value[0] === '=') ? value.slice(1) : value;
public getTextValue() {
return this._aceEditor.getValue();
public getCursorPos() {
const aceObj = this._aceEditor.getEditor();
return aceObj.getSession().getDocument().positionToIndex(aceObj.getCursorPosition());
public focus() {
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
public resize() {
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
public detach() {
// Remove the element from the dom (to prevent any autodispose) from happening.
// First mark that we are detached, to show the buttons,
// and halt the autosizing mechanism.
// Finally, destroy the normal inline placement helper.
// We are going in the full formula edit mode right away.
// Set the focus in timeout, as the dom is added after this function.
setTimeout(() => !this.isDisposed() && this._aceEditor.resize(), 0);
// Return the dom, it will be moved to the floating editor.
return this._dom;
private _updateEditorPlaceholder() {
const editor = this._aceEditor.getEditor();
const shouldShowPlaceholder = editor.session.getValue().length === 0;
if (editor.renderer.emptyMessageNode) {
// Remove the current placeholder if one is present.
if (!shouldShowPlaceholder) {
editor.renderer.emptyMessageNode = null;
} else {
const withAiButton = this._canDetach && !this.isDetached.get() && HAS_FORMULA_ASSISTANT();
editor.renderer.emptyMessageNode = cssFormulaPlaceholder(
? t('Enter formula.')
: t('Enter formula or {{button}}.', {
button: cssUseAssistantButton(
t('use AI Assistant'),
dom.on('click', (ev) => this._handleUseAssistantButtonClick(ev)),
private _handleUseAssistantButtonClick(ev: MouseEvent) {
private _calcSize(elem: HTMLElement, desiredElemSize: ISize) {
if (this.isDetached.get()) {
// If we are detached, we will stop autosizing.
return {
height: 0,
width: 0
const placeholder: HTMLElement | undefined = this._aceEditor.getEditor().renderer.emptyMessageNode;
if (placeholder) {
// If we are showing the placeholder, fit it all on the same line.
return this._editorPlacement.calcSizeWithPadding(elem, {
width: placeholder.scrollWidth,
height: placeholder.scrollHeight,
const errorBox: HTMLElement|null = this._dom.querySelector('.error_details');
const errorBoxStartHeight = errorBox?.getBoundingClientRect().height || 0;
const errorBoxDesiredHeight = errorBox?.scrollHeight || 0;
// If we have an error to show, ask for a larger size for formulaEditor.
const desiredSize = {
width: Math.max(desiredElemSize.width, (this.options.formulaError.get() ? minFormulaErrorWidth : 0)),
// Ask for extra space for the error; we'll decide how to allocate it below.
height: desiredElemSize.height + (errorBoxDesiredHeight - errorBoxStartHeight),
const result = this._editorPlacement.calcSizeWithPadding(elem, desiredSize);
if (errorBox) {
// Note that result.height does not include errorBoxStartHeight, but includes any available
// extra space that we requested.
const availableForError = errorBoxStartHeight + (result.height - desiredElemSize.height);
// This is the key calculation: if space is available, use it; if not, give 64px to error
// (it'll scroll within that), but don't use more than desired.
const errorBoxEndHeight = Math.min(errorBoxDesiredHeight, Math.max(availableForError, 64)); = `${errorBoxEndHeight}px`;
result.height -= (errorBoxEndHeight - errorBoxStartHeight);
return result;
// TODO: update regexes to unicode?
private _onSetCursor(row?: DataRowModel, col?: ViewFieldRec) {
// Don't do anything when we are readonly.
if (this.options.readonly) { return; }
// If we don't have column information, we can't insert anything.
if (!col) { return; }
const colId = col.origCol.peek().colId.peek();
const aceObj = this._aceEditor.getEditor();
// Rect only to columns in the same table.
if (col.tableId.peek() !== this.options.column.table.peek().tableId.peek()) {
// aceObj.focus();
this.options.gristDoc.onSetCursorPos(row, col).catch(reportError);
if (!aceObj.selection.isEmpty()) {
// If text selected, replace whole selection
aceObj.session.replace(aceObj.selection.getRange(), '$' + colId);
} else {
// Not a selection, gotta figure out what to replace
const pos = aceObj.getCursorPosition();
const line = aceObj.session.getLine(pos.row);
const result = _isInIdentifier(line, pos.column); // returns {start, end, id} | null
if (!result) {
// Not touching an identifier, insert colId as normal
aceObj.insert('$' + colId);
// We are touching an identifier
} else if (result.ident.startsWith('$')) {
// If ident is a colId, replace it
const idRange = AceEditor.makeRange(pos.row, result.start, pos.row, result.end);
aceObj.session.replace(idRange, '$' + colId);
// Else touching a normal identifier, don't mangle it
// Resize editor in case it is needed.
// This focus method will try to focus a textarea immediately and again on setTimeout. But
// other things may happen by the setTimeout time, messing up focus. The reason the immediate
// call doesn't usually help is that this is called on 'mousedown' before its corresponding
// focus/blur occur. We can do a bit better by restoring focus immediately after blur occurs.
const lis = dom.onElem(aceObj.textInput.getElement(), 'blur', e => { lis.dispose(); aceObj.focus(); });
// If no blur right away, clear the listener, to avoid unexpected interference.
setTimeout(() => lis.dispose(), 0);
// returns whether the column in that line is inside or adjacent to an identifier
// if yes, returns {start, end, ident}, else null
function _isInIdentifier(line: string, column: number) {
// If cursor is in or after an identifier, scoot back to the start of it
const prefix = line.slice(0, column);
let startOfIdent =[$A-Za-z0-9_]+$/);
if (startOfIdent < 0) { startOfIdent = column; } // if no match, maybe we're right before it
// We're either before an ident or nowhere near one. Try to match to its end
const match = line.slice(startOfIdent).match(/^[$a-zA-Z0-9_]+/);
if (match) {
const ident = match[0];
return { ident, start: startOfIdent, end: startOfIdent + ident.length};
} else {
return null;
* Open a formula editor. Returns a Disposable that owns the editor.
export function openFormulaEditor(options: {
gristDoc: GristDoc,
// Associated formula from a different column (for example style rule).
column?: ColumnRec,
// Associated formula from a view field. If provided together with column, this field is used
field?: ViewFieldRec,
editingFormula?: ko.Computed<boolean>,
// Needed to get exception value, if any.
editRow?: DataRowModel,
// Element over which to position the editor.
refElem: Element,
editValue?: string,
onSave?: (column: ColumnRec, formula: string) => Promise<void>,
onCancel?: () => void,
canDetach?: boolean,
// Called after editor is created to set up editor cleanup (e.g. saving on click-away).
setupCleanup: (
owner: Disposable,
doc: GristDoc,
editingFormula: ko.Computed<boolean>,
save: () => Promise<void>
) => void,
}): FormulaEditor {
const {gristDoc, editRow, refElem, setupCleanup} = options;
const attachedHolder = new MultiHolder();
if (options.field) {
options.column = options.field.origCol();
} else if (options.canDetach) {
throw new Error('Field is required for detached editor');
// We can't rely on the field passed in, we need to create our own.
const column = options.column ?? options.field?.column();
if (!column) {
throw new Error('Column or field is required');
// AsyncOnce ensures it's called once even if triggered multiple times.
const saveEdit = asyncOnce(async () => {
const detached = editor.isDetached.get();
if (detached) {
const formula = String(editor.getCellValue());
if (formula !== column.formula.peek()) {
if (options.onSave) {
await options.onSave(column, formula);
} else {
await column.updateColValues({formula});
} else {
// These are the commands for while the editor is active.
const editCommands = {
fieldEditSave: () => { saveEdit().catch(reportError); },
fieldEditSaveHere: () => { saveEdit().catch(reportError); },
fieldEditCancel: () => { editor.dispose(); options.onCancel?.(); },
const formulaError = editRow ? getFormulaError(attachedHolder, {
field: options.field,
}) : undefined;
const editor = FormulaEditor.create(null, {
field: options.field,
editingFormula: options.editingFormula,
rowId: editRow ? : 0,
cellValue: column.formula(),
editValue: options.editValue,
cursorPos: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, // Position of the caret within the editor.
commands: editCommands,
cssClass: 'formula_editor_sidepane',
readonly : false,
canDetach: options.canDetach
} as IFormulaEditorOptions) as FormulaEditor;
const editingFormula = options.editingFormula ?? options?.field?.editingFormula;
if (!editingFormula) {
throw new Error(t('editingFormula is required'));
// When formula is empty enter formula-editing mode (highlight formula icons; click on a column inserts its ID).
// This function is used for primarily for switching between different column behaviors, so we want to enter full
// edit mode right away.
// TODO: consider converting it to parameter, when this will be used in different scenarios.
if (!column.formula()) {
setupCleanup(editor, gristDoc, editingFormula, saveEdit);
return editor;
* If the cell at the given row and column is a formula value containing an exception, return an
* observable with this exception, and fetch more details to add to the observable.
export function getFormulaError(owner: Disposable, options: {
gristDoc: GristDoc,
editRow: DataRowModel,
column?: ColumnRec,
field?: ViewFieldRec,
}): Observable<CellValue|undefined> {
const {gristDoc, editRow} = options;
const formulaError = Observable.create(owner, undefined as any);
// When we don't have a field information we don't need to be reactive at all.
if (!options.field) {
const column = options.column!;
const colId = column.colId.peek();
const onValueChange = errorMonitor(gristDoc, column, editRow, owner, formulaError);
const subscription = editRow.cells[colId].subscribe(onValueChange);
return formulaError;
} else {
// We can't rely on the editRow we got, as this is owned by the view. When we will be detached the view will be
// gone. So, we will create our own observable that will be updated when the row is updated.
const errorRow: DataRowModel = gristDoc.getTableModel(options.field.tableId.peek()).createFloatingRowModel() as any;
// When we have a field information we will grab the error from the column that is currently connected to the field.
// This will change when user is using the preview feature in detached editor, where a new column is created, and
// field starts showing it instead of the original column.
Computed.create(owner, use => {
// This pattern creates a subscription using compute observable.
// Create an holder for everything that is created during recomputation. It will be returned as the value
// of the computed observable, and will be disposed when the value changes.
const holder = MultiHolder.create(use.owner);
// Now subscribe to the column in the field, this is the part that will be changed when user creates a preview.
const column = use(options.field!.column);
const colId = use(column.colId);
const onValueChange = errorMonitor(gristDoc, column, errorRow, holder, formulaError);
// Unsubscribe when computed is recomputed.
// Trigger the subscription to get the initial value.
// Return the holder, it will be disposed when the value changes.
return holder;
return formulaError;
function errorMonitor(
gristDoc: GristDoc,
column: ColumnRec,
editRow: DataRowModel,
holder: Disposable,
formulaError: Observable<CellValue|undefined> ) {
return function onValueChange(cellCurrentValue: CellValue) {
const isFormula = column.isFormula() || column.hasTriggerFormula();
if (isFormula && isRaisedException(cellCurrentValue)) {
if (!formulaError.get()) {
// Don't update it when there is already an error (to avoid flickering).
gristDoc.docData.getFormulaError(column.table().tableId(), column.colId(), editRow.getRowId())
.then(value => {
if (holder.isDisposed()) { return; }
.catch((er) => {
if (!holder.isDisposed()) {
} else {
* Create and return an observable for the count of errors in a column, which gets updated in
* response to changes in origColumn and in user data.
export function createFormulaErrorObs(owner: MultiHolder, gristDoc: GristDoc, origColumn: ColumnRec) {
const errorMessage = Observable.create(owner, '');
// Count errors in origColumn when it's a formula column. Counts get cached by the
// tableData.countErrors() method, and invalidated on relevant data changes.
function countErrors() {
if (owner.isDisposed()) { return; }
const tableData = gristDoc.docData.getTable(origColumn.table.peek().tableId.peek());
const isFormula = origColumn.isRealFormula.peek() || origColumn.hasTriggerFormula.peek();
if (tableData && isFormula) {
const colId = origColumn.colId.peek();
const numCells = tableData.getColValues(colId)?.length || 0;
const numErrors = tableData.countErrors(colId) || 0;
(numErrors === 0) ? '' :
(numCells === 1) ? t(`Error in the cell`) :
(numErrors === numCells) ? t(`Errors in all {{numErrors}} cells`, {numErrors}) :
t(`Errors in {{numErrors}} of {{numCells}} cells`, {numErrors, numCells})
} else {
// Debounce the count calculation to defer it to the end of a bundle of actions.
const debouncedCountErrors = debounce(countErrors, 0);
// If there is an update to the data in the table, count errors again. Since the same UI is
// reused when different page widgets are selected, we need to re-create this subscription
// whenever the selected table changes. We use a Computed to both react to changes and dispose
// the previous subscription when it changes.
Computed.create(owner, (use) => {
const tableData = gristDoc.docData.getTable(use(use(origColumn.table).tableId));
return tableData ? use.owner.autoDispose(tableData.tableActionEmitter.addListener(debouncedCountErrors)) : null;
// The counts depend on the origColumn and its isRealFormula status, but with the debounced
// callback and subscription to data, subscribe to relevant changes manually (rather than using
// a Computed).
owner.autoDispose(subscribe(use => { use(; use(origColumn.isRealFormula); debouncedCountErrors(); }));
return errorMessage;
const cssCollapseIcon = styled(icon, `
margin: -3px 4px 0 4px;
--icon-color: ${colors.slate};
cursor: pointer;
position: sticky;
top: 0px;
flex-shrink: 0;
export const cssError = styled('div', `
color: ${theme.errorText};
const cssFormulaEditor = styled('div.default_editor.formula_editor_wrapper', `
&-detached {
height: 100%;
position: relative;
box-shadow: none;
&-detached .formula_editor {
flex-grow: 1;
min-height: 100px;
&-detached .error_msg, &-detached .error_details {
max-height: 100px;
flex-shrink: 0;
&-detached .error_msg {
cursor: default;
&-detached .code_editor_container {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
&-detached .ace_editor {
height: 100% !important;
width: 100% !important;
const cssFormulaPlaceholder = styled('div', `
color: ${theme.lightText};
font-style: italic;
white-space: nowrap;
const cssUseAssistantButton = styled(textButton, `
font-size: ${vars.smallFontSize};