
3711 lines
152 KiB

import { ALL_PERMISSION_PROPS } from 'app/common/ACLPermissions';
import { ACLRuleCollection, SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID } from 'app/common/ACLRuleCollection';
import { ActionGroup } from 'app/common/ActionGroup';
import { createEmptyActionSummary } from 'app/common/ActionSummary';
import { ApplyUAExtendedOptions, ServerQuery } from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI';
import { ApiError } from 'app/common/ApiError';
import { MapWithTTL } from 'app/common/AsyncCreate';
import {
} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { AttachmentColumns, gatherAttachmentIds, getAttachmentColumns } from 'app/common/AttachmentColumns';
import { RemoveRecord, ReplaceTableData, UpdateRecord } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { CellValue, ColValues, DocAction, getTableId, isSchemaAction } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { getColIdsFromDocAction, TableDataAction, UserAction } from 'app/common/DocActions';
import { DocData } from 'app/common/DocData';
import { UserOverride } from 'app/common/DocListAPI';
import { DocUsageSummary, FilteredDocUsageSummary } from 'app/common/DocUsage';
import { normalizeEmail } from 'app/common/emails';
import { ErrorWithCode } from 'app/common/ErrorWithCode';
import { InfoEditor } from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import * as gristTypes from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import { getSetMapValue, isNonNullish, pruneArray } from 'app/common/gutil';
import { compilePredicateFormula, PredicateFormulaInput } from 'app/common/PredicateFormula';
import { MetaRowRecord, SingleCell } from 'app/common/TableData';
import { EmptyRecordView, InfoView, RecordView } from 'app/common/RecordView';
import { canEdit, canView, isValidRole, Role } from 'app/common/roles';
import { User } from 'app/common/User';
import { FullUser, UserAccessData } from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import { HomeDBManager } from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/HomeDBManager';
import { GristObjCode } from 'app/plugin/GristData';
import { DocClients } from 'app/server/lib/DocClients';
import { getDocSessionAccess, getDocSessionAltSessionId, getDocSessionShare,
getDocSessionUser, OptDocSession } from 'app/server/lib/DocSession';
import { DocStorage, REMOVE_UNUSED_ATTACHMENTS_DELAY } from 'app/server/lib/DocStorage';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import { IPermissionInfo, MixedPermissionSetWithContext,
PermissionInfo, PermissionSetWithContext } from 'app/server/lib/PermissionInfo';
import { TablePermissionSetWithContext } from 'app/server/lib/PermissionInfo';
import { integerParam } from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils';
import { getRelatedRows, getRowIdsFromDocAction } from 'app/server/lib/RowAccess';
import cloneDeep = require('lodash/cloneDeep');
import fromPairs = require('lodash/fromPairs');
import get = require('lodash/get');
import memoize = require('lodash/memoize');
// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
// Actions that add/update/remove/replace rows (DocActions only - UserActions
// may also result in row changes but are not in this list).
const ACTION_WITH_TABLE_ID = new Set(['AddRecord', 'BulkAddRecord', 'UpdateRecord', 'BulkUpdateRecord',
'RemoveRecord', 'BulkRemoveRecord',
'ReplaceTableData', 'TableData',
type DataAction = AddRecord | BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord |
RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | ReplaceTableData | TableDataAction;
// Check if action adds/updates/removes/replaces rows.
function isDataAction(a: UserAction): a is DataAction {
return ACTION_WITH_TABLE_ID.has(String(a[0]));
function isAddRecordAction(a: DataAction): a is AddRecord | BulkAddRecord {
return ['AddRecord', 'BulkAddRecord'].includes(a[0]);
function isRemoveRecordAction(a: DataAction): a is RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord {
return ['RemoveRecord', 'BulkRemoveRecord'].includes(a[0]);
function isBulkAction(a: DataAction): a is BulkAddRecord | BulkUpdateRecord |
BulkRemoveRecord | ReplaceTableData | TableDataAction {
return Array.isArray(a[2]);
// Check if a tableId is that of an ACL table. Currently just _grist_ACLRules and
// _grist_ACLResources are accepted.
function isAclTable(tableId: string): boolean {
return ['_grist_ACLRules', '_grist_ACLResources'].includes(tableId);
const ADD_OR_UPDATE_RECORD_ACTIONS = ['AddOrUpdateRecord', 'BulkAddOrUpdateRecord'];
function isAddOrUpdateRecordAction([actionName]: UserAction): boolean {
return ADD_OR_UPDATE_RECORD_ACTIONS.includes(String(actionName));
// A list of key metadata tables that need special handling. Other metadata tables may
// refer to material in some of these tables but don't need special handling.
// TODO: there are other metadata tables that would need access control, or redesign -
// specifically _grist_Attachments.
const STRUCTURAL_TABLES = new Set(['_grist_Tables', '_grist_Tables_column', '_grist_Views',
'_grist_Views_section', '_grist_Views_section_field',
'_grist_ACLResources', '_grist_ACLRules',
// Actions that won't be allowed (yet) for a user with nuanced access to a document.
// A few may be innocuous, but that hasn't been figured out yet.
const SPECIAL_ACTIONS = new Set(['InitNewDoc',
// Odd-ball actions marked as deprecated or which seem unlikely to be used.
const SURPRISING_ACTIONS = new Set([
// Actions we'll allow unconditionally for now.
const OK_ACTIONS = new Set(['Calculate', 'UpdateCurrentTime']);
// Other actions that are believed to be compatible with granular access.
// Only add an action to OTHER_RECOGNIZED_ACTIONS if you know access control
// has been handled for it, or it is clear that access control can be done
// by looking at the Create/Update/Delete permissions for the DocActions it
// will create. For example, at the time of writing CopyFromColumn should
// not be here, since it could read a column the user is not supposed to
// have access rights to, and it is not handled specially.
// Data actions.
// Data actions handled specially because of read needs.
// Groups of actions.
// Column-level schema changes.
// Table-level schema changes.
// A schema action handled specially because of read needs.
// Display column support.
// Sundry misc.
// When an attachment is uploaded, it isn't immediately added to a cell in
// the document. We grant the uploader a special period where they can freely
// add or re-add the attachment to the document without access control fuss.
// We keep that period within the time range where an unused attachment
// would get deleted.
// When a user undoes their own action or actions, checks of attachment ownership
// are handled specially. This special handling will not apply for undoes of actions
// older than this limit.
// Transform columns are special. In case we have some rules defined they are only visible
// to those with SCHEMA_EDIT permission.
const TRANSFORM_COLUMN_PREFIXES = ['gristHelper_Converted', 'gristHelper_Transform'];
* Checks if this is a special helper column used during type conversion.
function isTransformColumn(colId: string): boolean {
return TRANSFORM_COLUMN_PREFIXES.some(prefix => colId.startsWith(prefix));
interface DocUpdateMessage {
actionGroup: ActionGroup;
docActions: DocAction[];
docUsage: DocUsageSummary;
* Granular access for a single bundle, in different phases.
export interface GranularAccessForBundle {
canApplyBundle(): Promise<void>;
appliedBundle(): Promise<void>;
finishedBundle(): Promise<void>;
sendDocUpdateForBundle(actionGroup: ActionGroup, docUsage: DocUsageSummary): Promise<void>;
* Manage granular access to a document. This allows nuances other than the coarse
* owners/editors/viewers distinctions. Nuances are stored in the _grist_ACLResources
* and _grist_ACLRules tables.
* When the document is being modified, the object's GranularAccess is called at various
* steps of the process to check access rights. The GranularAccess object stores some
* state for an in-progress modification, to allow some caching of calculations across
* steps and clients. We expect modifications to be serialized, and the following
* pattern of calls for modifications:
* - assertCanMaybeApplyUserActions(), called with UserActions for an initial access check.
* Since not all checks can be done without analyzing UserActions into DocActions,
* it is ok for this call to pass even if a more definitive test later will fail.
* - getGranularAccessForBundle(), called once a possible bundle has been prepared
* (the UserAction has been compiled to DocActions).
* - canApplyBundle(), called when DocActions have been produced from UserActions,
* but before those DocActions have been applied to the DB. If fails, the modification
* will be abandoned. This method will also finalize some bundle state,
* specifically the `maybeHasShareChanges` flag.
* - appliedBundle(), called when DocActions have been applied to the DB, but before
* those changes have been sent to clients.
* - sendDocUpdateForBundle() is called once a bundle has been applied, to notify
* client of changes.
* - finishedBundle(), called when completely done with modification and any needed
* client notifications, whether successful or failed.
export class GranularAccess implements GranularAccessForBundle {
// The collection of all rules.
private _ruler = new Ruler(this);
// Cache of user attributes associated with the given docSession. It's a WeakMap, to allow
// garbage-collection once docSession is no longer in use.
private _userAttributesMap = new WeakMap<OptDocSession, UserAttributes>();
private _prevUserAttributesMap: WeakMap<OptDocSession, UserAttributes>|undefined;
private _attachmentUploads = new MapWithTTL<number, string>(UPLOADED_ATTACHMENT_OWNERSHIP_PERIOD);
// When broadcasting a sequence of DocAction[]s, this contains the state of
// affected rows for the relevant table before and after each DocAction. It
// may contain some unaffected rows as well.
private _steps: Promise<ActionStep[]>|null = null;
// Intermediate metadata and rule state, if needed.
private _metaSteps: Promise<MetaStep[]>|null = null;
// Access control is done sequentially, bundle by bundle. This is the current bundle.
private _activeBundle: {
docSession: OptDocSession,
userActions: UserAction[],
docActions: DocAction[],
isDirect: boolean[],
undo: DocAction[],
// Flag tracking whether a set of actions have been applied to the database or not.
applied: boolean,
// Flag for whether user actions mention a rule change (clients are asked to reload
// in this case).
hasDeliberateRuleChange: boolean,
// Flag for whether doc actions mention a rule change, even if passive due to
// schema changes.
hasAnyRuleChange: boolean,
maybeHasShareChanges: boolean,
options: ApplyUAExtendedOptions|null,
shareRef?: number;
public constructor(
private _docData: DocData,
private _docStorage: DocStorage,
private _docClients: DocClients,
private _fetchQueryFromDB: (query: ServerQuery) => Promise<TableDataAction>,
private _recoveryMode: boolean,
private _homeDbManager: HomeDBManager | null,
private _docId: string) {
public async close() {
public getGranularAccessForBundle(docSession: OptDocSession, docActions: DocAction[], undo: DocAction[],
userActions: UserAction[], isDirect: boolean[],
options: ApplyUAExtendedOptions|null): void {
if (this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('Cannot start a bundle while one is already in progress'); }
// This should never happen - attempts to write to a pre-fork session should be
// caught by an Authorizer. But let's be paranoid, since we may be pretending to
// be an owner for granular access purposes, and owners can write if we're not
// careful!
if (docSession.forkingAsOwner) { throw new Error('Should never modify a prefork'); }
this._activeBundle = {
docSession, docActions, undo, userActions, isDirect,
applied: false, hasDeliberateRuleChange: false, hasAnyRuleChange: false,
maybeHasShareChanges: false,
this._activeBundle.hasDeliberateRuleChange =
scanActionsRecursively(userActions, (a) => isAclTable(String(a[1])));
this._activeBundle.hasAnyRuleChange =
scanActionsRecursively(docActions, a => actionHasRuleChange(a));
* Update granular access from DocData.
public async update() {
await this._ruler.update(this._docData);
// Also clear the per-docSession cache of user attributes.
this._userAttributesMap = new WeakMap();
* Construct the UserInfo needed for evaluating rules. This also enriches the user with values
* created by user-attribute rules.
public async getUser(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<User> {
const linkParameters = docSession.authorizer?.getLinkParameters() || {};
let access: Role | null;
let fullUser: FullUser | null;
const attrs = this._getUserAttributes(docSession);
access = getDocSessionAccess(docSession);
const linkId = getDocSessionShare(docSession);
let shareRef: number = 0;
if (linkId) {
const rowIds = this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Shares').filterRowIds({
if (rowIds.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Share identifier is not unique');
if (rowIds.length === 1) {
shareRef = rowIds[0];
if (docSession.forkingAsOwner) {
// For granular access purposes, we become an owner.
// It is a bit of a bluff, done on the understanding that this session will
// never be used to edit the document, and that any edits will be done on a
// fork.
access = 'owners';
// If aclAsUserId/aclAsUser is set, then override user for acl purposes.
if (linkParameters.aclAsUserId || linkParameters.aclAsUser) {
if (access !== 'owners') { throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'only an owner can override user'); }
if (attrs.override) {
// Used cached properties.
access = attrs.override.access;
fullUser = attrs.override.user;
} else {
attrs.override = await this._getViewAsUser(linkParameters);
fullUser = attrs.override.user;
} else {
fullUser = getDocSessionUser(docSession);
const user = new User();
user.Access = access;
user.ShareRef = shareRef || null;
const isAnonymous = fullUser?.id === this._homeDbManager?.getAnonymousUserId() ||
fullUser?.id === null;
user.UserID = (!isAnonymous && fullUser?.id) || null;
user.Email = fullUser?.email || null;
user.Name = fullUser?.name || null;
// If viewed from a websocket, collect any link parameters included.
// TODO: could also get this from rest api access, just via a different route.
user.LinkKey = linkParameters;
// Include origin info if accessed via the rest api.
// TODO: could also get this for websocket access, just via a different route.
user.Origin = docSession.req?.get('origin') || null;
user.SessionID = isAnonymous ? `a${getDocSessionAltSessionId(docSession)}` : `u${user.UserID}`;
user.IsLoggedIn = !isAnonymous;
user.UserRef = fullUser?.ref || null; // Empty string should be treated as null.
if (this._ruler.ruleCollection.ruleError && !this._recoveryMode) {
// It is important to signal that the doc is in an unexpected state,
// and prevent it opening.
throw this._ruler.ruleCollection.ruleError;
for (const clause of this._ruler.ruleCollection.getUserAttributeRules().values()) {
if ( in user) {
log.warn(`User attribute ${} ignored; conflicts with an existing one`);
if (attrs.rows[]) {
user[] = attrs.rows[];
let rec = new EmptyRecordView();
let rows: TableDataAction|undefined;
try {
// Use lodash's get() that supports paths, e.g. charId of 'a.b' would look up `user.a.b`.
// TODO: add indexes to db.
rows = await this._fetchQueryFromDB({
tableId: clause.tableId,
filters: { [clause.lookupColId]: [get(user, clause.charId)] }
} catch (e) {
log.warn(`User attribute ${} failed`, e);
if (rows && rows[2].length > 0) { rec = new RecordView(rows, 0); }
user[] = rec;
attrs.rows[] = rec;
return user;
public async getCachedUser(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<User> {
const access = await this._getAccess(docSession);
return access.getUser();
* Represent fields from the session in an input object for ACL rules.
* Just one field currently, "user".
public async inputs(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<PredicateFormulaInput> {
return {
user: await this.getUser(docSession),
docId: this._docId
* Check whether user has any access to table.
public async hasTableAccess(docSession: OptDocSession, tableId: string) {
const pset = await this.getTableAccess(docSession, tableId);
return this.getReadPermission(pset) !== 'deny';
* Checks if user has read access to a cell. Optionally takes docData that will be used
* to retrieve the cell value instead of the current docData.
public async hasCellAccess(docSession: OptDocSession, cell: SingleCell, docData?: DocData): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await this.getCellValue(docSession, cell, docData);
return true;
} catch(err) {
if (err instanceof ErrorWithCode) { return false; }
throw err;
* Get content of a given cell, if user has read access. Optionally takes docData that will be used
* to retrieve the cell value instead of the current docData.
* Throws if not.
public async getCellValue(docSession: OptDocSession, cell: SingleCell, docData?: DocData): Promise<CellValue> {
function fail(): never {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'Cannot access cell');
const hasExceptionalAccess = this._hasExceptionalFullAccess(docSession);
if (!hasExceptionalAccess && !await this.hasTableAccess(docSession, cell.tableId)) { fail(); }
let rows: TableDataAction|null = null;
if (docData) {
const record = docData.getTable(cell.tableId)?.getRecord(cell.rowId);
if (record) {
rows = ['TableData', cell.tableId, [cell.rowId], getColValues([record])];
} else {
rows = await this._fetchQueryFromDB({
tableId: cell.tableId,
filters: { id: [cell.rowId] }
if (!rows || rows[2].length === 0) {
return fail();
const rec = new RecordView(rows, 0);
if (!hasExceptionalAccess) {
const input: PredicateFormulaInput = {...await this.inputs(docSession), rec, newRec: rec};
const rowPermInfo = new PermissionInfo(this._ruler.ruleCollection, input);
const rowAccess = rowPermInfo.getTableAccess(cell.tableId);
if (rowAccess === 'deny') { fail(); }
if (rowAccess !== 'allow') {
const colAccess = rowPermInfo.getColumnAccess(cell.tableId, cell.colId);
if (colAccess === 'deny') { fail(); }
const colValues = rows[3];
if (!(cell.colId in colValues)) { fail(); }
return rec.get(cell.colId);
* Checks whether the specified cell is accessible by the user, and contains
* the specified attachment. Throws with ACL_DENY code if not.
public async assertAttachmentAccess(docSession: OptDocSession, cell: SingleCell, attId: number): Promise<void> {
const value = await this.getCellValue(docSession, cell);
// Need to check column is actually an attachment column.
if (this._docStorage.getColumnType(cell.tableId, cell.colId) !== 'Attachments') {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'not an attachment column');
// Check that material in cell includes the attachment.
if (!gristTypes.isList(value)) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'not a list');
if (value.indexOf(attId) <= 0) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'attachment not present in cell');
* Check whether the specified attachment is known to have been uploaded
* by the user (identified by SessionID) recently.
public async isAttachmentUploadedByUser(docSession: OptDocSession, attId: number): Promise<boolean> {
const user = await this.getUser(docSession);
const id = user.SessionID || '';
return (this._attachmentUploads.get(attId) === id);
* Find a cell in an attachment column that contains the specified attachment,
* and which is accessible by the user associated with the session.
public async findAttachmentCellForUser(docSession: OptDocSession, attId: number): Promise<SingleCell|undefined> {
// Find cells that refer to the given attachment.
const cells = await this._docStorage.findAttachmentReferences(attId);
// Run through them to see if the user has access to any of them.
// We'd expect in a typical document that this will be a small
// list of cells, typically 1 or less, but of course extreme cases
// are possible.
for (const possibleCell of cells) {
try {
await this.assertAttachmentAccess(docSession, possibleCell, attId);
return possibleCell;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ErrorWithCode && e.code === 'ACL_DENY') {
throw e;
// Nothing found.
return undefined;
* Called after UserAction[]s have been applied in the sandbox, and DocAction[]s have been
* computed, but before we have committed those DocAction[]s to the database. If this
* throws an exception, the sandbox changes will be reverted.
public async canApplyBundle() {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
const {docActions, docSession, isDirect} = this._activeBundle;
const currentUser = await this.getUser(docSession);
const userIsOwner = await this.isOwner(docSession);
if (this._activeBundle.hasDeliberateRuleChange && !userIsOwner) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'Only owners can modify access rules');
// Normally, viewer requests would never reach this point, but they can happen
// using the "view as" functionality where user is an owner wanting to preview the
// access level of another. And again, the default access rules would normally
// forbid edit access to a viewer - but that can be overridden.
// An alternative to this check would be to sandwich user-defined access rules
// between some defaults. Currently the defaults have lower priority than
// user-defined access rules.
if (!canEdit(await this.getNominalAccess(docSession))) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'Only owners or editors can modify documents');
if (this._ruler.haveRules()) {
await Promise.all(, actionIdx) => {
if (isDirect[actionIdx]) {
return this._checkIncomingDocAction({docSession, action, actionIdx});
const shares = this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Shares');
* This is a good point at which to determine whether we may be
* making a change to special shares. If we may be, then currently
* we will reload any connected web clients accessing the document
* via a share.
* The role of the `maybeHasShareChanges` flag is to trigger
* reloads of web clients that are accessing the document via a
* share, if share configuration may have changed. It doesn't
* actually impact access control itself. The sketch of order of
* operations given in the docstring for the GranularAccess
* class is helpful for understanding this flow.
* At the time of writing, web client support for special shares
* is not an official feature - but it is super convenient for testing
* and will be important later.
if (shares.getRowIds().length > 0 &&
action => getTableId(action).startsWith('_grist'))) {
// TODO: could actually compare new rules with old rules and
// see if they've changed. Or could exclude some tables that
// could easily change without an impact on share rules,
// such as _grist_Attachments. Either improvement could
// greatly reduce unnecessary web client reloads for shares
// if that becomes an issue.
this._activeBundle.maybeHasShareChanges = true;
await this._canApplyCellActions(currentUser, userIsOwner);
if (this._recoveryMode) {
// Don't do any further checking in recovery mode.
// If the actions change any rules, verify that we'll be able to handle the changed rules. If
// they are to cause an error, reject the action to avoid forcing user into recovery mode.
// WATCH OUT - this will trigger for "passive" changes caused by tableId/colId renames.
if (docActions.some(docAction => isAclTable(getTableId(docAction)))) {
// Create a tmpDocData with just the tables we care about, then update docActions to it.
const tmpDocData: DocData = new DocData(
(tableId) => { throw new Error("Unexpected DocData fetch"); }, {
_grist_Tables: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables').getTableDataAction(),
_grist_Tables_column: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column').getTableDataAction(),
_grist_ACLResources: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_ACLResources').getTableDataAction(),
_grist_ACLRules: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_ACLRules').getTableDataAction(),
_grist_Shares: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Shares').getTableDataAction(),
// WATCH OUT - Shares may need more tables, check.
for (const da of docActions) {
// Use the post-actions data to process the rules collection, and throw error if that fails.
const ruleCollection = new ACLRuleCollection();
await ruleCollection.update(tmpDocData, {log, compile: compilePredicateFormula});
if (ruleCollection.ruleError) {
throw new ApiError(ruleCollection.ruleError.message, 400);
try {
} catch (err) {
throw new ApiError(err.message, 400);
// TODO: any changes needed to this logic for shares?
* This should be called after each action bundle has been applied to the database,
* but before the actions are broadcast to clients. It will set us up to be able
* to efficiently filter those broadcasts.
* We expect actions bundles for a document to be applied+broadcast serially (the
* broadcasts can be parallelized, but should complete before moving on to further
* document mutation).
public async appliedBundle() {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
const {docActions} = this._activeBundle;
this._activeBundle.applied = true;
if (!this._ruler.haveRules()) { return; }
// Check if a table that affects user attributes has changed. If so, put current
// attributes aside for later comparison, and clear cache.
const attrs = new Set([...this._ruler.ruleCollection.getUserAttributeRules().values()].map(r => r.tableId));
const attrChange = docActions.some(docAction => attrs.has(getTableId(docAction)));
if (attrChange) {
this._prevUserAttributesMap = this._userAttributesMap;
this._userAttributesMap = new WeakMap();
// If there's a schema change, zap permission cache.
const schemaChange = docActions.some(docAction => isSchemaAction(docAction));
if (attrChange || schemaChange) {
* This should be called once an action bundle has been broadcast to
* all clients (or the bundle has been denied). It will clean up
* any temporary state cached for filtering those broadcasts.
public async finishedBundle() {
if (!this._activeBundle) { return; }
if (this._activeBundle.applied) {
const {docActions} = this._activeBundle;
await this._updateRules(docActions);
this._steps = null;
this._metaSteps = null;
this._prevUserAttributesMap = undefined;
this._activeBundle = null;
* Filter DocActions to be sent to a client.
public async filterOutgoingDocActions(docSession: OptDocSession, docActions: DocAction[]): Promise<DocAction[]> {
// If the user requested a rule change, trigger a reload.
if (this._activeBundle?.hasDeliberateRuleChange) {
// TODO: could avoid reloading in many cases, especially for an owner who has full
// document access.
throw new ErrorWithCode('NEED_RELOAD', 'document needs reload, access rules changed');
const linkId = getDocSessionShare(docSession);
if (linkId && this._activeBundle?.maybeHasShareChanges) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('NEED_RELOAD', 'document needs reload, share may have changed');
// Optimize case where there are no rules to enforce.
if (!this._ruler.haveRules()) { return docActions; }
// If user attributes have changed, trigger a reload.
await this._checkUserAttributes(docSession);
const actions = await Promise.all(, actionIdx) => this._filterOutgoingDocAction({docSession, action, actionIdx})));
let result = ([] as ActionCursor[]).concat(...actions);
result = await this._filterOutgoingAttachments(result);
return await this._filterOutgoingCellInfo(docSession, docActions, => a.action));
* Filter an ActionGroup to be sent to a client.
public async filterActionGroup(
docSession: OptDocSession,
actionGroup: ActionGroup,
options: {role?: Role | null} = {}
): Promise<ActionGroup> {
if (await this.allowActionGroup(docSession, actionGroup, options)) { return actionGroup; }
// For now, if there's any nuance at all, suppress the summary and description.
const result: ActionGroup = { ...actionGroup };
result.actionSummary = createEmptyActionSummary();
result.desc = '';
return result;
* Check whether an ActionGroup can be sent to the client. TODO: in future, we'll want
* to filter acceptable parts of ActionGroup, rather than denying entirely.
public async allowActionGroup(
docSession: OptDocSession,
_actionGroup: ActionGroup,
options: {role?: Role | null} = {}
): Promise<boolean> {
return this.canReadEverything(docSession, options);
* Filter DocUsageSummary to be sent to a client.
public async filterDocUsageSummary(
docSession: OptDocSession,
docUsage: DocUsageSummary,
options: {role?: Role | null} = {}
): Promise<FilteredDocUsageSummary> {
const result: FilteredDocUsageSummary = { ...docUsage };
// Owners can see everything all the time.
if (await this.isOwner(docSession)) {
return result;
const role = options.role ?? await this.getNominalAccess(docSession);
const hasEditRole = canEdit(role);
if (!hasEditRole) { result.dataLimitStatus = null; }
const hasFullReadAccess = await this.canReadEverything(docSession);
if (!hasEditRole || !hasFullReadAccess) {
result.rowCount = 'hidden';
result.dataSizeBytes = 'hidden';
result.attachmentsSizeBytes = 'hidden';
return result;
* Check the list of UserActions, throwing if something not permitted is found.
* The data engine is the definitive interpreter of UserActions, but we do what
* we can, and then rely on analysis of DocActions produced by the data engine
* later to finish the job. Any actions that read data and expose it in some way
* need to be caught at this point, since that won't be evident in the DocActions.
* So far, we've been restricting the permitted combinations of UserActions when
* data is read to make access control tractable. Likewise, any actions that might
* result in running user code that would not eventually be permitted needs to be
* caught now, since by the time it hits the data engine it is too late.
public async checkUserActions(docSession: OptDocSession, actions: UserAction[]): Promise<void> {
if (this._hasExceptionalFullAccess(docSession)) { return; }
// Checks are in no particular order.
await this._checkSimpleDataActions(docSession, actions);
await this._checkForSpecialOrSurprisingActions(docSession, actions);
await this._checkPossiblePythonFormulaModification(docSession, actions);
await this._checkDuplicateTableAccess(docSession, actions);
await this._checkAddOrUpdateAccess(docSession, actions);
* Called when it is permissible to partially fulfill the requested actions.
* Will remove forbidden actions in a very limited set of recognized circumstances.
* In fact, currently in only one circumstance:
* - If there is a single requested action, and it is an ApplyUndoActions.
* The goal being to let a user undo their action to the extent that it
* is possible to do so.
* In this case, the list of actions nested in ApplyUndoActions will be extracted,
* treated as DocActions, and filtered to remove any component parts (at action,
* column, row, or individual cell level) that would be forbidden.
* Beyond pure data changes, there are no heroics - any schema change will
* result in prefiltering being skipped.
* Any filtering done here is NOT a security measure, and the output should
* not be granted any level of automatic trust.
public async prefilterUserActions(docSession: OptDocSession, actions: UserAction[],
options: ApplyUAExtendedOptions|null): Promise<UserAction[]> {
// Currently we only attempt prefiltering for an ApplyUndoActions.
if (actions.length !== 1) { return actions; }
const userAction = actions[0];
if (userAction[0] !== 'ApplyUndoActions') { return actions; }
// Ok, this is an undo. Unpack the requested undo actions. For a bona
// fide ApplyUndoActions, these would be doc actions generated by the
// data engine and stored in action history. But there is no actual
// restriction in how ApplyUndoActions could be generated. Security
// is enforced separately, so we don't need to be paranoid here.
const docActions = userAction[1] as DocAction[];
// Bail out if there is any hint of a schema change.
// TODO: may want to also bail if an action we'd need to filter would
// affect a row id used later in the bundle. Perhaps prefiltering
// should be restricted to bundles of updates only for that reason.
for (const action of docActions) {
if (!isDataAction(action) || getTableId(action).startsWith('_grist')) {
return actions;
// Run through a simulation of access control on these actions,
// retaining only permitted material.
const proposedActions: UserAction[] = [];
try {
// Establish our doc actions as the current context for access control.
// We don't have undo information for them, but don't need to because
// they have not been applied to the db. Treat all actions as "direct"
// since we could not trust claims of indirectness currently in
// any case (though we could rearrange to limit how undo actions are
// requested).
this.getGranularAccessForBundle(docSession, docActions, [], docActions, => true), options);
for (const [actionIdx, action] of docActions.entries()) {
// A single action might contain forbidden material at cell, row, column,
// or table level. Retaining permitted material may require refactoring the
// single action into a series of actions.
try {
await this._checkIncomingDocAction({docSession, action, actionIdx});
// Nothing forbidden! Keep this action unchanged.
} catch (e) {
if (String(e.code) !== 'ACL_DENY') { throw e; }
const acts = await this._prefilterDocAction({docSession, action, actionIdx});
// Presumably we've changed the action. Zap our cache of intermediate
// states, since it is stale now. TODO: reorganize cache to so can avoid wasting
// time repeating work unnecessarily. The cache was designed with all-or-nothing
// operations in mind, and is poorly suited to prefiltering.
// Note: the meaning of newRec is slippery in prefiltering, since it depends on
// state at the end of the bundle, but that state is unstable now.
// TODO look into prefiltering in cases using newRec in a many-action bundle.
this._steps = null;
this._metaSteps = null;
} finally {
await this.finishedBundle();
return [['ApplyUndoActions', proposedActions]];
* For changes that could include Python formulas, check for schema access early.
public needEarlySchemaPermission(a: UserAction|DocAction): boolean {
const name = a[0] as string;
if (name === 'ModifyColumn' || name === 'SetDisplayFormula') {
return true;
} else if (isDataAction(a)) {
const tableId = getTableId(a);
if (tableId === '_grist_Tables_column' || tableId === '_grist_Validations') {
return true;
return false;
* Check whether access is simple, or there are granular nuances that need to be
* worked through. Currently if there are no owner-only tables, then everyone's
* access is simple and without nuance.
public async hasNuancedAccess(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
if (!this._ruler.haveRules()) { return false; }
return !await this.hasFullAccess(docSession);
* Check if user is explicitly permitted to download/copy document.
* They may be allowed to download in any case, see canCopyEverything.
public async hasFullCopiesPermission(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
const permInfo = await this._getAccess(docSession);
return permInfo.getColumnAccess(SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID, 'FullCopies') === 'allow';
* Check if user may view Access Rules.
public async hasAccessRulesPermission(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
const permInfo = await this._getAccess(docSession);
return permInfo.getColumnAccess(SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID, 'AccessRules') === 'allow';
* Check whether user can read everything in document. Checks both home-level and doc-level
* permissions.
public async canReadEverything(
docSession: OptDocSession,
options: {role?: Role | null} = {}
): Promise<boolean> {
const access = options.role ?? await this.getNominalAccess(docSession);
if (!canView(access)) { return false; }
const permInfo = await this._getAccess(docSession);
return this.getReadPermission(permInfo.getFullAccess()) === 'allow';
* Allow if user can read all data, or is an owner.
* Might be worth making a special permission.
* At the time of writing, used for:
* - findColFromValues
* - autocomplete
* - unfiltered access to attachment metadata
public async canScanData(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
return await this.isOwner(docSession) || await this.canReadEverything(docSession);
* Check whether user can copy everything in document. Owners can always copy
* everything, even if there are rules that specify they cannot.
* There's a small wrinkle about access rules. The content
* of _grist_ACLRules and Resources are only send to clients that are owners,
* but could be copied by others by other means (e.g. download) as long as all
* tables or columns are readable. This seems ok (no private info involved),
* just a bit inconsistent.
public async canCopyEverything(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
return await this.hasFullCopiesPermission(docSession) ||
await this.canReadEverything(docSession);
* Check whether user has full access to the document. Currently that is interpreted
* as equivalent owner-level access to the document.
* TODO: uses of this method should be checked to see if they can be fleshed out
* now we have more of the ACL implementation done.
public hasFullAccess(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
return this.isOwner(docSession);
* Check whether user has owner-level access to the document.
public async isOwner(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<boolean> {
const access = await this.getNominalAccess(docSession);
return access === 'owners';
* If the user does not have access to the full document, we need to filter out
* parts of the document metadata. For simplicity, we overwrite rather than
* filter for now, so that the overall structure remains consistent. We overwrite:
* - names, textual ids, formulas, and other textual options
* - foreign keys linking columns/views/sections back to a forbidden table
* On the client, a page with a blank name will be marked gracefully as unavailable.
* Some information leaks, for example the existence of private tables and how
* many columns they had, and something of the relationships between them. Long term,
* it could be better to zap rows entirely, and do the work of cleaning up any cross
* references to them.
public async filterMetaTables(docSession: OptDocSession,
tables: {[key: string]: TableDataAction}): Promise<{[key: string]: TableDataAction}> {
// If user has right to read everything, return immediately.
if (await this.canReadEverything(docSession)) { return tables; }
// If we are going to modify metadata, make a copy.
tables = cloneDeep(tables);
// Prepare cell censorship information.
const cells = new CellData(this._docData).convertToCells(tables['_grist_Cells']);
let cellCensor: CellAccessHelper|undefined;
if (cells.length > 0) {
cellCensor = this._createCellAccess(docSession);
await cellCensor.calculate(cells);
const permInfo = await this._getAccess(docSession);
const censor = new CensorshipInfo(permInfo, this._ruler.ruleCollection, tables,
await this.hasAccessRulesPermission(docSession),
if (cellCensor) {
for (const tableId of STRUCTURAL_TABLES) {
if (await this.needAttachmentControl(docSession)) {
// Attachments? No attachments here (whistles innocently).
// Computing which attachments user has access to would require
// looking at entire document, which we don't want to do. So instead
// we'll be sending this info on a need-to-know basis later.
const attachments = tables['_grist_Attachments'];
attachments[2] = [];
Object.values(attachments[3]).forEach(values => {
values.length = 0;
return tables;
* Distill the clauses for the given session and table, to figure out the
* access level and any row-level access functions needed.
public async getTableAccess(docSession: OptDocSession, tableId: string): Promise<TablePermissionSetWithContext> {
if (this._hasExceptionalFullAccess(docSession)) {
return {
perms: {read: 'allow', create: 'allow', delete: 'allow', update: 'allow', schemaEdit: 'allow'},
ruleType: 'table',
getMemos() { throw new Error('never needed'); }
return (await this._getAccess(docSession)).getTableAccess(tableId);
* Modify table data in place, removing any rows or columns to which access
* is not granted.
public async filterData(docSession: OptDocSession, data: TableDataAction) {
const permInfo = await this._getAccess(docSession);
const cursor: ActionCursor = {docSession, action: data, actionIdx: null};
const tableId = getTableId(data);
if (this.getReadPermission(permInfo.getTableAccess(tableId)) === 'mixed') {
const readAccessCheck = this._readAccessCheck(docSession);
await this._filterRowsAndCells(cursor, data, data, readAccessCheck, {allowRowRemoval: true});
// Filter columns, omitting any to which the user has no access, regardless of rows.
(colId) => this.getReadPermission(permInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId)) !== 'deny');
public async getUserOverride(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<UserOverride|undefined> {
await this.getUser(docSession);
return this._getUserAttributes(docSession).override;
public getReadPermission(ps: PermissionSetWithContext) {
public assertCanRead(ps: PermissionSetWithContext) {;
* Broadcast document changes to all clients, with appropriate filtering.
public async sendDocUpdateForBundle(actionGroup: ActionGroup, docUsage: DocUsageSummary) {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
const { docActions, docSession } = this._activeBundle;
const client = docSession && docSession.client || null;
const message: DocUpdateMessage = { actionGroup, docActions, docUsage };
await this._docClients.broadcastDocMessage(client, 'docUserAction',
(_docSession) => this._filterDocUpdate(_docSession, message));
* Called when uploads occur. We record the fact that the specified attachment
* ids originated in uploads by the current user, for a certain length of time.
* During that time, attempts by the user to use these attachment ids in an
* attachment column will be accepted. The user is identified by SessionID,
* which is a user id for logged in users, and a session-unique id for
* anonymous users accessing Grist from a browser.
* A remaining weakness of this protection could be if attachment ids were
* reused, and reused quickly. Attachments can be deleted after
* REMOVE_UNUSED_ATTACHMENTS_DELAY and on document shutdown. We keep
* and wipe our records on document shutdown.
public async noteUploads(docSession: OptDocSession, attIds: number[]) {
const user = await this.getUser(docSession);
const id = user.SessionID;
if (!id) {
log.rawError('noteUploads needs a SessionID', {
docId: this._docId,
userId: user.UserID,
for (const attId of attIds) {
this._attachmentUploads.set(attId, id);
// Remove cached access information for a given session.
public flushAccess(docSession: OptDocSession) {
// Get a set of example users for playing with access control.
// We use the domain, which is reserved for uses like this.
public getExampleViewAsUsers(): UserAccessData[] {
return [
{id: 0, email: '', name: 'Owner', access: 'owners'},
{id: 0, email: '', name: 'Editor 1', access: 'editors'},
{id: 0, email: '', name: 'Editor 2', access: 'editors'},
{id: 0, email: '', name: 'Viewer', access: 'viewers'},
{id: 0, email: '', name: 'Unknown User', access: null},
// Compile a list of users mentioned in user attribute tables keyed by email.
// If there is a Name column or an Access column, in the table, we use them.
public async collectViewAsUsersFromUserAttributeTables(): Promise<Array<Partial<UserAccessData>>> {
const result: Array<Partial<UserAccessData>> = [];
for (const clause of this._ruler.ruleCollection.getUserAttributeRules().values()) {
if (clause.charId !== 'Email') { continue; }
try {
const users = await this._fetchQueryFromDB({
tableId: clause.tableId,
filters: {},
const user = new RecordView(users, undefined);
const count = users[2].length;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
user.index = i;
const email = user.get(clause.lookupColId);
const name = user.get('Name') || String(email).split('@')[0];
const access = user.has('Access') ? String(user.get('Access')) : 'editors';
email: email ? String(email) : undefined,
name: name ? String(name) : undefined,
access: isValidRole(access) ? access : null, // 'null' -> null a bit circuitously
} catch (e) {
log.warn(`User attribute ${} failed`, e);
return result;
* Get the role the session user has for this document. User may be overridden,
* in which case the role of the override is returned.
* The forkingAsOwner flag of docSession should not be respected for non-owners,
* so that the pseudo-ownership it offers is restricted to granular access within a
* document (as opposed to document-level operations).
public async getNominalAccess(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<Role|null> {
const linkParameters = docSession.authorizer?.getLinkParameters() || {};
const baseAccess = getDocSessionAccess(docSession);
if ((linkParameters.aclAsUserId || linkParameters.aclAsUser) && baseAccess === 'owners') {
const info = await this.getUser(docSession);
return info.Access;
return baseAccess;
public async createSnapshotWithCells(docActions?: DocAction[]) {
if (!docActions) {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
if (this._activeBundle.applied) {
throw new Error("Can't calculate last state for cell metadata");
docActions = this._activeBundle.docActions;
const rows = new Map(getRelatedRows(docActions));
const cellData = new CellData(this._docData);
for(const action of docActions) {
for(const cell of cellData.convertToCells(action)) {
if (!rows.has(cell.tableId)) { rows.set(cell.tableId, new Set()); }
// Don't need to sync _grist_Cells table, since we already have it.
// Populate a minimal in-memory version of the database with these rows.
const docData = new DocData(
async (tableId) => {
return {
tableData: await this._fetchQueryFromDB(
{tableId, filters: {id: [...rows.get(tableId)!]}})
}, {
_grist_Cells: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Cells')!.getTableDataAction(),
// We need some basic table information to translate numeric ids to string ids (refs to ids).
_grist_Tables: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables')!.getTableDataAction(),
_grist_Tables_column: this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column')!.getTableDataAction()
// Load pre-existing rows touched by the bundle.
await Promise.all([...rows.keys()].map(tableId => docData.syncTable(tableId)));
return docData;
// Return true if attachment info must be sent on a need-to-know basis.
public async needAttachmentControl(docSession: OptDocSession) {
return !await this.canScanData(docSession);
* An optimization to catch obvious access problems for simple data
* actions (such as UpdateRecord, BulkAddRecord, etc) early. Checks
* actions one by one (nesting into ApplyUndoActions and
* ApplyDocActions as needed) until meeting one that isn't a simple
* data action. Checks are crude, and limited to the table access
* level. Returns true if all actions were checked, false if
* not. Returning true does not imply the actions in the bundle are
* permissible; returning false does not imply they should be
* denied. Throwing an error DOES imply that an action was
* encountered that should be denied.
private async _checkSimpleDataActions(docSession: OptDocSession, actions: UserAction[]): Promise<boolean> {
for (const action of actions) {
if (!await this._checkSimpleDataAction(docSession, action)) {
return false;
return true;
* Throws an error for simple data actions that the user cannot perform.
* Checking is only at the table level. Returns true if the action clearly
* does not change the document schema or metadata, otherwise false if it might.
private async _checkSimpleDataAction(docSession: OptDocSession, a: UserAction|DocAction): Promise<boolean> {
const name = a[0] as string;
if (name === 'ApplyUndoActions') {
return this._checkSimpleDataActions(docSession, a[1] as UserAction[]);
} else if (name === 'ApplyDocActions') {
return this._checkSimpleDataActions(docSession, a[1] as UserAction[]);
} else if (isDataAction(a)) {
const tableId = getTableId(a);
if (tableId.startsWith('_grist_')) {
return false;
const tableAccess = await this.getTableAccess(docSession, tableId);
const accessCheck = await this._getAccessForActionType(docSession, a, 'fatal');
accessCheck.get(tableAccess); // will throw if access denied.
return true;
} else {
// Any other action might change schema, so continuing could lead
// to false detections of failures. For example, renaming a column
// and then updating cells within it should be allowed.
return false;
private async _checkForSpecialOrSurprisingActions(docSession: OptDocSession,
actions: UserAction[]) {
await applyToActionsRecursively(actions, async (a) => {
const name = String(a[0]);
if (SPECIAL_ACTIONS.has(name)) {
if (await this.hasNuancedAccess(docSession)) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', `Blocked by access rules: '${name}' actions need uncomplicated access`);
} else if (SURPRISING_ACTIONS.has(name)) {
if (!await this.hasFullAccess(docSession)) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', `Blocked by access rules: '${name}' actions need full access`);
} else if (OK_ACTIONS.has(name)) {
// fine, anyone can do these at any time, continue.
} else if (OTHER_RECOGNIZED_ACTIONS.has(name)) {
// these are known actions that have not been specifically classified.
} else {
// we've hit something unexpected - perhaps a UserAction has been added
// without considering access control.
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', `Blocked by access rules: '${name}' actions are not controlled`);
// AddOrUpdateRecord requires broad read access to a table.
// But tables can be renamed, and access can be granted and removed
// within a bundle.
// For now, we forbid the combination of AddOrUpdateRecord and
// with actions other than other AddOrUpdateRecords, or simple data
// changes.
// Access rules and user attributes might change during the bundle.
// We deny based on access rights at the beginning of the bundle,
// as for _checkPossiblePythonFormulaModification. This is on the
// theory that someone who can change access rights can do anything.
// There might be uses for applying AddOrUpdateRecord in a nuanced
// way within the scope of what a user can read, but there's no easy
// way to do that within the data engine as currently
// formulated. Could perhaps be done for on-demand tables though.
private async _checkAddOrUpdateAccess(docSession: OptDocSession, actions: UserAction[]) {
if (!scanActionsRecursively(actions, isAddOrUpdateRecordAction)) {
// Don't need to apply this particular check.
await this._assertOnlyBundledWithSimpleDataActions(ADD_OR_UPDATE_RECORD_ACTIONS, actions);
// Check for read access, and that we're not touching metadata.
await applyToActionsRecursively(actions, async (a) => {
if (!isAddOrUpdateRecordAction(a)) { return; }
const actionName = String(a[0]);
const tableId = validTableIdString(a[1]);
if (tableId.startsWith('_grist_')) {
throw new Error(`${actionName} cannot yet be used on metadata tables`);
const tableAccess = await this.getTableAccess(docSession, tableId);;
* Asserts that `actionNames` (if present in `actions`) are only bundled with simple data actions.
private async _assertOnlyBundledWithSimpleDataActions(actionNames: string | string[], actions: UserAction[]) {
const names = Array.isArray(actionNames) ? actionNames : [actionNames];
// Fail if being combined with anything that isn't a simple data action.
await applyToActionsRecursively(actions, async (a) => {
const name = String(a[0]);
if (!names.includes(name) && !(isDataAction(a) && !getTableId(a).startsWith('_grist_'))) {
throw new Error(`Can only combine ${names.join(' and ')} with simple data changes`);
private async _checkPossiblePythonFormulaModification(docSession: OptDocSession, actions: UserAction[]) {
// If changes could include Python formulas, then user must have
// +S before we even consider passing these to the data engine.
// Since we don't track rule or schema changes at this stage, we
// approximate with the user's access rights at beginning of
// bundle.
if (scanActionsRecursively(actions, (a) => this.needEarlySchemaPermission(a))) {
await this._assertSchemaAccess(docSession);
* Like `_checkAddOrUpdateAccess`, but for DuplicateTable actions.
* Permitted only when a user has full access, or full table read and schema edit
* access for the table being duplicated.
* Currently, DuplicateTable cannot be combined with other action types, including
* simple data actions. This may be relaxed in the future, but should only be done
* after careful consideration of its implications.
private async _checkDuplicateTableAccess(docSession: OptDocSession, actions: UserAction[]) {
if (!scanActionsRecursively(actions, ([actionName]) => String(actionName) === 'DuplicateTable')) {
// Don't need to apply this particular check.
// Fail if being combined with another action.
await applyToActionsRecursively(actions, async ([actionName]) => {
if (String(actionName) !== 'DuplicateTable') {
throw new Error('DuplicateTable currently cannot be combined with other actions');
// Check for read and schema edit access, and that we're not duplicating metadata tables.
await applyToActionsRecursively(actions, async (a) => {
const tableId = validTableIdString(a[1]);
if (tableId.startsWith('_grist_')) {
throw new Error('DuplicateTable cannot be used on metadata tables');
if (await this.hasFullAccess(docSession)) { return; }
const tableAccess = await this.getTableAccess(docSession, tableId);;
const includeData = a[3];
if (includeData) {
* Asserts that user has schema access.
private async _assertSchemaAccess(docSession: OptDocSession) {
if (this._hasExceptionalFullAccess(docSession)) { return; }
const permInfo = await this._getAccess(docSession);
// The AccessCheck for the "read" permission is used enough to merit a shortcut.
// We just need to be careful to retain unfettered access for exceptional sessions.
private _readAccessCheck(docSession: OptDocSession): IAccessCheck {
return this._hasExceptionalFullAccess(docSession) ? dummyAccessCheck :;
// Return true for special system sessions or document-creation sessions, where
// unfettered access is appropriate.
private _hasExceptionalFullAccess(docSession: OptDocSession): Boolean {
return docSession.mode === 'system' || docSession.mode === 'nascent';
* This filters a message being broadcast to all clients to be appropriate for one
* particular client, if that client may need some material filtered out.
private async _filterDocUpdate(docSession: OptDocSession, message: DocUpdateMessage) {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
const role = await this.getNominalAccess(docSession);
const result = {
docUsage: await this.filterDocUsageSummary(docSession, message.docUsage, {role}),
if (!this._ruler.haveRules() && !this._activeBundle.hasDeliberateRuleChange) {
return result;
result.actionGroup = await this.filterActionGroup(docSession, message.actionGroup, {role});
result.docActions = await this.filterOutgoingDocActions(docSession, message.docActions);
if (result.docActions.length === 0) { return null; }
return result;
private async _updateRules(docActions: DocAction[]) {
// If there is a rule change, redo from scratch for now.
// TODO: this is placeholder code. Should deal with connected clients.
if (docActions.some(docAction => isAclTable(getTableId(docAction)))) {
await this.update();
const shares = this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Shares');
if (shares.getRowIds().length > 0 &&
docActions.some(action => getTableId(action).startsWith('_grist'))) {
await this.update();
if (!shares && !this._ruler.haveRules()) {
// If there is a schema change, redo from scratch for now.
if (docActions.some(docAction => isSchemaAction(docAction))) {
await this.update();
* Strip out any denied columns from an action. Returns null if nothing is left.
* accessCheck may throw if denials are fatal.
private _pruneColumns(a: DocAction, permInfo: IPermissionInfo, tableId: string,
accessCheck: IAccessCheck): DocAction|null {
permInfo = new TransformColumnPermissionInfo(permInfo);
if (a[0] === 'RemoveRecord' || a[0] === 'BulkRemoveRecord') {
return a;
} else if (a[0] === 'AddRecord' || a[0] === 'BulkAddRecord' || a[0] === 'UpdateRecord' ||
a[0] === 'BulkUpdateRecord' || a[0] === 'ReplaceTableData' || a[0] === 'TableData') {
const na = cloneDeep(a);
this._filterColumns(na[3], (colId) => accessCheck.get(permInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId)) !== 'deny');
if (Object.keys(na[3]).length === 0) { return null; }
return na;
} else if (a[0] === 'AddColumn' || a[0] === 'RemoveColumn' || a[0] === 'RenameColumn' ||
a[0] === 'ModifyColumn') {
const colId: string = a[2];
if (accessCheck.get(permInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId)) === 'deny') { return null; }
} else {
// Remaining cases of AddTable, RemoveTable, RenameTable should have
// been handled at the table level.
return a;
* Strip out any denied rows from an action. The action may be rewritten if rows
* become allowed or denied during the action. An action to add newly-allowed
* rows may be included, or an action to remove newly-forbidden rows. The result
* is a list rather than a single action. It may be the empty list.
private async _pruneRows(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<DocAction[]> {
const {action} = cursor;
// This only deals with Record-related actions.
if (!isDataAction(action)) { return [action]; }
// Get before/after state for this action. Broadcasts to other users can make use of the
// same state, so we share it (and only compute it if needed).
const {rowsBefore, rowsAfter} = await this._getRowsBeforeAndAfter(cursor);
// Figure out which rows were forbidden to this session before this action vs
// after this action. We need to know both so that we can infer the state of the
// client and send the correct change.
const orderedIds = getRowIdsFromDocAction(action);
const ids = new Set(orderedIds);
const forbiddenBefores = new Set(await this._getForbiddenRows(cursor, rowsBefore, ids));
const forbiddenAfters = new Set(await this._getForbiddenRows(cursor, rowsAfter, ids));
* For rows forbidden before and after: just remove them.
* For rows allowed before and after: just leave them unchanged.
* For rows that were allowed before and are now forbidden:
* - strip them from the current action.
* - add a BulkRemoveRecord for them.
* For rows that were forbidden before and are now allowed:
* - remove them from the current action.
* - add a BulkAddRecord for them.
const removals = new Set<number>(); // rows to remove from current action.
const forceAdds = new Set<number>(); // rows to add, that were previously stripped.
const forceRemoves = new Set<number>(); // rows to remove, that have become forbidden.
for (const id of ids) {
const forbiddenBefore = forbiddenBefores.has(id);
const forbiddenAfter = forbiddenAfters.has(id);
if (!forbiddenBefore && !forbiddenAfter) { continue; }
if (forbiddenBefore && forbiddenAfter) {
// If we reach here, then access right to the row changed and we have fancy footwork to do.
if (forbiddenBefore) {
// The row was forbidden and now is allowed. That's trivial if the row was just added.
if (action[0] === 'AddRecord' || action[0] === 'BulkAddRecord' ||
action[0] === 'ReplaceTableData' || action[0] === 'TableData') {
// Otherwise, strip the row from the current action.
if (action[0] === 'UpdateRecord' || action[0] === 'BulkUpdateRecord') {
// For updates, we need to send the entire row as an add, since the client
// doesn't know anything about it yet.
} else {
// Remaining cases are [Bulk]RemoveRecord.
} else {
// The row was allowed and now is forbidden.
// If the action is a removal, that is just right.
if (action[0] === 'RemoveRecord' || action[0] === 'BulkRemoveRecord') { continue; }
// Otherwise, strip the row from the current action.
if (action[0] === 'UpdateRecord' || action[0] === 'BulkUpdateRecord') {
// For updates, we need to remove the entire row.
} else {
// Remaining cases are add-like actions.
// Execute our cunning plans for DocAction revisions.
const revisedDocActions = [
this._makeAdditions(rowsAfter, forceAdds),
this._removeRows(action, removals),
this._makeRemovals(rowsAfter, forceRemoves),
// Check whether there are column rules for this table, and if so whether they are row
// dependent. If so, we may need to update visibility of cells not mentioned in the
// original DocAction.
// No censorship is done here, all we do at this point is pull in any extra cells that need
// to be updated for the current client. Censorship for these cells, and any cells already
// present in the DocAction, is done by _filterRowsAndCells.
const ruler = await this._getRuler(cursor);
const tableId = getTableId(action);
const ruleSets = ruler.ruleCollection.getAllColumnRuleSets(tableId);
const colIds = new Set(([] as string[]).concat( => ruleSet.colIds === '*' ? [] : ruleSet.colIds)
const access = await ruler.getAccess(cursor.docSession);
// Check columns in a consistent order, for determinism (easier testing).
// TODO: could pool some work between columns by doing them together rather than one by one.
for (const colId of [...colIds].sort()) {
// If the column is already in the DocAction, we can skip checking if we need to add it.
if (!action[3] || (colId in action[3])) { continue; }
// If the column is not row dependent, we have nothing to do.
if (access.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId) !== 'mixed') { continue; }
// Check column accessibility before and after.
const _forbiddenBefores = new Set(await this._getForbiddenRows(cursor, rowsBefore, ids, colId));
const _forbiddenAfters = new Set(await this._getForbiddenRows(cursor, rowsAfter, ids, colId));
// For any column that is in a visible row and for which accessibility has changed,
// pull it into the doc actions. We don't censor cells yet, that happens later
// (if that's what needs doing).
const changedIds = orderedIds.filter(id => !forceRemoves.has(id) && !removals.has(id) &&
(_forbiddenBefores.has(id) !== _forbiddenAfters.has(id)));
if (changedIds.length > 0) {
revisedDocActions.push(this._makeColumnUpdate(rowsAfter, colId, new Set(changedIds)));
// Return the results, also applying any cell-level access control.
const readAccessCheck = this._readAccessCheck(cursor.docSession);
const filteredDocActions: DocAction[] = [];
for (const a of revisedDocActions) {
const {filteredAction} =
await this._filterRowsAndCells({...cursor, action: a}, rowsAfter, rowsAfter, readAccessCheck,
{allowRowRemoval: false, copyOnModify: true});
if (filteredAction) { filteredDocActions.push(filteredAction); }
return filteredDocActions;
* Like _pruneRows, but fails immediately if access to any row is forbidden.
* The accessCheck supplied should throw an error on denial.
private async _checkRows(cursor: ActionCursor, accessCheck: IAccessCheck): Promise<void> {
const {action} = cursor;
// This check applies to data changes only.
if (!isDataAction(action)) { return; }
const {rowsBefore, rowsAfter} = await this._getRowsForRecAndNewRec(cursor);
// If any change is needed, this call will fail immediately because we are using
// access checks that throw.
await this._filterRowsAndCells(cursor, rowsBefore, rowsAfter, accessCheck,
{allowRowRemoval: false});
private async _getRowsBeforeAndAfter(cursor: ActionCursor) {
const {rowsBefore, rowsAfter} = await this._getStep(cursor);
if (!rowsBefore || !rowsAfter) { throw new Error('Logic error: no rows available'); }
return {rowsBefore, rowsAfter};
private async _getRowsForRecAndNewRec(cursor: ActionCursor) {
const steps = await this._getSteps();
if (cursor.actionIdx === null) { throw new Error('No step available'); }
const {rowsBefore, rowsLast} = steps[cursor.actionIdx];
if (!rowsBefore) { throw new Error('Logic error: no previous rows available'); }
if (rowsLast) {
return {rowsBefore, rowsAfter: rowsLast};
// When determining whether to apply an action, we choose to make newRec refer to the
// state at the end of the entire bundle. So we look for the last pair of row snapshots
// for the same table.
// TODO: there's a problem that this could alias rows if row ids were reused within the
// same bundle. It is kind of a slippery idea. Likewise, column renames are slippery.
// We could solve a lot of slipperiness by having newRec not transition across schema
// changes, but we don't really have the option because formula updates happen late.
let tableId = getTableId(rowsBefore);
let last = cursor.actionIdx;
for (let i = last + 1; i < steps.length; i++) {
const act = steps[i].action;
if (getTableId(act) !== tableId) { continue; }
if (act[0] === 'RenameTable') {
tableId = act[2];
last = i;
const rowsAfter = steps[cursor.actionIdx].rowsLast = steps[last].rowsAfter;
if (!rowsAfter) { throw new Error('Logic error: no next rows available'); }
return {rowsBefore, rowsAfter};
* Scrub any rows and cells to which access is not granted from an
* action. Returns filteredAction, which is the provided action, a
* modified copy of the provided action, or null. It is null if the
* action was entirely eliminated (and was not a bulk action). It is
* a modified copy if any scrubbing was needed and copyOnModify is
* set, otherwise the original is modified in place.
* Also returns censoredRows, a set of indexes of rows that have a
* censored value in them.
* If allowRowRemoval is false, then rows will not be removed, and if the user
* does not have access to a row and the action itself is not a remove action, then
* an error will be thrown. This flag setting is used when filtering outgoing
* actions, where actions need rewriting elsewhere to reflect access changes to
* rows for each individual client.
private async _filterRowsAndCells(cursor: ActionCursor, rowsBefore: TableDataAction, rowsAfter: TableDataAction,
accessCheck: IAccessCheck,
options: {
allowRowRemoval?: boolean,
copyOnModify?: boolean,
}): Promise<{
filteredAction: DocAction | null,
censoredRows: Set<number>
}> {
const censoredRows = new Set<number>();
const ruler = await this._getRuler(cursor);
const {docSession, action} = cursor;
if (action && isSchemaAction(action)) {
return {filteredAction: action, censoredRows};
let filteredAction: DocAction | null = action;
// For user convenience, for creations and deletions we equate rec and newRec.
// This makes writing rules that control multiple permissions easier to write in
// practice.
let rowsRec = rowsBefore;
let rowsNewRec = rowsAfter;
if (isAddRecordAction(action)) {
rowsRec = rowsAfter;
} else if (isRemoveRecordAction(action)) {
rowsNewRec = rowsBefore;
const rec = new RecordView(rowsRec, undefined);
const newRec = new RecordView(rowsNewRec, undefined);
const input: PredicateFormulaInput = {...await this.inputs(docSession), rec, newRec};
const [, tableId, , colValues] = action;
let filteredColValues: ColValues | BulkColValues | undefined | null = null;
const rowIds = getRowIdsFromDocAction(action);
const toRemove: number[] = [];
// Call this to make sure we are modifying a copy, not the original, if copyOnModify is set.
const copyOnNeed = () => {
if (filteredColValues === null) {
filteredAction = options?.copyOnModify ? cloneDeep(action) : action;
filteredColValues = filteredAction[3];
return filteredColValues;
let censorAt: (colId: string, idx: number) => void;
if (colValues === undefined) {
censorAt = () => 1;
} else if (Array.isArray(action[2])) {
censorAt = (colId, idx) => (copyOnNeed() as BulkColValues)[colId][idx] = [GristObjCode.Censored];
} else {
censorAt = (colId) => (copyOnNeed() as ColValues)[colId] = [GristObjCode.Censored];
// These map an index of a row in the action to its index in rowsBefore and in rowsAfter.
let getRecIndex: (idx: number) => number|undefined = (idx) => idx;
let getNewRecIndex: (idx: number) => number|undefined = (idx) => idx;
if (action !== rowsRec) {
const recIndexes = new Map(rowsRec[2].map((rowId, idx) => [rowId, idx]));
getRecIndex = (idx) => recIndexes.get(rowIds[idx]);
if (action !== rowsNewRec) {
const newRecIndexes = new Map(rowsNewRec[2].map((rowId, idx) => [rowId, idx]));
getNewRecIndex = (idx) => newRecIndexes.get(rowIds[idx]);
for (let idx = 0; idx < rowIds.length; idx++) {
rec.index = getRecIndex(idx);
newRec.index = getNewRecIndex(idx);
const rowPermInfo = new PermissionInfo(ruler.ruleCollection, input);
// getTableAccess() evaluates all column rules for THIS record. So it's really rowAccess.
const rowAccess = rowPermInfo.getTableAccess(tableId);
const access = accessCheck.get(rowAccess);
if (access === 'deny') {
} else if (access !== 'allow' && colValues) {
// Go over column rules.
for (const colId of Object.keys(colValues)) {
const colAccess = rowPermInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId);
if (accessCheck.get(colAccess) === 'deny') {
censorAt(colId, idx);
if (toRemove.length > 0) {
if (options.allowRowRemoval) {
if (Array.isArray(filteredAction[2])) {
this._removeRowsAt(toRemove, filteredAction[2], filteredAction[3]);
} else {
filteredAction = null;
} else {
// Artificially introduced removals are ok, otherwise this is suspect.
if (filteredAction[0] !== 'RemoveRecord' && filteredAction[0] !== 'BulkRemoveRecord') {
throw new Error('Unexpected row removal');
return {filteredAction, censoredRows};
// Compute which of the row ids supplied are for rows forbidden for this session.
// If colId is supplied, check instead whether that specific column is forbidden.
private async _getForbiddenRows(cursor: ActionCursor, data: TableDataAction, ids: Set<number>,
colId?: string): Promise<number[]> {
const ruler = await this._getRuler(cursor);
const rec = new RecordView(data, undefined);
const input: PredicateFormulaInput = {...await this.inputs(cursor.docSession), rec};
const [, tableId, rowIds] = data;
const toRemove: number[] = [];
for (let idx = 0; idx < rowIds.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
if (!ids.has(rowIds[idx])) { continue; }
const rowPermInfo = new PermissionInfo(ruler.ruleCollection, input);
// getTableAccess() evaluates all column rules for THIS record. So it's really rowAccess.
const rowAccess = rowPermInfo.getTableAccess(tableId);
if (!colId) {
if (this.getReadPermission(rowAccess) === 'deny') {
} else {
const colAccess = rowPermInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId);
if (this.getReadPermission(colAccess) === 'deny') {
return toRemove;
* Removes the toRemove rows (indexes, not row ids) from the rowIds list and from
* the colValues structure.
* toRemove must be sorted, lowest to highest.
private _removeRowsAt(toRemove: number[], rowIds: number[], colValues: BulkColValues|ColValues|undefined) {
if (toRemove.length > 0) {
pruneArray(rowIds, toRemove);
if (colValues) {
for (const values of Object.values(colValues)) {
pruneArray(values, toRemove);
* Remove columns from a ColumnValues parameter of certain DocActions, using a predicate for
* which columns to keep.
* Will retain manualSort columns regardless of wildcards.
private _filterColumns(data: BulkColValues|ColValues, shouldInclude: (colId: string) => boolean) {
for (const colId of Object.keys(data)) {
if (colId !== 'manualSort' && !shouldInclude(colId)) {
delete data[colId];
* Get PermissionInfo for the user represented by the given docSession. The returned object
* allows evaluating access level as far as possible without considering specific records.
* The result is cached in a WeakMap, and PermissionInfo does its own caching, so multiple calls
* to this._getAccess(docSession).someMethod() will reuse already-evaluated results.
private async _getAccess(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<PermissionInfo> {
// TODO The intent of caching is to avoid duplicating rule evaluations while processing a
// single request. Caching based on docSession is riskier since those persist across requests.
return this._ruler.getAccess(docSession);
private _getUserAttributes(docSession: OptDocSession): UserAttributes {
// TODO Same caching intent and caveat as for _getAccess
return getSetMapValue(this._userAttributesMap as Map<OptDocSession, UserAttributes>, docSession,
() => new UserAttributes());
* Check whether user attributes have changed. If so, prompt client
* to reload the document, since we aren't sophisticated enough to
* figure out the changes to send.
private async _checkUserAttributes(docSession: OptDocSession) {
if (!this._prevUserAttributesMap) { return; }
const userAttrBefore = this._prevUserAttributesMap.get(docSession);
if (!userAttrBefore) { return; }
await this._getAccess(docSession); // Makes sure user attrs have actually been computed.
const userAttrAfter = this._getUserAttributes(docSession);
for (const [tableId, rec] of Object.entries(userAttrAfter.rows)) {
const prev = userAttrBefore.rows[tableId];
if (!prev || JSON.stringify(prev.toJSON()) !== JSON.stringify(rec.toJSON())) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('NEED_RELOAD', 'document needs reload, user attributes changed');
* Get the "View As" user specified in link parameters.
* If aclAsUserId is set, we get the user with the specified id.
* If aclAsUser is set, we get the user with the specified email,
* from the database if possible, otherwise from user attribute
* tables or examples.
private async _getViewAsUser(linkParameters: Record<string, string>): Promise<UserOverride> {
// Look up user information in database, if available
const dbUser = linkParameters.aclAsUserId ?
(await this._homeDbManager?.getUser(integerParam(linkParameters.aclAsUserId, 'aclAsUserId'))) :
(await this._homeDbManager?.getExistingUserByLogin(linkParameters.aclAsUser));
// If this is one of example users we will pretend that it doesn't exist, otherwise we would
// end up using permissions of the real user.
const isExampleUser = this.getExampleViewAsUsers().some(e => === dbUser?.loginEmail);
const userExists = dbUser && !isExampleUser;
if (!userExists && linkParameters.aclAsUser) {
// Look further for the user, in user attribute tables or examples.
const otherUsers = (await this.collectViewAsUsersFromUserAttributeTables())
const email = normalizeEmail(linkParameters.aclAsUser);
const dummyUser = otherUsers.find(user => normalizeEmail(user?.email || '') === email);
if (dummyUser) {
return {
access: dummyUser.access || null,
user: {
id: -1,
name: ||!,
const docAuth = userExists ? await this._homeDbManager?.getDocAuthCached({
urlId: this._docId,
}) : null;
const access = docAuth?.access || null;
const user = userExists ? this._homeDbManager?.makeFullUser(dbUser) : null;
return { access, user: user || null };
* Remove a set of rows from a DocAction. If the DocAction ends up empty, null is returned.
* If the DocAction needs modification, it is copied first - the original is never
* changed.
private _removeRows(a: DocAction, rowIds: Set<number>): DocAction|null {
// If there are no rows, there's nothing to do.
if (isSchemaAction(a)) { return a; }
if (a[0] === 'AddRecord' || a[0] === 'UpdateRecord' || a[0] === 'RemoveRecord') {
return rowIds.has(a[2]) ? null : a;
const na = cloneDeep(a);
const [, , oldIds, bulkColValues] = na;
const mask =, idx) => rowIds.has(id) ? idx : false).filter(v => v !== false) as number[];
this._removeRowsAt(mask, oldIds, bulkColValues);
if (oldIds.length === 0) { return null; }
return na;
* Make a BulkAddRecord for a set of rows.
private _makeAdditions(data: TableDataAction, rowIds: Set<number>): BulkAddRecord|null {
if (rowIds.size === 0) { return null; }
// TODO: optimize implementation, this does an unnecessary clone.
const notAdded = data[2].filter(id => !rowIds.has(id));
const partialData = this._removeRows(data, new Set(notAdded)) as TableDataAction|null;
if (partialData === null) { return partialData; }
return ['BulkAddRecord', partialData[1], partialData[2], partialData[3]];
* Make a BulkRemoveRecord for a set of rows.
private _makeRemovals(data: TableDataAction, rowIds: Set<number>): BulkRemoveRecord|null {
if (rowIds.size === 0) { return null; }
return ['BulkRemoveRecord', getTableId(data), [...rowIds]];
* Make a BulkUpdateRecord for a particular column across a set of rows.
private _makeColumnUpdate(data: TableDataAction, colId: string, rowIds: Set<number>): BulkUpdateRecord {
const dataRowIds = data[2];
const selectedRowIds = dataRowIds.filter(r => rowIds.has(r));
const colData = data[3][colId].filter((value, idx) => rowIds.has(dataRowIds[idx]));
return ['BulkUpdateRecord', getTableId(data), selectedRowIds, {[colId]: colData}];
private async _getSteps(): Promise<Array<ActionStep>> {
if (!this._steps) {
this._steps = this._getUncachedSteps().catch(e => {
log.error('step computation failed:', e);
throw e;
return this._steps;
private async _getMetaSteps(): Promise<Array<MetaStep>> {
if (!this._metaSteps) {
this._metaSteps = this._getUncachedMetaSteps().catch(e => {
log.error('meta step computation failed:', e);
throw e;
return this._metaSteps;
* Prepare to compute intermediate states of rows, as
* this._steps. The computation should happen only if
* needed, which depends on the rules and actions. The computation
* uses the state of the database, and so depends on whether the
* docActions have already been applied to the database or not, as
* determined by the this._applied flag, which should never be
* changed during any possible use of this._steps.
private async _getUncachedSteps(): Promise<Array<ActionStep>> {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
const {docActions, undo, applied} = this._activeBundle;
// For row access work, we'll need to know the state of affected rows before and
// after the actions.
// First figure out what rows in which tables are touched during the actions.
const rows = new Map(getRelatedRows(applied ? [...undo].reverse() : docActions));
// Populate a minimal in-memory version of the database with these rows.
const docData = new DocData(
async (tableId) => {
return {
tableData: await this._fetchQueryFromDB({tableId, filters: {id: [...rows.get(tableId)!]}})
// Load pre-existing rows touched by the bundle.
await Promise.all([...rows.keys()].map(tableId => docData.syncTable(tableId)));
if (applied) {
// Apply the undo actions, since the docActions have already been applied to the db.
for (const docAction of [...undo].reverse()) { docData.receiveAction(docAction); }
// Now step forward, storing the before and after state for the table
// involved in each action. We'll use this to compute row access changes.
// For simple changes, the rows will be just the minimal set needed.
// This could definitely be optimized. E.g. for pure table updates, these
// states could be extracted while applying undo actions, with no need for
// a forward pass. And for a series of updates to the same table, there'll
// be duplicated before/after states that could be optimized.
const steps = new Array<ActionStep>();
for (const docAction of docActions) {
const tableId = getTableId(docAction);
const tableData = docData.getTable(tableId);
const rowsBefore = cloneDeep(tableData?.getTableDataAction() || ['TableData', '', [], {}] as TableDataAction);
// If table is deleted, state afterwards doesn't matter.
const rowsAfter = docData.getTable(tableId) ?
cloneDeep(tableData?.getTableDataAction() || ['TableData', '', [], {}] as TableDataAction) :
const step: ActionStep = {action: docAction, rowsBefore, rowsAfter};
return steps;
* Prepare to compute intermediate metadata and rules, as this._metaSteps.
private async _getUncachedMetaSteps(): Promise<Array<MetaStep>> {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
const {docActions, undo, applied} = this._activeBundle;
const needMeta = docActions.some(a => isSchemaAction(a) || getTableId(a).startsWith('_grist_'));
if (!needMeta) {
// Sometimes, the intermediate states are trivial.
// TODO: look into whether it would be worth caching attachment columns.
const attachmentColumns = getAttachmentColumns(this._docData);
return => ({action, attachmentColumns}));
const metaDocData = new DocData(
async (tableId) => {
const result = this._docData.getTable(tableId)?.getTableDataAction();
if (!result) { throw new Error('surprising load'); }
return {tableData: result};
// Read the structural tables.
await Promise.all([...STRUCTURAL_TABLES].map(tableId => metaDocData.syncTable(tableId)));
if (applied) {
for (const docAction of [...undo].reverse()) { metaDocData.receiveAction(docAction); }
let meta = {} as {[key: string]: TableDataAction};
// Metadata is stored as a hash of TableDataActions.
for (const tableId of STRUCTURAL_TABLES) {
meta[tableId] = cloneDeep(metaDocData.getTable(tableId)!.getTableDataAction());
// Now step forward, tracking metadata and rules through any changes that occur.
const steps = new Array<MetaStep>();
let ruler = this._ruler;
if (applied) {
// Rules may have changed - back them off to a copy of their original state.
ruler = new Ruler(this);
await ruler.update(metaDocData);
let replaceRuler = false;
for (const docAction of docActions) {
const tableId = getTableId(docAction);
const step: MetaStep = {action: docAction};
step.metaBefore = meta;
if (STRUCTURAL_TABLES.has(tableId)) {
// make shallow copy of all tables
meta = {...meta};
// replace table just modified with a deep copy
meta[tableId] = cloneDeep(metaDocData.getTable(tableId)!.getTableDataAction());
step.metaAfter = meta;
// replaceRuler logic avoids updating rules between paired changes of resources and rules.
if (actionHasRuleChange(docAction)) {
replaceRuler = true;
} else if (replaceRuler) {
ruler = new Ruler(this);
await ruler.update(metaDocData);
replaceRuler = false;
step.ruler = ruler;
step.attachmentColumns = getAttachmentColumns(metaDocData);
return steps;
* Return any permitted parts of an action. A completely forbidden
* action results in an empty list. Forbidden columns and rows will
* be stripped from a returned action. Rows with forbidden cells are
* extracted and returned in distinct actions (since they will have
* a distinct set of columns).
* This method should only be called with data actions, and will throw
* for anything else.
private async _prefilterDocAction(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<DocAction[]> {
const {action, docSession} = cursor;
const tableId = getTableId(action);
const permInfo = await this._getStepAccess(cursor);
const tableAccess = permInfo.getTableAccess(tableId);
const accessCheck = await this._getAccessForActionType(docSession, action, 'check');
const access = accessCheck.get(tableAccess);
if (access === 'deny') {
// Filter out this action entirely.
return [];
} else if (access === 'allow') {
// Retain this action entirely.
return [action];
} else if (access === 'mixedColumns') {
// Retain some or all columns entirely.
const act = this._pruneColumns(action, permInfo, tableId, accessCheck);
return act ? [act] : [];
// The remainder is the mixed condition.
const {rowsBefore, rowsAfter} = await this._getRowsForRecAndNewRec(cursor);
const {censoredRows, filteredAction} = await this._filterRowsAndCells({...cursor, action: cloneDeep(action)},
rowsBefore, rowsAfter, accessCheck,
{allowRowRemoval: true});
if (filteredAction === null) {
return [];
if (!isDataAction(filteredAction)) {
throw new Error('_prefilterDocAction called with unexpected action');
if (isRemoveRecordAction(filteredAction)) {
// removals do not mention columns or cells, so no further complications.
return [filteredAction];
// Strip any forbidden columns.
(colId) => accessCheck.get(permInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId)) !== 'deny');
if (censoredRows.size === 0) {
// no cell censorship, so no further complications.
return [filteredAction];
return filterColValues(filteredAction, (idx) => censoredRows.has(idx), gristTypes.isCensored);
* Tailor the information about a change reported to a given client. The action passed in
* is never modified. The actions output may differ in the following ways:
* - Tables, columns or rows may be omitted if the client does not have access to them.
* - Columns in structural metadata tables may be cleared if the client does not have
* access to the resources they relate to.
* - Columns in the _grist_Views table may be cleared or uncleared depending on changes
* in other metadata tables.
* - Rows may be inserted if the client newly acquires access to them via an update.
* TODO: I think that column rules controlling READ access using rec are not fully supported
* yet. They work on first load, but if READ access is lost/gained updates won't be made.
private async _filterOutgoingDocAction(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<ActionCursor[]> {
const {action} = cursor;
const tableId = getTableId(action);
let results: DocAction[] = [];
if (tableId.startsWith('_grist')) {
// Granular access rules don't apply to metadata directly, instead there
// is a process of censorship (see later in this method).
results = [action];
} else {
const permInfo = await this._getStepAccess(cursor);
const tableAccess = permInfo.getTableAccess(tableId);
const access = this.getReadPermission(tableAccess);
const readAccessCheck = this._readAccessCheck(cursor.docSession);
if (access === 'deny') {
// filter out this data.
} else if (access === 'allow') {
} else if (access === 'mixedColumns') {
const act = this._pruneColumns(action, permInfo, tableId, readAccessCheck);
if (act) { results.push(act); }
} else {
// The remainder is the mixed condition.
for (const act of await this._pruneRows(cursor)) {
const prunedAct = this._pruneColumns(act, permInfo, tableId, readAccessCheck);
if (prunedAct) { results.push(prunedAct); }
const secondPass: DocAction[] = [];
for (const act of results) {
if (STRUCTURAL_TABLES.has(getTableId(act)) && isDataAction(act)) {
await this._filterOutgoingStructuralTables(cursor, act, secondPass);
} else {
return => ({ ...cursor, action: act }));
private async _filterOutgoingStructuralTables(cursor: ActionCursor, act: DataAction, results: DocAction[]) {
// Filter out sensitive columns from tables.
const permissionInfo = await this._getStepAccess(cursor);
const step = await this._getMetaStep(cursor);
if (!step.metaAfter) { throw new Error('missing metadata'); }
act = cloneDeep(act); // Don't change original action.
const ruler = await this._getRuler(cursor);
const censor = new CensorshipInfo(permissionInfo,
await this.hasAccessRulesPermission(cursor.docSession));
if (censor.apply(act)) {
// There's a wrinkle to deal with. If we just added or removed a section, we need to
// reconsider whether the view containing it is visible.
if (getTableId(act) === '_grist_Views_section') {
if (!step.metaBefore) { throw new Error('missing prior metadata'); }
const censorBefore = new CensorshipInfo(permissionInfo,
await this.hasAccessRulesPermission(cursor.docSession));
// For all views previously censored, if they are now uncensored,
// add an UpdateRecord to expose them.
for (const v of censorBefore.censoredViews) {
if (!censor.censoredViews.has(v)) {
const table = step.metaAfter._grist_Views;
const idx = table[2].indexOf(v);
const name = table[3].name[idx];
results.push(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', v, {name}]);
// For all views currently censored, if they were previously uncensored,
// add an UpdateRecord to censor them.
for (const v of censor.censoredViews) {
if (!censorBefore.censoredViews.has(v)) {
results.push(['UpdateRecord', '_grist_Views', v, {name: ''}]);
private async _checkIncomingDocAction(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<void> {
await this._checkIncomingAttachmentChanges(cursor);
const {action, docSession} = cursor;
const accessCheck = await this._getAccessForActionType(docSession, action, 'fatal');
const tableId = getTableId(action);
const permInfo = await this._getStepAccess(cursor);
const tableAccess = permInfo.getTableAccess(tableId);
const access = accessCheck.get(tableAccess);
if (access === 'allow') { return; }
if (access === 'mixed') {
// Deal with row-level access for the mixed condition.
await this._checkRows(cursor, accessCheck);
// Somewhat abusing prune method by calling it with an access function that
// throws on denial.
this._pruneColumns(action, permInfo, tableId, accessCheck);
* Take a look at the DocAction and see if it might allow the user to
* introduce attachment ids into a cell. If so, make sure the user
* has the right to access any attachments mentioned.
private async _checkIncomingAttachmentChanges(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<void> {
const {docSession} = cursor;
const attIds = await this._gatherAttachmentChanges(cursor);
for (const attId of attIds) {
if (!await this.isAttachmentUploadedByUser(docSession, attId) &&
!await this.findAttachmentCellForUser(docSession, attId)) {
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'Cannot access attachment', {
status: 403,
* If user doesn't have sufficient rights, rewrite any attachment information
* as follows:
* - Remove data actions (other than [Bulk]RemoveRecord) on the _grist_Attachments table
* - Gather any attachment ids mentioned in data actions
* - Prepend a BulkAddRecord for _grist_Attachments giving metadata for the attachments
* This will result in metadata being sent to clients more than necessary,
* but saves us keeping track of which clients already know about which
* attachments.
* We don't make any particular effort to retract attachment metadata from
* clients if they lose access to it later. They won't have access to the
* content of the attachment, and will lose metadata on a document reload.
private async _filterOutgoingAttachments(cursors: ActionCursor[]) {
if (cursors.length === 0) { return []; }
const docSession = cursors[0].docSession;
if (!await this.needAttachmentControl(docSession)) {
return cursors;
const result = [] as ActionCursor[];
const attIds = new Set<number>();
for (const cursor of cursors) {
const changes = await this._gatherAttachmentChanges(cursor);
// We assume here that ACL rules were already applied and columns were
// either removed or censored.
// Gather all attachment ids stored in user tables.
for (const attId of changes) {
const {action} = cursor;
// Remove any additions or updates to the _grist_Attachments table.
if (!isDataAction(action) || isRemoveRecordAction(action) || getTableId(action) !== '_grist_Attachments') {
// We removed all actions that created attachments, now send all attachments metadata
// we currently have that are related to actions being broadcast.
if (attIds.size > 0) {
const act = this._docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Attachments')
action: act,
// For access control purposes, this new action will be under the
// same access rules as the first DocAction.
actionIdx: cursors[0].actionIdx,
return result;
private async _gatherAttachmentChanges(cursor: ActionCursor): Promise<Set<number>> {
const empty = new Set<number>();
const options = this._activeBundle?.options;
if (options?.fromOwnHistory && options.oldestSource && - options.oldestSource < HISTORICAL_ATTACHMENT_OWNERSHIP_PERIOD) {
return empty;
const {action, docSession} = cursor;
if (!isDataAction(action)) { return empty; }
if (isRemoveRecordAction(action)) { return empty; }
const tableId = getTableId(action);
const step = await this._getMetaStep(cursor);
const attachmentColumns = step.attachmentColumns;
if (!attachmentColumns) { return empty; }
const ac = attachmentColumns.get(tableId);
if (!ac) { return empty; }
const colIds = getColIdsFromDocAction(action) || [];
if (!colIds.some(colId => ac.has(colId))) { return empty; }
if (!await this.needAttachmentControl(docSession)) { return empty; }
return gatherAttachmentIds(attachmentColumns, action);
private async _getRuler(cursor: ActionCursor) {
if (cursor.actionIdx === null) { return this._ruler; }
const step = await this._getMetaStep(cursor);
return step.ruler || this._ruler;
private async _getStepAccess(cursor: ActionCursor) {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
if (this._activeBundle.hasAnyRuleChange) {
const step = await this._getMetaStep(cursor);
if (step.ruler) { return step.ruler.getAccess(cursor.docSession); }
// No rule changes!
return this._getAccess(cursor.docSession);
private async _getStep(cursor: ActionCursor) {
if (cursor.actionIdx === null) { throw new Error('No step available'); }
const steps = await this._getSteps();
return steps[cursor.actionIdx];
private async _getMetaStep(cursor: ActionCursor) {
if (cursor.actionIdx === null) { throw new Error('No step available'); }
const steps = await this._getMetaSteps();
return steps[cursor.actionIdx];
// Get an AccessCheck appropriate for the specific action.
// TODO: deal with ReplaceTableData, which both deletes and creates rows.
private async _getAccessForActionType(docSession: OptDocSession, a: DocAction,
severity: 'check'|'fatal'): Promise<IAccessCheck> {
if (this._hasExceptionalFullAccess(docSession)) {
return dummyAccessCheck;
const tableId = getTableId(a);
if (tableId.startsWith('_grist') && tableId !== '_grist_Cells') {
if (tableId === '_grist_Attachments') {
// If the back end is adding/removing an attachment, all
// necessary authentication has happened, and we can go ahead
// and do it. Perhaps the back end should just use an
// exceptional session for this, rather than a special
// flag. That would change attribution of the action in the
// log, so I stuck with a flag, but I'm not sure if
// attribution is particularly useful in this case.
if (this._activeBundle?.options?.attachment) {
return dummyAccessCheck;
// Users cannot take actions on _grist_Attachments through the regular
// action interface.
throw new Error('_grist_Attachments modification is not allowed');
// Actions on any metadata table currently require the schemaEdit flag.
// Exception: the cell info table, which needs to be reworked to be compatible
// with granular access.
// Another exception: ensure owners always have full access to ACL tables, so they
// can change rules and don't get stuck.
if (isAclTable(tableId) && await this.isOwner(docSession)) {
return dummyAccessCheck;
return accessChecks[severity].schemaEdit;
} else if (a[0] === 'UpdateRecord' || a[0] === 'BulkUpdateRecord') {
return accessChecks[severity].update;
} else if (a[0] === 'RemoveRecord' || a[0] === 'BulkRemoveRecord') {
return accessChecks[severity].delete;
} else if (a[0] === 'AddRecord' || a[0] === 'BulkAddRecord') {
return accessChecks[severity].create;
} else {
return accessChecks[severity].schemaEdit;
* Filter outgoing actions and include or remove cell information from _grist_Cells.
private async _filterOutgoingCellInfo(docSession: OptDocSession, before: DocAction[], after: DocAction[]) {
// Rewrite bundle, simplifying all actions that are touching cell metadata.
const cellView = new CellData(this._docData);
const patch = cellView.generatePatch(before);
// If there is nothing to do, just return after state.
if (!patch) { return after; }
// Now remove all action that modify cell metadata from after.
// We will use the patch to reconstruct the cell metadata.
const result = after.filter(action => !isCellDataAction(action));
// Prepare checker, we need to use checker from the last step.
const cursor = {
action: before[before.length - 1],
actionIdx: before.length - 1
const ruler = await this._getRuler(cursor);
const permInfo = await ruler.getAccess(docSession);
const inputs = await this.inputs(docSession);
// Cache some data, as they are checked.
const readRows = memoize(this._fetchQueryFromDB.bind(this));
const hasAccess = async (cell: SingleCell) => {
// First check table access, maybe table is hidden.
const tableAccess = permInfo.getTableAccess(cell.tableId);
const access = this.getReadPermission(tableAccess);
if (access === 'deny') { return false; }
// Check, if table is fully allowed (no ACL column/rows rules).
if (access === 'allow') { return true; }
// Maybe there are only rules that hides this column completely.
if (access === 'mixedColumns') {
const collAccess = this.getReadPermission(permInfo.getColumnAccess(cell.tableId, cell.colId));
if (collAccess === 'deny') { return false; }
if (collAccess === 'allow') { return true; }
// Probably there are rules at the cell level, check them.
const rows = await readRows({
tableId: cell.tableId,
filters: { id: [cell.rowId] }
// Make sure we have row.
if (!rows || rows[2].length === 0) {
if (cell.rowId) {
return false;
const rec = rows ? new RecordView(rows, 0) : undefined;
const input: PredicateFormulaInput = {...inputs, rec, newRec: rec};
const rowPermInfo = new PermissionInfo(ruler.ruleCollection, input);
const rowAccess = rowPermInfo.getTableAccess(cell.tableId);
if (rowAccess === 'deny') { return false; }
if (rowAccess !== 'allow') {
const colAccess = rowPermInfo.getColumnAccess(cell.tableId, cell.colId);
if (colAccess === 'deny') { return false; }
return true;
// Now censor the patch, so it only contains cells content that user has access to.
await cellView.censorCells(patch, (cell) => hasAccess(cell));
// And append it to the result.
return result;
* Tests if the user can modify cell's data.
private async _canApplyCellActions(currentUser: User, userIsOwner: boolean) {
// Owner can modify all comments, without exceptions.
if (userIsOwner) {
if (!this._activeBundle) { throw new Error('no active bundle'); }
const {docActions, docSession} = this._activeBundle;
const snapShot = await this.createSnapshotWithCells();
const cellView = new CellData(snapShot);
await cellView.applyAndCheck(
currentUser.UserRef || '',
(cell, state) => this.hasCellAccess(docSession, cell, state),
private _createCellAccess(docSession: OptDocSession, docData?: DocData) {
return new CellAccessHelper(this, this._ruler, docSession, this._fetchQueryFromDB, docData);
* A snapshots of rules and permissions at during one of more steps within a bundle.
export class Ruler {
// The collection of all rules, with helpful accessors.
public ruleCollection = new ACLRuleCollection();
// Cache of PermissionInfo associated with the given docSession. It's a WeakMap, so should allow
// both to be garbage-collected once docSession is no longer in use.
private _permissionInfoMap = new WeakMap<OptDocSession, Promise<PermissionInfo>>();
public constructor(private _owner: RulerOwner) {}
public async getAccess(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<PermissionInfo> {
// TODO The intent of caching is to avoid duplicating rule evaluations while processing a
// single request. Caching based on docSession is riskier since those persist across requests.
return getSetMapValue(this._permissionInfoMap as Map<OptDocSession, Promise<PermissionInfo>>, docSession,
async () => new PermissionInfo(this.ruleCollection, await this._owner.inputs(docSession)));
public flushAccess(docSession: OptDocSession) {
* Update granular access from DocData.
public async update(docData: DocData) {
await this.ruleCollection.update(docData, {
compile: compilePredicateFormula,
enrichRulesForImplementation: true,
// Also clear the per-docSession cache of rule evaluations.
public clearCache() {
this._permissionInfoMap = new WeakMap();
public haveRules() {
return this.ruleCollection.haveRules();
export interface RulerOwner {
getUser(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<User>;
inputs(docSession: OptDocSession): Promise<PredicateFormulaInput>;
* Information about a single step within a bundle. We cache this information to share
* when filtering output to several clients.
export interface ActionStep {
action: DocAction;
rowsBefore: TableDataAction|undefined; // only defined for actions modifying rows
rowsAfter: TableDataAction|undefined; // only defined for actions modifying rows
rowsLast?: TableDataAction; // cached calculation of where to point "newRec"
export interface MetaStep {
action: DocAction;
metaBefore?: {[key: string]: TableDataAction}; // cached structural metadata before action
metaAfter?: {[key: string]: TableDataAction}; // cached structural metadata after action
ruler?: Ruler; // rules at this step
attachmentColumns?: AttachmentColumns; // attachment columns after this step
* A pointer to a particular step within a bundle for a particular session.
interface ActionCursor {
action: DocAction;
docSession: OptDocSession;
actionIdx: number|null; // an index into where we are within the original
// DocActions, for access control purposes.
// Used for referencing a cache of intermediate
// access control state.
* A read-write view of a DataAction, for use in censorship.
class RecordEditor implements InfoEditor {
private _rows: number[];
private _bulk: boolean;
private _data: ColValues | BulkColValues;
public constructor(public data: DataAction, public index: number|undefined,
public optional: boolean) {
const rows = data[2];
this._bulk = Array.isArray(rows);
this._rows = Array.isArray(rows) ? rows : [rows];
this._data = data[3] || {};
public get(colId: string): CellValue {
if (this.index === undefined) { return null; }
if (colId === 'id') {
return this._rows[this.index];
return this._bulk ?
(this._data as BulkColValues)[colId][this.index] :
(this._data as ColValues)[colId];
public set(colId: string, val: CellValue): this {
if (this.index === undefined) { throw new Error('cannot set value of non-existent cell'); }
if (colId === 'id') { throw new Error('cannot change id'); }
if (this.optional && !(colId in this._data)) { return this; }
if (this._bulk) {
(this._data as BulkColValues)[colId][this.index] = val;
} else {
(this._data as ColValues)[colId] = val;
return this;
public toJSON() {
if (this.index === undefined) { return {}; }
const results: {[key: string]: any} = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(this._data)) {
results[key] = this.get(key);
return results;
* Cache information about user attributes.
class UserAttributes {
public rows: {[clauseName: string]: InfoView} = {};
public override?: UserOverride;
interface IAccessCheck {
get(ps: PermissionSetWithContext): string;
throwIfDenied(ps: PermissionSetWithContext): void;
throwIfNotFullyAllowed(ps: PermissionSetWithContext): void;
class AccessCheck implements IAccessCheck {
constructor(public access: 'update'|'delete'|'create'|'schemaEdit'|'read',
public severity: 'check'|'fatal') {
public get(ps: PermissionSetWithContext): string {
const result = ps.perms[this.access];
if (result !== 'deny' || this.severity !== 'fatal') { return result; }
return result;
public throwIfDenied(ps: PermissionSetWithContext): void {
const result = ps.perms[this.access];
if (result !== 'deny') { return; }
public throwIfNotFullyAllowed(ps: PermissionSetWithContext): void {
const result = ps.perms[this.access];
if (result === 'allow') { return; }
private _throwError(ps: PermissionSetWithContext): void {
const memos = ps.getMemos()[this.access];
const label =
this.access === 'schemaEdit' ? 'structure' :
throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', `Blocked by ${ps.ruleType} ${label} access rules`, {
status: 403
export const accessChecks = {
check: fromPairs( => [prop, new AccessCheck(prop, 'check')])),
fatal: fromPairs( => [prop, new AccessCheck(prop, 'fatal')])),
// This AccessCheck allows everything.
const dummyAccessCheck: IAccessCheck = {
get() { return 'allow'; },
throwIfDenied() {},
throwIfNotFullyAllowed() {}
* Helper class to calculate access for a set of cells in bulk. Used for initial
* access check for a whole _grist_Cell table. Each cell can belong to a different
* table and row, so here we will avoid loading rows multiple times and checking
* the table access multiple time.
class CellAccessHelper {
private _tableAccess: Map<string, boolean> = new Map();
private _rowPermInfo: Map<string, Map<number, PermissionInfo>> = new Map();
private _rows: Map<string, TableDataAction> = new Map();
private _inputs!: PredicateFormulaInput;
private _granular: GranularAccess,
private _ruler: Ruler,
private _docSession: OptDocSession,
private _fetchQueryFromDB?: (query: ServerQuery) => Promise<TableDataAction>,
private _state?: DocData,
) { }
* Resolves access for all cells, and save the results in the cache.
public async calculate(cells: SingleCell[]) {
this._inputs = await this._granular.inputs(this._docSession);
const tableIds = new Set( => cell.tableId));
for (const tableId of tableIds) {
this._tableAccess.set(tableId, await this._granular.hasTableAccess(this._docSession, tableId));
if (this._tableAccess.get(tableId)) {
const rowIds = new Set(cells.filter(cell => cell.tableId === tableId).map(cell => cell.rowId));
const rows = await this._getRows(tableId, rowIds);
for(const [idx, rowId] of rows[2].entries()) {
if (rowIds.has(rowId) === false) { continue; }
const rec = new RecordView(rows, idx);
const input: PredicateFormulaInput = {...this._inputs, rec, newRec: rec};
const rowPermInfo = new PermissionInfo(this._ruler.ruleCollection, input);
if (!this._rowPermInfo.has(tableId)) {
this._rowPermInfo.set(tableId, new Map());
this._rowPermInfo.get(tableId)!.set(rows[2][idx], rowPermInfo);
this._rows.set(tableId, rows);
* Checks if user has a read access to a particular cell. Needs to be called after calculate().
public hasAccess(cell: SingleCell) {
const rowPermInfo = this._rowPermInfo.get(cell.tableId)?.get(cell.rowId);
if (!rowPermInfo) { return true; }
const rowAccess = rowPermInfo.getTableAccess(cell.tableId);
if (rowAccess === 'deny') { return true; }
if (rowAccess !== 'allow') {
const colAccess = rowPermInfo.getColumnAccess(cell.tableId, cell.colId);
if (colAccess === 'deny') { return true; }
const colValues = this._rows.get(cell.tableId);
if (!colValues || !(cell.colId in colValues[3])) { return true; }
return false;
private async _getRows(tableId: string, rowIds: Set<number>) {
if (this._state) {
const rows = this._state.getTable(tableId)!.getTableDataAction();
return rows;
if (this._fetchQueryFromDB) {
return await this._fetchQueryFromDB({
filters: { id: [...rowIds] }
return ['TableData', tableId, [], {}] as TableDataAction;
* Manage censoring metadata.
* For most metadata, censoring means blanking out certain fields, rather than removing rows,
* (because the latter was too big of a change). In particular, these changes are relied on by
* other code:
* - Censored tables (from _grist_Tables) have cleared tableId field. To check for it, use the
* isTableCensored() helper in app/common/isHiddenTable.ts. This is used by exports to Excel.
export class CensorshipInfo {
public censoredTables = new Set<number>();
public censoredSections = new Set<number>();
public censoredViews = new Set<number>();
public censoredColumns = new Set<number>();
public censoredFields = new Set<number>();
public censoredComments = new Set<number>();
public censored = {
_grist_Tables: this.censoredTables,
_grist_Tables_column: this.censoredColumns,
_grist_Views: this.censoredViews,
_grist_Views_section: this.censoredSections,
_grist_Views_section_field: this.censoredFields,
_grist_Cells: this.censoredComments,
public constructor(permInfo: PermissionInfo,
ruleCollection: ACLRuleCollection,
tables: {[key: string]: TableDataAction},
private _canViewACLs: boolean,
cellAccessInfo?: CellAccessHelper) {
// Collect a list of censored columns (by "<tableRef> <colId>").
const columnCode = (tableRef: number, colId: string) => `${tableRef} ${colId}`;
const censoredColumnCodes: Set<string> = new Set();
const tableRefToTableId: Map<number, string> = new Map();
const tableRefToIndex: Map<number, number> = new Map();
const columnRefToColId: Map<number, string> = new Map();
const uncensoredTables: Set<number> = new Set();
// Scan for forbidden tables.
let rec = new RecordView(tables._grist_Tables, undefined);
let ids = getRowIdsFromDocAction(tables._grist_Tables);
for (let idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
const tableId = rec.get('tableId') as string;
const tableRef = ids[idx];
tableRefToTableId.set(tableRef, tableId);
tableRefToIndex.set(tableRef, idx);
const tableAccess = permInfo.getTableAccess(tableId);
if ( === 'deny') {
} else if ( === 'allow') {
// Scan for forbidden columns.
ids = getRowIdsFromDocAction(tables._grist_Tables_column);
rec = new RecordView(tables._grist_Tables_column, undefined);
for (let idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
const tableRef = rec.get('parentId') as number;
const colId = rec.get('colId') as string;
const colRef = ids[idx];
columnRefToColId.set(colRef, colId);
if (uncensoredTables.has(tableRef)) { continue; }
const tableId = tableRefToTableId.get(tableRef);
if (!tableId) { throw new Error('table not found'); }
if (this.censoredTables.has(tableRef) ||
(colId !== 'manualSort' && permInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId) === 'deny')) {
censoredColumnCodes.add(columnCode(tableRef, colId));
if (isTransformColumn(colId) && permInfo.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId).perms.schemaEdit === 'deny') {
censoredColumnCodes.add(columnCode(tableRef, colId));
// Collect a list of all sections and views containing a table to which the user has no access.
rec = new RecordView(tables._grist_Views_section, undefined);
ids = getRowIdsFromDocAction(tables._grist_Views_section);
for (let idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
if (!this.censoredTables.has(rec.get('tableRef') as number)) { continue; }
const parentId = rec.get('parentId') as number;
if (parentId) { this.censoredViews.add(parentId); }
// Collect a list of all columns from tables to which the user has no access.
rec = new RecordView(tables._grist_Tables_column, undefined);
ids = getRowIdsFromDocAction(tables._grist_Tables_column);
for (let idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
const parentId = rec.get('parentId') as number;
if (this.censoredTables.has(parentId) ||
censoredColumnCodes.has(columnCode(parentId, rec.get('colId') as string))) {
// Collect a list of all fields from sections to which the user has no access.
rec = new RecordView(tables._grist_Views_section_field, undefined);
ids = getRowIdsFromDocAction(tables._grist_Views_section_field);
for (let idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
if (!this.censoredSections.has(rec.get('parentId') as number) &&
!this.censoredColumns.has(rec.get('colRef') as number)) { continue; }
// Now undo some of the above...
// Specifically, when a summary table is not censored, uncensor the source table's raw view section,
// so that the user can see the source table's title,
// which is used to construct the summary table's title. The section's fields remain censored.
// This would also be a sensible place to uncensor the source tableId, but that causes other problems.
rec = new RecordView(tables._grist_Tables, undefined);
ids = getRowIdsFromDocAction(tables._grist_Tables);
for (let idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
const tableRef = ids[idx];
const sourceTableRef = rec.get('summarySourceTable') as number;
const sourceTableIndex = tableRefToIndex.get(sourceTableRef);
if (
this.censoredTables.has(tableRef) ||
!sourceTableRef ||
sourceTableIndex === undefined ||
) { continue; }
rec.index = sourceTableIndex;
const rawViewSectionRef = rec.get('rawViewSectionRef') as number;
// Collect a list of all cells metadata to which the user has no access.
rec = new RecordView(tables._grist_Cells, undefined);
ids = tables._grist_Cells ? getRowIdsFromDocAction(tables._grist_Cells) : [];
for (let idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) {
rec.index = idx;
const isTableCensored = () => this.censoredTables.has(rec.get('tableRef') as number);
const isColumnCensored = () => this.censoredColumns.has(rec.get('colRef') as number);
const isCellCensored = () => {
if (!cellAccessInfo) { return false; }
const cell = {
tableId: tableRefToTableId.get(rec.get('tableRef') as number)!,
colId: columnRefToColId.get(rec.get('colRef') as number)!,
rowId: rec.get('rowId') as number
return !cell.tableId || !cell.colId || cellAccessInfo.hasAccess(cell);
if (isTableCensored() || isColumnCensored() || isCellCensored()) {
public apply(a: DataAction) {
const tableId = getTableId(a);
if (!STRUCTURAL_TABLES.has(tableId)) { return true; }
return this.filter(a);
public filter(a: DataAction) {
const tableId = getTableId(a);
if (!(tableId in this.censored)) {
if (!this._canViewACLs && a[0] === 'TableData') {
a[2] = [];
a[3] = {};
return this._canViewACLs;
const rec = new RecordEditor(a, undefined, true);
const method = getCensorMethod(getTableId(a));
const censoredRows = (this.censored as any)[tableId] as Set<number>;
const ids = getRowIdsFromDocAction(a);
for (const [index, id] of ids.entries()) {
if (censoredRows.has(id)) {
rec.index = index;
return true;
function getCensorMethod(tableId: string): (rec: RecordEditor) => void {
switch (tableId) {
case '_grist_Tables':
return rec => rec.set('tableId', '');
case '_grist_Views':
return rec => rec.set('name', '');
case '_grist_Views_section':
return rec => rec.set('title', '').set('tableRef', 0);
case '_grist_Tables_column':
return rec => rec.set('label', '').set('colId', '').set('widgetOptions', '')
.set('formula', '').set('type', 'Any').set('parentId', 0);
case '_grist_Views_section_field':
return rec => rec.set('widgetOptions', '').set('filter', '').set('parentId', 0);
case '_grist_ACLResources':
return rec => rec;
case '_grist_ACLRules':
return rec => rec;
case '_grist_Shares':
return rec => rec;
case '_grist_Cells':
return rec => rec.set('content', [GristObjCode.Censored]).set('userRef', '');
throw new Error(`cannot censor ${tableId}`);
function scanActionsRecursively<T extends DocAction|UserAction>(actions: T[],
check: (action: T) => boolean): boolean {
for (const a of actions) {
if (a[0] === 'ApplyUndoActions' || a[0] === 'ApplyDocActions') {
return scanActionsRecursively(a[1] as T[], check);
if (check(a)) { return true; }
return false;
async function applyToActionsRecursively(actions: (DocAction|UserAction)[],
op: (action: DocAction|UserAction) => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
for (const a of actions) {
if (a[0] === 'ApplyUndoActions' || a[0] === 'ApplyDocActions') {
await applyToActionsRecursively(a[1] as UserAction[], op);
await op(a);
* Takes an action, and removes certain cells from it. The action
* passed in is modified in place, and also returned as part of a list
* of derived actions.
* For a non-bulk action, any cell values that return true for
* shouldFilterCell are removed. For a bulk action, there's no way to
* express that in general in a single action. For a bulk action, for
* any row (identified by row index, not rowId) that returns true for
* shouldFilterRow, we remove cell values based on shouldFilterCell
* and add the row to an action with just the remaining cell values.
* This is by no means a general-purpose function. It is used only in
* the implementation of partial undos. If is factored out for
* testing purposes.
* This method could be made unnecessary if a way were created to have
* unambiguous "holes" in column value arrays, where values for some
* rows are omitted.
export function filterColValues(action: DataAction,
shouldFilterRow: (idx: number) => boolean,
shouldFilterCell: (value: CellValue) => boolean): DataAction[] {
if (isRemoveRecordAction(action)) {
// removals do not have cells, so nothing to do.
return [action];
const colIds = Object.keys(action[3]).sort();
const colValues = action[3];
if (!isBulkAction(action)) {
for (const colId of colIds) {
if (shouldFilterCell((colValues as ColValues)[colId])) {
delete colValues[colId];
return [action];
const rowIds = action[2];
// For bulk operations, censored cells require us to reorganize into a set of actions
// with different columns.
const parts: Map<string, typeof action> = new Map();
let at = 0;
for (let idx = 0; idx < rowIds.length; idx++) {
if (!shouldFilterRow(idx)) {
if (idx !== at) {
// Shuffle columnar data up as we remove rows.
rowIds[at] = rowIds[idx];
for (const colId of colIds) {
(colValues as BulkColValues)[colId][at] = (colValues as BulkColValues)[colId][idx];
// Some censored data in this row, so move the row to an action specialized
// for the set of columns this row has.
const keys: string[] = [];
const values: BulkColValues = {};
for (const colId of colIds) {
const value = (colValues as BulkColValues)[colId][idx];
if (!shouldFilterCell(value)) {
values[colId] = [value];
const mergedKey = keys.join(' ');
const peers = parts.get(mergedKey);
if (!peers) {
parts.set(mergedKey, [action[0], action[1], [rowIds[idx]], values]);
} else {
for (const key of keys) {
// Truncate columnar data.
rowIds.length = at;
for (const colId of colIds) {
(colValues as BulkColValues)[colId].length = at;
// Return all actions, in a consistent order for test purposes.
return [action, ...[].sort().map(key => parts.get(key)!)];
export function validTableIdString(tableId: any): string {
if (typeof tableId !== 'string') { throw new Error(`Expected tableId to be a string`); }
return tableId;
function actionHasRuleChange(a: DocAction): boolean {
return isAclTable(getTableId(a)) || (
// Check if any helper columns have been specified while adding/updating a metadata record,
// as this will affect the result of `getHelperCols` in `ACLRuleCollection.ts` and thus the set of ACL resources.
// Note that removing a helper column doesn't directly trigger this code, but:
// - It will typically be accompanied closely by unsetting the helper column on the metadata record.
// - `getHelperCols` can handle non-existent helper columns and other similarly invalid metadata.
// - Since the column is removed, ACL restrictions on it don't really matter.
&& ["_grist_Tables_column", "_grist_Views_section_field"].includes(getTableId(a))
&& Boolean(
a[3]?.hasOwnProperty('rules') ||
* Wrapper around a permission info object that overrides permissions for transform columns.
class TransformColumnPermissionInfo implements IPermissionInfo {
constructor(private _inner: IPermissionInfo) {
public getColumnAccess(tableId: string, colId: string): MixedPermissionSetWithContext {
const access = this._inner.getColumnAccess(tableId, colId);
const isSchemaDenied = access.perms.schemaEdit === 'deny';
// If this is a transform column, it's only accessible if the user has a schemaEdit access.
if (isSchemaDenied && isTransformColumn(colId)) {
return {
perms: {
create: 'deny',
read: 'deny',
update: 'deny',
delete: 'deny',
schemaEdit: 'deny',
return access;
public getTableAccess(tableId: string): TablePermissionSetWithContext {
return this._inner.getTableAccess(tableId);
public getFullAccess(): MixedPermissionSetWithContext {
return this._inner.getFullAccess();
public getRuleCollection(): ACLRuleCollection {
return this._inner.getRuleCollection();
interface SingleCellInfo extends SingleCell {
userRef: string;
id: number;
* Helper class that extends DocData with cell specific functions.
export class CellData {
constructor(private _docData: DocData) {
public getCell(cellId: number) {
const row = this._docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Cells").getRecord(cellId);
return row ? this.convertToCellInfo(row) : null;
public getCellRecord(cellId: number) {
const row = this._docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Cells").getRecord(cellId);
return row || null;
* Generates a patch for cell metadata. It assumes, that engine removes all
* cell metadata when cell (table/column/row) is removed and the bundle contains,
* all actions that are needed to remove the cell and cell metadata.
public generatePatch(actions: DocAction[]) {
const removedCells: Set<number> = new Set();
const addedCells: Set<number> = new Set();
const updatedCells: Set<number> = new Set();
function applyCellAction(action: DataAction) {
if (isAddRecordAction(action) || isBulkAddRecord(action)) {
for(const id of getRowIdsFromDocAction(action)) {
if (removedCells.has(id)) {
} else {
} else if (isRemoveRecordAction(action) || isBulkRemoveRecord(action)) {
for(const id of getRowIdsFromDocAction(action)) {
if (addedCells.has(id)) {
} else {
} else {
for(const id of getRowIdsFromDocAction(action)) {
if (addedCells.has(id)) {
// ignore
} else {
// Scan all actions and collect all cell ids that are added, removed or updated.
// When some rows are updated, include all cells for that row. Keep track of table
// renames.
const updatedRows: Map<string, Set<number>> = new Map();
for(const action of actions) {
if (action[0] === 'RenameTable') {
updatedRows.set(action[2], updatedRows.get(action[1]) || new Set());
if (action[0] === 'RemoveTable') {
if (isDataAction(action) && isCellDataAction(action)) {
if (!isDataAction(action)) { continue; }
// We don't care about new rows, as they don't have meta data at this moment.
// If regular rows are removed, we also don't care about them, as they will
// produce metadata removal.
// We only care about updates, as it might change the metadata visibility.
if (isUpdateRecord(action) || isBulkUpdateRecord(action)) {
if (getTableId(action).startsWith("_grist")) { continue; }
// Updating a row, for us means that all metadata for this row should be refreshed.
for(const rowId of getRowIdsFromDocAction(action)) {
getSetMapValue(updatedRows, getTableId(action), () => new Set()).add(rowId);
for(const [tableId, rowIds] of updatedRows) {
for(const {id} of this.readCells(tableId, rowIds)) {
if (addedCells.has(id) || updatedCells.has(id) || removedCells.has(id)) {
// If we have this cell id in the list of added/updated/removed cells, ignore it.
} else {
const insert = this.generateInsert([...addedCells]);
const update = this.generateUpdate([...updatedCells]);
const removes = this.generateRemovals([...removedCells]);
const patch: DocAction[] = [insert, update, removes].filter(Boolean) as DocAction[];
return patch.length ? patch : null;
public async censorCells(
docActions: DocAction[],
hasAccess: (cell: SingleCellInfo) => Promise<boolean>
) {
for (const action of docActions) {
if (!isDataAction(action) || isRemoveRecordAction(action)) {
} else if (isDataAction(action) && getTableId(action) === '_grist_Cells') {
if (!isBulkAction(action)) {
const cell = this.getCell(action[2]);
if (!cell || !await hasAccess(cell)) {
action[3].content = [GristObjCode.Censored];
action[3].userRef = '';
} else {
for (let idx = 0; idx < action[2].length; idx++) {
const cell = this.getCell(action[2][idx]);
if (!cell || !await hasAccess(cell)) {
action[3].content[idx] = [GristObjCode.Censored];
action[3].userRef[idx] = '';
return docActions;
public convertToCellInfo(cell: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Cells'>): SingleCellInfo {
const singleCell = {
tableId: this.getTableId(cell.tableRef) as string,
colId: this.getColId(cell.colRef) as string,
rowId: cell.rowId,
userRef: cell.userRef,
return singleCell;
public getColId(colRef: number) {
return this._docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column").getRecord(colRef)?.colId;
public getColRef(table: number|string, colId: string) {
const tableRef = typeof table === 'string' ? this.getTableRef(table) : table;
return this._docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column").filterRecords({colId})
.find(c => c.parentId === tableRef)?.id;
public getTableId(tableRef: number) {
return this._docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables").getRecord(tableRef)?.tableId;
public getTableRef(tableId: string) {
return this._docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables").findRow('tableId', tableId) || undefined;
* Returns all cells for a given table and row ids.
public readCells(tableId: string, rowIds: Set<number>) {
const tableRef = this.getTableRef(tableId);
const cells = this._docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Cells").filterRecords({
}).filter(r => rowIds.has(r.rowId));
// Helper function that tells if a cell can be determined fully from the action itself.
// Otherwise we need to look in the docData.
public hasCellInfo(docAction: DocAction):
docAction is UpdateRecord|BulkUpdateRecord|AddRecord|BulkAddRecord {
if (!isDataAction(docAction)) { return false; }
if ((isAddRecordAction(docAction) || isUpdateRecord(docAction) || isBulkUpdateRecord(docAction))
&& docAction[3].tableRef && docAction[3].colRef && docAction[3].rowId && docAction[3].userRef) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if cell is 'attached', i.e. it has a tableRef, colRef, rowId and userRef.
public isAttached(cell: SingleCellInfo) {
return Boolean(cell.tableId && cell.rowId && cell.colId && cell.userRef);
* Reads all SingleCellInfo from docActions or from docData if action doesn't have enough enough
* information.
public convertToCells(action: DocAction): SingleCellInfo[] {
if (!isDataAction(action)) { return []; }
if (getTableId(action) !== '_grist_Cells') { return []; }
const result: { tableId: string, rowId: number, colId: string, id: number, userRef: string}[] = [];
if (isBulkAction(action)) {
for (let idx = 0; idx < action[2].length; idx++) {
if (this.hasCellInfo(action)) {
tableId: this.getTableId(action[3].tableRef[idx] as number) as string,
colId: this.getColId(action[3].colRef[idx] as number) as string,
rowId: action[3].rowId[idx] as number,
userRef: (action[3].userRef[idx] ?? '') as string,
id: action[2][idx],
} else {
const cellInfo = this.getCell(action[2][idx]);
if (cellInfo) {
} else {
if (this.hasCellInfo(action)) {
tableId: this.getTableId(action[3].tableRef as number) as string,
colId: this.getColId(action[3].colRef as number) as string,
rowId: action[3].rowId as number,
userRef: action[3].userRef as string,
id: action[2],
} else {
const cellInfo = this.getCell(action[2]);
if (cellInfo) {
return result;
public generateInsert(ids: number[]): DataAction | null {
const action: BulkAddRecord = [
tableRef: [],
colRef: [],
type: [],
root: [],
content: [],
rowId: [],
userRef: [],
for(const cell of ids) {
const dataCell = this.getCellRecord(cell);
if (!dataCell) { continue; }
return action[2].length > 1 ? action :
action[2].length == 1 ? [...getSingleAction(action)][0] : null;
public generateRemovals(ids: number[]) {
const action: BulkRemoveRecord = [
return action[2].length > 1 ? action :
action[2].length == 1 ? [...getSingleAction(action)][0] : null;
public generateUpdate(ids: number[]) {
const action: BulkUpdateRecord = [
content: [],
userRef: [],
for(const cell of ids) {
const dataCell = this.getCellRecord(cell);
if (!dataCell) { continue; }
return action[2].length > 1 ? action :
action[2].length == 1 ? [...getSingleAction(action)][0] : null;
* Tests if the user can modify cell's data. Will modify
public async applyAndCheck(
docActions: DocAction[],
userIsOwner: boolean,
haveRules: boolean,
userRef: string,
hasAccess: (cell: SingleCellInfo, state: DocData) => Promise<boolean>
) {
// Owner can modify all comments, without exceptions.
if (userIsOwner) {
// First check if we even have actions that modify cell's data.
const cellsActions = docActions.filter(
docAction => getTableId(docAction) === '_grist_Cells' && isDataAction(docAction)
// If we don't have any actions, we are good to go.
if (cellsActions.length === 0) { return; }
const fail = () => { throw new ErrorWithCode('ACL_DENY', 'Cannot access cell'); };
// In nutshell we will just test action one by one, and see if user
// can apply it. To do it, we need to keep track of a database state after
// each action (just like regular access is done). Unfortunately, cells' info
// can be partially updated, so we won't be able to determine what cells they
// are attached to. We will assume that bundle has a complete set of information, and
// with this assumption we will skip such actions, and wait for the whole cell to form.
// Create a minimal snapshot of all tables that will be touched by this bundle,
// with all cells info that is needed to check access.
const lastState = this._docData;
// Create a view for current state.
const cellData = this;
// Some cells meta data will be added before rows (for example, when undoing). We will
// postpone checking of such actions until we have a full set of information.
let postponed: Array<number> = [];
// Now one by one apply all actions to the snapshot recording all changes
// to the cell table.
for(const docAction of docActions) {
if (!(getTableId(docAction) === '_grist_Cells' && isDataAction(docAction))) {
// Convert any bulk actions to normal actions
for(const single of getSingleAction(docAction)) {
const id = getRowIdsFromDocAction(single)[0];
if (isAddRecordAction(docAction)) {
// Apply this action, as it might not have full information yet.
if (haveRules) {
const cell = cellData.getCell(id);
if (cell && cellData.isAttached(cell)) {
// If this is undo, action cell might not yet exist, so we need to check for that.
const record = lastState.getTable(cell.tableId)?.getRecord(cell.rowId);
if (!record) {
} else if (!await hasAccess(cell, lastState)) {
} else {
} else if (isRemoveRecordAction(docAction)) {
// See if we can remove this cell.
const cell = cellData.getCell(id);
if (cell) {
// We can remove cell information for any row/column that was removed already.
const record = lastState.getTable(cell.tableId)?.getRecord(cell.rowId);
if (!record || !cell.colId || !(cell.colId in record)) {
if (cell.userRef && cell.userRef !== (userRef || '')) {
postponed = postponed.filter((i) => i !== id);
} else {
// We are updating a cell metadata. We will need to check if we can update it.
let cell = cellData.getCell(id);
if (!cell) {
return fail();
// We can't update cells, that are not ours.
if (cell.userRef && cell.userRef !== (userRef || '')) {
// And if the cell was attached before, we will need to check if we can access it.
if (cellData.isAttached(cell) && haveRules && !await hasAccess(cell, lastState)) {
// Now receive the action, and test if we can still see the cell (as the info might be moved
// to a different cell).
cell = cellData.getCell(id)!;
if (cellData.isAttached(cell) && haveRules && !await hasAccess(cell, lastState)) {
// Now test every cell that was added before row (so we added it, but without
// full information, like new rowId or tableId or colId).
for(const id of postponed) {
const cell = cellData.getCell(id);
if (cell && !this.isAttached(cell)) {
return fail();
if (haveRules && cell && !await hasAccess(cell, lastState)) {
* Checks if the action is a data action that modifies a _grist_Cells table.
export function isCellDataAction(a: DocAction) {
return getTableId(a) === '_grist_Cells' && isDataAction(a);
* Converts a bulk like data action to its non-bulk equivalent. For actions like TableData or ReplaceTableData
* it will return a list of actions, one for each row.
export function* getSingleAction(a: DataAction): Iterable<DataAction> {
if (isAddRecordAction(a) && isBulkAction(a)) {
for(let idx = 0; idx < a[2].length; idx++) {
yield ['AddRecord', a[1], a[2][idx], fromPairs(Object.keys(a[3]).map(key => [key, a[3][key][idx]]))];
} else if (isRemoveRecordAction(a) && isBulkAction(a)) {
for(const rowId of a[2]) {
yield ['RemoveRecord', a[1], rowId];
} else if (a[0] == 'BulkUpdateRecord') {
for(let idx = 0; idx < a[2].length; idx++) {
yield ['UpdateRecord', a[1], a[2][idx], fromPairs(Object.keys(a[3]).map(key => [key, a[3][key][idx]]))];
} else if (a[0] == 'TableData') {
for(let idx = 0; idx < a[2].length; idx++) {
yield ['TableData', a[1], [a[2][idx]],
fromPairs(Object.keys(a[3]).map(key => [key, [a[3][key][idx]]]))];
} else if (a[0] == 'ReplaceTableData') {
for(let idx = 0; idx < a[2].length; idx++) {
yield ['ReplaceTableData', a[1], [a[2][idx]], fromPairs(Object.keys(a[3]).map(key => [key, [a[3][key][idx]]]))];
} else {
yield a;