Cyprien P 4b54c7d99b (core) Fix column and view fields mismatch in filters
The problem manifested while filtering by a column, closing the filter
would change the set of rows visible on the table. This would happen
only for rare table.

What caused that problem was that the filter being edited was wrongly
applyed also to another column, so depending on the content of the
column, it would entail unexpected behaviour.

The cause of that wrong association, was a mistakingly comparing the
id of two different type of thing: column and view field. The problem
would manifest if in the same section there were a view fields with
same row id as the column being filtered.

What made that confusion possible is the `.fieldOrColumn:
ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec` property of the FileInfo object, which could
hold either a view fields or a column record and was initialized with
view fields or columns if view fields was not found (ie: hidden

Solution was to make sure FieldInfo is initialized with ColumnRec
alwasy (even for hidden column).

I'm not sure what is the reason why FilterInfo needed to support both
column record and view field record in the past, but it looks like
this is not needed anymore.

As a followup commit I think it would be worth the effort to refactor
FileInfo to accept only ColumnRec.

Test Plan: Includes new regression test

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Differential Revision:
2022-06-07 10:26:15 +02:00

593 lines
24 KiB

import * as BaseView from 'app/client/components/BaseView';
import {CursorPos} from 'app/client/components/Cursor';
import {FilterColValues, LinkingState} from 'app/client/components/LinkingState';
import {KoArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArray';
import {
} from 'app/client/models/DocModel';
import * as modelUtil from 'app/client/models/modelUtil';
import {RowId} from 'app/client/models/rowset';
import {LinkConfig} from 'app/client/ui/selectBy';
import {getWidgetTypes} from 'app/client/ui/widgetTypes';
import {AccessLevel, ICustomWidget} from 'app/common/CustomWidget';
import {arrayRepeat} from 'app/common/gutil';
import {Sort} from 'app/common/SortSpec';
import {ColumnsToMap, WidgetColumnMap} from 'app/plugin/CustomSectionAPI';
import {ColumnToMapImpl} from 'app/client/models/ColumnToMap';
import {Computed, Holder, Observable} from 'grainjs';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
import defaults = require('lodash/defaults');
// Represents a section of user views, now also known as a "page widget" (e.g. a view may contain
// a grid section and a chart section).
export interface ViewSectionRec extends IRowModel<"_grist_Views_section"> {
viewFields: ko.Computed<KoArray<ViewFieldRec>>;
// All table columns associated with this view section, excluding hidden helper columns.
columns: ko.Computed<ColumnRec[]>;
optionsObj: modelUtil.SaveableObjObservable<any>;
customDef: CustomViewSectionDef;
themeDef: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
chartTypeDef: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
view: ko.Computed<ViewRec>;
table: ko.Computed<TableRec>;
// Widget title with a default value
titleDef: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
// Default widget title (the one that is used in titleDef).
defaultWidgetTitle: ko.PureComputed<string>;
// true if this record is its table's rawViewSection, i.e. a 'raw data view'
// in which case the UI prevents various things like hiding columns or changing the widget type.
isRaw: ko.Computed<boolean>;
borderWidthPx: ko.Computed<string>;
layoutSpecObj: modelUtil.ObjObservable<any>;
_savedFilters: ko.Computed<KoArray<FilterRec>>;
* Unsaved client-side filters, keyed by original col ref. Currently only wiped when unsaved filters
* are applied or reverted.
* If saved filters exist for a col ref, unsaved filters take priority and are applied instead. This
* prevents disruption when changes are made to saved filters for the same field/column, but there
* may be some cases where we'd want to reset _unsavedFilters on some indirect change to the document.
* NOTE: See `filters`, where `_unsavedFilters` is merged with `savedFilters`.
_unsavedFilters: Map<number, string>;
* Filter information for all fields/section in the section.
* Re-computed on changes to `savedFilters`, as well as any changes to `viewFields` or `columns`. Any
* unsaved filters saved in `_unsavedFilters` are applied on computation, taking priority over saved
* filters for the same field/column, if any exist.
filters: ko.Computed<FilterInfo[]>;
// Subset of `filters` containing non-blank active filters.
activeFilters: Computed<FilterInfo[]>;
// Helper metadata item which indicates whether any of the section's fields/columns have unsaved
// changes to their filters. (True indicates unsaved changes)
filterSpecChanged: Computed<boolean>;
// Customizable version of the JSON-stringified sort spec. It may diverge from the saved one.
activeSortJson: modelUtil.CustomComputed<string>;
// is an array (parsed from JSON) of colRefs (i.e. rowIds into the columns table), with a
// twist: a rowId may be positive or negative, for ascending or descending respectively.
activeSortSpec: modelUtil.ObjObservable<Sort.SortSpec>;
// Modified sort spec to take into account any active display columns.
activeDisplaySortSpec: ko.Computed<Sort.SortSpec>;
// Evaluates to an array of column models, which are not referenced by anything in viewFields.
hiddenColumns: ko.Computed<ColumnRec[]>;
hasFocus: ko.Computed<boolean>;
activeLinkSrcSectionRef: modelUtil.CustomComputed<number>;
activeLinkSrcColRef: modelUtil.CustomComputed<number>;
activeLinkTargetColRef: modelUtil.CustomComputed<number>;
// Whether current linking state is as saved. It may be different during editing.
isActiveLinkSaved: ko.Computed<boolean>;
// Section-linking affects table if linkSrcSection is set. The controller value of the
// link is the value of srcCol at activeRowId of linkSrcSection, or activeRowId itself when
// srcCol is unset. If targetCol is set, we filter for all rows whose targetCol is equal to
// the controller value. Otherwise, the controller value determines the rowId of the cursor.
linkSrcSection: ko.Computed<ViewSectionRec>;
linkSrcCol: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
linkTargetCol: ko.Computed<ColumnRec>;
// Linking state maintains .filterFunc and .cursorPos observables which we use for
// auto-scrolling and filtering.
linkingState: ko.Computed<LinkingState | null>;
_linkingState: Holder<LinkingState>; // Holder for the current value of linkingState
linkingFilter: ko.Computed<FilterColValues>;
activeRowId: ko.Observable<RowId | null>; // May be null when there are no rows.
// If the view instance for section is instantiated, it will be accessible here.
viewInstance: ko.Observable<BaseView | null>;
// Describes the most recent cursor position in the section. Only rowId and fieldIndex are used.
lastCursorPos: CursorPos;
// Describes the most recent scroll position.
lastScrollPos: {
rowIndex: number; // Used for scrolly sections. Indicates the index of the first visible row.
offset: number; // Pixel distance past the top of row indicated by rowIndex.
scrollLeft: number; // Used for grid sections. Indicates the scrollLeft value of the scroll pane.
disableAddRemoveRows: ko.Computed<boolean>;
isSorted: ko.Computed<boolean>;
disableDragRows: ko.Computed<boolean>;
activeFilterBar: modelUtil.CustomComputed<boolean>;
// Number of frozen columns
rawNumFrozen: modelUtil.CustomComputed<number>;
// Number for frozen columns to display.
// We won't freeze all the columns on a grid, it will leave at least 1 column unfrozen.
numFrozen: ko.Computed<number>;
activeCustomOptions: modelUtil.CustomComputed<any>;
// Temporary fields used to communicate with the Custom Widget. There are set through the Widget API.
// Temporary variable holding columns mapping requested by the widget (set by API).
columnsToMap: ko.Observable<ColumnsToMap|null>;
// Temporary variable holding columns mapped by the user;
mappedColumns: ko.Computed<WidgetColumnMap|null>;
// Temporary variable holding flag that describes if the widget supports custom options (set by API).
hasCustomOptions: ko.Observable<boolean>;
// Temporary variable holding widget desired access (changed either from manifest or via API).
desiredAccessLevel: ko.Observable<AccessLevel|null>;
// Show widget as linking source. Used by custom widget.
allowSelectBy: Observable<boolean>;
// List of selected rows
selectedRows: Observable<number[]>;
// Save all filters of fields/columns in the section.
saveFilters(): Promise<void>;
// Revert all filters of fields/columns in the section.
revertFilters(): void;
// Apply `filter` to the field or column identified by `colRef`.
setFilter(colRef: number, filter: string): void;
// Saves custom definition (bundles change)
saveCustomDef(): Promise<void>;
export type WidgetMappedColumn = number|number[]|null;
export type WidgetColumnMapping = Record<string, WidgetMappedColumn>
export interface CustomViewSectionDef {
* The mode.
mode: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<"url"|"plugin">;
* The url.
url: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string|null>;
* Custom widget information.
widgetDef: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<ICustomWidget|null>;
* Custom widget options.
widgetOptions: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<Record<string, any>|null>;
* Custom widget interaction options.
columnsMapping: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<WidgetColumnMapping|null>;
* Access granted to url.
access: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
* The plugin id.
pluginId: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
* The section id.
sectionId: modelUtil.KoSaveableObservable<string>;
// Information about filters for a field or hidden column.
// TODO: It looks like that it is not needed for FilterInfo to support ViewFieldRec anymore (db
// _grist_Filters explicitely maintain a reference to _grist_Tables_column, not
// _grist_Views_section_field). And it has caused a bug (due to mismatching a viewField id against a
// column id).
export interface FilterInfo {
// The field or column associated with this filter info.
fieldOrColumn: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec;
// Filter that applies to this field/column, if any.
filter: modelUtil.CustomComputed<string>;
// True if `filter` has a non-blank value.
isFiltered: ko.PureComputed<boolean>;
export function createViewSectionRec(this: ViewSectionRec, docModel: DocModel): void {
this.viewFields = recordSet(this, docModel.viewFields, 'parentId', {sortBy: 'parentPos'});
// All table columns associated with this view section, excluding any hidden helper columns.
this.columns = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => this.table().columns().all().filter(c => !c.isHiddenCol())));
const defaultOptions = {
verticalGridlines: true,
horizontalGridlines: true,
zebraStripes: false,
customView: '',
filterBar: false,
numFrozen: 0
this.optionsObj = modelUtil.jsonObservable(this.options,
(obj: any) => defaults(obj || {}, defaultOptions));
const customViewDefaults = {
mode: 'url',
url: null,
widgetDef: null,
access: '',
pluginId: '',
sectionId: ''
const customDefObj = modelUtil.jsonObservable(this.optionsObj.prop('customView'),
(obj: any) => defaults(obj || {}, customViewDefaults));
this.customDef = {
mode: customDefObj.prop('mode'),
url: customDefObj.prop('url'),
widgetDef: customDefObj.prop('widgetDef'),
widgetOptions: customDefObj.prop('widgetOptions'),
columnsMapping: customDefObj.prop('columnsMapping'),
access: customDefObj.prop('access'),
pluginId: customDefObj.prop('pluginId'),
sectionId: customDefObj.prop('sectionId')
this.activeCustomOptions = modelUtil.customValue(this.customDef.widgetOptions);
this.saveCustomDef = async () => {
this.themeDef = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(this.theme, 'form');
this.chartTypeDef = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(this.chartType, 'bar');
this.view = refRecord(docModel.views, this.parentId);
this.table = refRecord(docModel.tables, this.tableRef);
// The user-friendly name of the table, which is the same as tableId for non-summary tables,
// and is 'tableId[groupByCols...]' for summary tables.
// Consist of 3 parts
// - TableId (or primary table id for summary tables) capitalized
// - Grouping description (table record contains this for summary tables)
// - Widget type description (if not grid)
// All concatenated separated by space.
this.defaultWidgetTitle = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
const widgetTypeDesc = this.parentKey() !== 'record' ? `${getWidgetTypes(this.parentKey.peek() as any).label}` : '';
const table = this.table();
return [
table.tableNameDef()?.toUpperCase(), // Due to ACL this can be null.
].filter(part => Boolean(part?.trim())).join(' ');
// Widget title.
this.titleDef = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(this.title, this.defaultWidgetTitle);
// true if this record is its table's rawViewSection, i.e. a 'raw data view'
// in which case the UI prevents various things like hiding columns or changing the widget type.
this.isRaw = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => this.table().rawViewSectionRef() === this.getRowId()));
this.borderWidthPx = ko.pureComputed(function() { return this.borderWidth() + 'px'; }, this);
this.layoutSpecObj = modelUtil.jsonObservable(this.layoutSpec);
this._savedFilters = recordSet(this, docModel.filters, 'viewSectionRef');
* Unsaved client-side filters, keyed by original col ref. Currently only wiped when unsaved filters
* are applied or reverted.
* If saved filters exist for a col ref, unsaved filters take priority and are applied instead. This
* prevents disruption when changes are made to saved filters for the same field/column, but there
* may be some cases where we'd want to reset _unsavedFilters on some indirect change to the document.
* NOTE: See `filters`, where `_unsavedFilters` is merged with `savedFilters`.
this._unsavedFilters = new Map();
* Filter information for all fields/section in the section.
* Re-computed on changes to `savedFilters`, as well as any changes to `viewFields` or `columns`. Any
* unsaved filters saved in `_unsavedFilters` are applied on computation, taking priority over saved
* filters for the same field/column, if any exist.
this.filters = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => {
const savedFiltersByColRef = new Map(this._savedFilters().all().map(f => [f.colRef(), f]));
return this.columns().map(column => {
const savedFilter = savedFiltersByColRef.get(column.origColRef());
const filter = modelUtil.customComputed({
// Initialize with a saved filter, if one exists. Otherwise, use a blank filter.
read: () => { return savedFilter ? savedFilter.activeFilter() : ''; },
// If an unsaved filter exists, overwrite `filter` with it.
const unsavedFilter = this._unsavedFilters.get(column.origColRef());
if (unsavedFilter !== undefined) { filter(unsavedFilter); }
return {
fieldOrColumn: column,
isFiltered: ko.pureComputed(() => filter() !== '')
} as FilterInfo;
// List of `filters` that have non-blank active filters.
this.activeFilters = Computed.create(this, use => use(this.filters).filter(col => use(col.isFiltered)));
// Helper metadata item which indicates whether any of the section's fields/columns have unsaved
// changes to their filters. (True indicates unsaved changes)
this.filterSpecChanged = Computed.create(this, use => {
return use(this.filters).some(col => !use(col.filter.isSaved));
// Save all filters of fields/columns in the section.
this.saveFilters = () => {
return docModel.docData.bundleActions(`Save all filters in ${this.titleDef()}`,
async () => {
const savedFiltersByColRef = new Map(this._savedFilters().all().map(f => [f.colRef(), f]));
const updatedFilters: [number, string][] = []; // Pairs of row ids and filters to update.
const removedFilterIds: number[] = []; // Row ids of filters to remove.
const newFilters: [number, string][] = []; // Pairs of column refs and filters to add.
for (const c of this.filters()) {
// Skip saved filters (i.e. filters whose local values are unchanged from server).
if (c.filter.isSaved()) { continue; }
const savedFilter = savedFiltersByColRef.get(c.fieldOrColumn.origCol().origColRef());
if (!savedFilter) {
// Since no saved filter exists, we must add a new record to the filters table.
newFilters.push([c.fieldOrColumn.origCol().origColRef(), c.filter()]);
} else if (c.filter() === '') {
// Mark the saved filter for removal from the filters table.
} else {
// Mark the saved filter for update in the filters table.
updatedFilters.push([, c.filter()]);
// Remove records of any deleted filters.
if (removedFilterIds.length > 0) {
await docModel.filters.sendTableAction(['BulkRemoveRecord', removedFilterIds]);
// Update existing filter records with new filter values.
if (updatedFilters.length > 0) {
await docModel.filters.sendTableAction(['BulkUpdateRecord',[id]) => id),
{filter:[, filter]) => filter)}
// Add new filter records.
if (newFilters.length > 0) {
await docModel.filters.sendTableAction(['BulkAddRecord',
arrayRepeat(newFilters.length, null),
viewSectionRef: arrayRepeat(newFilters.length,,
colRef:[colRef]) => colRef),
filter:[, filter]) => filter),
// Reset client filter state.
// Revert all filters of fields/columns in the section.
this.revertFilters = () => {
this._unsavedFilters = new Map();
this.filters().forEach(c => { c.filter.revert(); });
// Apply `filter` to the field or column identified by `colRef`.
this.setFilter = (colRef: number, filter: string) => {
this._unsavedFilters.set(colRef, filter);
const filterInfo = this.filters().find(c => c.fieldOrColumn.origCol().origColRef() === colRef);
// Customizable version of the JSON-stringified sort spec. It may diverge from the saved one.
this.activeSortJson = modelUtil.customValue(this.sortColRefs);
// This is an array (parsed from JSON) of colRefs (i.e. rowIds into the columns table), with a
// twist: a rowId may be positive or negative, for ascending or descending respectively.
// TODO: This method of ignoring columns which are deleted is inefficient and may cause conflicts
// with sharing.
this.activeSortSpec = modelUtil.jsonObservable(this.activeSortJson, (obj: Sort.SortSpec|null) => {
return (obj || []).filter((sortRef: Sort.ColSpec) => {
const colModel = docModel.columns.getRowModel(Sort.getColRef(sortRef));
return !colModel._isDeleted() && colModel.getRowId();
// Modified sort spec to take into account any active display columns.
this.activeDisplaySortSpec = this.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => {
return this.activeSortSpec().map(directionalColRef => {
const colRef = Sort.getColRef(directionalColRef);
const field = this.viewFields().all().find(f => f.column().origColRef() === colRef);
const effectiveColRef = field ? field.displayColRef() : colRef;
return Sort.swapColRef(directionalColRef, effectiveColRef);
// Evaluates to an array of column models, which are not referenced by anything in viewFields.
this.hiddenColumns = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
const included = new Set(this.viewFields().all().map((f) => f.column().origColRef()));
return this.columns().filter(c => !included.has(c.getRowId()));
this.hasFocus = ko.pureComputed({
// Read may occur for recently disposed sections, must check condition first.
read: () => !this.isDisposed() && this.view().activeSectionId() ===,
write: (val) => { if (val) { this.view().activeSectionId(; } }
this.activeLinkSrcSectionRef = modelUtil.customValue(this.linkSrcSectionRef);
this.activeLinkSrcColRef = modelUtil.customValue(this.linkSrcColRef);
this.activeLinkTargetColRef = modelUtil.customValue(this.linkTargetColRef);
// Whether current linking state is as saved. It may be different during editing.
this.isActiveLinkSaved = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() =>
this.activeLinkSrcSectionRef.isSaved() &&
this.activeLinkSrcColRef.isSaved() &&
// Section-linking affects this table if linkSrcSection is set. The controller value of the
// link is the value of srcCol at activeRowId of linkSrcSection, or activeRowId itself when
// srcCol is unset. If targetCol is set, we filter for all rows whose targetCol is equal to
// the controller value. Otherwise, the controller value determines the rowId of the cursor.
this.linkSrcSection = refRecord(docModel.viewSections, this.activeLinkSrcSectionRef);
this.linkSrcCol = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.activeLinkSrcColRef);
this.linkTargetCol = refRecord(docModel.columns, this.activeLinkTargetColRef);
this.activeRowId = ko.observable(null);
this._linkingState = Holder.create(this);
this.linkingState = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
try {
const config = new LinkConfig(this);
return LinkingState.create(this._linkingState, docModel, config);
} catch (err) {
// Dispose old LinkingState in case creating the new one failed.
return null;
this.linkingFilter = this.autoDispose(ko.pureComputed(() => {
return this.linkingState()?.filterColValues?.() || {filters: {}, operations: {}};
// If the view instance for this section is instantiated, it will be accessible here.
this.viewInstance = ko.observable(null);
// Describes the most recent cursor position in the section.
this.lastCursorPos = {
rowId: 0,
fieldIndex: 0
// Describes the most recent scroll position.
this.lastScrollPos = {
rowIndex: 0, // Used for scrolly sections. Indicates the index of the first visible row.
offset: 0, // Pixel distance past the top of row indicated by rowIndex.
scrollLeft: 0 // Used for grid sections. Indicates the scrollLeft value of the scroll pane.
this.disableAddRemoveRows = ko.pureComputed(() => this.table().disableAddRemoveRows());
this.isSorted = ko.pureComputed(() => this.activeSortSpec().length > 0);
this.disableDragRows = ko.pureComputed(() => this.isSorted() || !this.table().supportsManualSort());
this.activeFilterBar = modelUtil.customValue(this.optionsObj.prop('filterBar'));
// Number of frozen columns
this.rawNumFrozen = modelUtil.customValue(this.optionsObj.prop('numFrozen'));
// Number for frozen columns to display
this.numFrozen = ko.pureComputed(() =>
this.viewFields().all().length - 1
this.hasCustomOptions = ko.observable(false);
this.desiredAccessLevel = ko.observable(null);
this.columnsToMap = ko.observable(null);
// Calculate mapped columns for Custom Widget.
this.mappedColumns = ko.pureComputed(() => {
// First check if widget has requested a custom column mapping and
// if we have a saved configuration.
const request = this.columnsToMap();
const mapping = this.customDef.columnsMapping();
if (!request || !mapping) {
return null;
// Convert simple column expressions (widget can just specify a name of a column) to a rich column definition.
const columnsToMap = => new ColumnToMapImpl(r));
const result: WidgetColumnMap = {};
// Prepare map of existing column, will need this for translating colRefs to colIds.
const colMap = new Map(this.columns().map(f => [, f]));
for(const widgetCol of columnsToMap) {
// Start with marking this column as not mapped.
result[] = widgetCol.allowMultiple ? [] : null;
const mappedCol = mapping[];
if (!mappedCol) {
if (widgetCol.allowMultiple) {
// We expect a list of colRefs be mapped;
if (!Array.isArray(mappedCol)) { continue; }
result[] = mappedCol
// Remove all colRefs saved but deleted
.filter(cId => colMap.has(cId))
// And those with wrong type.
.filter(cId => widgetCol.canByMapped(colMap.get(cId)!.pureType()))
.map(cId => colMap.get(cId)!.colId());
} else {
// Widget expects a single value and existing column
if (Array.isArray(mappedCol) || !colMap.has(mappedCol)) { continue; }
const selectedColumn = colMap.get(mappedCol)!;
result[] = widgetCol.canByMapped(selectedColumn.pureType()) ? selectedColumn.colId() : null;
return result;
this.allowSelectBy = Observable.create(this, false);
this.selectedRows = Observable.create(this, []);