Cyprien P 6793377579 (core) Fix values ordering in column filter menu
Column filter menu use to mess up the ordering of the items for
numeric and dates values, and also for ref/reflist columns when the
visible column is a numeric a date column.

Solution was to:
 - use the actual value of the visible column for comparison.
 - use native comparison.
 - tweak the native comparison to make blanks appears before valid value. Indeed, it came up several time that it's convenient to have invalid values show up first in the filter panel, it makes for a convenient way to detect them.

Test Plan: Adds new nbrowser test

Reviewers: alexmojaki

Reviewed By: alexmojaki

Differential Revision:
2022-05-24 16:30:28 +02:00

619 lines
23 KiB

* Creates a UI for column filter menu given a columnFilter model, a mapping of cell values to counts, and an onClose
* callback that's triggered on Apply or on Cancel. Changes to the UI result in changes to the underlying model,
* but on Cancel the model is reset to its initial state prior to menu closing.
import {allInclusive, ColumnFilter} from 'app/client/models/ColumnFilter';
import {ColumnFilterMenuModel, IFilterCount} from 'app/client/models/ColumnFilterMenuModel';
import {ColumnRec, ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import {FilterInfo} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewSectionRec';
import {RowId, RowSource} from 'app/client/models/rowset';
import {ColumnFilterFunc, SectionFilter} from 'app/client/models/SectionFilter';
import {TableData} from 'app/client/models/TableData';
import {basicButton, primaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {cssLabel as cssCheckboxLabel, cssCheckboxSquare, cssLabelText, Indeterminate, labeledTriStateSquareCheckbox
} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox';
import {colors, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {menuCssClass, menuDivider} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {isEquivalentFilter} from "app/common/FilterState";
import {Computed, dom, DomElementArg, DomElementMethod, IDisposableOwner, input, makeTestId, styled} from 'grainjs';
import concat = require('lodash/concat');
import identity = require('lodash/identity');
import noop = require('lodash/noop');
import partition = require('lodash/partition');
import some = require('lodash/some');
import tail = require('lodash/tail');
import {IOpenController, IPopupOptions, setPopupToCreateDom} from 'popweasel';
import {decodeObject} from 'app/plugin/objtypes';
import {isList, isRefListType} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {choiceToken} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceToken';
import {ChoiceOptions} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceTextBox';
import {cssInvalidToken} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceListCell';
interface IFilterMenuOptions {
model: ColumnFilterMenuModel;
valueCounts: Map<CellValue, IFilterCount>;
doSave: (reset: boolean) => void;
onClose: () => void;
renderValue: (key: CellValue, value: IFilterCount) => DomElementArg;
const testId = makeTestId('test-filter-menu-');
export function columnFilterMenu(owner: IDisposableOwner, opts: IFilterMenuOptions): HTMLElement {
const { model, doSave, onClose, renderValue } = opts;
const { columnFilter } = model;
// Save the initial state to allow reverting back to it on Cancel
const initialStateJson = columnFilter.makeFilterJson();
// Map to keep track of displayed checkboxes
const checkboxMap: Map<CellValue, HTMLInputElement> = new Map();
// Listen for changes to filterFunc, and update checkboxes accordingly
const filterListener = columnFilter.filterFunc.addListener(func => {
for (const [value, elem] of checkboxMap) {
elem.checked = func(value);
const {searchValue: searchValueObs, filteredValues, filteredKeys, isSortedByCount} = model;
const isAboveLimitObs = Computed.create(owner, (use) => use(model.valuesBeyondLimit).length > 0);
const isSearchingObs = Computed.create(owner, (use) => Boolean(use(searchValueObs)));
let searchInput: HTMLInputElement;
let reset = false;
// Gives focus to the searchInput on open
setTimeout(() => searchInput.focus(), 0);
const filterMenu: HTMLElement = cssMenu(
{ tabindex: '-1' }, // Allow menu to be focused
dom.onDispose(() => doSave(reset)), // Save on disposal, which should always happen as part of closing.
Enter: () => onClose(),
Escape: () => onClose()
searchInput = cssSearch(
searchValueObs, { onInput: true },
{ type: 'search', placeholder: 'Search values' },
Enter: () => {
if (searchValueObs.get()) {
columnFilter.setState({included: filteredKeys.get()});
Escape$: (ev) => {
if (searchValueObs.get()) {
dom.maybe(searchValueObs, () => cssSearchIcon(
'CrossSmall', testId('search-close'),
dom.on('click', () => {
dom.domComputed((use) => {
const searchValue = use(searchValueObs);
// This is necessary to avoid a known bug in grainjs where filteredKeys does not get
// recalculated.
const allSpec = searchValue ? {included: use(filteredKeys)} : {excluded: []};
const noneSpec = searchValue ? {excluded: use(filteredKeys)} : {included: []};
const state = use(columnFilter.state);
return [
dom.text(searchValue ? 'All Shown' : 'All'),
cssSelectAll.cls('-disabled', isEquivalentFilter(state, allSpec)),
dom.on('click', () => columnFilter.setState(allSpec)),
searchValue ? 'All Except' : 'None',
cssSelectAll.cls('-disabled', isEquivalentFilter(state, noneSpec)),
dom.on('click', () => columnFilter.setState(noneSpec)),
cssSortIcon.cls('-active', isSortedByCount),
dom.on('click', () => isSortedByCount.set(!isSortedByCount.get())),
dom.maybe(use => use(filteredValues).length === 0, () => cssNoResults('No matching values')),
dom.domComputed(filteredValues, (values) => values.slice(0, model.limitShown).map(([key, value]) => (
{type: 'checkbox'},
dom.on('change', (_ev, elem) =>
elem.checked ? columnFilter.add(key) : columnFilter.delete(key)),
(elem) => { elem.checked = columnFilter.includes(key); checkboxMap.set(key, elem); },'position', 'relative'),
renderValue(key, value),
cssItemCount(value.count.toLocaleString(), testId('count')))
))) // Include comma separator
dom.domComputed((use) => {
const isAboveLimit = use(isAboveLimitObs);
const searchValue = use(isSearchingObs);
const otherValues = use(model.otherValues);
const anyOtherValues = Boolean(otherValues.length);
const valuesBeyondLimit = use(model.valuesBeyondLimit);
if (isAboveLimit) {
return searchValue ? [
buildSummary('Other Matching', valuesBeyondLimit, false, model),
buildSummary('Other Non-Matching', otherValues, true, model),
] : [
buildSummary('Other Values', concat(otherValues, valuesBeyondLimit), false, model),
buildSummary('Future Values', [], true, model),
} else {
return anyOtherValues ? [
buildSummary('Others', otherValues, true, model)
] : [
buildSummary('Future Values', [], true, model)
cssApplyButton('Apply', testId('apply-btn'),
dom.on('click', () => { reset = true; onClose(); })),
basicButton('Cancel', testId('cancel-btn'),
dom.on('click', () => { columnFilter.setState(initialStateJson); onClose(); } ))
return filterMenu;
* Builds a tri-state checkbox that summaries the state of all the `values`. The special value
* `Future Values` which turns the filter into an inclusion filter or exclusion filter, can be
* added to the summary using `switchFilterType`. Uses `label` as label and also expects
* `model` as the column filter menu model.
* The checkbox appears checked if all values of the summary are included, unchecked if none, and in
* the indeterminate state if values are in mixed state.
* On user clicks, if checkbox is checked, it does uncheck all the values, and if the
* `switchFilterType` is true it also converts the filter into an inclusion filter. But if the
* checkbox is unchecked, or in the Indeterminate state, it does check all the values, and if the
* `switchFilterType` is true it also converts the filter into an exclusion filter.
function buildSummary(label: string|Computed<string>, values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>,
switchFilterType: boolean, model: ColumnFilterMenuModel) {
const columnFilter = model.columnFilter;
const checkboxState = Computed.create(
null, columnFilter.isInclusionFilter, columnFilter.filterFunc,
(_use, isInclusionFilter) => {
// let's gather all sub options.
const subOptions = => ({getState: () => columnFilter.includes(val[0])}));
if (switchFilterType) {
subOptions.push({getState: () => !isInclusionFilter});
// At this point if sub options is still empty let's just return false (unchecked).
if (!subOptions.length) { return false; }
// let's compare the state for first sub options against all the others. If there is one
// different, then state should be `Indeterminate`, otherwise, the state will the the same as
// the one of the first sub option.
const first = subOptions[0].getState();
if (some(tail(subOptions), (val) => val.getState() !== first)) { return Indeterminate; }
return first;
}).onWrite((val) => {
if (switchFilterType) {
// Note that if `includeFutureValues` is true, we only needs to toggle the filter type
// between exclusive and inclusive. Doing this will automatically excludes/includes all
// other values, so no need for extra steps.
const state = val ?
{excluded: model.filteredKeys.get().filter((key) => !columnFilter.includes(key))} :
{included: model.filteredKeys.get().filter((key) => columnFilter.includes(key))};
} else {
const keys =[key]) => key);
if (val) {
} else {
return cssMenuItem(
`${label} ${formatUniqueCount(values)}`.trim()
cssItemCount(formatCount(values), testId('count')),
function formatCount(values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>) {
const count = getCount(values);
return count ? count.toLocaleString() : '';
function formatUniqueCount(values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>) {
const count = values.length;
return count ? '(' + count.toLocaleString() + ')' : '';
* Returns a new `Map` object to holds pairs of `CellValue` and `IFilterCount`. For `Bool`, `Choice`
* and `ChoiceList` type of column, the map is initialized with all possible values in order to make
* sure they get shown to the user.
function getEmptyCountMap(fieldOrColumn: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec): Map<CellValue, IFilterCount> {
const columnType = fieldOrColumn.origCol().type();
let values: any[] = [];
if (columnType === 'Bool') {
values = [true, false];
} else if (['Choice', 'ChoiceList'].includes(columnType)) {
const options = fieldOrColumn.origCol().widgetOptionsJson;
values = options.prop('choices')();
return new Map( => [v, {label: String(v), count: 0, displayValue: v}]));
* Returns content for the newly created columnFilterMenu; for use with setPopupToCreateDom().
export function createFilterMenu(openCtl: IOpenController, sectionFilter: SectionFilter, filterInfo: FilterInfo,
rowSource: RowSource, tableData: TableData, onClose: () => void = noop) {
// Go through all of our shown and hidden rows, and count them up by the values in this column.
const fieldOrColumn = filterInfo.fieldOrColumn;
const columnType = fieldOrColumn.origCol.peek().type.peek();
const visibleColumnType = fieldOrColumn.visibleColModel.peek()?.type.peek() || columnType;
const {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc, valueMapFunc} = getMapFuncs(columnType, tableData, filterInfo.fieldOrColumn);
const activeFilterBar = sectionFilter.viewSection.activeFilterBar;
function getFilterFunc(col: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec, colFilter: ColumnFilterFunc|null) {
return col.getRowId() === fieldOrColumn.getRowId() ? null : colFilter;
const filterFunc = Computed.create(null, use => sectionFilter.buildFilterFunc(getFilterFunc, use));
const columnFilter = ColumnFilter.create(openCtl, filterInfo.filter.peek(), columnType, visibleColumnType);
sectionFilter.setFilterOverride(fieldOrColumn.getRowId(), columnFilter); // Will be removed on menu disposal
const [allRows, hiddenRows] = partition(Array.from(rowSource.getAllRows()), filterFunc.get());
const valueCounts = getEmptyCountMap(fieldOrColumn);
addCountsToMap(valueCounts, allRows, {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc, columnType,
addCountsToMap(valueCounts, hiddenRows, {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc, columnType,
areHiddenRows: true, valueMapFunc});
const model = ColumnFilterMenuModel.create(openCtl, columnFilter, Array.from(valueCounts));
return columnFilterMenu(openCtl, {
onClose: () => { openCtl.close(); onClose(); },
doSave: (reset: boolean = false) => {
const spec = columnFilter.makeFilterJson();
// If filter is moot and filter bar is hidden, let's remove the filter.
spec === allInclusive && !activeFilterBar.peek() ? '' : spec
if (reset) {
renderValue: getRenderFunc(columnType, fieldOrColumn),
* Returns three callback functions, `keyMapFunc`, `labelMapFunc`
* and `valueMapFunc`, which map row ids to cell values, labels
* and visible col value respectively.
* The functions vary based on the `columnType`. For example,
* Reference Lists have a unique `labelMapFunc` that returns a list
* of all labels in a given cell, rather than a single label.
* Used by ColumnFilterMenu to compute counts of unique cell
* values and display them with an appropriate label.
function getMapFuncs(columnType: string, tableData: TableData, fieldOrColumn: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec) {
const keyMapFunc = tableData.getRowPropFunc(fieldOrColumn.colId())!;
const labelGetter = tableData.getRowPropFunc(fieldOrColumn.displayColModel().colId())!;
const formatter = fieldOrColumn.visibleColFormatter();
let labelMapFunc: (rowId: number) => string | string[];
const valueMapFunc: (rowId: number) => any = (rowId: number) => decodeObject(labelGetter(rowId)!);
if (isRefListType(columnType)) {
labelMapFunc = (rowId: number) => {
const maybeLabels = labelGetter(rowId);
if (!maybeLabels) { return ''; }
const labels = isList(maybeLabels) ? maybeLabels.slice(1) : [maybeLabels];
return => formatter.formatAny(l));
} else {
labelMapFunc = (rowId: number) => formatter.formatAny(labelGetter(rowId));
return {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc, valueMapFunc};
* Returns a callback function for rendering values in a filter menu.
* For example, Choice and Choice List columns will differ from other
* column types by rendering their values as colored tokens instead of
* text.
function getRenderFunc(columnType: string, fieldOrColumn: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec) {
if (['Choice', 'ChoiceList'].includes(columnType)) {
const options = fieldOrColumn.widgetOptionsJson.peek();
const choiceSet: Set<string> = new Set(options.choices || []);
const choiceOptions: ChoiceOptions = options.choiceOptions || {};
return (_key: CellValue, value: IFilterCount) => {
if (value.label === '') {
return cssItemValue(value.label);
return choiceToken(
fillColor: choiceOptions[value.label]?.fillColor,
textColor: choiceOptions[value.label]?.textColor,
fontBold: choiceOptions[value.label]?.fontBold ?? false,
fontUnderline: choiceOptions[value.label]?.fontUnderline ?? false,
fontItalic: choiceOptions[value.label]?.fontItalic ?? false,
fontStrikethrough: choiceOptions[value.label]?.fontStrikethrough ?? false,
cssInvalidToken.cls('-invalid', !choiceSet.has(value.label)),
return (key: CellValue, value: IFilterCount) =>
cssItemValue(value.label === undefined ? String(key) : value.label);
interface ICountOptions {
columnType: string;
// returns the indexing key for the filter
keyMapFunc?: (v: any) => any;
// returns the string representation of the value (can involves some formatting).
labelMapFunc?: (v: any) => any;
// returns the underlying value (useful for comparison)
valueMapFunc: (v: any) => any;
areHiddenRows?: boolean;
* For each row id in Iterable, adds a key mapped with `keyMapFunc` and a value object with a
* `label` mapped with `labelMapFunc` and a `count` representing the total number of times the key
* has been encountered and a `displayValues` mapped with `valueMapFunc`.
* The optional column type controls how complex cell values are decomposed into keys (e.g. Choice Lists have
* the possible choices as keys).
* Note that this logic is replicated in BaseView.prototype.filterByThisCellValue.
function addCountsToMap(valueMap: Map<CellValue, IFilterCount>, rowIds: RowId[],
{ keyMapFunc = identity, labelMapFunc = identity, columnType,
areHiddenRows = false, valueMapFunc }: ICountOptions) {
for (const rowId of rowIds) {
let key = keyMapFunc(rowId);
// If row contains a list and the column is a Choice List, treat each choice as a separate key
if (isList(key) && (columnType === 'ChoiceList')) {
const list = decodeObject(key) as unknown[];
for (const item of list) {
addSingleCountToMap(valueMap, item, () => item, () => item, areHiddenRows);
// If row contains a Reference List, treat each reference as a separate key
if (isList(key) && isRefListType(columnType)) {
const refIds = decodeObject(key) as unknown[];
const refLabels = labelMapFunc(rowId);
const displayValues = valueMapFunc(rowId);
refIds.forEach((id, i) => {
addSingleCountToMap(valueMap, id, () => refLabels[i], () => displayValues[i], areHiddenRows);
// For complex values, serialize the value to allow them to be properly stored
if (Array.isArray(key)) { key = JSON.stringify(key); }
addSingleCountToMap(valueMap, key, () => labelMapFunc(rowId), () => valueMapFunc(rowId), areHiddenRows);
* Adds the `value` to `valueMap` using `labelGetter` to get the label and increments `count` unless
* isHiddenRow is true.
function addSingleCountToMap(valueMap: Map<CellValue, IFilterCount>, value: any, label: () => any,
displayValue: () => any, isHiddenRow: boolean) {
if (!valueMap.has(value)) {
valueMap.set(value, { label: label(), count: 0, displayValue: displayValue() });
if (!isHiddenRow) {
function getCount(values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>) {
return values.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val[1].count, 0);
const defaultPopupOptions: IPopupOptions = {
placement: 'bottom-start',
boundaries: 'viewport',
trigger: ['click'],
interface IColumnFilterMenuOptions extends IPopupOptions {
// callback for when the content of the menu is closed by clicking the apply or revert buttons
onCloseContent?: () => void;
// Helper to attach the column filter menu.
export function attachColumnFilterMenu(viewSection: ViewSectionRec, filterInfo: FilterInfo,
popupOptions: IColumnFilterMenuOptions): DomElementMethod {
const options = {...defaultPopupOptions, ...popupOptions};
return (elem) => {
const instance = viewSection.viewInstance();
if (instance && instance.createFilterMenu) { // Should be set if using BaseView
setPopupToCreateDom(elem, ctl =>
instance.createFilterMenu(ctl, filterInfo, popupOptions.onCloseContent), options);
const cssMenu = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
min-width: 400px;
max-width: 400px;
max-height: 90vh;
outline: none;
background-color: white;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 12px;
const cssMenuHeader = styled('div', `
height: 40px;
flex-shrink: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin: 0 16px;
const cssSelectAll = styled('div', `
display: flex;
color: ${colors.lightGreen};
cursor: default;
user-select: none;
&-disabled {
color: ${colors.slate};
const cssDotSeparator = styled('span', `
color: ${colors.lightGreen};
margin: 0 4px;
user-select: none;
const cssMenuDivider = styled(menuDivider, `
flex-shrink: 0;
margin: 0;
const cssItemList = styled('div', `
flex-shrink: 1;
overflow: auto;
min-height: 80px;
margin-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 8px;
const cssMenuItem = styled('div', `
display: flex;
padding: 8px 16px;
export const cssItemValue = styled(cssLabelText, `
margin-right: 12px;
color: ${colors.dark};
white-space: pre;
const cssItemCount = styled('div', `
flex-grow: 1;
align-self: normal;
text-align: right;
color: ${colors.slate};
const cssMenuFooter = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-shrink: 0;
flex-direction: column;
padding-top: 4px;
const cssApplyButton = styled(primaryButton, `
margin-right: 4px;
const cssSearch = styled(input, `
flex-grow: 1;
min-width: 1px;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
margin: 0px 16px 0px 8px;
padding: 0px;
border: none;
outline: none;
const cssSearchIcon = styled(icon, `
flex-shrink: 0;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: 4px;
const cssNoResults = styled(cssMenuItem, `
font-style: italic;
color: ${colors.slate};
justify-content: center;
const cssSortIcon = styled(icon, `
--icon-color: ${colors.slate};
margin-left: auto;
&-active {
--icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}
const cssLabel = styled(cssCheckboxLabel, `
align-items: center;
font-weight: initial; /* negate bootstrap */
const cssToken = styled('div', `
margin-left: 8px;
margin-right: 12px;