mirror of
synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: A green line indicating the insertion point is now shown in the ChoiceListEntry component when dragging and dropping choices, similar to the one shown in the choice list cell editor. Test Plan: Tested manually. Reviewers: jarek Reviewed By: jarek Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D3529
459 lines
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459 lines
15 KiB
// External dependencies
import {computed, Computed, computedArray} from 'grainjs';
import {MutableObsArray, obsArray, ObsArray, observable, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import {dom, LiveIndex, makeLiveIndex, styled} from 'grainjs';
// Grist client libs
import {DocComm} from 'app/client/components/DocComm';
import {selectFiles, uploadFiles} from 'app/client/lib/uploads';
import {DocData} from 'app/client/models/DocData';
import {MetaTableData} from 'app/client/models/TableData';
import {basicButton, basicButtonLink, cssButtonGroup} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons';
import {colors, testId, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {editableLabel} from 'app/client/ui2018/editableLabel';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {IModalControl, modal} from 'app/client/ui2018/modals';
import {renderFileType} from 'app/client/widgets/AttachmentsWidget';
import {NewBaseEditor, Options} from 'app/client/widgets/NewBaseEditor';
import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions';
import {SingleCell} from 'app/common/TableData';
import {clamp, encodeQueryParams} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {UploadResult} from 'app/common/uploads';
import * as mimeTypes from 'mime-types';
interface Attachment {
rowId: number;
// Checksum of the file content, with extension, which identifies the file data in the _gristsys_Files table.
fileIdent: string;
// MIME type of the data (looked up from fileIdent's extension).
fileType: string;
// User-defined filename of the attachment. An observable to support renaming.
filename: Observable<string>;
// Whether the attachment is an image, indicated by the presence of imageHeight in the record.
hasPreview: boolean;
// The download URL of the attachment; served with Content-Disposition of "attachment".
url: Observable<string>;
// The inline URL of the attachment; served with Content-Disposition of "inline".
inlineUrl: Observable<string>;
* An AttachmentsEditor shows a full-screen modal with attachment previews, and options to rename,
* download, add or remove attachments in the edited cell.
export class AttachmentsEditor extends NewBaseEditor {
private _attachmentsTable: MetaTableData<'_grist_Attachments'>;
private _docComm: DocComm;
private _rowIds: MutableObsArray<number>;
private _attachments: ObsArray<Attachment>;
private _index: LiveIndex;
private _selected: Computed<Attachment|null>;
constructor(options: Options) {
const docData: DocData = options.gristDoc.docData;
const cellValue: CellValue = options.cellValue;
const cell: SingleCell = {
rowId: options.rowId,
colId: options.field.colId(),
tableId: options.field.column().table().tableId(),
// editValue is abused slightly to indicate a 1-based index of the attachment.
const initRowIndex: number|undefined = (options.editValue && parseInt(options.editValue, 0) - 1) || 0;
this._attachmentsTable = docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Attachments');
this._docComm = docData.docComm;
this._rowIds = obsArray(Array.isArray(cellValue) ? cellValue.slice(1) as number[] : []);
this._attachments = computedArray(this._rowIds, (val: number): Attachment => {
const fileIdent: string = this._attachmentsTable.getValue(val, 'fileIdent')!;
const fileType = mimeTypes.lookup(fileIdent) || 'application/octet-stream';
const filename: Observable<string> =
observable(this._attachmentsTable.getValue(val, 'fileName')!);
return {
rowId: val,
hasPreview: Boolean(this._attachmentsTable.getValue(val, 'imageHeight')),
url: computed((use) => this._getUrl(cell, val, use(filename))),
inlineUrl: computed((use) => this._getUrl(cell, val, use(filename), true))
this._index = makeLiveIndex(this, this._attachments, initRowIndex);
this._selected = this.autoDispose(computed((use) => {
const index = use(this._index);
return index === null ? null : use(this._attachments)[index];
// This "attach" is not about "attachments", but about attaching this widget to the page DOM.
public attach(cellElem: Element) {
modal((ctl, owner) => {
// If FieldEditor is disposed externally (e.g. on navigation), be sure to close the modal.
return [
Enter: (ev) => { ctl.close(); this.options.commands.fieldEditSaveHere(); },
Escape: (ev) => { ctl.close(); this.options.commands.fieldEditCancel(); },
ArrowLeft$: (ev) => !isInEditor(ev) && this._moveIndex(-1),
ArrowRight$: (ev) => !isInEditor(ev) && this._moveIndex(1),
// Close if clicking into the background. (The default modal's behavior for this isn't
// triggered because our content covers the whole screen.)
dom.on('click', (ev, elem) => { if (ev.target === elem) { ctl.close(); } }),
}, {noEscapeKey: true});
public getCellValue() {
return ["L", ...this._rowIds.get()] as CellValue;
public getCursorPos(): number {
return 0;
public getTextValue(): string {
return '';
// Builds the attachment preview modal.
private _buildDom(ctl: IModalControl) {
return [
cssFlexExpand(dom.text(use => {
const len = use(this._attachments).length;
return len ? `${(use(this._index) || 0) + 1} of ${len}` : '';
dom.maybe(this._selected, selected =>
cssEditableLabel(selected.filename, {
save: (val) => this._renameAttachment(selected, val),
inputArgs: [testId('pw-name')],
dom.maybe(this._selected, selected =>
basicButtonLink(cssButton.cls(''), cssButtonIcon('Download'), 'Download',
dom.attr('href', selected.url),
dom.attr('target', '_blank'),
dom.attr('download', selected.filename),
this.options.readonly ? null : [
cssButton(cssButtonIcon('FieldAttachment'), 'Add',
dom.on('click', () => this._select()),
dom.maybe(this._selected, () =>
cssButton(cssButtonIcon('Remove'), 'Delete',
dom.on('click', () => this._remove()),
cssCloseButton(cssBigIcon('CrossBig'), dom.on('click', () => ctl.close()),
cssNextArrow(cssNextArrow.cls('-left'), cssBigIcon('Expand'), testId('pw-left'),
dom.hide(use => !use(this._attachments).length || use(this._index) === 0),
dom.on('click', () => this._moveIndex(-1))
cssNextArrow(cssNextArrow.cls('-right'), cssBigIcon('Expand'), testId('pw-right'),
dom.hide(use => !use(this._attachments).length || use(this._index) === use(this._attachments).length - 1),
dom.on('click', () => this._moveIndex(1))
dom.domComputed(this._selected, selected => renderContent(selected, this.options.readonly)),
// Drag-over logic
(elem: HTMLElement) => dragOverClass(elem, cssDropping.className),
cssDragArea(this.options.readonly ? null : cssWarning('Drop files here to attach')),
this.options.readonly ? null : dom.on('drop', ev => this._upload(ev.dataTransfer!.files)),
private async _renameAttachment(att: Attachment, fileName: string): Promise<void> {
await this._attachmentsTable.sendTableAction(['UpdateRecord', att.rowId, {fileName}]);
// Update the observable, since it's not on its own observing changes.
att.filename.set(this._attachmentsTable.getValue(att.rowId, 'fileName')!);
private _getUrl(cell: SingleCell, attId: number, filename: string, inline?: boolean): string {
return this._docComm.docUrl('attachment') + '?' + encodeQueryParams({
name: filename,
...(inline ? {inline: 1} : {})
private _moveIndex(dir: -1|1): void {
const next = this._index.get()! + dir;
this._index.set(clamp(next, 0, this._attachments.get().length));
// Removes the attachment being previewed from the cell (but not the document).
private _remove(): void {
this._rowIds.splice(this._index.get()!, 1);
private async _select(): Promise<void> {
const uploadResult = await selectFiles({docWorkerUrl: this._docComm.docWorkerUrl,
multiple: true, sizeLimit: 'attachment'});
return this._add(uploadResult);
private async _upload(files: FileList): Promise<void> {
const uploadResult = await uploadFiles(Array.from(files),
{docWorkerUrl: this._docComm.docWorkerUrl,
sizeLimit: 'attachment'});
return this._add(uploadResult);
private async _add(uploadResult: UploadResult|null): Promise<void> {
if (!uploadResult) { return; }
const rowIds = await this._docComm.addAttachments(uploadResult.uploadId);
const len = this._rowIds.get().length;
if (rowIds.length > 0) {
function isInEditor(ev: KeyboardEvent): boolean {
return (ev.target as HTMLElement).tagName === 'INPUT';
function renderContent(att: Attachment|null, readonly: boolean): HTMLElement {
const commonArgs = [cssContent.cls(''), testId('pw-attachment-content')];
if (!att) {
return cssWarning('No attachments', readonly ? null : cssDetails('Drop files here to attach.'), ...commonArgs);
} else if (att.hasPreview) {
return dom('img', dom.attr('src', att.url), ...commonArgs);
} else if (att.fileType.startsWith('video/')) {
return dom('video', dom.attr('src', att.inlineUrl), {autoplay: false, controls: true}, ...commonArgs);
} else if (att.fileType.startsWith('audio/')) {
return dom('audio', dom.attr('src', att.inlineUrl), {autoplay: false, controls: true}, ...commonArgs);
} else if (att.fileType.startsWith('text/') || att.fileType === 'application/json') {
// Rendering text/html is risky. Things like text/plain and text/csv we could render though,
// but probably not using object tag (which needs work to look acceptable).
return dom('div', ...commonArgs,
cssWarning(cssContent.cls(''), renderFileType(att.filename.get(), att.fileIdent),
cssDetails('Preview not available.')));
} else {
// Setting 'type' attribute is important to avoid a download prompt from Chrome.
return dom('object', {type: att.fileType}, dom.attr('data', att.inlineUrl), ...commonArgs,
cssWarning(cssContent.cls(''), renderFileType(att.filename.get(), att.fileIdent),
cssDetails('Preview not available.'))
function dragOverClass(target: HTMLElement, className: string): void {
let enterTarget: EventTarget|null = null;
function toggle(ev: DragEvent, onOff: boolean) {
enterTarget = onOff ? ev.target : null;
target.classList.toggle(className, onOff);
dom.onElem(target, 'dragenter', (ev) => toggle(ev, true));
dom.onElem(target, 'dragleave', (ev) => (ev.target === enterTarget) && toggle(ev, false));
dom.onElem(target, 'drop', (ev) => toggle(ev, false));
const cssFullScreenModal = styled('div', `
background-color: initial;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: none;
border-radius: 0px;
box-shadow: none;
padding: 0px;
const cssHeader = styled('div', `
padding: 16px 24px;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
color: white;
const cssCloseButton = styled('div', `
padding: 6px;
border-radius: 32px;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: ${colors.light};
--icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen};
&:hover {
background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque};
--icon-color: ${colors.darkGreen};
const cssBigIcon = styled(icon, `
padding: 10px;
const cssTitle = styled('div', `
display: inline-block;
padding: 8px 16px;
margin-right: 8px;
min-width: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
&:hover {
outline: 1px solid ${colors.slate};
&:focus-within {
outline: 1px solid ${colors.darkGreen};
const cssEditableLabel = styled(editableLabel, `
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
font-weight: bold;
color: white;
const cssFlexExpand = styled('div', `
flex: 1;
display: flex;
const cssFileButtons = styled(cssButtonGroup, `
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: 16px;
height: 32px;
flex: none;
const cssButton = styled(basicButton, `
background-color: ${colors.light};
font-weight: normal;
padding: 0 16px;
border-top: none;
border-right: none;
border-bottom: none;
border-left: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey};
display: flex;
align-items: center;
&:first-child {
border: none;
&:hover {
background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque};
border-color: ${colors.darkGrey};
const cssButtonIcon = styled(icon, `
--icon-color: ${colors.slate};
margin-right: 4px;
const cssNextArrow = styled('div', `
position: fixed;
height: 32px;
margin: auto 24px;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
z-index: 1;
padding: 6px;
border-radius: 32px;
cursor: pointer;
background-color: ${colors.lightGreen};
--icon-color: ${colors.light};
&:hover {
background-color: ${colors.darkGreen};
&-left {
transform: rotateY(180deg);
left: 0px;
&-right {
right: 0px;
const cssDropping = styled('div', '');
const cssContent = styled('div', `
display: block;
height: calc(100% - 72px);
width: calc(100% - 64px);
max-width: 800px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 64px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
outline: none;
img& {
width: max-content;
height: unset;
audio& {
padding-bottom: 64px;
.${cssDropping.className} > & {
display: none;
const cssWarning = styled('div', `
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize};
font-weight: bold;
color: white;
padding: 0px;
const cssDetails = styled('div', `
font-weight: normal;
margin-top: 24px;
const cssDragArea = styled(cssContent, `
border: 2px dashed ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque};
height: calc(100% - 96px);
margin-top: 64px;
padding: 0px;
justify-content: center;
display: none;
.${cssDropping.className} > & {
display: flex;