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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Allows bidirectional / cyclic linking for same-record cursor links. This should allow multiple sections to all synchronize their cursors, such that clicking in any one of them will move all the others. Works even if some sections in the cycle have rows filtered out (the filtered-out sections might desync their cursors, but the correct cursor position will still propagate downstream, and they'll re-sync if clicking on a row that is present in them) Under the hood, each cursor has a _lastEditedAt counter, updated when a user's action changes the cursor in a section, such that we can always tell which section was touched most recently. This is used to resolve conflicts stably when dealing with cycles or chains of cursor-links. Updated selectBy and recursiveMoveToCursorPos to handle cycles Updated tests for selectBy behavior However, main bidirectional-linking tests are not in this commit, they'll come in a subsequent PR
224 lines
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224 lines
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* The Cursor module contains functionality related to the cell with the cursor, i.e. a single
* currently selected cell.
import BaseView from 'app/client/components/BaseView';
import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands';
import BaseRowModel from 'app/client/models/BaseRowModel';
import {LazyArrayModel} from 'app/client/models/DataTableModel';
import {CursorPos, UIRowId} from 'app/plugin/GristAPI';
import {Disposable} from 'grainjs';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
function nullAsUndefined<T>(value: T|null|undefined): T|undefined {
return value == null ? undefined : value;
// ================ SequenceNum: used to keep track of cursor edits (lastEditedAt)
// Basically just a global auto-incrementing counter, with some types to make intent more clear
// Cursors are constructed at SequenceNEVER (0). After that, changes to their sequenceNum will go through
// NextSequenceNum(), so they'll have unique, monotonically increasing numbers for their lastEditedAt()
// NOTE: (by the time the page loads they'll already be at nonzero numbers, the never is intended to be transient)
export type SequenceNum = number;
export const SequenceNEVER: SequenceNum = 0; // Cursors will start here
let latestGlobalSequenceNum = SequenceNEVER;
function nextSequenceNum() { // First call to this func should return 1
return latestGlobalSequenceNum;
// NOTE: If latestGlobalSequenceNum overflows, I think it would stop incrementing because of floating point imprecision
// However, we don't need to worry about overflow because:
// - Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9,007,199,254,740,991 (9 * 10^15)
// - even at 1000 cursor-edits per second, it would take ~300,000 yrs to overflow
// - Plus it's client-side, so that's a single continuous 300-millenia-long session, which would be impressive uptime
* Cursor represents the location of the cursor in the viewsection. It is maintained by BaseView,
* and implements the shared functionality related to the cursor cell.
* @param {BaseView} baseView: The BaseView object to which this Cursor belongs.
* @param {Object} optCursorPos: Optional object containing rowId and fieldIndex properties
* to which the cursor should be initialized.
export class Cursor extends Disposable {
* The commands closely tied to the cursor. They are active when the BaseView containing this
* Cursor has focus. Some may need to be overridden by particular views.
public static editorCommands = {
// The cursor up/down commands may need to be a bit different in non-grid views.
cursorUp(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(this.rowIndex()! - 1); },
cursorDown(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(this.rowIndex()! + 1); },
cursorLeft(this: Cursor) { this.fieldIndex(this.fieldIndex() - 1); },
cursorRight(this: Cursor) { this.fieldIndex(this.fieldIndex() + 1); },
skipUp(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(this.rowIndex()! - 5); },
skipDown(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(this.rowIndex()! + 5); },
pageUp(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(this.rowIndex()! - 20); }, // TODO Not really pageUp
pageDown(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(this.rowIndex()! + 20); }, // TODO Not really pageDown
prevField(this: Cursor) { this.fieldIndex(this.fieldIndex() - 1); },
nextField(this: Cursor) { this.fieldIndex(this.fieldIndex() + 1); },
moveToFirstRecord(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(0); },
moveToLastRecord(this: Cursor) { this.rowIndex(Infinity); },
moveToFirstField(this: Cursor) { this.fieldIndex(0); },
moveToLastField(this: Cursor) { this.fieldIndex(Infinity); },
public viewData: LazyArrayModel<BaseRowModel>;
// observable with current cursor position
public currentPosition: ko.Computed<CursorPos>;
public rowIndex: ko.Computed<number|null>; // May be null when there are no rows.
public fieldIndex: ko.Observable<number>;
private _rowId: ko.Observable<UIRowId|null>; // May be null when there are no rows.
// The cursor's _rowId property is always fixed across data changes. When isLive is true,
// the rowIndex of the cursor is recalculated to match _rowId. When false, they will
// be out of sync.
private _isLive: ko.Observable<boolean> = ko.observable(true);
private _sectionId: ko.Computed<number>;
private _properRowId: ko.Computed<UIRowId|null>;
// lastEditedAt is updated on _properRowId or fieldIndex update (including through setCursorPos)
// Used to determine which section takes priority for cursorLinking (specifically cycles/bidirectional linking)
private _lastEditedAt: ko.Observable<SequenceNum>;
// _silentUpdatesFlag prevents lastEditedAt from being updated, when a change in cursorPos isn't driven by the user.
// It's used when cursor linking calls setCursorPos, so that linked cursor moves don't trample lastEditedAt.
// WARNING: the flag approach relies on ko observables being resolved synchronously, may break if changed to grainjs?
private _silentUpdatesFlag: boolean = false;
constructor(baseView: BaseView, optCursorPos?: CursorPos) {
optCursorPos = optCursorPos || {};
this.viewData = baseView.viewData;
this._sectionId = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => baseView.viewSection.id()));
this._rowId = ko.observable<UIRowId|null>(optCursorPos.rowId || 0);
this.rowIndex = this.autoDispose(ko.computed({
read: () => {
if (!this._isLive()) { return this.rowIndex.peek(); }
const rowId = this._rowId();
return rowId == null ? null : this.viewData.clampIndex(this.viewData.getRowIndexWithSub(rowId));
write: (index) => {
const rowIndex = index === null ? null : this.viewData.clampIndex(index);
this._rowId(rowIndex == null ? null : this.viewData.getRowId(rowIndex));
this.fieldIndex = baseView.viewSection.viewFields().makeLiveIndex(optCursorPos.fieldIndex || 0);
this.autoDispose(commands.createGroup(Cursor.editorCommands, this, baseView.viewSection.hasFocus));
// RowId might diverge from the one stored in _rowId when the data changes (it is filtered out). So here
// we will calculate rowId based on rowIndex (so in reverse order), to have a proper value.
this._properRowId = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => {
const rowIndex = this.rowIndex();
const rowId = rowIndex === null ? null : this.viewData.getRowId(rowIndex);
return rowId;
this._lastEditedAt = ko.observable(SequenceNEVER);
// update the section's activeRowId and lastCursorEdit when needed
this.autoDispose(this._properRowId.subscribe((rowId) => baseView.viewSection.activeRowId(rowId)));
this.autoDispose(this._lastEditedAt.subscribe((seqNum) => baseView.viewSection.lastCursorEdit(seqNum)));
// Update the cursor edit time if either the row or column change
// IMPORTANT: need to subscribe AFTER the properRowId->activeRowId subscription.
// (Cursor-linking observables depend on lastCursorEdit, but only peek at activeRowId. Therefore, updating the
// edit time triggers a re-read of activeRowId, and swapping the order will read stale values for rowId)
// NOTE: this may update sequence number twice for a single edit, but this shouldn't cause any issues.
// For determining priority, this cursor will become the latest edited whether we call it once or twice.
// For updating observables, the double-update might cause cursor-linking observables in LinkingState to
// double-update, but it should be transient and get resolved immediately.
this.autoDispose(this._properRowId.subscribe(() => { this._cursorEdited(); }));
this.autoDispose(this.fieldIndex.subscribe(() => { this._cursorEdited(); }));
// On dispose, save the current cursor position to the section model.
this.onDispose(() => { baseView.viewSection.lastCursorPos = this.getCursorPos(); });
// calculate current position
this.currentPosition = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => this._isLive() ? this.getCursorPos() : {}));
// Returns the cursor position with rowId, rowIndex, and fieldIndex.
public getCursorPos(): CursorPos {
return {
rowId: nullAsUndefined(this._properRowId()),
rowIndex: nullAsUndefined(this.rowIndex()),
fieldIndex: this.fieldIndex(),
sectionId: this._sectionId()
* Moves the cursor to the given position. Only moves the row if rowId or rowIndex is valid,
* preferring rowId.
* isFromLink prevents lastEditedAt from being updated, so lastEdit reflects only user-driven edits
* @param cursorPos: Position as { rowId?, rowIndex?, fieldIndex? }, as from getCursorPos().
* @param isFromLink: should be set if this is a cascading update from cursor-linking
public setCursorPos(cursorPos: CursorPos, isFromLink: boolean = false): void {
try {
// If updating as a result of links, we want to NOT update lastEditedAt
if (isFromLink) { this._silentUpdatesFlag = true; }
if (cursorPos.rowId !== undefined && this.viewData.getRowIndex(cursorPos.rowId) >= 0) {
} else if (cursorPos.rowIndex !== undefined && cursorPos.rowIndex >= 0) {
} else {
// Write rowIndex to itself to force an update of rowId if needed.
if (cursorPos.fieldIndex !== undefined) {
// NOTE: _cursorEdited
// We primarily update cursorEdited counter from a this._properRowId.subscribe(), since that catches updates
// from many sources (setCursorPos, arrowKeys, save/load, filter/sort-changes, etc)
// However, there's some cases where we user touches a section and properRowId doesn't change. Obvious one is
// clicking in a section on the cell the cursor is already on. This doesn't change the cursor position, but it
// SHOULD still update cursors to use that section as most up-to-date (user just clicked on a cell!), so we do
// it here. (normally is minor issue, but can matter when a section has rows filtered out so cursors desync)
// Also a more subtle case: when deleting a row with several sections linked together, properRowId can fail to
// update. When GridView.deleteRows calls setCursorPos to keep cursor from jumping after delete, the observable
// doesn't trigger cursorEdited(), because (I think) _properRowId has already been updated that cycle.
// This caused a bug when several viewSections were cursor-linked to each other and a row was deleted
// NOTE: Calling it explicitly here will cause cursorEdited to be called twice sometimes,
// but that shouldn't cause any problems, since we don't care about edit counts, just who was edited latest.
} finally { // Make sure we reset this even on error
this._silentUpdatesFlag = false;
public setLive(isLive: boolean): void {
// Should be called whenever the cursor is updated
// EXCEPT FOR: when cursor is set by linking
// this is used to determine which widget/cursor has most recently been touched,
// and therefore which one should be used to drive linking if there's a conflict
private _cursorEdited(): void {
// If updating as a result of links, we want to NOT update lastEdited
if (!this._silentUpdatesFlag)
{ this._lastEditedAt(nextSequenceNum()); }