Florent 5e3cd94177
Introduce APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL and fix duplicate docs (#915)

On self-hosted instances, some places in the code rely on the fact that we resolves public domains while being behind reverse proxies. This leads to cases where features are not available, such as the "Duplicate document" one.

Bugs that are solved - n self-hosted instances:

Impossible to open templates and tutorials right after having converted them;
Impossible to submit forms since version 1.1.13;
Impossible to restore a previous version of a document (snapshot);
Impossible to copy a document;


Introduce the APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL env variable, which is quite the same as APP_DOC_INTERNAL_URL except that it may point to any home worker;
Make /api/worker/:assignmentId([^/]+)/?* return not only the doc worker public url but also the internal one, and adapt the call points like fetchDocs;
Ensure that the home and doc worker internal urls are trusted by trustOrigin;


Co-authored-by: jordigh <>
2024-05-14 12:58:41 -04:00

306 lines
11 KiB

import {connectTestingHooks, TestingHooksClient} from "app/server/lib/TestingHooks";
import {ChildProcess, execFileSync, spawn} from "child_process";
import * as http from "http";
import FormData from 'form-data';
import path from "path";
import * as fse from "fs-extra";
import * as testUtils from "test/server/testUtils";
import {UserAPIImpl} from "app/common/UserAPI";
import {exitPromise, getAvailablePort} from "app/server/lib/serverUtils";
import log from "app/server/lib/log";
import {delay} from "bluebird";
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import {Writable} from "stream";
import express from "express";
import { AddressInfo } from "net";
import { isAffirmative } from "app/common/gutil";
import httpProxy from 'http-proxy';
* This starts a server in a separate process.
export class TestServer {
public static async startServer(
serverTypes: string,
tempDirectory: string,
suitename: string,
customEnv?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv,
_homeUrl?: string,
options: {output?: Writable} = {}, // Pipe server output to the given stream
): Promise<TestServer> {
const server = new this(serverTypes, tempDirectory, suitename);
await server.start(_homeUrl, customEnv, options);
return server;
public testingSocket: string;
public testingHooks: TestingHooksClient;
public stopped = false;
public get serverUrl() {
if (this._proxiedServer) {
throw new Error('Direct access to this test server is disallowed');
return this._serverUrl;
public get proxiedServer() { return this._proxiedServer; }
private _serverUrl: string;
private _server: ChildProcess;
private _exitPromise: Promise<number | string>;
private _proxiedServer: boolean = false;
private readonly _defaultEnv;
constructor(private _serverTypes: string, public readonly rootDir: string, private _suiteName: string) {
this._defaultEnv = {
GRIST_INST_DIR: this.rootDir,
GRIST_DATA_DIR: path.join(this.rootDir, "data"),
GRIST_SERVERS: this._serverTypes,
// this is calculated value, some tests expect 4 attempts and some will try 3 times
public async start(_homeUrl?: string, customEnv?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, options: {output?: Writable} = {}) {
// put node logs into files with meaningful name that relate to the suite name and server type
const fixedName = this._serverTypes.replace(/,/, '_');
const nodeLogPath = path.join(this.rootDir, `${this._suiteName}-${fixedName}-node.log`);
const nodeLogFd = await, 'a');
const serverLog = options.output ? 'pipe' : (process.env.VERBOSE ? 'inherit' : nodeLogFd);
// use a path for socket that relates to suite name and server types
this.testingSocket = path.join(this.rootDir, `${this._suiteName}-${fixedName}.socket`);
if (this.testingSocket.length >= 108) {
// Unix socket paths typically can't be longer than this. Who knew. Make the error obvious.
throw new Error(`Path of testingSocket too long: ${this.testingSocket.length} (${this.testingSocket})`);
const port = await getAvailablePort();
this._serverUrl = `http://localhost:${port}`;
const homeUrl = _homeUrl ?? (this._serverTypes.includes('home') ? this._serverUrl : undefined);
const env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv = {
APP_HOME_URL: homeUrl,
GRIST_TESTING_SOCKET: this.testingSocket,
GRIST_PORT: String(port),
const main = await testUtils.getBuildFile('app/server/mergedServerMain.js');
this._server = spawn('node', [main, '--testingHooks'], {
stdio: ['inherit', serverLog, serverLog]
if (options.output) {
this._exitPromise = exitPromise(this._server);
// Try to be more helpful when server exits by printing out the tail of its log.
this._exitPromise.then((code) => {
if (this._server.killed) {
log.error("Server died unexpectedly, with code", code);
const output = execFileSync('tail', ['-30', nodeLogPath]);`\n===== BEGIN SERVER OUTPUT ====\n${output}\n===== END SERVER OUTPUT =====`);
.catch(() => undefined);
await this._waitServerReady();`server ${this._serverTypes} up and listening on ${this._serverUrl}`);
public async stop() {
if (this.stopped) {
}"Stopping node server: " + this._serverTypes);
this.stopped = true;
await this._exitPromise;
public async isServerReady(): Promise<boolean> {
// Let's wait for the testingSocket to be created, then get the port the server is listening on,
// and then do an api check. This approach allow us to start server with GRIST_PORT set to '0',
// which will listen on first available port, removing the need to hard code a port number.
try {
// wait for testing socket
while (!(await fse.pathExists(this.testingSocket))) {
await delay(200);
// create testing hooks and get own port
this.testingHooks = await connectTestingHooks(this.testingSocket);
// wait for check
return (await fetch(`${this._serverUrl}/status/hooks`, {timeout: 1000})).ok;
} catch (err) {
log.warn("Failed to initialize server", err);
return false;
// Get access to the ChildProcess object for this server, e.g. to get its PID.
public getChildProcess(): ChildProcess { return this._server; }
// Returns the promise for the ChildProcess's signal or exit code.
public getExitPromise(): Promise<string|number> { return this._exitPromise; }
public makeUserApi(
org: string,
user: string = 'chimpy',
headers = {Authorization: `Bearer api_key_for_${user}`},
serverUrl = this._serverUrl,
}: {
headers?: Record<string, string>
serverUrl?: string,
} = { headers: undefined, serverUrl: undefined },
): UserAPIImpl {
return new UserAPIImpl(`${serverUrl}/o/${org}`, {
fetch: fetch as unknown as typeof globalThis.fetch,
newFormData: () => new FormData() as any,
* Assuming that the server is behind a reverse-proxy (like TestServerReverseProxy),
* disallow access to the serverUrl to prevent the tests to join the server directly.
public disallowDirectAccess() {
this._proxiedServer = true;
private async _waitServerReady() {
// It's important to clear the timeout, because it can prevent node from exiting otherwise,
// which is annoying when running only this test for debugging.
let timeout: any;
const maxDelay = new Promise((resolve) => {
timeout = setTimeout(resolve, 30000);
try {
await Promise.race([
this._exitPromise.then(() => {
throw new Error("Server exited while waiting for it");
} finally {
* Creates a reverse-proxy for a home and a doc worker.
* The workers are then disallowed to be joined directly, the tests are assumed to
* pass through this reverse-proxy.
* You may use it like follow:
* ```ts
* const proxy = new TestServerReverseProxy();
* // Create here a doc and a home workers with their env variables
* proxy.requireFromOutsideHeader(); // Optional
* await proxy.start(home, docs);
* ```
export class TestServerReverseProxy {
// Use a different hostname for the proxy than the doc and home workers'
// so we can ensure that either we omit the Origin header (so the internal calls to home and doc workers
// are not considered as CORS requests), or otherwise we fail because the hostnames are different
public static readonly HOSTNAME: string = '';
public static FROM_OUTSIDE_HEADER = {"X-FROM-OUTSIDE": true};
private _app = express();
private _proxyServer: http.Server;
private _proxy: httpProxy = httpProxy.createProxy();
private _address: Promise<AddressInfo>;
private _requireFromOutsideHeader = false;
public get stopped() { return !this._proxyServer.listening; }
public constructor() {
this._proxyServer = this._app.listen(0);
this._address = new Promise((resolve) => {
this._proxyServer.once('listening', () => {
resolve(this._proxyServer.address() as AddressInfo);
* Require the reverse-proxy to be called from the outside world.
* This assumes that every requests to the proxy includes the header
* provided in TestServerReverseProxy.FROM_OUTSIDE_HEADER
* If a call is done by a worker (assuming they don't include that header),
* the proxy rejects with a FORBIDEN http status.
public requireFromOutsideHeader() {
this._requireFromOutsideHeader = true;
public async start(homeServer: TestServer, docServer: TestServer) {
this._app.all(['/dw/dw1', '/dw/dw1/*'], (oreq, ores) => this._getRequestHandlerFor(docServer));
this._app.all('/*', this._getRequestHandlerFor(homeServer));
// Forbid now the use of serverUrl property, so we don't allow the tests to
// call the workers directly
docServer.disallowDirectAccess();'proxy server running on ', await this.getServerUrl());
public async getAddress() {
return this._address;
public async getServerUrl() {
const address = await this.getAddress();
return `http://${TestServerReverseProxy.HOSTNAME}:${address.port}`;
public stop() {
if (this.stopped) {
}"Stopping node TestServerReverseProxy");
private _getRequestHandlerFor(server: TestServer) {
const serverUrl = new URL(server.serverUrl);
return (oreq: express.Request, ores: express.Response) => {
log.debug(`[proxy] Requesting (method=${oreq.method}): ${new URL(oreq.url, serverUrl).href}`);
// See the requireFromOutsideHeader() method for the explanation
if (this._requireFromOutsideHeader && !isAffirmative(oreq.get("X-FROM-OUTSIDE"))) {
log.error('TestServerReverseProxy: called public URL from internal');
return ores.status(403).json({error: "TestServerReverseProxy: called public URL from internal "});
this._proxy.web(oreq, ores, { target: serverUrl });