Florent 5e3cd94177
Introduce APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL and fix duplicate docs (#915)

On self-hosted instances, some places in the code rely on the fact that we resolves public domains while being behind reverse proxies. This leads to cases where features are not available, such as the "Duplicate document" one.

Bugs that are solved - n self-hosted instances:

Impossible to open templates and tutorials right after having converted them;
Impossible to submit forms since version 1.1.13;
Impossible to restore a previous version of a document (snapshot);
Impossible to copy a document;


Introduce the APP_HOME_INTERNAL_URL env variable, which is quite the same as APP_DOC_INTERNAL_URL except that it may point to any home worker;
Make /api/worker/:assignmentId([^/]+)/?* return not only the doc worker public url but also the internal one, and adapt the call points like fetchDocs;
Ensure that the home and doc worker internal urls are trusted by trustOrigin;


Co-authored-by: jordigh <>
2024-05-14 12:58:41 -04:00

149 lines
6.5 KiB

import * as express from "express";
import fetch, { RequestInit } from 'node-fetch';
import {AbortController} from 'node-abort-controller';
import { ApiError } from 'app/common/ApiError';
import { SHARE_KEY_PREFIX } from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import { removeTrailingSlash } from 'app/common/gutil';
import { HomeDBManager } from "app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager";
import { assertAccess, getOrSetDocAuth, getTransitiveHeaders, RequestWithLogin } from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import { IDocWorkerMap } from "app/server/lib/DocWorkerMap";
import { expressWrap } from "app/server/lib/expressWrap";
import { GristServer } from "app/server/lib/GristServer";
import { getAssignmentId } from "app/server/lib/idUtils";
import { addAbortHandler } from "app/server/lib/requestUtils";
* Forwards all /api/docs/:docId/tables requests to the doc worker handling the :docId document. Makes
* sure the user has at least view access to the document otherwise rejects the request. For
* performance reason we stream the body directly from the request, which requires that no-one reads
* the req before, in particular you should register DocApiForwarder before bodyParser.
* Use:
* const home = new ApiServer(false);
* const docApiForwarder = new DocApiForwarder(getDocWorkerMap(), home);
* app.use(docApiForwarder.getMiddleware());
* Note that it expects userId, and jsonErrorHandler middleware to be set up outside
* to apply to these routes.
export class DocApiForwarder {
constructor(private _docWorkerMap: IDocWorkerMap, private _dbManager: HomeDBManager,
private _gristServer: GristServer) {
public addEndpoints(app: express.Application) {
app.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.url.startsWith('/api/s/')) {
req.url = req.url.replace('/api/s/', `/api/docs/${SHARE_KEY_PREFIX}`);
// Middleware to forward a request about an existing document that user has access to.
// We do not check whether the document has been soft-deleted; that will be checked by
// the worker if needed.
const withDoc = expressWrap(this._forwardToDocWorker.bind(this, true, 'viewers'));
// Middleware to forward a request without a pre-existing document (for imports/uploads).
const withoutDoc = expressWrap(this._forwardToDocWorker.bind(this, false, null));
const withDocWithoutAuth = expressWrap(this._forwardToDocWorker.bind(this, true, null));
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/tables', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/force-reload', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/recover', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/remove', withDoc);
app.delete('/api/docs/:docId', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/download', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/send-to-drive', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/fork', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/create-fork', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/apply', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/attachments', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/snapshots', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/usersForViewAs', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/replace', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/flush', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/states', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/compare', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/assign', withDocWithoutAuth);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks/queue', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/webhooks', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/assistant', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/sql', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/timing', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/timing/start', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/timing/stop', withDoc);
app.use('/api/docs/:docId/forms/:vsId', withDoc);
app.use('^/api/docs$', withoutDoc);
private async _forwardToDocWorker(
withDocId: boolean, role: 'viewers'|null, req: express.Request, res: express.Response,
): Promise<void> {
let docId: string|null = null;
if (withDocId) {
const docAuth = await getOrSetDocAuth(req as RequestWithLogin, this._dbManager,
this._gristServer, req.params.docId);
if (role) {
assertAccess(role, docAuth, {allowRemoved: true});
docId = docAuth.docId;
// Use the docId for worker assignment, rather than req.params.docId, which could be a urlId.
const assignmentId = getAssignmentId(this._docWorkerMap, docId === null ? 'import' : docId);
if (!this._docWorkerMap) {
throw new ApiError('no worker map', 404);
const docStatus = await this._docWorkerMap.assignDocWorker(assignmentId);
// Construct new url by keeping only origin and path prefixes of `docWorker.internalUrl`,
// and otherwise reflecting fully the original url (remaining path, and query params).
const docWorkerUrl = new URL(docStatus.docWorker.internalUrl);
const url = new URL(req.originalUrl, docWorkerUrl.origin);
url.pathname = removeTrailingSlash(docWorkerUrl.pathname) + url.pathname;
const headers: {[key: string]: string} = {
// At this point, we have already checked and trusted the origin of the request.
// See FlexServer#addApiMiddleware(). So don't include the "Origin" header.
// Including this header also would break features like form submissions,
// as the "Host" header is not retrieved when calling getTransitiveHeaders().
...getTransitiveHeaders(req, { includeOrigin: false }),
'Content-Type': req.get('Content-Type') || 'application/json',
for (const key of ['X-Sort', 'X-Limit']) {
const hdr = req.get(key);
if (hdr) { headers[key] = hdr; }
const controller = new AbortController();
// If the original request is aborted, abort the forwarded request too. (Currently this only
// affects some export/download requests which can abort long-running work.)
addAbortHandler(req, res, () => controller.abort());
const options: RequestInit = {
method: req.method,
signal: controller.signal,
if (['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT'].includes(req.method)) {
// uses `req` as a stream
options.body = req;
const docWorkerRes = await fetch(url.href, options);
for (const key of ['content-type', 'content-disposition', 'cache-control']) {
const value = docWorkerRes.headers.get(key);
if (value) { res.set(key, value); }
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
docWorkerRes.body.on('error', reject);
res.on('error', reject);
res.on('finish', resolve);