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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
* Fix support of Scaleway S3 bucket #359 While MinIO and AWS return versionId as strings, other S3 API implementations return versionId as integers. We must carefully convert the versionId as string in order to cover these various behaviors. Also ensure that docStorage is initialized before attempting to calculate the data size in order to avoid an exception. * Add unit tests for MinIOExternalStorage#versions() #359 Introduced some unit tests to : - ensure listObjects is called with the right arguments; - cover the case when a S3 bucket implementation does not return the versionId as a string but rather as an integer (like Scaleway): in such a case, ensure that the returned snapshotId is a string; - cover the case when the listObjects function emits an error, ensure the versions() call rejets with the error emitted; - that the deleteMarkers are only returned when the includeDeleteMarkers is passed; --------- Co-authored-by: Florent FAYOLLE <florent.fayolle@beta.gouv.fr>
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182 lines
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import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {ObjMetadata, ObjSnapshotWithMetadata, toExternalMetadata, toGristMetadata} from 'app/common/DocSnapshot';
import {ExternalStorage} from 'app/server/lib/ExternalStorage';
import {IncomingMessage} from 'http';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as minio from 'minio';
// The minio typings appear to be quite stale. Extend them here to avoid
// lots of casts to any.
type MinIOClient = minio.Client & {
statObject(bucket: string, key: string, options: {versionId?: string}): Promise<MinIOBucketItemStat>;
getObject(bucket: string, key: string, options: {versionId?: string}): Promise<IncomingMessage>;
listObjects(bucket: string, key: string, recursive: boolean,
options: {IncludeVersion?: boolean}): minio.BucketStream<minio.BucketItem>;
removeObjects(bucket: string, versions: Array<{name: string, versionId: string}>): Promise<void>;
type MinIOBucketItemStat = minio.BucketItemStat & {
versionId?: string;
metaData?: Record<string, string>;
* An external store implemented using the MinIO client, which
* will work with MinIO and other S3-compatible storage.
export class MinIOExternalStorage implements ExternalStorage {
// Specify bucket to use, and optionally the max number of keys to request
// in any call to listObjectVersions (used for testing)
public bucket: string,
public options: {
endPoint: string,
port?: number,
useSSL?: boolean,
accessKey: string,
secretKey: string,
region: string
private _batchSize?: number,
private _s3 = new minio.Client(options) as MinIOClient
) {
public async exists(key: string, snapshotId?: string) {
return Boolean(await this.head(key, snapshotId));
public async head(key: string, snapshotId?: string): Promise<ObjSnapshotWithMetadata|null> {
try {
const head = await this._s3.statObject(
this.bucket, key,
snapshotId ? {versionId: snapshotId} : {},
if (!head.lastModified || !head.versionId) {
// AWS documentation says these fields will be present.
throw new Error('MinIOExternalStorage.head did not get expected fields');
return {
lastModified: head.lastModified.toISOString(),
snapshotId: head.versionId,
...head.metaData && { metadata: toGristMetadata(head.metaData) },
} catch (err) {
if (!this.isFatalError(err)) { return null; }
throw err;
public async upload(key: string, fname: string, metadata?: ObjMetadata) {
const stream = fse.createReadStream(fname);
const result = await this._s3.putObject(
this.bucket, key, stream,
metadata ? {Metadata: toExternalMetadata(metadata)} : undefined
// Empirically VersionId is available in result for buckets with versioning enabled.
return result.versionId || null;
public async download(key: string, fname: string, snapshotId?: string) {
const stream = fse.createWriteStream(fname);
const request = await this._s3.getObject(
this.bucket, key,
snapshotId ? {versionId: snapshotId} : {}
const statusCode = request.statusCode || 500;
if (statusCode >= 300) {
throw new ApiError('download error', statusCode);
// See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/v2/developer-guide/requests-using-stream-objects.html
// for an example of streaming data.
const headers = request.headers;
// For a versioned bucket, the header 'x-amz-version-id' contains a version id.
const downloadedSnapshotId = String(headers['x-amz-version-id'] || '');
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', reject) // handle errors on the read stream
.on('error', reject) // handle errors on the write stream
.on('finish', () => resolve(downloadedSnapshotId));
public async remove(key: string, snapshotIds?: string[]) {
if (snapshotIds) {
await this._deleteBatch(key, snapshotIds);
} else {
await this._deleteAllVersions(key);
public async hasVersioning(): Promise<Boolean> {
const versioning = await this._s3.getBucketVersioning(this.bucket);
return versioning && versioning.Status === 'Enabled';
public async versions(key: string, options?: { includeDeleteMarkers?: boolean }) {
const results: minio.BucketItem[] = [];
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const stream = this._s3.listObjects(this.bucket, key, false, {IncludeVersion: true});
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', () => {
.on('data', data => {
return results
.filter(v => v.name === key &&
v.lastModified && (v as any).versionId &&
(options?.includeDeleteMarkers || !(v as any).isDeleteMarker))
.map(v => ({
lastModified: v.lastModified.toISOString(),
// Circumvent inconsistency of MinIO API with versionId by casting it to string
// PR to MinIO so we don't have to do that anymore:
// https://github.com/minio/minio-js/pull/1193
snapshotId: String((v as any).versionId!),
public url(key: string) {
return `minio://${this.bucket}/${key}`;
public isFatalError(err: any) {
// ECONNRESET should not count as fatal:
// https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js/pull/3739
// Likewise for "We encountered an internal error. Please try again."
// These are errors associated with the AWS S3 backend, and which
// the AWS S3 SDK would typically handle.
return err.code !== 'NotFound' && err.code !== 'NoSuchKey' &&
err.code !== 'ECONNRESET' && err.code !== 'InternalError';
public async close() {
// nothing to do
// Delete all versions of an object.
public async _deleteAllVersions(key: string) {
const vs = await this.versions(key, {includeDeleteMarkers: true});
await this._deleteBatch(key, vs.map(v => v.snapshotId));
// Delete a batch of versions for an object.
private async _deleteBatch(key: string, versions: Array<string | undefined>) {
// Max number of keys per request for AWS S3 is 1000, see:
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_DeleteObjects.html
// Stick to this maximum in case we are using this client to talk to AWS.
const N = this._batchSize || 1000;
for (let i = 0; i < versions.length; i += N) {
const iVersions = versions.slice(i, i + N).filter(v => v) as string[];
if (iVersions.length === 0) { continue; }
await this._s3.removeObjects(this.bucket, iVersions.map(versionId => {
return { name: key, versionId };