Alex Hall b8486dcdba (core) Nice summary table IDs
Changes auto-generated summary table IDs from e.g. `GristSummary_6_Table1` to `Table1_summary_A_B` (meaning `Table1` grouped by `A` and `B`). This makes it easier to write formulas involving summary tables, make API requests, understand logs, etc.

Because these don't encode the source table ID as reliably as before, `decode_summary_table_name` now uses the summary table schema info, not just the summary table ID. Specifically, it looks at the type of the `group` column, which is `RefList:<source table id>`.

Renaming a source table renames the summary table as before, and now renaming a groupby column renames the summary table as well.

Conflicting table names are resolved in the usual way by adding a number at the end, e.g. `Table1_summary_A_B2`. These summary tables are not automatically renamed when the disambiguation is no longer needed.

A new migration renames all summary tables to the new scheme, and updates formulas using summary tables with a simple regex.

Test Plan:
Updated many tests to use the new style of name.

Added new Python tests to for resolving conflicts when renaming source tables and groupby columns.

Added a test for the migration, including renames in formulas.

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Differential Revision:
2022-07-14 12:09:56 +02:00

308 lines
12 KiB

import actions
import logger
import testutil
import test_engine
log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO)
def _bulk_update(table_name, col_names, row_data):
return actions.BulkUpdateRecord(
*testutil.table_data_from_rows(table_name, col_names, row_data))
class TestDerived(test_engine.EngineTestCase):
sample = testutil.parse_test_sample({
[1, "Customers", [
[1, "firstName", "Text", False, "", "", ""],
[2, "lastName", "Text", False, "", "", ""],
[3, "state", "Text", False, "", "", ""],
[2, "Orders", [
[10, "year", "Int", False, "", "", ""],
[11, "customer", "Ref:Customers", False, "", "", ""],
[12, "product", "Text", False, "", "", ""],
[13, "amount", "Numeric", False, "", "", ""],
"DATA": {
"Customers": [
["id", "firstName", "lastName", "state"],
[1, "Lois", "Long", "NY"],
[2, "Felix", "Myers", "NY"],
[3, "Grace", "Hawkins", "CT"],
[4, "Bessie", "Green", "NJ"],
[5, "Jerome", "Daniel", "CT"],
"Orders": [
["id", "year", "customer", "product", "amount" ],
[1, 2012, 3, "A", 15 ],
[2, 2013, 2, "A", 15 ],
[3, 2013, 3, "A", 15 ],
[4, 2014, 1, "B", 35 ],
[5, 2014, 5, "B", 35 ],
[6, 2014, 3, "A", 16 ],
[7, 2015, 1, "A", 17 ],
[8, 2015, 2, "B", 36 ],
[9, 2015, 3, "B", 36 ],
[10, 2015, 5, "A", 17 ],
def test_group_by_one(self):
Test basic summary table operation, for a table grouped by one columns.
# Create a derived table summarizing count and total of orders by year.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 2, 0, 'record', [10], None])
# Check the results.
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_year", ["id", "year", "count", "amount", "group" ], [
[1, 2012, 1, 15, [1]],
[2, 2013, 2, 30, [2,3]],
[3, 2014, 3, 86, [4,5,6]],
[4, 2015, 4, 106, [7,8,9,10]],
# Updating amounts should cause totals to be updated in the summary.
out_actions = self.update_records("Orders", ["id", "amount"], [
[1, 14],
[2, 14]
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders", [1,2], {'amount': [14, 14]}),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_year", [1,2], {'amount': [14, 29]})
"calls": {"Orders_summary_year": {"amount": 2}}
# Changing a record from one product to another should cause the two affected lines to change.
out_actions = self.update_record("Orders", 10, year=2012)
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
actions.UpdateRecord("Orders", 10, {"year": 2012}),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_year", [1,4], {"amount": [31.0, 89.0]}),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_year", [1,4], {"count": [2,3]}),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_year", [1,4], {"group": [[1,10], [7,8,9]]}),
"calls": {"Orders_summary_year": {"group": 2, "amount": 2, "count": 2},
"Orders": {"#lookup##summary#Orders_summary_year": 1,
"#summary#Orders_summary_year": 1}}
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_year", ["id", "year", "count", "amount", "group" ], [
[1, 2012, 2, 31.0, [1,10]],
[2, 2013, 2, 29.0, [2,3]],
[3, 2014, 3, 86.0, [4,5,6]],
[4, 2015, 3, 89.0, [7,8,9]],
# Changing a record to a new year that wasn't in the summary should cause an add-record.
out_actions = self.update_record("Orders", 10, year=1999)
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
actions.UpdateRecord("Orders", 10, {"year": 1999}),
actions.AddRecord("Orders_summary_year", 5, {'year': 1999}),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_year", [1,5], {"amount": [14.0, 17.0]}),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_year", [1,5], {"count": [1,1]}),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_year", [1,5], {"group": [[1], [10]]}),
"calls": {
"Orders_summary_year": {
'#lookup#year': 1, "group": 2, "amount": 2, "count": 2, "#lookup#": 1
"Orders": {"#lookup##summary#Orders_summary_year": 1,
"#summary#Orders_summary_year": 1}}
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_year", ["id", "year", "count", "amount", "group" ], [
[1, 2012, 1, 14.0, [1]],
[2, 2013, 2, 29.0, [2,3]],
[3, 2014, 3, 86.0, [4,5,6]],
[4, 2015, 3, 89.0, [7,8,9]],
[5, 1999, 1, 17.0, [10]],
def test_group_by_two(self):
Test a summary table created by grouping on two columns.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 2, 0, 'record', [10, 12], None])
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_product_year", [
"id", "year", "product", "count", "amount", "group"
], [
[1, 2012, "A", 1, 15.0, [1]],
[2, 2013, "A", 2, 30.0, [2,3]],
[3, 2014, "B", 2, 70.0, [4,5]],
[4, 2014, "A", 1, 16.0, [6]],
[5, 2015, "A", 2, 34.0, [7,10]],
[6, 2015, "B", 2, 72.0, [8,9]],
# Changing a record from one product to another should cause the two affected lines to change,
# or new lines to be created as needed.
out_actions = self.update_records("Orders", ["id", "product"], [
[2, "B"],
[6, "B"],
[7, "C"],
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders", [2, 6, 7], {"product": ["B", "B", "C"]}),
actions.AddRecord("Orders_summary_product_year", 7, {'year': 2013, 'product': 'B'}),
actions.AddRecord("Orders_summary_product_year", 8, {'year': 2015, 'product': 'C'}),
actions.RemoveRecord("Orders_summary_product_year", 4),
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_product_year", [2,3,5,7,8], {
"amount": [15.0, 86.0, 17.0, 15.0, 17.0]
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_product_year", [2,3,5,7,8], {
"count": [1, 3, 1, 1, 1]
actions.BulkUpdateRecord("Orders_summary_product_year", [2,3,5,7,8], {
"group": [[3], [4,5,6], [10], [2], [7]]
# Verify the results.
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_product_year", [
"id", "year", "product", "count", "amount", "group"
], [
[1, 2012, "A", 1, 15.0, [1]],
[2, 2013, "A", 1, 15.0, [3]],
[3, 2014, "B", 3, 86.0, [4,5,6]],
[5, 2015, "A", 1, 17.0, [10]],
[6, 2015, "B", 2, 72.0, [8,9]],
[7, 2013, "B", 1, 15.0, [2]],
[8, 2015, "C", 1, 17.0, [7]],
def test_group_with_references(self):
Test summary tables grouped on indirect values. In this example we want for each
customer.state, the number of customers and the total of their orders, which we can do either
as a summary on the Customers table, or a summary on the Orders table.
# Create a summary on the Customers table. Adding orders involves a lookup for each customer.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, 'record', [3], None])
self.add_column("Customers_summary_state", "totalAmount",
formula="sum(sum(Orders.lookupRecords(customer=c).amount) for c in $group)")
self.assertPartialData("Customers_summary_state", ["id", "state", "count", "totalAmount"], [
[1, "NY", 2, 103.0 ],
[2, "CT", 2, 134.0 ],
[3, "NJ", 1, 0.0 ],
# # Create the same summary on the Orders table, looking up 'state' via the Customer reference.
# self.apply_user_action(["AddDerivedTableSource", "Summary4", "Orders",
# {"state": "$customer.state"}])
# self.add_column("Summary4", "numCustomers", formula="len(set($source_Orders.customer))")
# self.add_column("Summary4", "totalAmount", formula="sum($source_Orders.amount)")
# self.assertPartialData("Summary4", ["id", "state", "numCustomers", "totalAmount"], [
# [1, "CT", 2, 134.0 ],
# [2, "NY", 2, 103.0 ],
# ])
# In either case, changing an amount (from 36->37 for a CT customer) should update summaries.
out_actions = self.update_record('Orders', 9, amount=37)
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
"stored": [
actions.UpdateRecord("Orders", 9, {"amount": 37}),
actions.UpdateRecord("Customers_summary_state", 2, {"totalAmount": 135.0}),
# In either case, changing a customer's state should trigger recomputation too.
# We are changing a NY customer with $51 in orders to MA.
self.update_record('Customers', 2, state="MA")
self.assertPartialData("Customers_summary_state", ["id", "state", "count", "totalAmount"], [
[1, "NY", 1, 52.0 ],
[2, "CT", 2, 135.0 ],
[3, "NJ", 1, 0.0 ],
[4, "MA", 1, 51.0 ],
# self.assertPartialData("Summary4", ["id", "state", "numCustomers", "totalAmount"], [
# [1, "CT", 2, 135.0 ],
# [2, "NY", 1, 52.0 ],
# [3, "MA", 1, 51.0 ],
# ])
# Similarly, changing an Order to refer to a different customer should update both tables.
# Here we are changing a $17 order (#7) for a NY customer (#1) to a NJ customer (#4).
out_actions = self.update_record("Orders", 7, customer=4)
# self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, {
# "stored": [actions.UpdateRecord("Orders", 7, {"customer": 4}),
# actions.AddRecord("Summary4", 4, {"state": "NJ"}),
# actions.UpdateRecord("Summary4", 4, {"manualSort": 4.0})]
# })
self.assertPartialData("Customers_summary_state", ["id", "state", "count", "totalAmount"], [
[1, "NY", 1, 35.0 ],
[2, "CT", 2, 135.0 ],
[3, "NJ", 1, 17.0 ],
[4, "MA", 1, 51.0 ],
# self.assertPartialData("Summary4", ["id", "state", "numCustomers", "totalAmount"], [
# [1, "CT", 2, 135.0 ],
# [2, "NY", 1, 35.0 ],
# [3, "MA", 1, 51.0 ],
# [4, "NJ", 1, 17.0 ],
# ])
def test_deletions(self):
# Create a summary table summarizing count and total of orders by year.
self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 2, 0, 'record', [10], None])
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_year", ["id", "year", "count", "amount", "group" ], [
[1, 2012, 1, 15.0, [1]],
[2, 2013, 2, 30.0, [2,3]],
[3, 2014, 3, 86.0, [4,5,6]],
[4, 2015, 4, 106.0, [7,8,9,10]],
# Update a record so that a new line appears in the summary table.
out_actions_update = self.update_record("Orders", 1, year=2007)
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_year", ["id", "year", "count", "amount", "group" ], [
[2, 2013, 2, 30.0, [2,3]],
[3, 2014, 3, 86.0, [4,5,6]],
[4, 2015, 4, 106.0, [7,8,9,10]],
[5, 2007, 1, 15.0, [1]],
# Undo and ensure that the new line is gone from the summary table.
out_actions_undo = self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions_update.undo)
self.assertPartialData("Orders_summary_year", ["id", "year", "count", "amount", "group" ], [
[1, 2012, 1, 15.0, [1]],
[2, 2013, 2, 30.0, [2,3]],
[3, 2014, 3, 86.0, [4,5,6]],
[4, 2015, 4, 106.0, [7,8,9,10]],
self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions_undo, {
"stored": [
actions.AddRecord("Orders_summary_year", 1, {
"amount": 15.0, "count": 1, "group": [1], "year": 2012
actions.RemoveRecord("Orders_summary_year", 5),
actions.UpdateRecord("Orders", 1, {"year": 2012}),
"calls": {
"Orders_summary_year": {
"#lookup#": 1, "#lookup#year": 1, "group": 1, "amount": 1, "count": 1
"Orders": {
"#lookup##summary#Orders_summary_year": 1, "#summary#Orders_summary_year": 1,