You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import test_engine
import testsamples
import useractions
# A sample dropdown condition formula for the column Schools.address and alike, of type Ref/RefList.
def build_dc1_text(school_name, address_city):
return "'New' in choice.{address_city} and ${school_name} == rec.{school_name} + or != $name2".format(**locals())
# Another sample formula for a new column of type ChoiceList (or actually, anything other than Ref/RefList).
def build_dc2_text(school_name, school_address):
# We currently don't support layered attribute access, e.g., so this is not tested.
# really is nonsense, as choice will not be an object.
# Just for testing purposes, to make sure nothing is renamed here.
return "choice + ${school_name} == or rec.{school_address} > 2".format(**locals())
def build_dc1(school_name, address_city):
return json.dumps({
"dropdownCondition": {
"text": build_dc1_text(school_name, address_city),
# The ModifyColumn user action should trigger an auto parse.
# "parsed" is stored as dumped JSON, so we need to explicitly dump it here as well.
"parsed": json.dumps(["Or", ["And", ["In", ["Const", "New"], ["Attr", ["Name", "choice"], address_city]], ["Eq", ["Attr", ["Name", "rec"], school_name], ["Add", ["Attr", ["Name", "rec"], school_name], ["Attr", ["Attr", ["Name", "rec"], "choice"], "city"]]]], ["NotEq", ["Attr", ["Attr", ["Name", "choice"], "rec"], "city"], ["Attr", ["Name", "rec"], "name2"]]])
def build_dc2(school_name, school_address):
return json.dumps({
"dropdownCondition": {
"text": build_dc2_text(school_name, school_address),
"parsed": json.dumps(["Or", ["Eq", ["Add", ["Name", "choice"], ["Attr", ["Name", "rec"], school_name]], ["Attr", ["Name", "choice"], "city"]], ["Gt", ["Attr", ["Name", "rec"], school_address], ["Const", 2]]])
class TestDCRenames(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestDCRenames, self).setUp()
self.engine.apply_user_actions([useractions.from_repr(ua) for ua in (
# Add some irrelevant columns to the table Schools. These should never be renamed.
["AddColumn", "Schools", "name2", {
"type": "Text"
["AddColumn", "Schools", "choice", {
"type": "Ref:Address"
["AddColumn", "Address", "rec", {
"type": "Text"
# Add a dropdown condition formula to Schools.address (column #12).
["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "address", {
"widgetOptions": json.dumps({
"dropdownCondition": {
"text": build_dc1_text("name", "city"),
# Create a similar column with an invalid dropdown condition formula.
# This formula should never be touched.
# This column will have the ID 25.
["AddColumn", "Schools", "address2", {
"type": "Ref:Address",
"widgetOptions": json.dumps({
"dropdownCondition": {
"text": "+ 'New' in and $name ==",
# And another similar column, but of type RefList.
# This column will have the ID 26.
["AddColumn", "Schools", "addresses", {
"type": "RefList:Address",
# AddColumn will not trigger parsing. We emulate a real user's action here by creating it first,
# then editing its widgetOptions.
["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "addresses", {
"widgetOptions": json.dumps({
"dropdownCondition": {
"text": build_dc1_text("name", "city"),
# And another similar column, but of type ChoiceList.
# widgetOptions stay when the column type changes. We do our best to rename stuff in stray widgetOptions.
# This column will have the ID 27.
["AddColumn", "Schools", "features", {
"type": "ChoiceList",
["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "features", {
"widgetOptions": json.dumps({
"dropdownCondition": {
"text": build_dc2_text("name", "address"),
# This is what we'll have at the beginning, for later tests to refer to.
# Table Schools is 2.
self.assertTableData("_grist_Tables_column", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "colId", "widgetOptions"],
[12, 2, "address", build_dc1("name", "city")],
[26, 2, "addresses", build_dc1("name", "city")],
[27, 2, "features", build_dc2("name", "address")],
def assert_invalid_formula_untouched(self):
self.assertTableData("_grist_Tables_column", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "colId", "widgetOptions"],
[25, 2, "address2", json.dumps({
"dropdownCondition": {
"text": "+ 'New' in and $name ==",
def test_referred_column_renames(self):
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Address", "city", "area"])
self.assertTableData("_grist_Tables_column", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "colId", "widgetOptions"],
[12, 2, "address", build_dc1("name", "area")],
[26, 2, "addresses", build_dc1("name", "area")],
# Nothing should be renamed here, as only column renames in the table "Schools" are relevant.
[27, 2, "features", build_dc2("name", "address")],
def test_record_column_renames(self):
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Schools", "name", "identifier"])
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Schools", "address", "location"])
self.assertTableData("_grist_Tables_column", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "colId", "widgetOptions"],
# Side effect: "address" becomes "location".
[12, 2, "location", build_dc1("identifier", "city")],
[26, 2, "addresses", build_dc1("identifier", "city")],
# Now "$name" should become "$identifier", just like in Ref/RefList columns. Nothing else should change.
[27, 2, "features", build_dc2("identifier", "location")],
def test_multiple_renames(self):
# Put all renames together.
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Address", "city", "area"])
self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Schools", "name", "identifier"])
self.assertTableData("_grist_Tables_column", cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[
["id", "parentId", "colId", "widgetOptions"],
[12, 2, "address", build_dc1("identifier", "area")],
[26, 2, "addresses", build_dc1("identifier", "area")],
[27, 2, "features", build_dc2("identifier", "address")],