Paul Fitzpatrick f91f45b26d (core) support granular read access for attachments
When a user requests to read the contents of an attachment, only allow the request if there exists a cell in an attachment column that contains the attachment and which they have read access to.

This does not cover:
 * Granular write access for attachments. In particular, a user who can write to any attachment column should be considered to have full read access to all attachment columns, currently.
 * Access control of attachment metadata such as name and format.

The implementation uses a sql query that requires a scan, and some notes on how this could be optimized in future. The web client was updated to specify the cell to check for access, and performance seemed fine in casual testing on a doc with 1000s of attachments. I'm not sure how performance would hold up as the set of access rules grows as well.

Test Plan: added tests

Reviewers: alexmojaki

Reviewed By: alexmojaki

Differential Revision:
2022-07-07 07:22:02 -04:00

324 lines
13 KiB

import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError';
import {DEFAULT_HOME_SUBDOMAIN, isOrgInPathOnly, parseSubdomain} from 'app/common/gristUrls';
import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil';
import {DocScope, QueryResult, Scope} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager';
import {getUserId, RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer';
import {RequestWithOrg} from 'app/server/lib/extractOrg';
import {RequestWithGrist} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {Permit} from 'app/server/lib/Permit';
import {Request, Response} from 'express';
import {URL} from 'url';
// log api details outside of dev environment (when GRIST_HOSTED_VERSION is set)
const shouldLogApiDetails = Boolean(process.env.GRIST_HOSTED_VERSION);
// Offset to https ports in dev/testing environment.
export const TEST_HTTPS_OFFSET = process.env.GRIST_TEST_HTTPS_OFFSET ?
parseInt(process.env.GRIST_TEST_HTTPS_OFFSET, 10) : undefined;
// Database fields that we permit in entities but don't want to cross the api.
const INTERNAL_FIELDS = new Set([
'apiKey', 'billingAccountId', 'firstLoginAt', 'filteredOut', 'ownerId', 'gracePeriodStart', 'stripeCustomerId',
'stripeSubscriptionId', 'stripePlanId', 'stripeProductId', 'userId', 'isFirstTimeUser', 'allowGoogleLogin',
'authSubject', 'usage'
* Adapt a home-server or doc-worker URL to match the hostname in the request URL. For custom
* domains and when GRIST_SERVE_SAME_ORIGIN is set, we replace the full hostname; otherwise just
* the base of the hostname. The changes to url are made in-place.
* For dev purposes, port is kept but possibly adjusted for TEST_HTTPS_OFFSET. Note that if port
* is different from req's port, it is not considered same-origin for CORS purposes, but would
* still receive cookies.
export function adaptServerUrl(url: URL, req: RequestWithOrg): void {
const reqBaseDomain = parseSubdomain(req.hostname).base;
if (process.env.GRIST_SERVE_SAME_ORIGIN === 'true' || req.isCustomHost) {
url.hostname = req.hostname;
} else if (reqBaseDomain) {
const subdomain: string|undefined = parseSubdomain(url.hostname).org || DEFAULT_HOME_SUBDOMAIN;
url.hostname = `${subdomain}${reqBaseDomain}`;
// In dev/test environment we can turn on a flag to adjust URLs to use https.
if (TEST_HTTPS_OFFSET && url.port && url.protocol === 'http:') {
url.port = String(parseInt(url.port, 10) + TEST_HTTPS_OFFSET);
url.protocol = 'https:';
* If org is not encoded in domain, prefix it to path - otherwise leave path unchanged.
* The domain is extracted from the request, so this method is only useful for constructing
* urls that stay within that domain.
export function addOrgToPathIfNeeded(req: RequestWithOrg, path: string): string {
return (isOrgInPathOnly(req.hostname) && ? `/o/${}${path}` : path;
* If org is known, prefix it to path unconditionally.
export function addOrgToPath(req: RequestWithOrg, path: string): string {
return ? `/o/${}${path}` : path;
* Get url to the org associated with the request.
export function getOrgUrl(req: Request, path: string = '/') {
return getOriginUrl(req) + addOrgToPathIfNeeded(req, path);
* Returns true for requests from permitted origins. For such requests, an
* "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header is added to the response. Vary: Origin
* is also set to reflect the fact that the headers are a function of the origin,
* to prevent inappropriate caching on the browser's side.
export function trustOrigin(req: Request, resp: Response): boolean {
// TODO: We may want to consider changing allowed origin values in the future.
// Note that the request origin is undefined for non-CORS requests.
const origin = req.get('origin');
if (!origin) { return true; } // Not a CORS request.
if (process.env.GRIST_HOST && req.hostname === process.env.GRIST_HOST) { return true; }
if (!allowHost(req, new URL(origin))) { return false; }
// For a request to a custom domain, the full hostname must match.
resp.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin);
resp.header("Vary", "Origin");
return true;
// Returns whether req satisfies the given allowedHost. Unless req is to a custom domain, it is
// enough if only the base domains match. Differing ports are allowed, which helps in dev/testing.
export function allowHost(req: Request, allowedHost: string|URL) {
const mreq = req as RequestWithOrg;
const proto = getEndUserProtocol(req);
const actualUrl = new URL(getOriginUrl(req));
const allowedUrl = (typeof allowedHost === 'string') ? new URL(`${proto}://${allowedHost}`) : allowedHost;
if (mreq.isCustomHost) {
// For a request to a custom domain, the full hostname must match.
return actualUrl.hostname === allowedUrl.hostname;
} else {
// For requests to a native subdomains, only the base domain needs to match.
const allowedDomain = parseSubdomain(allowedUrl.hostname);
const actualDomain = parseSubdomain(actualUrl.hostname);
return (actualDomain.base === allowedDomain.base);
export function isParameterOn(parameter: any): boolean {
return gutil.isAffirmative(parameter);
* Get Scope from request, and make sure it has everything needed for a document.
export function getDocScope(req: Request): DocScope {
const scope = getScope(req);
if (!scope.urlId) { throw new Error('document required'); }
return scope as DocScope;
* Extract information included in the request that may restrict the scope of
* that request. Not all requests will support all restrictions.
* - userId - Mandatory. Produced by authentication middleware.
* Information returned and actions taken will be limited by what
* that user has access to.
* - org - Optional. Extracted by middleware. Limits
* information/action to the given org. Not every endpoint
* respects this limit. Possible exceptions include endpoints for
* listing orgs a user has access to, and endpoints with an org id
* encoded in them.
* - urlId - Optional. Embedded as "did" (or "docId") path parameter in endpoints related
* to documents. Specifies which document the request pertains to. Can
* be a urlId or a docId.
* - includeSupport - Optional. Embedded as "includeSupport" query parameter.
* Just a few endpoints support this, it is a very specific "hack" for including
* an example workspace in org listings.
* - showRemoved - Optional. Embedded as "showRemoved" query parameter.
* Supported by many endpoints. When absent, request is limited
* to docs/workspaces that have not been removed. When present, request
* is limited to docs/workspaces that have been removed.
export function getScope(req: Request): Scope {
const {specialPermit, docAuth} = (req as RequestWithLogin);
const urlId = req.params.did || req.params.docId || docAuth?.docId || undefined;
const userId = getUserId(req);
const org = (req as RequestWithOrg).org;
const includeSupport = isParameterOn(req.query.includeSupport);
const showRemoved = isParameterOn(req.query.showRemoved);
return {urlId, userId, org, includeSupport, showRemoved, specialPermit};
* If scope is for the given userId, return a new Scope with the special permit added.
export function addPermit(scope: Scope, userId: number, specialPermit: Permit): Scope {
return {...scope, ...(scope.userId === userId ? {specialPermit} : {})};
export interface SendReplyOptions {
allowedFields?: Set<string>;
// Return a JSON response reflecting the output of a query.
// Filter out keys we don't want crossing the api.
// Set req to null to not log any information about request.
export async function sendReply<T>(
req: Request|null,
res: Response,
result: QueryResult<T>,
options: SendReplyOptions = {},
) {
const data = pruneAPIResult(, options.allowedFields);
if (shouldLogApiDetails && req) {
const mreq = req as RequestWithLogin;
log.rawDebug('api call', {
url: req.url,
userId: mreq.userId,
altSessionId: mreq.altSessionId,
email: mreq.user && mreq.user.loginEmail,
params: req.params,
body: req.body,
result: data,
if (result.status === 200) {
return res.json(data ?? null); // can't handle undefined
} else {
return res.status(result.status).json({error: result.errMessage});
export async function sendOkReply<T>(
req: Request|null,
res: Response,
result?: T,
options: SendReplyOptions = {}
) {
return sendReply(req, res, {status: 200, data: result}, options);
export function pruneAPIResult<T>(data: T, allowedFields?: Set<string>): T {
// TODO: This can be optimized by pruning data recursively without serializing in between. But
// it's fairly fast even with serializing (on the order of 15usec/kb).
const output = JSON.stringify(data,
(key: string, value: any) => {
// Do not include removedAt field if it is not set. It is not relevant to regular
// situations where the user is working with non-deleted resources.
if (key === 'removedAt' && value === null) { return undefined; }
// Don't bother sending option fields if there are no options set.
if (key === 'options' && value === null) { return undefined; }
// Don't prune anything that is explicitly allowed.
if (allowedFields?.has(key)) { return value; }
// User connect id is not used in regular configuration, so we remove it from the response, when
// it's not filled.
if (key === 'connectId' && value === null) { return undefined; }
return INTERNAL_FIELDS.has(key) ? undefined : value;
return output !== undefined ? JSON.parse(output) : undefined;
* Access the canonical docId associated with the request. Must have already authorized.
export function getDocId(req: Request) {
const mreq = req as RequestWithLogin;
// We should always have authorized by now.
if (!mreq.docAuth || !mreq.docAuth.docId) { throw new ApiError(`unknown document`, 500); }
return mreq.docAuth.docId;
export function optStringParam(p: any): string|undefined {
if (typeof p === 'string') { return p; }
return undefined;
export function stringParam(p: any, name: string, allowed?: string[]): string {
if (typeof p !== 'string') {
throw new ApiError(`${name} parameter should be a string: ${p}`, 400);
if (allowed && !allowed.includes(p)) {
throw new ApiError(`${name} parameter ${p} should be one of ${allowed}`, 400);
return p;
export function integerParam(p: any, name: string): number {
if (typeof p === 'number') { return Math.floor(p); }
if (typeof p === 'string') {
const result = parseInt(p, 10);
if (isNaN(result)) {
throw new ApiError(`${name} parameter cannot be understood as an integer: ${p}`, 400);
return result;
throw new ApiError(`${name} parameter should be an integer: ${p}`, 400);
export function optIntegerParam(p: any): number|undefined {
if (typeof p === 'number') { return Math.floor(p); }
if (typeof p === 'string') { return parseInt(p, 10); }
return undefined;
export function optJsonParam(p: any, defaultValue: any): any {
if (typeof p !== 'string') { return defaultValue; }
return gutil.safeJsonParse(p, defaultValue);
export interface RequestWithGristInfo extends Request {
gristInfo?: string;
* Returns original request origin. In case, when a client was connected to proxy
* or load balancer, it reads protocol from forwarded headers.
* More can be read on:
export function getOriginUrl(req: Request) {
const host = req.get('host')!;
const protocol = getEndUserProtocol(req);
return `${protocol}://${host}`;
* Get the protocol to use in Grist URLs that are intended to be reachable
* from a user's browser. Use the protocol in APP_HOME_URL if available,
* otherwise X-Forwarded-Proto is set on the provided request, otherwise
* the protocol of the request itself.
export function getEndUserProtocol(req: Request) {
if (process.env.APP_HOME_URL) {
return new URL(process.env.APP_HOME_URL).protocol.replace(':', '');
return req.get("X-Forwarded-Proto") || req.protocol;
* In some configurations, session information may be cached by the server.
* When session information changes, give the server a chance to clear its
* cache if needed.
export function clearSessionCacheIfNeeded(req: Request, options?: {
email?: string,
org?: string|null,
sessionID?: string,
}) {
(req as RequestWithGrist).gristServer?.getSessions().clearCacheIfNeeded(options);