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synced 2024-10-27 20:44:07 +00:00
Summary: Changes that move towards python 3 compatibility that are easy to review without much thought Test Plan: The tests Reviewers: dsagal Reviewed By: dsagal Differential Revision: https://phab.getgrist.com/D2873
198 lines
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198 lines
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gencode.py is the module that generates a python module based on the schema in a grist document.
An example of the module it generates is available in usercode.py.
The schema for grist data is:
<schema> = [ <table_info> ]
<table_info> = {
"tableId": <string>,
"columns": [ <column_info> ],
<column_info> = {
"id": <string>,
"type": <string>
"isFormula": <boolean>,
"formula": <opt_string>,
import re
import imp
from collections import OrderedDict
import six
import codebuilder
from column import is_visible_column
import summary
import table
import textbuilder
from usertypes import get_type_default
import logger
log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO)
indent_str = " "
# Matches newlines that are followed by a non-empty line.
indent_line_re = re.compile(r'^(?=.*\S)', re.M)
def indent(body, levels=1):
"""Indents all lines in body (which should be a textbuilder.Builder), except empty ones."""
patches = textbuilder.make_regexp_patches(body.get_text(), indent_line_re, indent_str * levels)
return textbuilder.Replacer(body, patches)
def get_grist_type(col_type):
"""Returns code for a grist usertype object given a column type string."""
col_type_split = col_type.split(':', 1)
typename = col_type_split[0]
if typename == 'Ref':
typename = 'Reference'
elif typename == 'RefList':
typename = 'ReferenceList'
arg = col_type_split[1] if len(col_type_split) > 1 else ''
arg = arg.strip().replace("'", "\\'")
return "grist.%s(%s)" % (typename, ("'%s'" % arg) if arg else '')
class GenCode(object):
GenCode generates the Python code for a Grist document, including converting formulas to Python
functions and producing a Python specification of all the tables with data and formula fields.
To save the costly work of generating formula code, it maintains a formula cache. It is a
dictionary mapping (table_id, col_id, formula) to a textbuilder.Builder. On each run of
make_module(), it will use the previously cached values for lookups, and replace the contents
of the cache with current values. If ever we need to generate code for unrelated schemas, to
benefit from the cache, a separate GenCode object should be used for each schema.
def __init__(self):
self._formula_cache = {}
self._new_formula_cache = {}
self._full_builder = None
self._user_builder = None
self._usercode = None
def _make_formula_field(self, col_info, table_id, name=None, include_type=True):
"""Returns the code for a formula field."""
# If the caller didn't specify a special name, use the colId
name = name or col_info.colId
decl = "def %s(rec, table):\n" % name
# This is where we get to use the formula cache, and save the work of rebuilding formulas.
key = (table_id, col_info.colId, col_info.formula)
body = self._formula_cache.get(key)
if body is None:
default = get_type_default(col_info.type)
body = codebuilder.make_formula_body(col_info.formula, default, (table_id, col_info.colId))
self._new_formula_cache[key] = body
decorator = ''
if include_type and col_info.type != 'Any':
decorator = '@grist.formulaType(%s)\n' % get_grist_type(col_info.type)
return textbuilder.Combiner(['\n' + decorator + decl, indent(body), '\n'])
def _make_data_field(self, col_info, table_id):
"""Returns the code for a data field."""
parts = []
if col_info.formula:
parts.append(self._make_formula_field(col_info, table_id,
parts.append("%s = %s\n" % (col_info.colId, get_grist_type(col_info.type)))
return textbuilder.Combiner(parts)
def _make_field(self, col_info, table_id):
"""Returns the code for a field."""
assert not col_info.colId.startswith("_")
if col_info.isFormula:
return self._make_formula_field(col_info, table_id)
return self._make_data_field(col_info, table_id)
def _make_table_model(self, table_info, summary_tables, filter_for_user=False):
Returns the code for a table model.
If filter_for_user is True, includes only user-visible columns.
table_id = table_info.tableId
source_table_id = summary.decode_summary_table_name(table_id)
# Sort columns by "isFormula" to output all data columns before all formula columns.
columns = sorted(six.itervalues(table_info.columns), key=lambda c: c.isFormula)
if filter_for_user:
columns = [c for c in columns if is_visible_column(c.colId)]
parts = ["@grist.UserTable\nclass %s:\n" % table_id]
if source_table_id:
parts.append(indent(textbuilder.Text("_summarySourceTable = %r\n" % source_table_id)))
for col_info in columns:
parts.append(indent(self._make_field(col_info, table_id)))
if summary_tables:
# Include summary formulas, for the user's information.
formulas = OrderedDict((c.colId, c) for s in summary_tables
for c in six.itervalues(s.columns) if c.isFormula)
parts.append(indent(textbuilder.Text("\nclass _Summary:\n")))
for col_info in six.itervalues(formulas):
parts.append(indent(self._make_field(col_info, table_id), levels=2))
return textbuilder.Combiner(parts)
def make_module(self, schema):
"""Regenerates the code text and usercode module from upated document schema."""
# Collect summary tables to group them by source table.
summary_tables = {}
for table_info in six.itervalues(schema):
source_table_id = summary.decode_summary_table_name(table_info.tableId)
if source_table_id:
summary_tables.setdefault(source_table_id, []).append(table_info)
fullparts = ["import grist\n" +
"from functions import * # global uppercase functions\n" +
"import datetime, math, re # modules commonly needed in formulas\n"]
userparts = fullparts[:]
for table_info in six.itervalues(schema):
fullparts.append(self._make_table_model(table_info, summary_tables.get(table_info.tableId)))
if not _is_special_table(table_info.tableId):
userparts.append(self._make_table_model(table_info, summary_tables.get(table_info.tableId),
# Once all formulas are generated, replace the formula cache with the newly-populated version.
self._formula_cache = self._new_formula_cache
self._new_formula_cache = {}
self._full_builder = textbuilder.Combiner(fullparts)
self._user_builder = textbuilder.Combiner(userparts)
self._usercode = exec_module_text(self._full_builder.get_text())
def get_user_text(self):
"""Returns the text of the user-facing part of the generated code."""
return self._user_builder.get_text()
def usercode(self):
"""Returns the generated usercode module."""
return self._usercode
def grist_names(self):
return codebuilder.parse_grist_names(self._full_builder)
def _is_special_table(table_id):
return table_id.startswith("_grist_") or bool(summary.decode_summary_table_name(table_id))
def exec_module_text(module_text):
# pylint: disable=exec-used
mod = imp.new_module("usercode")
exec(module_text, mod.__dict__)
return mod