You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

118 lines
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import {KoArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArray';
import {DocModel, IRowModel, recordSet, refRecord, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {ColumnRec, ValidationRec, ViewRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import * as modelUtil from 'app/client/models/modelUtil';
import {MANUALSORT} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
import * as randomcolor from 'randomcolor';
// Represents a user-defined table.
export interface TableRec extends IRowModel<"_grist_Tables"> {
columns: ko.Computed<KoArray<ColumnRec>>;
validations: ko.Computed<KoArray<ValidationRec>>;
primaryView: ko.Computed<ViewRec>;
rawViewSection: ko.Computed<ViewSectionRec>;
summarySource: ko.Computed<TableRec>;
// A Set object of colRefs for all summarySourceCols of table.
summarySourceColRefs: ko.Computed<Set<number>>;
// tableId for normal tables, or tableId of the source table for summary tables.
primaryTableId: ko.Computed<string>;
// The list of grouped by columns.
groupByColumns: ko.Computed<ColumnRec[]>;
// Grouping description.
groupDesc: ko.PureComputed<string>;
// Name of the data table - title of the rawViewSection
// for summary table it is name of primary table.
tableName: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
// Table name with a default value (which is tableId).
tableNameDef: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
// If user can select this table in various places.
// Note: Some hidden tables can still be visible on RawData view.
isHidden: ko.Computed<boolean>;
tableColor: string;
disableAddRemoveRows: ko.Computed<boolean>;
supportsManualSort: ko.Computed<boolean>;
export function createTableRec(this: TableRec, docModel: DocModel): void {
this.columns = recordSet(this, docModel.columns, 'parentId', {sortBy: 'parentPos'});
this.validations = recordSet(this, docModel.validations, 'tableRef');
this.primaryView = refRecord(docModel.views, this.primaryViewId);
this.rawViewSection = refRecord(docModel.viewSections, this.rawViewSectionRef);
this.summarySource = refRecord(docModel.tables, this.summarySourceTable);
this.isHidden = this.autoDispose(
// This is repeated logic from isHiddenTable.
ko.pureComputed(() => !!this.summarySourceTable() || this.tableId()?.startsWith("GristHidden"))
// A Set object of colRefs for all summarySourceCols of this table.
this.summarySourceColRefs = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => new Set(
this.columns().all().map(c => c.summarySourceCol()).filter(colRef => colRef))));
// tableId for normal tables, or tableId of the source table for summary tables.
this.primaryTableId = ko.pureComputed(() =>
this.summarySourceTable() ? this.summarySource().tableId() : this.tableId());
this.groupByColumns = ko.pureComputed(() => this.columns().all().filter(c => c.summarySourceCol()));
this.groupDesc = ko.pureComputed(() => {
if (!this.summarySourceTable()) {
return '';
const groupBy = this.groupByColumns();
return `[${groupBy.length ? 'by ' + => c.label()).join(", ") : "Totals"}]`;
// TODO: We should save this value and let users change it.
this.tableColor = randomcolor({
luminosity: 'light',
seed: typeof === 'number' ? 5 * :
this.disableAddRemoveRows = ko.pureComputed(() => Boolean(this.summarySourceTable()));
this.supportsManualSort = ko.pureComputed(() => this.columns().all().some(c => c.colId() === MANUALSORT));
this.tableName = modelUtil.savingComputed({
read: () => {
if (this.isDisposed()) {
return '';
if (this.summarySourceTable()) {
return this.summarySource().rawViewSection().title();
} else {
// Need to be extra careful here, rawViewSection might be disposed.
if (this.rawViewSection().isDisposed()) {
return '';
return this.rawViewSection().title();
write: (setter, val) => {
if (this.summarySourceTable()) {
setter(this.summarySource().rawViewSection().title, val);
} else {
setter(this.rawViewSection().title, val);
this.tableNameDef = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(
// TableId will be null/undefined when ACL will restrict access to it.
ko.computed(() => {
// During table removal, we could be disposed.
if (this.isDisposed()) {
return '';
const table = this.summarySourceTable() ? this.summarySource() : this;
return table.tableId() || '';