mirror of https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core.git synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso 3e70a77729 (core) test: move gen-server tests into core
These are tests that we just never moved into the public
repo. It's just a small chore to make them public.

Test Plan: Make sure the tests still pass

Reviewers: jarek

Reviewed By: jarek

Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D4311
2024-08-15 08:44:35 -04:00

454 lines
20 KiB

import {Role} from 'app/common/roles';
import {PermissionData} from 'app/common/UserAPI';
import {assert} from 'chai';
import {TestServer} from 'test/gen-server/apiUtils';
import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils';
describe('scrubUserFromOrg', function() {
let server: TestServer;
beforeEach(async function() {
server = new TestServer(this);
await server.start();
// Use an empty org called "org1" created by "user1" for these tests.
const user1 = (await server.dbManager.getUserByLogin('user1@getgrist.com'))!;
await server.dbManager.addOrg(user1, {name: 'org1', domain: 'org1'}, {
setUserAsOwner: false,
useNewPlan: true
afterEach(async function() {
await server.stop();
// count how many rows there are in the group_users table, for sanity checks.
async function countGroupUsers() {
return await server.dbManager.connection.manager.count('group_users');
// get the home api, making sure the user's api key is set.
async function getApi(userName: string, orgName: string) {
const user = (await server.dbManager.getUserByLogin(`${userName}@getgrist.com`))!;
user.apiKey = `api_key_for_${userName}`;
await user.save();
return server.createHomeApi(userName, orgName, true);
// check what role is listed for the given user in the results of an ACL endpoint.
function getRole(access: PermissionData, email: string): string|null|undefined {
const row = access.users.find(u => u.email === email);
if (!row) { return undefined; }
return row.access;
// list emails of all users with the given role for the given org.
async function listOrg(domain: string, role: Role|null): Promise<string[]> {
return (await server.listOrgMembership(domain, role))
.map(user => user.logins[0].email);
// list emails of all users with the given role for the given workspace, via
// directly granted access to the workspace (inherited access not considered).
async function listWs(wsId: number, role: Role|null): Promise<string[]> {
return (await server.listWorkspaceMembership(wsId, role))
.map(user => user.logins[0].email);
// list all resources a user has directly been granted access to, as a list
// of strings, each of the form "role:resource-name", such as "guests:org1".
async function listUser(email: string) {
return (await server.listUserMemberships(email))
.map(membership => `${membership.role}:${membership.res.name}`).sort();
it('can remove users from orgs while preserving doc access', async function() {
this.timeout(5000); // takes about a second locally, so give more time to
// avoid occasional slow runs on jenkins.
// In test org "org1", create a test workspace "ws1" and a test document "doc1"
const user1 = await getApi('user1', 'org1');
const wsId = await user1.newWorkspace({name: 'ws1'}, 'current');
const docId = await user1.newDoc({name: 'doc1'}, wsId);
// Initially the org has only 1 guest - the creator.
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'), ['user1@getgrist.com']);
// Add a set of users to doc1
await user1.updateDocPermissions(docId, {
maxInheritedRole: 'viewers',
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user4@getgrist.com': 'editors',
'user5@getgrist.com': 'owners',
// Check that the org now has the expected guests. Even user1, who has
// direct access to the org, will be listed as a guest as well.
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com', 'user3@getgrist.com',
'user4@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
// Check the the workspace also has the expected guests.
assert.sameMembers(await listWs(wsId, 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com', 'user3@getgrist.com',
'user4@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
// Get the home api from user2's perspective (so we can tweak user1's access to doc1).
const user2 = await getApi('user2', 'org1');
// Confirm that user3's maximal role on the org currently is as a guest.
let access = await user1.getOrgAccess('current');
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user3@getgrist.com'), 'guests');
// Check that user1 is an owner on the doc (this happens when the doc's permissions
// were updated by user1, since the user changing access must remain an owner).
access = await user1.getDocAccess(docId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'owners');
// Lower user1's access to the doc.
await user2.updateDocPermissions(docId, {
users: { 'user1@getgrist.com': 'viewers' }
access = await user2.getDocAccess(docId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
// Have user1 change user3's access to the org.
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user3@getgrist.com': 'viewers' }
access = await user2.getDocAccess(docId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user3@getgrist.com'), 'owners');
// Ok, that has all been preamble. Now to test user removal.
// Have user1 remove user3's access to the org, checking user1+user3's access before and after.
let countBefore = await countGroupUsers();
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user3@getgrist.com'),
['viewers:org1', 'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1', 'owners:Personal', 'owners:doc1']);
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user1@getgrist.com'),
['owners:org1', 'guests:org1', 'owners:ws1', 'guests:ws1', 'owners:Personal', 'viewers:doc1']);
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user3@getgrist.com': null }
let countAfter = await countGroupUsers();
// The only resource user3 has access to now is their personal org.
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user3@getgrist.com'), ['owners:Personal']);
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user1@getgrist.com'),
['owners:org1', 'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1', 'owners:ws1', 'owners:Personal', 'owners:doc1']);
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com',
'user4@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
assert.sameMembers(await listWs(wsId, 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com',
'user4@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
// For overall count of rows in group_users table, here are the changes:
// - Drops: user3 as owner of doc, editor on org, guest on ws and org.
// - Changes: user1 from editor to owner of doc.
assert.equal(countAfter, countBefore - 4);
// Check view API that user3 is removed from the doc, and Owner1 promoted to owner.
access = await user2.getDocAccess(docId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user3@getgrist.com'), undefined);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'owners');
// Lower user1's access to the doc again.
await user2.updateDocPermissions(docId, {
users: { 'user1@getgrist.com': 'viewers' }
access = await user2.getDocAccess(docId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
// Now have user1 remove user4's access to the org.
countBefore = await countGroupUsers();
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user4@getgrist.com': null }
countAfter = await countGroupUsers();
// Drops: user4 as editor of doc, guest on ws and org.
// Adds: nothing.
assert.equal(countAfter, countBefore - 3);
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
// User4 should be removed from the doc, and user1's access unchanged (since user4 was
// not an owner)
access = await user2.getDocAccess(docId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user4@getgrist.com'), undefined);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
// Now have a fresh user remove user5's access to the org.
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: {
'user6@getgrist.com': 'owners',
const user6 = await getApi('user6', 'org1');
countBefore = await countGroupUsers();
await user6.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user5@getgrist.com': null }
countAfter = await countGroupUsers();
// Drops: user5 as owner of doc, guest on ws and org.
// Adds: user6 as owner of doc, guest on ws and org.
assert.equal(countAfter, countBefore);
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com', 'user6@getgrist.com']);
assert(getRole(await user1.getWorkspaceAccess(wsId), 'user6@getgrist.com'), 'guests');
it('can remove users from orgs while preserving workspace access', async function() {
this.timeout(5000); // takes about a second locally, so give more time to
// avoid occasional slow runs on jenkins.
// In test org "org1", create a test workspace "ws1"
const user1 = await getApi('user1', 'org1');
const wsId = await user1.newWorkspace({name: 'ws1'}, 'current');
// Initially the org has 1 guest - the creator.
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'), ['user1@getgrist.com' ]);
// Add a set of users to ws1
await user1.updateWorkspacePermissions(wsId, {
maxInheritedRole: 'viewers',
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user4@getgrist.com': 'editors',
'user5@getgrist.com': 'owners',
// Check that the org now has the expected guests. Even user1, who has
// direct access to the org, will be listed as a guest as well.
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com', 'user3@getgrist.com',
'user4@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
// Check the the workspace has no guests.
assert.sameMembers(await listWs(wsId, 'guests'), []);
// Get the home api from user2's perspective (so we can tweak user1's access to ws1).
const user2 = await getApi('user2', 'org1');
// Confirm that user3's maximal role on the org currently is as a guest.
let access = await user1.getOrgAccess('current');
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user3@getgrist.com'), 'guests');
// Check that user1 is an owner on ws1 (this happens when the workspace's permissions
// were updated by user1, since the user changing access must remain an owner).
access = await user1.getWorkspaceAccess(wsId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'owners');
// Lower user1's access to the workspace.
await user2.updateWorkspacePermissions(wsId, {
users: { 'user1@getgrist.com': 'viewers' }
access = await user2.getWorkspaceAccess(wsId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
// Have user1 change user3's access to the org.
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user3@getgrist.com': 'viewers' }
access = await user2.getWorkspaceAccess(wsId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user3@getgrist.com'), 'owners');
// Ok, that has all been preamble. Now to test user removal.
// Have user1 remove user3's access to the org, checking user1+user3's access before and after.
let countBefore = await countGroupUsers();
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user3@getgrist.com'),
['viewers:org1', 'guests:org1', 'owners:Personal', 'owners:ws1']);
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user1@getgrist.com'),
['owners:org1', 'guests:org1', 'owners:Personal', 'viewers:ws1']);
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user3@getgrist.com': null }
let countAfter = await countGroupUsers();
// The only resource user3 has access to now is their personal org.
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user3@getgrist.com'), ['owners:Personal']);
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user1@getgrist.com'),
['owners:org1', 'guests:org1', 'owners:Personal', 'owners:ws1']);
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com',
'user4@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
assert.sameMembers(await listWs(wsId, 'guests'), []);
// For overall count of rows in group_users table, here are the changes:
// - Drops: user3 as owner of ws, editor on org, guest on org.
// - Changes: user1 from editor to owner of ws.
assert.equal(countAfter, countBefore - 3);
// Check view API that user3 is removed from the workspace, and Owner1 promoted to owner.
access = await user2.getWorkspaceAccess(wsId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user3@getgrist.com'), undefined);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'owners');
// Lower user1's access to the workspace again.
await user2.updateWorkspacePermissions(wsId, {
users: { 'user1@getgrist.com': 'viewers' }
access = await user2.getWorkspaceAccess(wsId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
// Now have user1 remove user4's access to the org.
countBefore = await countGroupUsers();
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user4@getgrist.com': null }
countAfter = await countGroupUsers();
// Drops: user4 as editor of ws, guest on org.
// Adds: nothing.
assert.equal(countAfter, countBefore - 2);
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com', 'user5@getgrist.com']);
// User4 should be removed from the workspace, and user1's access unchanged (since user4 was
// not an owner)
access = await user2.getWorkspaceAccess(wsId);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user4@getgrist.com'), undefined);
assert.equal(getRole(access, 'user1@getgrist.com'), 'viewers');
// Now have a fresh user remove user5's access to the org.
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: {
'user6@getgrist.com': 'owners',
const user6 = await getApi('user6', 'org1');
countBefore = await countGroupUsers();
await user6.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user5@getgrist.com': null }
countAfter = await countGroupUsers();
// Drops: user5 as owner of workspace, guest on org.
// Adds: user6 as owner of workspace, guest on org.
assert.equal(countAfter, countBefore);
assert.sameMembers(await listOrg('org1', 'guests'),
['user1@getgrist.com', 'user2@getgrist.com', 'user6@getgrist.com']);
it('cannot remove users from orgs without permission', async function() {
// In test org "org1", create a test workspace "ws1" and a test document "doc1".
const user1 = await getApi('user1', 'org1');
const wsId = await user1.newWorkspace({name: 'ws1'}, 'current');
const docId = await user1.newDoc({name: 'doc1'}, wsId);
// Add user2 and user3 as owners of doc1
await user1.updateDocPermissions(docId, {
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'owners',
// Add user2 and user3 as owners of ws1
await user1.updateWorkspacePermissions(wsId, {
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'owners',
// Add user2 as member of org, add user3 as editor of org
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'members',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'editors',
// user3 should not have the right to remove user2 from org
const user3 = await getApi('user3', 'org1');
await assert.isRejected(user3.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user2@getgrist.com': null }
// user2 should not have the right to remove user3 from org
const user2 = await getApi('user2', 'org1');
await assert.isRejected(user2.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: { 'user3@getgrist.com': null }
// user2 and user3 should still have same access as before
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user2@getgrist.com'),
['owners:Personal', 'members:org1', 'owners:ws1', 'owners:doc1',
'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1']);
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user3@getgrist.com'),
['owners:Personal', 'editors:org1', 'owners:ws1', 'owners:doc1',
'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1']);
it('does not scrub user for removal from workspace or doc', async function() {
// In test org "org1", create a test workspace "ws1" and a test document "doc1".
const user1 = await getApi('user1', 'org1');
const wsId = await user1.newWorkspace({name: 'ws1'}, 'current');
const docId = await user1.newDoc({name: 'doc1'}, wsId);
// Add user2 and user3 as owners of doc1
await user1.updateDocPermissions(docId, {
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'owners',
// Add user2 and user3 as owners of ws1
await user1.updateWorkspacePermissions(wsId, {
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'owners',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'owners',
// Add user2 as member of org, add user3 as editor of org
await user1.updateOrgPermissions('current', {
users: {
'user2@getgrist.com': 'members',
'user3@getgrist.com': 'editors',
// user3 can removed user2 from workspace
const user3 = await getApi('user3', 'org1');
await user3.updateWorkspacePermissions(wsId, {
users: { 'user2@getgrist.com': null }
// user3's access should be unchanged
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user3@getgrist.com'),
['owners:Personal', 'editors:org1', 'owners:ws1', 'owners:doc1',
'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1']);
// user2's access should be changed just as requested
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user2@getgrist.com'),
['owners:Personal', 'members:org1', 'owners:doc1',
'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1']);
// put user2 back in workspace
await user3.updateWorkspacePermissions(wsId, {
users: { 'user2@getgrist.com': 'owners' }
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user2@getgrist.com'),
['owners:Personal', 'members:org1', 'owners:ws1', 'owners:doc1',
'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1']);
// user3 can removed user2 from doc
await user3.updateDocPermissions(docId, {
users: { 'user2@getgrist.com': null }
// user3's access should be unchanged
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user3@getgrist.com'),
['owners:Personal', 'editors:org1', 'owners:ws1', 'owners:doc1',
'guests:org1', 'guests:ws1']);
// user2's access should be changed just as requested
assert.sameMembers(await listUser('user2@getgrist.com'),
['owners:Personal', 'members:org1', 'owners:ws1', 'guests:org1']);