mirror of
synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: Auto-complete helps enter correct column names, and when incorrect ones are entered, we now show an error and prevent saving the rules. In an unrelated tweak, fix focusing of ACLFormula when clicking into scroll area. Test Plan: Added a test case for showing invalid columns Reviewers: paulfitz Reviewed By: paulfitz Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D2815
1533 lines
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1533 lines
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* UI for managing granular ACLs.
import {aclColumnList} from 'app/client/aclui/ACLColumnList';
import {aclFormulaEditor} from 'app/client/aclui/ACLFormulaEditor';
import {aclSelect} from 'app/client/aclui/ACLSelect';
import {ACLUsersPopup} from 'app/client/aclui/ACLUsers';
import {PermissionKey, permissionsWidget} from 'app/client/aclui/PermissionsWidget';
import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc';
import {reportError, UserError} from 'app/client/models/errors';
import {TableData} from 'app/client/models/TableData';
import {shadowScroll} from 'app/client/ui/shadowScroll';
import {bigBasicButton, bigPrimaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {squareCheckbox} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox';
import {colors, testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {textInput} from 'app/client/ui2018/editableLabel';
import {cssIconButton, icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {IOptionFull, menu, menuItemAsync} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {emptyPermissionSet, MixedPermissionValue, PartialPermissionSet} from 'app/common/ACLPermissions';
import {parsePermissions, permissionSetToText} from 'app/common/ACLPermissions';
import {summarizePermissions, summarizePermissionSet} from 'app/common/ACLPermissions';
import {ACLRuleCollection, SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID} from 'app/common/ACLRuleCollection';
import {BulkColValues, RowRecord, UserAction} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {FormulaProperties, RulePart, RuleSet, UserAttributeRule} from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import {getFormulaProperties} from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause';
import {isHiddenCol} from 'app/common/gristTypes';
import {isObject} from 'app/common/gutil';
import * as roles from 'app/common/roles';
import {SchemaTypes} from 'app/common/schema';
import {ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL, EVERYONE_EMAIL, getRealAccess} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {BaseObservable, Computed, Disposable, MutableObsArray, obsArray, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import {dom, DomElementArg, IDisposableOwner, styled} from 'grainjs';
import isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual');
// tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file no-console
// Types for the rows in the ACL tables we use.
type ResourceRec = SchemaTypes["_grist_ACLResources"] & {id?: number};
type RuleRec = Partial<SchemaTypes["_grist_ACLRules"]> & {id?: number, resourceRec?: ResourceRec};
type UseCB = <T>(obs: BaseObservable<T>) => T;
// Status of rules, which determines whether the "Save" button is enabled. The order of the values
// matters, as we take the max of all the parts to determine the ultimate status.
enum RuleStatus {
// Option for UserAttribute select() choices. RuleIndex is used to filter for only those user
// attributes made available by the previous rules.
interface IAttrOption extends IOptionFull<string> {
ruleIndex: number;
* Top-most container managing state and dom-building for the ACL rule UI.
export class AccessRules extends Disposable {
// Whether anything has changed, i.e. whether to show a "Save" button.
private _ruleStatus: Computed<RuleStatus>;
// Parsed rules obtained from DocData during last call to update(). Used for _ruleStatus.
private _ruleCollection = new ACLRuleCollection();
// Array of all per-table rules.
private _tableRules = this.autoDispose(obsArray<TableRules>());
// The default rule set for the document (for "*:*").
private _docDefaultRuleSet = Observable.create<DefaultObsRuleSet|null>(this, null);
// Special document-level rules, for resources of the form ("*SPECIAL:<RuleType>").
private _specialRules = Observable.create<SpecialRules|null>(this, null);
// Array of all UserAttribute rules.
private _userAttrRules = this.autoDispose(obsArray<ObsUserAttributeRule>());
// Array of all user-attribute choices created by UserAttribute rules. Used for lookup items in
// rules, and for ACLFormula completions.
private _userAttrChoices: Computed<IAttrOption[]>;
// Whether the save button should be enabled.
private _savingEnabled: Computed<boolean>;
// Error or warning message to show next to Save/Reset buttons if non-empty.
private _errorMessage = Observable.create(this, '');
// Map of tableId to the list of columns for all tables in the document.
private _aclResources: {[tableId: string]: string[]} = {};
private _aclUsersPopup = ACLUsersPopup.create(this);
private _publicEditAccess = Observable.create(this, false);
constructor(private _gristDoc: GristDoc) {
this._ruleStatus = Computed.create(this, (use) => {
const defRuleSet = use(this._docDefaultRuleSet);
const tableRules = use(this._tableRules);
const specialRules = use(this._specialRules);
const userAttr = use(this._userAttrRules);
return Math.max(
defRuleSet ? use(defRuleSet.ruleStatus) : RuleStatus.Unchanged,
// If any tables/userAttrs were changed or added, they will be considered changed. If
// there were only removals, then length will be reduced.
getChangedStatus(tableRules.length < this._ruleCollection.getAllTableIds().length),
getChangedStatus(userAttr.length < this._ruleCollection.getUserAttributeRules().size),
...tableRules.map(t => use(t.ruleStatus)),
...userAttr.map(u => use(u.ruleStatus)),
specialRules ? use(specialRules.ruleStatus) : RuleStatus.Unchanged,
this._savingEnabled = Computed.create(this, this._ruleStatus, (use, s) =>
(s === RuleStatus.ChangedValid) && !use(this._publicEditAccess));
this._userAttrChoices = Computed.create(this, this._userAttrRules, (use, rules) => {
const result: IAttrOption[] = [
{ruleIndex: -1, value: 'Access', label: 'user.Access'},
{ruleIndex: -1, value: 'Email', label: 'user.Email'},
{ruleIndex: -1, value: 'UserID', label: 'user.UserID'},
{ruleIndex: -1, value: 'Name', label: 'user.Name'},
{ruleIndex: -1, value: 'LinkKey', label: 'user.LinkKey'},
{ruleIndex: -1, value: 'Origin', label: 'user.Origin'},
for (const [i, rule] of rules.entries()) {
const tableId = use(rule.tableId);
const name = use(rule.name);
for (const colId of this.getValidColIds(tableId) || []) {
result.push({ruleIndex: i, value: `${name}.${colId}`, label: `user.${name}.${colId}`});
return result;
// The UI in this module isn't really dynamic (that would be tricky while allowing unsaved
// changes). Instead, react deliberately if rules change. Note that table/column renames would
// trigger changes to rules, so we don't need to listen for those separately.
for (const tableId of ['_grist_ACLResources', '_grist_ACLRules']) {
const tableData = this._gristDoc.docData.getTable(tableId)!;
this.autoDispose(tableData.tableActionEmitter.addListener(this._onChange, this));
this.autoDispose(this._gristDoc.docPageModel.currentDoc.addListener(this._updateDocAccessData, this));
this.update().catch((e) => this._errorMessage.set(e.message));
public get allTableIds() { return Object.keys(this._aclResources).sort(); }
public get userAttrRules() { return this._userAttrRules; }
public get userAttrChoices() { return this._userAttrChoices; }
* Replace internal state from the rules in DocData.
public async update() {
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
const rules = this._ruleCollection;
[ , , this._aclResources] = await Promise.all([
rules.update(this._gristDoc.docData, {log: console}),
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
.filter(tableId => (tableId !== SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID))
.map(tableId => TableRules.create(this._tableRules,
tableId, this, rules.getAllColumnRuleSets(tableId), rules.getTableDefaultRuleSet(tableId)))
SpecialRules.create(this._specialRules, SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID, this,
DefaultObsRuleSet.create(this._docDefaultRuleSet, this, null, undefined, rules.getDocDefaultRuleSet());
Array.from(rules.getUserAttributeRules().values(), userAttr =>
ObsUserAttributeRule.create(this._userAttrRules, this, userAttr))
* Collect the internal state into records and sync them to the document.
public async save(): Promise<void> {
if (!this._savingEnabled.get()) { return; }
// Note that if anything has changed, we apply changes relative to the current state of the
// ACL tables (they may have changed by other users). So our changes will win.
const docData = this._gristDoc.docData;
const resourcesTable = docData.getTable('_grist_ACLResources')!;
const rulesTable = docData.getTable('_grist_ACLRules')!;
// Add/remove resources to have just the ones we need.
const newResources: RowRecord[] = flatten(
[{tableId: '*', colIds: '*'}],
this._specialRules.get()?.getResources() || [],
...this._tableRules.get().map(t => t.getResources()))
.map(r => ({id: -1, ...r}));
// Prepare userActions and a mapping of serializedResource to rowIds.
const resourceSync = syncRecords(resourcesTable, newResources, serializeResource);
// For syncing rules, we'll go by rowId that we store with each RulePart and with the RuleSet.
const newRules: RowRecord[] = [];
for (const rule of this.getRules()) {
// We use id of 0 internally to mark built-in rules. Skip those.
if (rule.id === 0) {
// Look up the rowId for the resource.
const resourceKey = serializeResource(rule.resourceRec as RowRecord);
const resourceRowId = resourceSync.rowIdMap.get(resourceKey);
if (!resourceRowId) {
throw new Error(`Resource missing in resource map: ${resourceKey}`);
id: rule.id || -1,
resource: resourceRowId,
aclFormula: rule.aclFormula!,
permissionsText: rule.permissionsText!,
rulePos: rule.rulePos || null,
// UserAttribute rules are listed in the same rulesTable.
const defaultResourceRowId = resourceSync.rowIdMap.get(serializeResource({id: -1, tableId: '*', colIds: '*'}));
if (!defaultResourceRowId) {
throw new Error('Default resource missing in resource map');
for (const userAttr of this._userAttrRules.get()) {
const rule = userAttr.getRule();
id: rule.id || -1,
resource: defaultResourceRowId,
rulePos: rule.rulePos || null,
userAttributes: rule.userAttributes,
// We need to fill in rulePos values. We'll add them in the order the rules are listed (since
// this.getRules() returns them in a suitable order), keeping rulePos unchanged when possible.
let lastGoodRulePos = 0;
let lastGoodIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < newRules.length; i++) {
const pos = newRules[i].rulePos as number;
if (pos && pos > lastGoodRulePos) {
const step = (pos - lastGoodRulePos) / (i - lastGoodIndex);
for (let k = lastGoodIndex + 1; k < i; k++) {
newRules[k].rulePos = lastGoodRulePos + step * (k - lastGoodIndex);
lastGoodRulePos = pos;
lastGoodIndex = i;
// Fill in the rulePos values for the remaining rules.
for (let k = lastGoodIndex + 1; k < newRules.length; k++) {
newRules[k].rulePos = ++lastGoodRulePos;
// Prepare the UserActions for syncing the Rules table.
const rulesSync = syncRecords(rulesTable, newRules);
// Finally collect and apply all the actions together.
try {
await docData.sendActions([...resourceSync.userActions, ...rulesSync.userActions]);
} catch (e) {
// Report the error, but go on to update the rules. The user may lose their entries, but
// will see what's in the document. To preserve entries and show what's wrong, we try to
// catch errors earlier.
// Re-populate the state from DocData once the records are synced.
await this.update();
public buildDom() {
return cssOuter(
bigBasicButton({disabled: true}, dom.hide(this._savingEnabled),
dom.text((use) => {
const s = use(this._ruleStatus);
return s === RuleStatus.CheckPending ? 'Checking...' :
s === RuleStatus.Unchanged ? 'Saved' : 'Invalid';
bigPrimaryButton('Save', dom.show(this._savingEnabled),
dom.on('click', () => this.save()),
bigBasicButton('Reset', dom.show(use => use(this._ruleStatus) !== RuleStatus.Unchanged),
dom.on('click', () => this.update()),
bigBasicButton('Add Table Rules', cssDropdownIcon('Dropdown'), {style: 'margin-left: auto'},
menu(() =>
this.allTableIds.map((tableId) =>
// Add the table on a timeout, to avoid disabling the clicked menu item
// synchronously, which prevents the menu from closing on click.
menuItemAsync(() => this._addTableRules(tableId),
dom.cls('disabled', (use) => use(this._tableRules).some(t => t.tableId === tableId)),
bigBasicButton('Add User Attributes', dom.on('click', () => this._addUserAttributes())),
// Disabling "View as user" for forks for the moment. TODO Modify getDocAccess endpoint
// to accept forks, through the kind of manipulation that getDoc does; then can enable.
!this._gristDoc.docPageModel.isFork.get() ?
bigBasicButton('Users', cssDropdownIcon('Dropdown'), elem => this._aclUsersPopup.attachPopup(elem),
dom.style('visibility', use => use(this._aclUsersPopup.isInitialized) ? '' : 'hidden'),
) : null,
cssConditionError({style: 'margin-left: 16px'},
dom.maybe(this._publicEditAccess, () => dom('div',
'Public "Editor" access is incompatible with Access Rules. ' +
'To set rules, remove it or reduce to "Viewer".'
dom.maybe(use => use(this._userAttrRules).length, () =>
cssSectionHeading('User Attributes'),
cssCell1(cssCell.cls('-rborder'), cssCell.cls('-center'), cssColHeaderCell('Name')),
cssCell1(cssColHeaderCell('Attribute to Look Up')),
cssCell1(cssColHeaderCell('Lookup Table')),
cssCell1(cssColHeaderCell('Lookup Column')),
dom.forEach(this._userAttrRules, (userAttr) => userAttr.buildUserAttrDom()),
dom.forEach(this._tableRules, (tableRules) => tableRules.buildDom()),
cssSectionHeading('Default Rules', testId('rule-table-header')),
cssCell1(cssCell.cls('-rborder'), cssCell.cls('-center'), cssColHeaderCell('Columns')),
dom.maybe(this._docDefaultRuleSet, ruleSet => ruleSet.buildRuleSetDom()),
dom.maybe(this._specialRules, tableRules => tableRules.buildDom()),
* Get a list of all rule records, for saving.
public getRules(): RuleRec[] {
return flatten(
...this._tableRules.get().map(t => t.getRules()),
this._specialRules.get()?.getRules() || [],
this._docDefaultRuleSet.get()?.getRules('*') || []
public removeTableRules(tableRules: TableRules) {
removeItem(this._tableRules, tableRules);
public removeUserAttributes(userAttr: ObsUserAttributeRule) {
removeItem(this._userAttrRules, userAttr);
public async checkAclFormula(text: string): Promise<FormulaProperties> {
if (text) {
return this._gristDoc.docComm.checkAclFormula(text);
return {};
// Check if the given tableId, and optionally a list of colIds, are present in this document.
// Returns '' if valid, or an error string if not. Exempt colIds will not trigger an error.
public checkTableColumns(tableId: string, colIds?: string[], exemptColIds?: string[]): string {
if (!tableId || tableId === SPECIAL_RULES_TABLE_ID) { return ''; }
const tableColIds = this._aclResources[tableId];
if (!tableColIds) { return `Invalid table: ${tableId}`; }
if (colIds) {
const validColIds = new Set([...tableColIds, ...exemptColIds || []]);
const invalidColIds = colIds.filter(c => !validColIds.has(c));
if (invalidColIds.length === 0) { return ''; }
return `Invalid columns in table ${tableId}: ${invalidColIds.join(', ')}`;
return '';
// Returns a list of valid colIds for the given table, or undefined if the table isn't valid.
public getValidColIds(tableId: string): string[]|undefined {
return this._aclResources[tableId]?.filter(id => !isHiddenCol(id)).sort();
private _addTableRules(tableId: string) {
if (this._tableRules.get().some(t => t.tableId === tableId)) {
throw new Error(`Trying to add TableRules for existing table ${tableId}`);
const defRuleSet: RuleSet = {tableId, colIds: '*', body: []};
this._tableRules.push(TableRules.create(this._tableRules, tableId, this, undefined, defRuleSet));
private _addUserAttributes() {
this._userAttrRules.push(ObsUserAttributeRule.create(this._userAttrRules, this, undefined, {focus: true}));
private _onChange() {
if (this._ruleStatus.get() === RuleStatus.Unchanged) {
// If no changes, it's safe to just reload the rules from docData.
this.update().catch((e) => this._errorMessage.set(e.message));
} else {
'Access rules have changed. Click Reset to revert your changes and refresh the rules.'
private async _updateDocAccessData() {
const pageModel = this._gristDoc.docPageModel;
const doc = pageModel.currentDoc.get();
// Note that the getDocAccess endpoint does not succeed for forks currently.
const permissionData = doc && !doc.isFork ? await pageModel.appModel.api.getDocAccess(doc.id) : null;
if (this.isDisposed()) { return; }
this._aclUsersPopup.init(pageModel, permissionData);
// We do not allow Public Editor access in combination with Granular ACL rules. When
// _publicEditAccess is on, we show a warning and prevent saving rules.
if (permissionData) {
const publicEditAccess = permissionData.users.some(user => (
(user.email === EVERYONE_EMAIL || user.email === ANONYMOUS_USER_EMAIL) &&
roles.canEdit(getRealAccess(user, permissionData))
// Represents all rules for a table.
class TableRules extends Disposable {
// Whether any table rules changed, and if they are valid.
public ruleStatus: Computed<RuleStatus>;
// The column-specific rule sets.
protected _columnRuleSets = this.autoDispose(obsArray<ColumnObsRuleSet>());
// Whether there are any column-specific rule sets.
private _haveColumnRules = Computed.create(this, this._columnRuleSets, (use, cols) => cols.length > 0);
// The default rule set (for columns '*'), if one is set.
private _defaultRuleSet = Observable.create<DefaultObsRuleSet|null>(this, null);
constructor(public readonly tableId: string, public _accessRules: AccessRules,
private _colRuleSets?: RuleSet[], private _defRuleSet?: RuleSet) {
this._columnRuleSets.set(this._colRuleSets?.map(rs =>
this._createColumnObsRuleSet(this._columnRuleSets, this._accessRules, this, rs,
rs.colIds === '*' ? [] : rs.colIds)) || []);
if (!this._colRuleSets) {
// Must be a newly-created TableRules object. Just create a default RuleSet (for tableId:*)
DefaultObsRuleSet.create(this._defaultRuleSet, this._accessRules, this, this._haveColumnRules);
} else if (this._defRuleSet) {
DefaultObsRuleSet.create(this._defaultRuleSet, this._accessRules, this, this._haveColumnRules,
this.ruleStatus = Computed.create(this, (use) => {
const columnRuleSets = use(this._columnRuleSets);
const d = use(this._defaultRuleSet);
return Math.max(
!this._colRuleSets || // This TableRules object must be newly-added
Boolean(d) !== Boolean(this._defRuleSet) || // Default rule set got added or removed
columnRuleSets.length < this._colRuleSets.length // There was a removal
d ? use(d.ruleStatus) : RuleStatus.Unchanged, // Default rule set got changed.
...columnRuleSets.map(rs => use(rs.ruleStatus))); // Column rule set was added or changed.
public buildDom() {
return cssSection(
dom('span', 'Rules for table ', cssTableName(this.tableId)),
cssIconButton(icon('Dots'), {style: 'margin-left: auto'},
menu(() => [
menuItemAsync(() => this._addColumnRuleSet(), 'Add Column Rule'),
menuItemAsync(() => this._addDefaultRuleSet(), 'Add Default Rule',
dom.cls('disabled', use => Boolean(use(this._defaultRuleSet)))),
menuItemAsync(() => this._accessRules.removeTableRules(this), 'Delete Table Rules'),
cssCell1(cssCell.cls('-rborder'), cssCell.cls('-center'), cssColHeaderCell('Columns')),
public buildColumnRuleSets() {
return [
dom.forEach(this._columnRuleSets, ruleSet => ruleSet.buildRuleSetDom()),
dom.maybe(this._defaultRuleSet, ruleSet => ruleSet.buildRuleSetDom()),
public buildErrors() {
return dom.forEach(this._columnRuleSets, c => cssConditionError(dom.text(c.formulaError)));
* Return the resources (tableId:colIds entities), for saving, checking along the way that they
* are valid.
public getResources(): ResourceRec[] {
// Check that the colIds are valid.
const seen = {
allow: new Set<string>(), // columns mentioned in rules that only have 'allow's.
deny: new Set<string>(), // columns mentioned in rules that only have 'deny's.
mixed: new Set<string>() // columns mentioned in any rules.
for (const ruleSet of this._columnRuleSets.get()) {
const sign = ruleSet.summarizePermissions();
const counterSign = sign === 'mixed' ? 'mixed' : (sign === 'allow' ? 'deny' : 'allow');
const colIds = ruleSet.getColIdList();
if (colIds.length === 0) {
throw new UserError(`No columns listed in a column rule for table ${this.tableId}`);
for (const colId of colIds) {
if (seen[counterSign].has(colId)) {
// There may be an order dependency between rules. We've done a little analysis, to
// allow the useful pattern of forbidding all access to columns, and then adding back
// access to different sets for different teams/conditions (or allowing all access
// by default, and then forbidding different sets). But if there's a mix of
// allows and denies, then we throw up our hands.
// TODO: could analyze more deeply. An easy step would be to analyze per permission bit.
// Could also allow order dependency and provide a way to control the order.
// TODO: could be worth also flagging multiple rulesets with the same columns as
// undesirable.
throw new UserError(`Column ${colId} appears in multiple rules for table ${this.tableId}` +
` that might be order-dependent. Try splitting rules up differently?`);
if (sign === 'mixed') {
} else {
return [
...this._columnRuleSets.get().map(rs => ({tableId: this.tableId, colIds: rs.getColIds()})),
{tableId: this.tableId, colIds: '*'},
* Get rules for this table, for saving.
public getRules(): RuleRec[] {
return flatten(
...this._columnRuleSets.get().map(rs => rs.getRules(this.tableId)),
this._defaultRuleSet.get()?.getRules(this.tableId) || [],
public removeRuleSet(ruleSet: ObsRuleSet) {
if (ruleSet === this._defaultRuleSet.get()) {
} else {
removeItem(this._columnRuleSets, ruleSet);
if (!this._defaultRuleSet.get() && this._columnRuleSets.get().length === 0) {
protected _createColumnObsRuleSet(
owner: IDisposableOwner, accessRules: AccessRules, tableRules: TableRules,
ruleSet: RuleSet|undefined, initialColIds: string[],
): ColumnObsRuleSet {
return ColumnObsRuleSet.create(owner, accessRules, tableRules, ruleSet, initialColIds);
private _addColumnRuleSet() {
this._columnRuleSets.push(ColumnObsRuleSet.create(this._columnRuleSets, this._accessRules, this, undefined, []));
private _addDefaultRuleSet() {
if (!this._defaultRuleSet.get()) {
DefaultObsRuleSet.create(this._defaultRuleSet, this._accessRules, this, this._haveColumnRules);
class SpecialRules extends TableRules {
public buildDom() {
return cssSection(
cssSectionHeading('Special Rules', testId('rule-table-header')),
public getResources(): ResourceRec[] {
return this._columnRuleSets.get()
.filter(rs => !rs.hasOnlyBuiltInRules())
.map(rs => ({tableId: this.tableId, colIds: rs.getColIds()}));
protected _createColumnObsRuleSet(
owner: IDisposableOwner, accessRules: AccessRules, tableRules: TableRules,
ruleSet: RuleSet|undefined, initialColIds: string[],
): ColumnObsRuleSet {
return SpecialObsRuleSet.create(owner, accessRules, tableRules, ruleSet, initialColIds);
// Represents one RuleSet, for a combination of columns in one table, or the default RuleSet for
// all remaining columns in a table.
abstract class ObsRuleSet extends Disposable {
// Whether rules changed, and if they are valid. Never unchanged if this._ruleSet is undefined.
public ruleStatus: Computed<RuleStatus>;
// List of individual rule parts for this entity. The default permissions may be included as the
// last rule part, with an empty aclFormula.
protected readonly _body = this.autoDispose(obsArray<ObsRulePart>());
// ruleSet is omitted for a new ObsRuleSet added by the user.
constructor(public accessRules: AccessRules, protected _tableRules: TableRules|null, private _ruleSet?: RuleSet) {
if (this._ruleSet) {
this._body.set(this._ruleSet.body.map(part => ObsRulePart.create(this._body, this, part)));
} else {
// If creating a new RuleSet, start with just a default permission part.
this._body.set([ObsRulePart.create(this._body, this, undefined)]);
this.ruleStatus = Computed.create(this, this._body, (use, body) => {
// If anything was changed or added, some part.ruleStatus will be other than Unchanged. If
// there were only removals, then body.length will have changed.
return Math.max(
getChangedStatus(body.length < (this._ruleSet?.body?.length || 0)),
...body.map(part => use(part.ruleStatus)));
public getRules(tableId: string): RuleRec[] {
// Return every part in the body, tacking on resourceRec to each rule.
return this._body.get().map(part => ({
resourceRec: {tableId, colIds: this.getColIds()}
// Skip entirely empty rule parts: they are invalid and dropping them is the best fix.
.filter(part => part.aclFormula || part.permissionsText);
public getColIds(): string {
return '*';
* Check if RuleSet may only add permissions, only remove permissions, or may do either.
* A rule that neither adds nor removes permissions is treated as mixed for simplicity,
* though this would be suboptimal if this were a useful case to support.
public summarizePermissions(): MixedPermissionValue {
return summarizePermissions(this._body.get().map(p => p.summarizePermissions()));
public abstract buildResourceDom(): DomElementArg;
public buildRuleSetDom() {
return cssTableRow(
dom.forEach(this._body, part => part.buildRulePartDom()),
dom.maybe(use => !this.hasDefaultCondition(use), () =>
{style: 'min-height: 28px'},
dom.on('click', () => this.addRulePart(null)),
public removeRulePart(rulePart: ObsRulePart) {
removeItem(this._body, rulePart);
if (this._body.get().length === 0) {
public addRulePart(beforeRule: ObsRulePart|null) {
const body = this._body.get();
const i = beforeRule ? body.indexOf(beforeRule) : body.length;
this._body.splice(i, 0, ObsRulePart.create(this._body, this, undefined));
* Returns the first built-in rule. It's the only one of the built-in rules to get a "+" next to
* it, since we don't allow inserting new rules in-between built-in rules.
public getFirstBuiltIn(): ObsRulePart|undefined {
return this._body.get().find(p => p.isBuiltIn());
* When an empty-condition RulePart is the only part of a RuleSet, we can say it applies to
* "Everyone".
public isSoleCondition(use: UseCB, part: ObsRulePart): boolean {
const body = use(this._body);
return body.length === 1 && body[0] === part;
* When an empty-condition RulePart is last in a RuleSet, we say it applies to "Everyone Else".
public isLastCondition(use: UseCB, part: ObsRulePart): boolean {
const body = use(this._body);
return body[body.length - 1] === part;
public hasDefaultCondition(use: UseCB): boolean {
const body = use(this._body);
return body.length > 0 && body[body.length - 1].hasEmptyCondition(use);
* Which permission bits to allow the user to set.
public getAvailableBits(): PermissionKey[] {
if (this._tableRules) {
return ['read', 'update', 'create', 'delete'];
} else {
// For the doc-wide rule set, expose the schemaEdit bit too.
return ['read', 'update', 'create', 'delete', 'schemaEdit'];
* Get valid colIds for the table that this RuleSet is for.
public getValidColIds(): string[] {
const tableId = this._tableRules?.tableId;
return (tableId && this.accessRules.getValidColIds(tableId)) || [];
* Check if this rule set is limited to a set of columns.
public hasColumns() {
return false;
public hasOnlyBuiltInRules() {
return this._body.get().every(rule => rule.isBuiltIn());
class ColumnObsRuleSet extends ObsRuleSet {
// Error message for this rule set, or '' if valid.
public formulaError: Computed<string>;
private _colIds = Observable.create<string[]>(this, this._initialColIds);
constructor(accessRules: AccessRules, tableRules: TableRules, ruleSet: RuleSet|undefined,
private _initialColIds: string[]) {
super(accessRules, tableRules, ruleSet);
this.formulaError = Computed.create(this, (use) => {
// Exempt existing colIds from checks, by including as a third argument.
return accessRules.checkTableColumns(tableRules.tableId, use(this._colIds), this._initialColIds);
const baseRuleStatus = this.ruleStatus;
this.ruleStatus = Computed.create(this, (use) => {
if (use(this.formulaError)) { return RuleStatus.Invalid; }
return Math.max(
getChangedStatus(!isEqual(use(this._colIds), this._initialColIds)),
public buildResourceDom(): DomElementArg {
return aclColumnList(this._colIds, this.getValidColIds());
public getColIdList(): string[] {
return this._colIds.get();
public getColIds(): string {
return this._colIds.get().join(",");
public getAvailableBits(): PermissionKey[] {
// Create/Delete bits can't be set on a column-specific rule.
return ['read', 'update'];
public hasColumns() {
return true;
class DefaultObsRuleSet extends ObsRuleSet {
constructor(accessRules: AccessRules, tableRules: TableRules|null,
private _haveColumnRules?: Observable<boolean>, ruleSet?: RuleSet) {
super(accessRules, tableRules, ruleSet);
public buildResourceDom() {
return [
dom.text(use => this._haveColumnRules && use(this._haveColumnRules) ? 'All Other' : 'All'),
function getSpecialRuleDescription(type: string): string {
switch (type) {
case 'AccessRules':
return 'Allow everyone to view Access Rules';
case 'FullCopies':
return 'Allow everyone to download and copy the full document even if they have incomplete access to it';
default: return type;
function getSpecialRuleName(type: string): string {
switch (type) {
case 'AccessRules': return 'Permission to view Access Rules';
case 'FullCopies': return 'Permission to download and copy the document in full';
default: return type;
class SpecialObsRuleSet extends ColumnObsRuleSet {
public buildRuleSetDom() {
const isNonStandard: Observable<boolean> = Computed.create(null, this._body, (use, body) =>
!body.every(rule => rule.isBuiltIn() || rule.matches(use, 'True', '+R')));
const allowEveryone: Observable<boolean> = Computed.create(null, this._body,
(use, body) => !use(isNonStandard) && !body.every(rule => rule.isBuiltIn()))
.onWrite(val => this._allowEveryone(val));
const isExpanded = Observable.create<boolean>(null, isNonStandard.get());
return dom('div',
dom.style('transform', (use) => use(isExpanded) ? 'rotate(90deg)' : ''),
dom.on('click', () => isExpanded.set(!isExpanded.get())),
dom.prop('disabled', isNonStandard),
dom.maybe(isExpanded, () =>
{style: 'margin-left: 56px'},
dom.forEach(this._body, part => part.buildRulePartDom(true)),
testId(`rule-special-${this.getColIds()}`), // Make accessible in tests as, e.g. rule-special-FullCopies
public getAvailableBits(): PermissionKey[] {
return ['read'];
private _allowEveryone(value: boolean) {
const builtInRules = this._body.get().filter(r => r.isBuiltIn());
if (value === true) {
const rulePart: RulePart = {
aclFormula: 'True',
permissionsText: '+R',
permissions: parsePermissions('+R'),
this._body.set([ObsRulePart.create(this._body, this, rulePart, true), ...builtInRules]);
} else if (value === false) {
class ObsUserAttributeRule extends Disposable {
public ruleStatus: Computed<RuleStatus>;
// If the rule failed validation, the error message to show. Blank if valid.
public formulaError: Computed<string>;
private _name = Observable.create<string>(this, this._userAttr?.name || '');
private _tableId = Observable.create<string>(this, this._userAttr?.tableId || '');
private _lookupColId = Observable.create<string>(this, this._userAttr?.lookupColId || '');
private _charId = Observable.create<string>(this, this._userAttr?.charId || '');
private _validColIds = Computed.create(this, this._tableId, (use, tableId) =>
this._accessRules.getValidColIds(tableId) || []);
private _userAttrChoices: Computed<IAttrOption[]>;
constructor(private _accessRules: AccessRules, private _userAttr?: UserAttributeRule,
private _options: {focus?: boolean} = {}) {
this.formulaError = Computed.create(this, this._tableId, this._lookupColId, (use, tableId, colId) => {
// Don't check for errors if it's an existing rule and hasn't changed.
if (use(this._tableId) === this._userAttr?.tableId &&
use(this._lookupColId) === this._userAttr?.lookupColId) {
return '';
return _accessRules.checkTableColumns(tableId, colId ? [colId] : undefined);
this.ruleStatus = Computed.create(this, use => {
if (use(this.formulaError)) { return RuleStatus.Invalid; }
return getChangedStatus(
use(this._name) !== this._userAttr?.name ||
use(this._tableId) !== this._userAttr?.tableId ||
use(this._lookupColId) !== this._userAttr?.lookupColId ||
use(this._charId) !== this._userAttr?.charId
// Reset lookupColId when tableId changes, since a colId from a different table would usually be wrong
this.autoDispose(this._tableId.addListener(() => this._lookupColId.set('')));
this._userAttrChoices = Computed.create(this, _accessRules.userAttrRules, (use, rules) => {
// Filter for only those choices created by previous rules.
const index = rules.indexOf(this);
const result = use(this._accessRules.userAttrChoices).filter(c => (c.ruleIndex < index));
// If the currently-selected option isn't one of the choices, insert it too.
const charId = use(this._charId);
if (charId && !result.some(choice => (choice.value === charId))) {
result.unshift({ruleIndex: -1, value: charId, label: `user.${charId}`});
return result;
public get name() { return this._name; }
public get tableId() { return this._tableId; }
public buildUserAttrDom() {
return cssTableRow(
cssInput(this._name, async (val) => this._name.set(val),
{placeholder: 'Attribute name'},
(this._options.focus ? (elem) => { setTimeout(() => elem.focus(), 0); } : null),
aclSelect(this._charId, this._userAttrChoices,
{defaultLabel: '[Select Attribute]'}),
aclSelect(this._tableId, this._accessRules.allTableIds,
{defaultLabel: '[Select Table]'}),
aclSelect(this._lookupColId, this._validColIds,
{defaultLabel: '[Select Column]'}),
dom.on('click', () => this._accessRules.removeUserAttributes(this)))
dom.maybe(this.formulaError, (msg) => cssConditionError(msg, testId('rule-error'))),
public getRule() {
const spec = {
name: this._name.get(),
tableId: this._tableId.get(),
lookupColId: this._lookupColId.get(),
charId: this._charId.get(),
for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(spec)) {
if (!value) {
throw new UserError(`Invalid user attribute rule: ${prop} must be set`);
return {
id: this._userAttr?.origRecord?.id,
rulePos: this._userAttr?.origRecord?.rulePos as number|undefined,
userAttributes: JSON.stringify(spec),
// Represents one line of a RuleSet, a combination of an aclFormula and permissions to apply to
// requests that match it.
class ObsRulePart extends Disposable {
// Whether the rule part, and if it's valid or being checked.
public ruleStatus: Computed<RuleStatus>;
// Formula to show in the formula editor.
private _aclFormula = Observable.create<string>(this, this._rulePart?.aclFormula || "");
// Rule-specific completions for editing the formula, e.g. "user.Email" or "rec.City".
private _completions = Computed.create<string[]>(this, (use) => [
...use(this._ruleSet.accessRules.userAttrChoices).map(opt => opt.label),
...this._ruleSet.getValidColIds().map(colId => `rec.${colId}`),
...this._ruleSet.getValidColIds().map(colId => `newRec.${colId}`),
// The permission bits.
private _permissions = Observable.create<PartialPermissionSet>(
this, this._rulePart?.permissions || emptyPermissionSet());
// Whether the rule is being checked after a change. Saving will wait for such checks to finish.
private _checkPending = Observable.create(this, false);
// If the formula failed validation, the error message to show. Blank if valid.
private _formulaError = Observable.create(this, '');
private _formulaProperties = Observable.create<FormulaProperties>(this, getAclFormulaProperties(this._rulePart));
// Error message if any validation failed.
private _error: Computed<string>;
// rulePart is omitted for a new ObsRulePart added by the user. If given, isNew may be set to
// treat the rule as new and only use the rulePart for its initialization.
constructor(private _ruleSet: ObsRuleSet, private _rulePart?: RulePart, isNew = false) {
if (_rulePart && isNew) {
this._rulePart = undefined;
this._error = Computed.create(this, (use) => {
return use(this._formulaError) ||
this._warnInvalidColIds(use(this._formulaProperties).usedColIds) ||
( !this._ruleSet.isLastCondition(use, this) &&
use(this._aclFormula) === '' &&
permissionSetToText(use(this._permissions)) !== '' ?
'Condition cannot be blank' : ''
this.ruleStatus = Computed.create(this, (use) => {
if (use(this._error)) { return RuleStatus.Invalid; }
if (use(this._checkPending)) { return RuleStatus.CheckPending; }
return getChangedStatus(
use(this._aclFormula) !== this._rulePart?.aclFormula ||
!isEqual(use(this._permissions), this._rulePart?.permissions)
public getRulePart(): RuleRec {
// Use id of 0 to distinguish built-in rules from newly added rule, which will have id of undefined.
const id = this.isBuiltIn() ? 0 : this._rulePart?.origRecord?.id;
return {
aclFormula: this._aclFormula.get(),
permissionsText: permissionSetToText(this._permissions.get()),
rulePos: this._rulePart?.origRecord?.rulePos as number|undefined,
public hasEmptyCondition(use: UseCB): boolean {
return use(this._aclFormula) === '';
public matches(use: UseCB, aclFormula: string, permissionsText: string): boolean {
return (use(this._aclFormula) === aclFormula &&
permissionSetToText(use(this._permissions)) === permissionsText);
* Check if RulePart may only add permissions, only remove permissions, or may do either.
* A rule that neither adds nor removes permissions is treated as mixed for simplicity,
* though this would be suboptimal if this were a useful case to support.
public summarizePermissions(): MixedPermissionValue {
return summarizePermissionSet(this._permissions.get());
* Verify that the rule is in a good state, optionally given a proposed permission change.
public sanityCheck(pset?: PartialPermissionSet) {
// Nothing to do! We now support all expressible rule permutations.
public buildRulePartDom(wide: boolean = false) {
return cssColumnGroup(
(this._isNonFirstBuiltIn() ?
null :
dom.on('click', () => this._ruleSet.addRulePart(this)),
wide ? cssCell4.cls('') : null,
initialValue: this._aclFormula.get(),
readOnly: this.isBuiltIn(),
setValue: (value) => this._setAclFormula(value),
placeholder: dom.text((use) => {
return (
this._ruleSet.isSoleCondition(use, this) ? 'Everyone' :
this._ruleSet.isLastCondition(use, this) ? 'Everyone Else' :
'Enter Condition'
getSuggestions: (prefix) => this._completions.get(),
permissionsWidget(this._ruleSet.getAvailableBits(), this._permissions,
{disabled: this.isBuiltIn(), sanityCheck: (pset) => this.sanityCheck(pset)},
(this.isBuiltIn() ?
null :
dom.on('click', () => this._ruleSet.removeRulePart(this)),
dom.maybe(this._error, (msg) => cssConditionError(msg, testId('rule-error'))),
public isBuiltIn(): boolean {
return this._rulePart ? !this._rulePart.origRecord?.id : false;
private _isNonFirstBuiltIn(): boolean {
return this.isBuiltIn() && this._ruleSet.getFirstBuiltIn() !== this;
private async _setAclFormula(text: string) {
if (text === this._aclFormula.get()) { return; }
try {
this._formulaProperties.set(await this._ruleSet.accessRules.checkAclFormula(text));
} catch (e) {
} finally {
private _warnInvalidColIds(colIds?: string[]) {
if (!colIds || !colIds.length) { return false; }
const allValid = new Set(this._ruleSet.getValidColIds());
const invalid = colIds.filter(c => !allValid.has(c));
if (invalid.length > 0) {
return `Invalid columns: ${invalid.join(', ')}`;
* Produce UserActions to create/update/remove records, to replace data in tableData
* with newRecords. Records are matched on uniqueId(record), which defaults to returning
* String(record.id). UniqueIds of new records don't need to be unique as long as they don't
* overlap with uniqueIds of existing records.
* Return also a rowIdMap, mapping uniqueId(record) to a rowId used in the actions. The rowIds may
* include negative values (auto-generated when newRecords doesn't include one). These may be used
* in Reference values within the same action bundle.
* TODO This is a general-purpose function, and should live in a separate module.
function syncRecords(tableData: TableData, newRecords: RowRecord[],
uniqueId: (r: RowRecord) => string = (r => String(r.id))
): {userActions: UserAction[], rowIdMap: Map<string, number>} {
const oldRecords = tableData.getRecords();
const rowIdMap = new Map<string, number>(oldRecords.map(r => [uniqueId(r), r.id]));
const newRecordMap = new Map<string, RowRecord>(newRecords.map(r => [uniqueId(r), r]));
const removedRecords: RowRecord[] = oldRecords.filter(r => !newRecordMap.has(uniqueId(r)));
// Generate a unique negative rowId for each added record.
const addedRecords: RowRecord[] = newRecords.filter(r => !rowIdMap.has(uniqueId(r)))
.map((r, index) => ({...r, id: -(index + 1)}));
// Array of [before, after] pairs for changed records.
const updatedRecords: Array<[RowRecord, RowRecord]> = oldRecords.map((r): ([RowRecord, RowRecord]|null) => {
const newRec = newRecordMap.get(uniqueId(r));
const updated = newRec && {...r, ...newRec, id: r.id};
return updated && !isEqual(updated, r) ? [r, updated] : null;
console.log("syncRecords: removing [%s], adding [%s], updating [%s]",
removedRecords.map(uniqueId).join(", "),
addedRecords.map(uniqueId).join(", "),
updatedRecords.map(([r]) => uniqueId(r)).join(", "));
const tableId = tableData.tableId;
const userActions: UserAction[] = [];
if (removedRecords.length > 0) {
userActions.push(['BulkRemoveRecord', tableId, removedRecords.map(r => r.id)]);
if (updatedRecords.length > 0) {
userActions.push(['BulkUpdateRecord', tableId, updatedRecords.map(([r]) => r.id), getColChanges(updatedRecords)]);
if (addedRecords.length > 0) {
userActions.push(['BulkAddRecord', tableId, addedRecords.map(r => r.id), getColValues(addedRecords)]);
// Include generated rowIds for added records into the returned map.
addedRecords.forEach(r => rowIdMap.set(uniqueId(r), r.id));
return {userActions, rowIdMap};
* Convert a list of rows into an object with columns of values, used for
* BulkAddRecord/BulkUpdateRecord actions.
function getColValues(records: RowRecord[]): BulkColValues {
const colIdSet = new Set<string>();
for (const r of records) {
for (const c of Object.keys(r)) {
if (c !== 'id') {
const result: BulkColValues = {};
for (const colId of colIdSet) {
result[colId] = records.map(r => r[colId]);
return result;
* Convert a list of [before, after] rows into an object of changes, skipping columns which
* haven't changed.
function getColChanges(pairs: Array<[RowRecord, RowRecord]>): BulkColValues {
const colIdSet = new Set<string>();
for (const [before, after] of pairs) {
for (const c of Object.keys(after)) {
if (c !== 'id' && !isEqual(before[c], after[c])) {
const result: BulkColValues = {};
for (const colId of colIdSet) {
result[colId] = pairs.map(([before, after]) => after[colId]);
return result;
function serializeResource(rec: RowRecord): string {
return JSON.stringify([rec.tableId, rec.colIds]);
function flatten<T>(...args: T[][]): T[] {
return ([] as T[]).concat(...args);
function removeItem<T>(observableArray: MutableObsArray<T>, item: T): boolean {
const i = observableArray.get().indexOf(item);
if (i >= 0) {
observableArray.splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;
function getChangedStatus(value: boolean): RuleStatus {
return value ? RuleStatus.ChangedValid : RuleStatus.Unchanged;
function getAclFormulaProperties(part?: RulePart): FormulaProperties {
const aclFormulaParsed = part?.origRecord?.aclFormulaParsed;
return aclFormulaParsed ? getFormulaProperties(JSON.parse(String(aclFormulaParsed))) : {};
const cssOuter = styled('div', `
flex: auto;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
const cssAddTableRow = styled('div', `
flex: none;
margin: 16px 16px 8px 16px;
display: flex;
gap: 16px;
const cssDropdownIcon = styled(icon, `
margin: -2px -2px 0 4px;
const cssSection = styled('div', `
margin: 16px 16px 24px 16px;
const cssSectionHeading = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 8px;
font-weight: bold;
color: ${colors.slate};
const cssTableName = styled('span', `
color: ${colors.dark};
const cssInput = styled(textInput, `
width: 100%;
border: 1px solid transparent;
cursor: pointer;
&:hover {
border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
&:focus {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px ${colors.cursor};
border-color: ${colors.cursor};
cursor: unset;
&[disabled] {
color: ${colors.dark};
background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque};
box-shadow: unset;
border-color: transparent;
const cssConditionError = styled('div', `
margin-top: 4px;
width: 100%;
color: ${colors.error};
* Fairly general table styles.
const cssTableRounded = styled('div', `
border: 1px solid ${colors.slate};
border-radius: 8px;
overflow: hidden;
// Row with a border
const cssTableRow = styled('div', `
display: flex;
border-bottom: 1px solid ${colors.slate};
&:last-child {
border-bottom: none;
// Darker table header
const cssTableHeaderRow = styled(cssTableRow, `
background-color: ${colors.mediumGrey};
color: ${colors.dark};
// Cell for table column header.
const cssColHeaderCell = styled('div', `
margin: 4px 8px;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 10px;
// General table cell.
const cssCell = styled('div', `
min-width: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
&-rborder {
border-right: 1px solid ${colors.slate};
&-center {
text-align: center;
&-stretch {
min-width: unset;
overflow: visible;
// Variations on columns of different widths.
const cssCellIcon = styled(cssCell, `flex: none; width: 24px;`);
const cssCell1 = styled(cssCell, `flex: 1;`);
const cssCell2 = styled(cssCell, `flex: 2;`);
const cssCell4 = styled(cssCell, `flex: 4;`);
// Group of columns, which may be placed inside a cell.
const cssColumnGroup = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 0px 8px;
margin: 0 8px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
const cssRuleBody = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 4px;
margin: 4px 0;
const cssRuleDescription = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin: 16px 0 8px 0;
gap: 8px;
const cssCellContent = styled('div', `
margin: 4px 8px;
const cssCenterContent = styled('div', `
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
const cssDefaultLabel = styled('div', `
color: ${colors.slate};
font-weight: bold;